Who is biggest enemy of your country?

Here in Poland the biggest danger for our existence and national future are Jews.

Jews hate Poland and Poles fanatically. They are currently an ultimate danger for our existence - not only as a nation, but even for physical existence. They work hard on making a deal with Russia: Iran for Poland. Russia would agree to stop supporting Iran, and in exchange Jews would persuade president Trump to deprive Poland from American support, so Russian islamic mongols could butcher us all to the last one and steal our houses and property.

Jews hate us more than nazis hated us - because we are catholic and love Jesus.

Other urls found in this thread:


nobody cares

I do, I saw a piece that Max Kolonko did on her. Fuck that cunt.


Country: iran
Biggest enemy: israel


Jews here too

austrians and their jew minions
austria is the root of all evil

It's that very interesting case when EU, USA, Ukrainian government and Russian government all are the enemy of the ethnic Russians. (((Russian government))) interests are not the interests of the ethnic Russians.

Very much alike to the Soviet Union, Russian Federation does not represent the interest of the ethnic Russians. Nor the said Federation is run by them.

"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director

The Russian Federation is a legal state successor of the USSR and thusly illegitimate. Unless Russian Federation renounces every legal connection and historical connection to the USSR it's pretty much a non-country.

Putin is a president of untermenschen.

The Russian Federarion is like welfare state taken to ethnic collectivist level - taxes from ethnic Russian areas go to feed gook and mudslime republics.

Dropping them off and developing slowly is the only way. Russia has no man power or financial resources for imperial ambition(nor a public desire for it for that matter). Russians want to live in peaceful homogenous country, where they are not afraid for tomorrow fiscal stability and their kids safety. There is no money for quality healthcare, yet public expensive shows like Olympics and FIFA are thrown.

There are only two ways - peaceful ethnic balkanisation on model of Czechoslovakia and steady growth like in Poland and Czech Republic, or another financially atrocious clusterfuck of break away like happened with the USSR.

fuck of
and stop stealing stuff in our towns fucking Romanian

fuck jews and west.


>+0.003 shekels

>the jews hate Putin
>the jews oppose the USA
>the jews oppose the EU
On a scale from 1 to 10 how stupid are you?

Same, and that goes for most of Europe.


this two.
Gentiloni was literally visited by soros himself.

I just watched schindlers list last night, why is everyone always picking on the jews in Poland?


>schindlers list

It is a model example of Jewish-German cooperation against Poles: presenting Jews as the only victims, Germans - as helpers of Jews and Poles as "antisemites" - against historical facts. Stop watching Jewish crap if you want me to treat you seriously


>why is everyone always picking on the jews in Poland?

Jewry is a satanic tribe. They are natural born enemies of Jesus, truth, beauty, honest, peace and love. We Poles are closest to Jesus' ideal of a peaceful and beautiful christian nation, that's why Jewry hates us so much and does everything it can to eradicate us. Jews are satanists, objective truth doesn't have any meaning for them: that's why they lie about us in their Holoindustry propaganda. We saved hundreds of thousands of Jews from death although helping Jewry was punished by death _only_ in Poland as the only territory occupied by Germans. The only reason for which an industrial genocide of Polish Jewry was possible was the fact that all Jewry was organized by Germans in ghettos and these ghettos were ruled by Jewish Councils that were consisted of Jewish collaborants who were persuading Jews in the ghetto to blindly obey German will. That's why they all were going to death like a cattle instead of fighting. But this historical truth is not useful for the Holocaust Industry, that's why it is better to blame catholic Poles for crimes that they never committed.

Poland is a good goy, wants to join the EU and NATO, the World Bank, ECB and International Monotry Fund ie the jew world order

Russia is leading the world away from jewish controlled currency via the BRICS. Isreal hate Iran, the hate Russia they hate China. Your literally bitching about the only countries in the world resisting the zio-masonic control grid

Now il give you the benefit of the doubt that you dont like the jews (because i know many poles are redpilled on this point) but guys

take your heads out of your asses and GET OVER THE USSR

just fucking get over it !

Russia isnt a communist country anymore. Build a fucking bridge and move on. Stop selling yourselves to the EU like whores and unite with your slavic brothers


Russia is poor, full of islamic-asiatic subhumans and ruled by Jewish oligarchs who are robbing them to the naked bone. Joining such a mess would be a national sucide for us.

I personally do not wish any harm to you and do not want to steal any of your land or property. Cant say the same about my government though.


Well, Croatia's greatest enemies are Croats

>Russia is poor, full of islamic-asiatic subhumans and ruled by Jewish oligarchs
This. The Polish-Lithianian Commonwealth just moved to Putin's Russia it seems

No offence, but all countries that surround Russia would rather escape from Russian neoimperial projects instead of joining them freewilingly. Russia is an economical dwarf, moreover horribly corrupted.

