I think we may be in trouble

I don't think Trump has a chance at getting re-elected if he has to go up against Warren or Harris. They'd just tear Trump a new one. Something needs to be done about this. Trump needs to push his agenda harder and get shit done so it doesn't matter who he's facing in 2020.

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump has beaten Elizabeth Warren in "who would you vote for" polls. In fact, she performs worse in those polls than the option "unspecified Democrat" does.

They'll elect who ever they want to elect. If you think "Le M3m3s xD" had anything to do with Trump getting in then your a retard


>thinking anyone would vote for Pocahontas or a minority woman

Kamala has no chance. They'd just need to show all the "blame whitey" shit she's done and she'll be unelectable. No chance for Pocahontas either.

That being said just watch as the Dems throw the 2020 election for a second Trump term.

i agree, but why would the dems throw 2020?

why would the dems throw 2016?

If Warren is the Democrats choice for 2020, put everything you own on Trump winning.


Please do run a blonde completely devoid of charisma old lady against Trump. That's never been done before and has never gone wrong.

>I think we may be in trouble...
>Warren and Harris will tear Trump a new one
gtfo and kys, he'd destroy them in a debate

t.95 IQ

PLEASE link this. Not because I doubt you, but because I want full faith that it's true!

Yeah i don't think that the Republicans are satisfied

We need to get a real nazi in the white house, not some cuck
someone absolutely hitler-style, someone so into eugenics and genetic superiority not even businesses would back his support of their shady decisions
we need Ben Garrison

The crooked American system would never let a superior, qualified female candidate win an election. Just look at what happened in November, where the "most qualified candidate, ever" won the popular vote and the racist, misogynistic system tilted to the orange buffoon's favour.

It's going to be some kind of celebrity unless Hillary wants to try again. Maybe if they lose by enough in 2018 they'll have an actual primary but I doubt it.

>Kamala Harris
topkek. Some dumb mystery meat sheboon chimps out during the senate hearings, and all these libcucks eat it up, saying "YAS QUEEN SLAAAAAY"

I fucking hope they run with that dumb dindu.

does Sup Forums have a competition for most retarded thread? I mean i am not asking because of how retarded this thread is, just in general

>ancap flag
>talks about intelligence

>Elizabeth "1/128 Cherokee" Warren
>argues with emotions
>can't argue with logic
Will Trump get btfo'd?

Warren has said she won't run, though I wouldn't put it past her too. Harris will run someday and I think Booker may be more electable than the both of them.


I would donate my life savings to the dem party if I knew it would cause elizabeth warren to be the dem candidate in 2020, no idea who kamala harris is though. Dems aren't dumb enough to let warren be their candidate though, literally worse than clinton.

Dems rely entirely on their illegal voters. That is going to be taken away from them. Whites are not voting for them either. They gambled on the muds and assumed that muds could agree on "fuck whitey". But as soon as some muds start getting a leg up on other muds that all goes to shit. Nigs hate spics and that is the end of it.

Nazi flags are worse


>no idea who kamala harris is though
Dumb sheboon who chimps out and doesn't understand basic concepts in political hearings like "robert's rules for order"

stay mad poopyhead

>Yeah we did a campaign autopsy after 2016 and it turns out Hillary did not sound enough like a shrill community college professor

>Canadian flag
>Talks shit about other people's flags

Yes, because "memes" had absolutely nothing to do with the outcome of the election whatsoever...you're absolutely clueless. Trump is probably going to end up getting elected for a second term in 2020, simply because the Democratic party is to stupid to keep their sinking ship afloat come early 2019.

I agree, he needs to grow the stasche and start heiling Hitler.

Cameltoe Harris has too many skeletons in her closet, and Warren is a sanctimonious and shrill school-marm who will irritate America into not voting for her.

There's only one woman the Democrats could run against Trump, and that woman is Tulsi Gabbard. She's not tainted by the Obongo/Pelosi/Clinton era corruption, having dared to step beyond the party line to voice a dissenting opinion or two. She's younger and hotter than Cameltoe and Pochahontas, and as a veteran with combat experience (i think?) she would present a visually striking and obvious contrast between herself and an older Trump running for a second term.

