Swedish nationalist

So I'm stuck in one of the worst cucked countries in the world, and I don't recognize it anymore. When I grew up, I had men I looked up to who riffed on Yugoslavs, stuffed their mouths full of tobacco and explained to me how I should never trust a woman.

Now I'm surrounded by stasi anti-racist interest groups who want me to separate my butt-checks for returning ISIS sandniggers while I want them to be hanged for treason.
What to do?

I want Sweden to be great again, because it used to be beautiful, proud and united.
Today it's a cluster fuck of Muslim enclaves, and has politics run by horny white middle-aged socialist hags who crave Muslim cock.

In short, I love my country, but hate what it's become. Calling fellow nationalist bros for advice.
>Pro Patria

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>When I grew up, I had men I looked up to who riffed on Yugoslavs, stuffed their mouths full of tobacco and explained to me how I should never trust a woman
That's the problem. They talked a big game but didn't do shit to protect the status quo.

go and reclaim malmo

>tfw can't get off to anything besides interracial incest cuckold porn

Fucking help me...

reclaim as in burn it to the ground? Shit-bucket is a black hole for emergency state funds. It's treated like it's just been hit by a locust swarm.

A lot of people here in the south already know the country is going to shit, yet they refuse to do anything actively about or against it politically speaking, since they don't want to be seen as "racists" or "extremists". I believe the solution is to show you're comfortable being a nationalist around people who are sort of on the verge so that you can tip the scale and convince as many people around you as you can

Civil War Svenska style when? You need to create an ice kingdom. A place of beauty and peace.

Wasn't there a police chief faggot saying how your almost at the point of a civil war yesterday?

Perhaps your chance to strike will soon arrive.

Cope. Nerdic men are natural cucks. You're just fulfilling destiny. BBC and ethnic, low IQ, primitive, and that's what women are attracted to. Better lay down and rot, it's ogre for nerdic men.

We need popular opinion. Speak openly. Convert a friend or two. They'll convert a friend or two. Opinion will shift. Action will follow.

Yeah, the man is a complete weakling and has been in denial constantly up to this point. We have I think it's about 60+ areas that are described as being areas with "serious problems". As in very high gang activity and radicalization.

Do you think it's about our bloated trust in government? I personally do.

>Sweden saying 60+ areas have "serious problems"
It's probably Hiroshima-tier at this point desu. I don't even want to know what it's really like in those neighbourhoods.

The working class is getting fed up, but it's the sheltered upper-middle class who are peddling this multicultural cancer. The left has never given a shit about the working man, they just hate the rich.

Are you still actively importing shitskins?

Yeah, but not at the same insane level as in 2015 when we took in 163.000 of them, but it's still bad considering they're close to impossible to find work for, and they're attracted to the worst ghetto areas.
Some recently got sent up north, but our northern areas are way more impatient with "refugee" bullshit so it's going to be interesting to see how that turns out. Our economists are saying we should stop immediately and start with damage control, but our politicians don't care about it.

I think the problem is that people conceptualize others as versions of themselves. For example, suppose I was trying to help someone out of a burning building and I see you walking by. I would call out to help, because I think of you as a person like me who would come to the aid of someone in a burning building.

You might be some vile miscreant who would use the opportunity to kill me, and let the burning building destroy any evidence. That wouldn't be my first assumption though, because again, I conceive of you as being like me.

For this reason, social programs come about. I need to help take care of you when you were sick, because you're like me. We need unemployment insurance because some people might be having a hard time, welfare because that might be you if your parents were abusive or delinquent, etc.

I think in general this works pretty well - PROVIDED the base assumption, that people are usually similar, holds true. Sweden has a very high labor force participation rate for mostly high paying jobs. Some Swedes can't work, or are temporarily disabled, or maybe even abuse the system, but the system can easily accommodate because most Swedes do work good jobs and are willing to pay high taxes. The system works because Swedes think of, and are correct to think of, each other as being similar.

I'm going to post this now in case the thread dies before I finish writing.

You can always just move to a place really far up north develop a community that discriminates towards the niggers(sand or not) and is self sustainable? I highly doubt the rapeugees will try to reach that far north.. xd Or you can always move to one the countries of the new 3 seas alliance :O

The system breaks down though when you introduce people who are fundamentally different. It's not a coincidence that the nations of Africa are all terrible, high crime, low productivity, corrupt places. The richest blacks in America are more violent than the poorest whites in that country. Black people have demonstrably lower IQ and standardized test scores on every testing instrument, across decades, in different countries around the world, when compared to whites. All of that isn't a coincidence.

