Why are mexicans so short? All the men I see are like 5'3

Why are mexicans so short? All the men I see are like 5'3.

I'm 5'8 and I feel like a Chad here tbqfhwyf

Do those men happen to be 50+ years old? All the young hispanic population is taller.


maybe the gravity is stronger nearer the equator or summit
Otherwise "muh genetics"

Poor nutrition, likely

The Aztecs conquered many tribes all around the central area of Mexico, and as you know, Aztecs really loved dem sacrifices n shiet.
>Beautiful women?
Sacrificed to the gods.
>tall, strong warriors?
Sacrificed to the gods.
>excellent sportsmen?
Sacrificed to the gods.
>children with rare mutations like pale skin or clear eyes?
Sacrificed to the gods.
Idiots never gave a chance of having all these great traits to go back to the gene pool.

if mexicans are short why is their so many threads on MANLETS all over Sup Forums and their mostly about white guys?

Almost all the illegals are from the south of the country were most of the population is composed by dwarfs.
Jajajajajajaja you are a manlet, at least I'm 6'0".

Could it be the caffeine in the coca cola?
We have the one of the highest soda consumption in the world, children drinking a lot of soda with caffeine could be a cause of shortest people.

They aren't really smaller. It's an optical illusion. Since Trump they are just farther away.


According to the meme-to-realunits that's about 152cm

That's a quite short white woman.

I dont think they sacrificed people everyday

>tfw 6'1 bean

I blame the milk in this country

poor diet.

>that pic

This thread is showing that all this whitesubhumans need to be replaced with Black men

You know how Americans bred black slaves to be big and strong? Well the spanish bred native mexican slaves to be small and docile. The big strong rebellious ones were wiped out

Oh no it's the larper

Mexican food not only taste bad, it has no nutrients.

>Finnish diet tho

According to research, over 80,000 sacrifices were made. In a civilization that lasted a little more than 200 years.
Do the math.


Bullshit. We have a lot of cheap tech labor millenials from wealthy Mexico City suburbs. Short. As. Fuck.

I love being petite.

And you believe it burger? All precolumbian guys were shor as fuck. Our spanish big doggos were taller than them...

it's this new thing called genetics

Not true. I've seen wealthy young dudes from all over Mexico in business travels. Everyone is short. If you are truly 6 feet then ... Whatever. You are not 6 feet. Shit skin liar.

This hillbilly is funny as shit

Jesus what a faggot

Can't argue with that logic

If they have a lot of indio blood, they're going to be short. Surrenos from Oaxaca or Michoacan are almost always manlets, but the "white" Mexicans up north are usually taller.

Kushner gets up to some weird shit.

don't believe this retard mostly all beaners are 5'6 or under

Why would the manlet even try to compete? The 5/10 girl didn't even look at him.

So they can stand up sneaking in an underground tunnel past the border

Malnutrition growing up, almost all sons of the wetbacks are way taller than their parents, and mexicans in the north are taller than in the south, genetics are shity too and geting conquered by the manlets of europe (spain) didn't do any favor

purely conjecture but historically speaking mexican natives lived in fairly dense populations, just like most asians. People who live close together tend to to do alot better if they are smaller and need less space and food.

>Almost all the illegals are from the south of the country were most of the population is composed by dwarfs.


Well, mostly this. U.S. illegals are primarily the indians of that land. Shitty genes. That explains the vast number of 5'3 manlets. Even the whiter ones, however, rarely exceed 5'10.

pre-Columbian civilizations practiced a culling/ sacrifice of anyone who was taller/ better looking/ smarter than the priests selecting the victims. they created an agricultural slave race. it's going to take a couple hundred years of preference-based breeding to correct that.

I present your '10' sir.


My fucking sides.

This is not true. Have you been to Mexico? Los Manlets.

That much shortness is not based on malnutrition. And, again, I work with rich ass Northern Mexicans and they are tiny little cocksuckers who spend more time on their hair than my wife.

>Mexican intel-
Oh. Go on

Malnutrition causes the really midget guys you see wolking the fields and shity jobs, genetics are a set back, as maximum height potential migth be just the average for the US

There was, at one time, no white people. Your ancestors just couldn't do anything for yourselves until we came along.

The mexicans I've meet are pretty normal on height, they are 1.80m at worst.

Whatever sails your boat m8's
Btw, how is your wall doing, Ahahahahahahahahahahaha



1.80 is not normal

180 is average cunt

This, that's huge

ancaps need to leave

the guy on the left looks looks so superior