But the Democrats don't actually want to win, their party has no internal unity or integrity. I think it's more likely that the progressive wing of the party abandons the rest of the party after a disappointing 2018 mid-term, which will result in the Democrats having to compete not just with Trump but also a challenger to their own Left. They'll split their own vote and Trump will easily win reelection.


The president of the country and his son posted Pepe memes. It actually resulted in leftists trying to counter it by crying it was literally Hitler and end up literally having it registered as a symbol of hate. I'm not saying memes won him or even helped him in a large amount, but to say it had NOTHING to do with his popularity among his voters is just factually incorrect.

Unseat FAKE INDIAN Elizabeth Warren, vote Shiva Ayyadurai for Senate! Flush your poo jokes down the toilet, Shiva is a true American patriot who embodies literally everything that the American dream stands for and promises. A low-caste Indian who immigrated legally at the age of 7 and went on to achieve four masters degrees and a Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT and further went on to prove dangers of GMO food products.


Booker isn't electable for the deep left. he has some of the problems Hillary had in terms of being a media whore, and the left has picked up on it before.

I agree with you on Harris tho. I think she's going to be 2024.

90% chance the dems "Romney" somebody in 2020 and go for the knockout in 2024. I think this is consistent with the fact that the Russia narrative is being retracted in the popular media and calls for impeachment are starting to die down a bit - the dems are buckling down and planning their fight.

The Dems will, but blame whitey didn't stop Obama and I suspect it won't stop Kamala

I think she's much, much more electable than most of the anons in this thread think.


No fucking chance

Warren on the other hand is a problem.

nice try

I'll actually agree with this a bit too - Tulsi is a real possibility, also because she's right wing as shit relative to where the deep left is now. if there's any candidate they could put up with universal appeal, it's her.

also, Hawaii. i mean shit man.

concern trolling

>They'd just need to show all the "blame whitey" shit she's done and she'll be unelectable.
The Jew media and cuckservatives would never do that because they agree with it.

>Tulsi is a real possibility
No she's not. She has even less of a chance than Bernie Sanders. As far as leftists go, she's a fairly honest leftist. The majority of her ideals are fucking retarded, but she' s vehemently anti-wars-for-ZOG and was the only person calling bullshit on the false flag syrian gas attack.

As far as dumb shitskin leftists go, she's actually better than the majority of her party. Which is precisely why she would never get the nomination. She's the left's equivalent of rand paul.

Warren and Harris are both lunatics who have zero charisma. And neither would have the iron fist control over the media like the Clinton machine.

And? As you can see from 2016, that blatant anti-white shit doesn't fly any more. The more they do that, the more whites flee and head for the GOP/Trump. Kamala Harris would be doubling down on everything that's currently causing the democrats to shit the bed.

I honestly do think they'll run Kamala Nigress. And that's a good thing, because I want them doubling down rather than realizing why they keep losing.


>to go up against Warren or Harris
Why stop there? Get Mark Cuban Kanye West, The ROCK and that little Jew kid from kikebook to run too. What a great timeline to be alive

I think that Tulsi, for exactly the reasons mentioned:

IS electable, because she's the ONLY Democrat who could sway back some of the fucking white male Obongo Democrats in the Mid-West, states such as PA, who chose Trump over Hillary.

Tulsi is probably the only Democrat who can swing enough of Trump's 2016 voters back to the way they voted in 2008 and 2012 in order to win the Presidency for the Democrats.

She's hot, she's against the wars, she's a vet, she's more of what the Democratic Party could be if it were not run by banks and pharma/insurance corps and actually worked instead for Americans, first.

Which is exactly why the DNC won't run her. The Dems are invested more in fomenting division and rebellion than in building a governing coalition.

>But the Democrats don't actually want to win, their party has no internal unity or integrity
They wont beat Trump unless they can come to terms as why they lost first.

Maybe next time they could concentrate on getting the woman, black, gay, muslim, hispanic, trans, abortion, open border, climate change and fag bathroom vote.. They could win!