Here in Poland we have dozens of projects and cooperation channels with the Chinese, their leader visits our country quite often, we send our delegation to China. That's because China has a lot to offer. Russia doesn't have anything to offer except poverty, suffering, corruption and war.

the jews hate everyone but yeah you poles are going great with your white race, christian religion meme so i guess you're getting a special amount of jewshit
keep up the good work
i'd move either to poland or russia as first choices if i had to find a white enclave in eurasia
then i'd go more south like hungaria, slovakia, even serbia etc

>hungaria, slovakia, even serbia
full of gypos and mutts

they have a great track record of telling rapefugees to fuck off
serbia not so much but it's a personal favorite as the serbian people have a very strong "dont fuck with us" tradition

Every single politician except the ones who work for SD

>Here in Poland we have dozens of projects and cooperation channels with the Chinese
That's really bad. European nations should be exclusively European in it's ethnic makeup in citizenry and should work with Europeans. Russian Federation is as much evil as the United States and Brussels are. Anti-White all

>they have a great track record of telling rapefugees to fuck off
I was in Budapest and the place was full of darkies. Sorry to break it to you, but these places aren't what they seem to be

>"dont fuck with us" tradition
Yeah, that's why the Ottomans fucked their women for centuries through jus primae noctis

>They work hard on making a deal with Russia: Iran for Poland. Russia would agree to stop supporting Iran, and in exchange Jews would persuade president Trump to deprive Poland from American support, so Russian islamic mongols could butcher us all to the last one and steal our houses and property.
Poland is irrelevant shithole that nobody in the world cares about or even knows where it is on the map. You live on European gibs like the niggers that you are. And what property there is to steal? Plumbing equipment?
Stop with the paranoia and treat your schizophrenia.

yeah that's budapest, the capital, and hungary is pretty westernized (porn industry and such)
they still have erected a fence on the border and refused to take rapefugees in
as for serbs, try them
they're the most opposed from western limpwtristedness
they have male honor

Russians steal even electric cables from walls in such third world shitholes like Eastern Ukraine.

you sound like an american retard
maybe you're just a jew though

do you prefer Arab Muslims from Germany or Mongoloid Muslims from Russia? Asking for z friend

>they're the most opposed from western limpwtristedness
Their prime minister is a Croatian lesbian

also, Hungarian populism is just a distraction while their prime minister and co steal shitloads of money

>Here in Poland the biggest danger for our existence and national future are Jews.


kikes are powerless here with their propaganda, they tried to destroy us using germans, using russians, but they failed

If we are so irrelevant, why this orange kosher baboon Trump pays his first European bilateral visit to Poland? Jewry wants to sell us to Russia in exchange for Iran. And Russians are going to kill half of our population, the other half will be turned into slaves working in Gulag-tier work camps in Russia. Whole Poland will be ethnically cleansed: there will be no single Pole left in the country, and after it happens, Russia will send millions of its settlers to take our beautiful houses and property. That's the plan.

Poland is in the center of attention of global powers as a matter of fact - as a bargaining chip.

then they tried multiculti bullshit and muh antiracism, but as it seems it also is failing

we jews sure are busy..


Even the ones in the government are committing crimes and ruining the country.

well, you're not exactly wrong about that.

give discount on f16s and shut the fuck up

>austria is the root of all evil
Austria is one of the bro-est countries out there. Would unite with again/10

>serbian people have a very strong "dont fuck with us"
They always treated local turks, gypsies and kikes good enough. I'm sorry to say that but Serbs are just roleplaying pussies

Ordinarily I'd say muzzies, but honestly the worst culprits are corrupt politicians since they do the most over-arching damage.

I should've guessed that you're a cockhole expat shill.

That's just a conspiracy. Putin is too busy with his neocohen foreign policy and replacing Russians with caucasus apes, central asians and chinks

Well, quite a few of them died in polish death camps. That is bound to leave some bitterness.

You sound a bit schizophrenic, my friend


>death camps
Probably a lipka tatar or ashkenazi. Insane inbreeding causes them to be mental 97/100 times


Our own politicians and the Walloons

>polish death camps.

Death camps were German though, and non-Jewish Poles were second biggest victim in them all. Educate yourself, you can find it in google or history book.

Mate, you have a short man's syndrome.

>death camps
Had the Germans wanted to exterminate "European" jewry, they wouldn't have failed

>Death camps were German though
Yes but poles were quite happy to start chucking jews in them and each other over petty disputes.

What the fuck are you implying? From bydlo like you, all the time I hear that it is the USA that is the enemy and Russia is our friend, and that USA wants to provoke a war with Russia. Is this a new concept you just provided?

>Yes but poles were quite happy to start chucking jews in them and each other over petty disputes.

I don't know what you are talking about, dude.


It seems that your government doesn't agree with you and that Poland is a staunch ally of Israel.

>From bydlo like you, all the time I hear that it is the USA that is the enemy and Russia is our friend

Where did i say that Russia is our friend? Are you on drugs? The USA wants Poland only as a bargaining chip in its deals with Russia. Since USA is influenced by Jewry which is openly hostile for Poles, we can expect with a big dose probability that we will be sold to Russia in exchange for Iran.

