Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long...

Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long, I have finally awoken and taken the red pill thanks to the likes of Sargon of Akkad and Thunderf00t. How should we proceed in redpilling all of the normies so we can defeat the cancer that is the left once and for all?

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wow not based!

Dank memes and steel dreams.

I can't decide what hurts more.
My eyes or my brain.

I really wish you weebs would fucking die already.

you need to swallow a few more red pills and ween yourself off the akkad before you try going to war with normies

National socialism

I think I hate sargon more than ive ever hated anyone

>I've taken the redpill
Try again mate.

fuck off

Kekistan faggot... dont you dare say "we". Beta cunt

You don't know the half of it.


>likes sargon
Until you're a white nationalist, lurk more, you aren't redpilled yet.

are you saying you're not BASED?

i dont watch anime. i havent watch an anime in 3 years. i posted that because i thought it was funny. cute anime girl telling you to fuck off to reddit.

but if you really despise anime that much, you should get off of Sup Forums because this was and still is a weeb website.

i cant believe these people dont get you're larping

I watch sargons vids but the cringe coming from him but mainly his fans is becoming unbearable

Start by dropping "we" from your vocabulary, then start learning the truth about Adolf Hitler.

for what its worth im disappointed too

Please don't wach him. He calls himself a liberal he is a literal cuck and has nigger blood. He is only useful for attacking feminists but that can get boring when he doesn't adress what caused feminism.

Hillary knew speaking about the Alt-Right would make it go mainstream and the normie faggots would ruin it with cringe, genius when you think about it.

Fuck off nerd


agreed. Sup Forums is being invaded by a lot of shills today, sargon and thunderf00t are fighting the left with the truth.

shills are stupid they can never defeat kekistani might

Good bait desu, well timed and of high quality. Here's a (You) for your troubles!