Is homosexuality a mental illness?

Is homosexuality a mental illness?

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Trans is, not entirely sure about gayness

Of course

No it's a fetish

It has no evolutionary benefits so yes it is a mental illness

To be honest, I wouldn't care about faggots so much if they didn't try to shill their faggotry.

If you want to get fucked by another man, go for it, but I don't need to hear the details and how you need more shit because of it.

DSM-6 is in the process of classifying heterosexuality as a mental disorder caused by hormonal imbalance.

It's a perversion

Well hold on there it might. What if homosexuals have some switch triggered in their brains that let's them know they're not genetically viable as breeding partners?

No it's the result of sin and perversion.
You can be cured OP.

Let's put it to you this way: if they were perfectly normal human beings would we have stuck them into motorized cages and paraded them in front of citizens like captured slaves?

No. We wouldn't. These are just the next batch of useful idiots the jews will be utilizing.

Is being short a mental illness?

that's not how it works though.
Degenerates feel compelled to spread it.
That's a basic universal truth understood by everyone not 100 years ago.
And why antihomo laws existed.

Only if u bottom more than 80% of the time

Yes, caused by being gay diddled as a kid.

It certaintly was classified as such in psychology years ago and then something happened (*cough* political correctness *cough*)

Not as bad as Candianism

Only 50% of homos are molested as kids


Nice. You've almost got a rainbow flag going there.


110% mental illness. There is absolutey no evolutionary reason for homosexuality. It's like a mutation.

>queerbait thread
try harder
summer will be over soon

We need to get back to calling it homophilia.

>Is homosexuality a mental illness?
Not necessarily. Hear me out.
Faggotry, I believe, is natures way of removing
undesirable DNA from the human race.
Harmful attributes/DNA/behavior are resolved
very simply by removing the desire to reproduce. So if nature does it on purpose, it's
not a mental illness. Just a simplistic way to
weed out inferior genes/DNA.

Gays are more creative and provide more innovations to humans, so yes, there is an evolutionary advantage.


Absolute nonsense.
Kys leafag


Are you saying I'm wrong?

discord d0t gg/J4nHMe

Name one thing faggots have "innovated".
Besides restricting free speech.

Problem with that theory is that, until comparatively recently, queers married and had kids. I know a few myself who have opted for a heterosexual marriage in order to have kids.

But I would say that the modern gay lifestyle is a definite psychopathology. It reeks of self-loathing and despair.

Yes, but incurable. They should be diagnosed as a terminal homosexuals.

I find this intersting. Bit of a catch 22 tho.

>only 50%

That's an interesting theory. It's certainly not genetic or else the gay gene would of long gone extinct.


but a congenital one.

ie born predisposed and can't be cured.

>Have the fag gene (or mom with fag gene who fag hormones you in utero)
>get raped by fag as a child
>become a fag


Yes, thank God there is a cure though.

Degeneracy is a mental illness

it's a perverse and satanic life choice

Well the Greek fags still had wives and children.

What is a Bambi...never mind I'll find out and be right back

This is one of those theories that sounds kind of reasonable when you write it out in one sentence, but is completely illogical when you try to expand upon it. There are no known neurological mechanisms that can do this, and it sure as hell didn't evolve out of thin air.


I fap to gay porn and I've had a few encounters but so what, it's not gay if you're not really into it 100%

Couldn't find it. Kinda glad.

Trans girl reporting in. Yes it's a mental illness.

the fag gene doesn't exist.
It's something liberals made up for their "born that way" meme

You wish you disgusting cumrag.
Truth is you got fucked up by watching anime etc. and you got a sissification fetish, like 90% of so called "trans" faglets.


Not sissification, believe me. I'm not a cuck or something man.


l'm a pozcuck. You want to know what that is? Listen closely.

The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: a black child. But the pozzed cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.

Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, their skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.

The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.

Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife (a beard), who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.
⬆getting fucking CHARGED!⬆

pride parade types are absolutely ill.