>taking the bait

It's not like the jews are a middle eastern ethnic group that is not native to Europe/Poland/Germany? Not like the US didn't put Japs in camps too. Not like the British put Dutch/French/German descendant Boers into camps in South Africa, right?

>Jews hate us more than nazis hated us
Nazis didn't even hate you and the only Poles who hated the Nazis were Jews.

Iranian women are so beautiful. What a pity the Iranian/American relationship isn't better.

Are you seriously going to claim that polish people didn't help nazis kill the jews and that they didin't help nazis kill their fellow polacks?


*tools of the Jews

Mate, anti-semitism was a wide-spread thing in Poland even before the Nazi came to power in Germany.

>Are you seriously going to claim that polish people didn't help nazis kill the jews and that they didin't help nazis kill their fellow polacks?

Yes, i seriously claim that it never happened. There is no single evidence like a criminal analysis or a photo proving that a Pole killed even one Jew. On the other hand you can find thousands of photos documenting crimes committed against Poles and Jews by other nationalities. There are even 3 photos on which Jewish police commanded by Germans hangs Polish catholics.

What you are saying now is a lying historical revisionist soviet-tier animalistically anti-Polish propaganda that has literally nothing in common with reality.

>we can expect with a big dose probability
because what? What indicates that? Why would Russia be more satisfied with Poland than Iran? Why do you draw such strong conclusions? Are you just a tinfoil hat moron?

>Mate, anti-semitism was a wide-spread thing in Poland even before the Nazi came to power in Germany.

That's a complete bullshit. Antisemitism in Poland never had a genocidal character, moreover Jewish dislike for Poles was probably even stronger.

>Why would Russia be more satisfied with Poland than Iran?

This is a stupid question.

Never in a million years we will give away Iran for a fucking Poland. Not with current state of the world.

>They work hard on making a deal with Russia: Iran for Poland. Russia would agree to stop supporting Iran, and in exchange Jews would persuade president Trump to deprive Poland from American support, so Russian islamic mongols could butcher us all to the last one and steal our houses and property

Citation needed

>There is no single evidence like a criminal analysis or a photo proving that a Pole killed even one Jew
you don't need to search for such evidence - this is just a statistical probability in every country

Iran is only a buyer of your shitty weapon and you earn pennies on it. On the other hand, making slave-prostitutes out of all our children and women would generate trillion dollars of gain for your Jewish elite. You could also confiscate all our property, which is another hundreds billions dollars of gain. You would enslave all our male population and use them to work for free in work camps located in Russia. Thats another trillions of gain.

Stop being delusional.

Thx for participating. Some polish dude last night posted that blaming poles for death camps is #1 way to trigger them. I just wanted to confirm his claims. I apologize if I upset you.

>you don't need to search for such evidence

You need to search for evidence if you accuse somebody of a murder. This fucking piece of shit troll just accused Poles of being collaborants in killing people - without supplying any legal proof except his anti-Polish views.

you don't give any slightest evidence that woud support your claim and you accuse others of stupid questions

the Internet clearly has its downsides

he's just an idiot, don't bother

>le glued hands chancellor face

Are (you) schizophrenic? Who tells you about this stuff.. have a word

Who on earth would want to have kids with gyppos.

There are no mutts.

Western Slovakia is gypsy free. Mostly.

I don't understand why Jews would hate Poles or Lithuanians considering you both gave them a "homeland" to live in for a thousand years or so. Sure there were some expulsions, but relative to the rest of Europe you guys were by far the most tolerant towards them.

>just accused Poles of being collaborants in killing people
I accuse Poles of that too, because in every big population you will find murderers. It's very unlikely that all, 100% of Poles didn't commit a crime. Even the jews had their judenrats or the ghetto police, why wouldn't Poles have that? This is just common sense you edgy clown

Ourselves. Alternative France.

That's explanation:

poland was doomed as a nation ever since it allowed jews to settle there

and since jews are natural destroyers of civilization throughout the wotld

what remains of poland (and other civilizatons throughout the past) should be taken as an example to what will hapen to the entire world if thise plague is not stopped.

We don't give a fuck about some middle eastern immigrants collateral damage. We lost MILLIONS of our OWN

200,000 or 6,000,000? Who gives a fuck

>I accuse Poles of that too, because in every big population you will find murderers.

Show evidence that it happened though. Protip: some verbal statements of people without any credibility can't be used as an evidence in court

Yeah, the people totally chose (((her))).
We became a puppet state after 5. October, but there's still some tradition around here. It's dying though.

if you have a boring, unstable private life and when you're emotionally unstable, then you seek for stimulus, including imaginary enemies. So to give your life some goals, you imagine that you have to fight with Jews, Russians, Germans etc. You just seek for more and more imaginary threats

Fuck off cunt

I know for a fact it's true because my grandfather was a pole but he joined the Wehrmacht and even after he left to come to Australia would go on about the jews and how great Hitler was.

He really fucking hated yugoslavs too.