The problem is that your system developed for a monoculture of likeminded people. While you have that monoculture, things will work great. When you introduce a lot of fecund, violent, unintelligent, and unproductive people, your system will become unsustainable.

Fuck off back to You-Know-Where Johnny/BBCTakeover/FutureEthnicGrandson



I think you're right. Sweden statistically has extremely high trust in their fellow countrymen. But problems arise when people come from areas with extremely low trust in people. Often for reasons that make sense. Living in a country where people rob and rape you due to being shitty and poor countries translates poorly into swedish culture.

Might be a solid plan. They hate the cold so only real nords would be able to take it.

>Living in a country where people rob and rape you due to being shitty and poor countries translates poorly into swedish culture.
They don't rob and rape you because they are poor. Because they are the kind of people who rob and rape they are poor. Intelligence is correlated with altruism and self control. The people of Africa are lacking in intelligence, altruism, and self control. Because they act like animals, they rob and rape, and because they are like animals, they aren't very productive and are poor.

Not only that but they hate actual work, most of them that is.

I'm actually starting to believe as well that they're less intelligent since there's plenty of numbers to back that up. I'm not sure it's permanent, but it's sure as hell helped form their cultures. I'd argue that the cultures in countries from the MENA region are incompatible with the west since they're in their very foundation oppressive.

They've never had any form of separation between the sciences and the church. In the west, we've accepted a separation of church (an authority regarding the soul) and science (an authority regarding knowledge about the flesh). And their inability to separate the two results in their backwards cultural outlook. Christianity preserved the philosophy of the Greeks, and upheld Roman law. Muslim countries have done neither.

In 1975 a bill was passed in Swedens parliament were it was decided that Sweden was to become multicultural, and also said that immigrants were to be able to chose if they wanted to integrate culturally.
They of course choose not to.

Whenever you feel like it's possible for a large group of members of a different race can integrate successfully into a society, look at America.

Stfu nigger tyrone monkey face.

Yeah, you can just look at the world. What's the most successful African country? How does it compare to the worst Anglo or Nordic countries?

People suggest, absurdly, that colonization held Africa back. Forgetting that colonization is about building up the infrastructure of a place. Forgetting that India was a British colony in a similar time scale, or Hong Kong. Forgetting that countries like Japan and Germany were obliterated in WW II, economies, infrastructures demolished, and sizable portions of their populations killed - all in living memory, and these countries are now greater than any African country.

The evidence against the people of Africa is as clear and overwhelming as it possibly could be. The instruments we have (standardized tests) to measure intelligence reliably report that Africans have low intelligence. Africans have never made a successful nation. Crime statistics and labor statistics from across the globe confirm that Africans are more violence and less productive in every culture. Encountering people in a multicultural city, you will find African descended people to be disproportionately represented among the homeless, beggars, and erratic acting people.

On the other side of this mountain of clear and obvious evidence there is literally zero evidence against the conclusion. The only argument that can be made against the idea is that "All people are equal" but wishful thinking doesn't make that so. There is no reason why different groups of people would develop the same mental abilities, just like different groups of people don't all have the same average height.

>I'm actually starting to believe as well that they're less intelligent
This is the problem with the cucked West, especially countries like Germany and Sweden. Of fucking course they're inferior, just look at them, it should be a no-brainer not some reality shattering realization.

Find more individuals like you, best try to get as many as you can in military.
Build structures.
And at some point just raise and kill shitskins and traitors.

This is happening to every country in the west to a certain extent the best we can hope for is another really big war to weed out the weak and decedent


>Our economists are saying we should stop immediately and start with damage control, but our politicians don't care about it.
Funny how (((Economists))) change their tune when their theories are put into practice

Spain will conquer scandinavia and send you all to the middle east and the land will be repopulated with Iberiabs, we will put you out of your misery.

you moors can fuck right off scandinavia is rightful finnic clay

>Funny how (((Economists))) change their tune when their theories are put into practice

You dare speak to an Iberian like that?
Watch your tongue.


>reclaim as in burn it to the ground
Yes breivik had the right idea but this kill the somalians

i speak to inferior beings however i wish.

>inferior being
An illiterate jungle savage calling me primitive.


>indoctrinated since the year 1200



>we write ballet poems
bretty gay

Kek, Spain? You guys are the least of our problems. Why don't you go and pull the wings of a fly or some other of your national past times.

i think the moor finally packed his bags and went back to africa

>swedish intellectuals

>tfw can only get off to gay shota scat incest interracial lesbian cuckhold milf lolis