Literally nobody even thinks there is a gay gene except retards on the internet in places like this. Don't lie to yourself and think that it's a liberal plot.




agree. fucking sick of the people who go out and demand attention just for being lgbt, like they deserve special rights or something for it.
like i'm sure people on here have said, there's a difference between being gay and being a faggot.


I'd label it as a disorder though.


It's human right to be sick

Turing was pretty innovative

No, but being on the short bus is.

It's a "biological illness" as it impedes or outright stops an individuals from being able to reproduce, which is the sole purpose of a biological organism. Now if the faggot in question has siblings who has kids and they help raise them at least some of his genes are being passed on as he shares a center amount of genetic info with his siblings.

Mayo clinic:
>Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior.

I guess it could be considered a mental illness too under that definition

but what makes them not viable? besides the fact that they're gay, and they're only gay because they're not viable..etc.


>Meth + Boy

They turn the definition of illness to their liking. Today it's perfectly healthy and normal, tomorrow it's going to be an illness again.

>just chem the fuckers up

Read these images and then try and tell me that these abominations shouldn't be exterminated.

>i´m a pozcuck
Stopped reading there, kill yourself.

I don't like the way humanity is going.

It's a discord for fans of a certain bimbofication hypnosis session, which creates a bimbo personality named Bambi, who subverts the old you. Everyone on the discord is given the nickname Bambi. The hypnosis files in question are known to be notoriously powerful amongst the hypnofetish community.

Read Foucault and stop being so dumb, mental illness can be what you call it to be, so if you think so yes, shrinks considered one back in the 80s

Ovens where a meme for me until I read this. 616 here we go

>mental illness

No it's a soul illness

no and yes

no: a mental illness is defined by, obviously, mental state, not the actions of a person. A person who has an outburst of anger does not have to have Intermittent explosive disorder.
This means that not all people who get buttsex do so because they are mentally ill in the literal sense. I'm willing to bet most of them do so because they are confused (teenagers with the typical retarded phase or fatasses who are desperate for any kind of affection) or are "so progressive!

that said

yes: there are definitely a lot of characteristics of typical homosexuals that translate perfectly into a personality disorder:

>a set of patrons in the behavior of a person that is imposed and persistent in all situations of their life, affecting actions, though and relationships
shit definition because I can't translate for shit

Typical homosexuals behave weird, in a form that is way beyond just having same-sex relationships. The most ubiquitous is the speech impediment (that fag accent) which they are unable to correct. Other things are the mannerism, the correlation with histrionic tendencies, much lesser appreciation of risk, reduced responsibility, etc.

TL;DR: we should make a definition like "homosexual pattern disorder" to signal when a faggot is mentally ill and when its only stupidity

each one should go through a vetting process to determine the level of societal destructive potential they pose and if it's too much then yes.

i would argue that you should find those who are repentant among them, and have them change their ways, and then cast the rest out. maybe exile them to an island and let them die of their poopdick diseases.

arr, they be degenerates
here is the pastebin.

>another homobait thread
Why do people care about this shit so much? Do we really feel so threatened by gays that we have to constantly keep making threads about them? Is it really that big of a problem?

>Mexican intellectualism

General question, if toxoplasma gondii causes moms to birth gay babies, where is the antibodies in the bloodstream of that said baby?

No, it's a character trait that people on both sides of the argument make far too big a deal of.

It's postulation. I posit that it is the increasingly lax policies on sexual perversion.

found the faggot

Absolute nonsense.

well LGBT people function normal, it's just a sexual preference so, No it's not a mental illness, it's a product of evolution and is completely natural, grow the fuck up already!


What do they win?

I know that if homosexuality is not a mental illness, then there is no such thing as mental illness.

Agreed, ever since the 60's of the sex revolution it's been a slippery slope since.

can anyone name any historical gay figures good/bad? I still see stating all homosexuals to be mentally ill as a dumb assumption

t. sodomite

yes. genetic suicide

>Only 50%
I have a friend who is obsessed with anal sex with men who got irrationally angry when I showed him CDC's HIV stats.