And forget about the White Man vote, they are just a minority of deplorable rednecks that could never sway an election anyway


You're not seeing what I'm saying. I agree that she's good (for a socialist) and that, like Bernie, a lot of white former-democrats would support her. But that's not the issue. The issue is that she's not a total zogbot, for the reasons you stated.. The democratic party, like you said, would NEVER let her run, because she's not zogbot.

That's what I mean when I say that Tulsi isn't a possibility. She's as likely as Ron Paul was in 2008 or 2012. ie, she theoretically could have been a real contender if her party didn't (((shut her down))).

And I'm actually glad about that. I don't want the democrats realizing that it's suicide to forsake the white man. I want them to be as divisive as possible, because I want white people to wake up and see what's going on around them.

Didn't you read the report that trump gives women the best fucks? If anyone is getting fucked it ain't trump. My money is on cuckerburger

The democratic party is fractured as fuck. They're going to keep losing until demographic shifts bring them back into power eventually with le ebin latinx vote.

Right now, there are three basic branches of the democratic party, and each is basically at odds with the others
1) shitskins who just want gibs and don't give a fuck about progressive bullshit, beyond diversity quotas.
2) white SJWs and kikes
3) Boomer and Gen X white people who still think that the democrats are all about helping the blue collar workers and haven't gotten the memo that they are the "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" party now.

This last election really exposed the fracture points here. These fractures will continue to grow as the party implodes on itself.
And that's not even getting into how shitskins aren't a monolithic group. Arabs, spics, niggers, etc all vote for gibs, but they also all basically hate each other, which makes keeping them unified a hard task. The only thing that unifies them is their hatred of whitey.

Yeah but you should recall how the Republican Party was in shambles in 2008, leading to Obama. I agree that in 2020 they'll probably be shitting their pants still, but by 2024 it might be Republicans again who get caught with their pants down and refuse to face to music

I see what you're saying, but I think you're underestimating the ability of the democrats to rework their strategy in 8 years.

at the end of 8 years, several important wars in the ME will have played out fully, and where the pieces sit when that happens will drive dems in 2024.

if shit has fallen in our favor and the petrodollar is safe, they'll be on the peace train harder than anybody, which gives tulsi a chance to run

I'd love to see this run. The amount of pain inflicted on Democrats would keep me in laughs for years. The election and salt flowing since then has been such a massive amount of humor for me and with no end in sight they might as well make it funnier by having these two shrills actually run.

lel, i can't believe the election wheel is already spinning again, but anways: kamala worries me, dem's only chance of winning in 2020 is to have a "yasss slay qween" as their candidate to get the black vote

>Yeah but you should recall how the Republican Party was in shambles in 2008, leading to Obama
Correct, but you have to look at the reason behind this. It was because people on the right got fed up with bank bailouts, wars for ZOG, and other neoconservative bullshit.

The Democratic Party's problem, on the other hand, is that their constituency is a patchwork of completely opposing people and ideologies, only unified by their hatred (or self-hatred) of whitey. They can't square this circle. The democrats made a deal with the devil when flooded the country with shitskins to vote for them. Now the golem is turning on them, and they're between a rock and a hard place. If they back off on the FUCK WHITEY stuff, more whites will vote for them, but less shitskins will. And if they continue with the FUCK WHITEY stuff, they'll get the shitskins, but more and more whites will flee. These things cannot be reconciled.

>which gives tulsi a chance to run
As I've said before, the DNC will never allow that to happen. Doesn't matter if she's electable or popular. They'll shut her down. They'll collude with the media to turn people away from her. They'll use the superdelegates to ensure their decision is made, etc.

the wheel always spins, user

but what if the fuck whitey narrative succeeds and Tulsi actually has a chance by then?

Fuckin wish Joe ran we he had the chance, cocksucker said the only reason he didn't is because of his son. Like what a dickhead, cuck who I thought I had faith in.

This and the fact that he has already "branded" her (Pocahontas); Trump's most effective and devastating election tool. He already has a leg up 3 1/2 years ahead of schedule. The second the people announce, Trump will rip them apart.


This sounds about right. A lot can happen in 7 years. I see some similarities between the Palin/tea party and the Bernie/socialist groups as well as with the lefts identity politics vs the rights hispanic vote issues.

I can picture Dems running a 50/50 white/hispanic man in 7 years. They'll groom him during the next election (get his image out there but not as a candidate or people will slander him for too long) and run him the next

Tulsi Gabbard is the Democrats only chance for 2020.

you have down syndrome

Warren is a fraud and harris is someone people do not know.please , sharia blue , run those two. It'll be hilarious.

Nobody knows who Harris is so she's out on name recognition alone.

Warren would require massive coaching immediately, first to stop being a shrill "le nasty woman" anti-trump walking meme. She's also terrible in actual debates so they would have to fix that too.

>two of the most unelectable garbage


The Rockā„¢ would be their best chance. Although I doubt he runs until 2024

The thing is, backing off the FUCK WHITEY rhetoric would suffice. Non-whites always vote Democrat, no matter what. Whites can be persuaded to vote for either party.

I predict one or two more rounds of doubling down on FUCKING WHITE MALE rhetoric prior to learning. We have an adaptive system that behooves both parties to limit their retardation to things that at least sound appealing, even if there are bad consequences in practice. You simply will never get people to vote for any variation of FUCK PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

>wish Joe Biden ran
>faith in Joe Biden
imagine being this retarded

>or Harris.
Literally who?

>tfw democrats run George Zimmerman

Kamila Harris is a brand new senator why do they love her so much?
besdies the obvious brown skin and boobs

>The thing is, backing off the FUCK WHITEY rhetoric would suffice.
It would, but it won't happen. If there's any take-home message from jews throughout history, it's that they ALWAYS accelerate. You will never see them back off on the anti-white stuff. Trust me.

>Non-whites always vote Democrat, no matter what.
Yes, but turnout is an issue among shitskins, and much of the time, they want one of their own. And if the anti-white stuff is backed off, the shitskins and SJWs will start eating their own. They're in a catch 22

I agree. It'll probably be another passive aggressive campaign like Obama's where they focus more on 'hispanic issues' and just call anyone racist who tries to call them out on it.

I'd love to see Warren run just for the shit posting desu

>I predict one or two more rounds of doubling down on FUCKING WHITE MALE rhetoric prior to learning.

Running Warren would be an admission up front that they haven't learned that lesson.

>Nobody knows who Harris is so she's out on name recognition alone.

California does.
She's not a mark of pride on the state.
She was a corrupt, race baiting bitch while AG.
She continues to be one while a senator.

If he doesnt have the wall built by next year then you are right, noone will vote for him.

>Elizabeth Warren
please please please please please do that.
>Kamala Harris
literally who

so we have a well known hate harpy and a lesser known one

fantastic. a blue america for the rest of time, surely

It sure would. But like I said, I thinkb the will keep doubling down, just not forever.

> he doesn't believe in meme magic
point and laugh boys


are those your personal convictions?
they make no sense

They can't run warren because she is a boring socalist. She has the same amount of charisma as mark zuckerberg. Have you heard her speak?

Harris would likely do better, but not much. She comes across as the arrogant black woman with a really bad attitude.

He has to get funding for it first. He will have to fight the Dems and then negotiate. It will take awhile but he will get it done before reelection trust me.

Pls run Harris or warren, they are guaranteed to lose especially Harris she's literally garbage incarnate, unelectable by any state other than CA/NY

I'm a republican and I'd vote for tulsi gabbard
Keeping a rep congress would be a prerequisite

most people are moderates (sadly) not extreme left not extreme right

nominating a crazy like warren or harris is suicide.

why did you think hillary beat bernie by over 4 million votes? no it wasn't because she was given debate questions in advance, it's because most people outside of internet crazy echo chambers like twitter or pol are centrists/moderates.

And Bernie losing bigly was within the left wing safe space.

I assure you that his commie ideals would have performed even worse amongst swing voters if he had made it to the generals.

>dems run the two shrillest subhumans imaginable

Oh noez please don't!

maeks me cry everytiem

Kamala is pretty much guaranteed to win if she runs.


The stupidest baboon contest.

Yes Bernie can still win, just keep on donating.
I just donated my wifes sons college fund worth $14.88. Match me !!!!!!