Liberal media: Eric Trump’s New Haircut is Racist

Huffington Post Says Eric Trump’s New Haircut is Racist

>The Huffington Post published a serious news article in which it suggested that Eric Trump’s new haircut was racist.

>The article was based on a handful of tweets from people who compared Trump’s new haircut to that of alt-right figure Richard Spencer.

>“Eric Trump, the son of President Donald Trump who thinks people who oppose his dad are “not even people,” got a haircut over the weekend,” wrote HuffPost’s Lifestyle Editor Carly Ledbetter.

>She then listed a series of tweets from self proclaimed hair stylists.

>“Eric Trump has a fascist haircut. This cannot possibly be unintentional,” remarked one.

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Why didn't you archive?

>huffingtonpost com/entry/eric-trump-new-haircut_us_59510e33e4b05c37bb77c880

That is a fashy haircut to be fair.

>Dicky Spence cut
Eric confirmed for controlled opposition

It's a white man haircut.

btw I've been wanting to get this style for a while. What do I ask the barber?

Ya' know... I bet he did this on purpose, just to goad them into spinning nothingburger stories, lol.


Top haircut desu

High and tight

I think he did it on purpose because he's legitimately become a fascist lel

Paul Joseph Watson's writing skills suck balls btw.
It's his 40 hour job in his native language.

I post in english on image boards now and then, not my native language and in my spare time.

Still pretty sure i could do better then this horrible writing.

It's entirely possible. WHAT HAVE WE DONE?????

Has Eiríkr gone too far?

It's an undercut. Just bring a pic on your phone

racism is a meaningless word

A pic of Richard Spencer or Eric Trump?

the Eric Trump

i legitimately believe this

what better way to spend his time is there?

Fuck you, I have an undercut comeover too. It's not a racist haircut, it's existed since the 19th century.


literally one of the most popular cuts for guys for the last 2+ years

Neither, just some random celeb like Macklemore or Brad Pitt.

A German crew cut is fascist? I bet if he looked like a numale theyd say that's fascist too

>haircuts can be racist now

I have an awesome undercut. Had a nigger barber do it just for the keks

Most SJW's, Feminists and neo-Marxists are White, upper-middle class women.

Can we start a movement that makes blonde women shame themselves by SHAVING their heads?

Seriously, let's do this. Let's start pushing back their agenda. They should also STEP DOWN from their current jobs (all of these SJW's and Feminists claiming to be against bigotry). We need to get the hashtags going.

Looks far better than before

Pretty soon wearing too much of one color and to little of another will be construed as uneven representation and racist. We really need to stop giving these fags attention since that's what feeds them.

Unless these so-called "Feminists" start practicing what they preach, they will continue stepping on and marginalizing other peoples.

Lets go.

Is the world ready for when Barron finally gets his based Fash hairstyle?

Or will he continue sporting his adorable little kid version of his dads "power mane"?

Jesus fuck....whats next.

Hair is what reality is everyone living in.

So if your bald you cant be racist. I seeee

>So if your bald you cant be racist.

Nah, skinheads are still considered racist. It's just another thing they're doing to make white guys damned if they do and damned if they don't.

Dude, Racism simply means:

>The belief that one race (usually one's own race) is superior to another race.

That's it. It's not meaningless and it has a clear definition that's been same for many years that applies to anyone. Whenever someone accuses you of racism, just remember that definition and verify if it applies within the situation of the accusation. More often than not, it doesn't. Usually people have a knee-jerk emotionally scream the word "Racist!" because they hear a word that relates to race but doesn't imply superiority over another race. You can easily call them out on it, logically break them down, and make them look like a fucking idiot by asking them questions.

it's called a hitler youth

What if you belief blacks are inferiour but they SHOULD be me made as smart as my own race (whites).

Using eugenics for blacks only but not for whites.
(not the same as "killing all dumb blacks and let whites live")

All i want is stop the suffering.
Stop the suffering in places like Africa.

Leftists in the west are preventing the only solution that will help Africa.
These dogs.
The amount of suffering they are responsible for is unparallelled and unimaginable.

Deep down that's what making me tick really. Ranging from ww2 revisionism to race realism.

Leftists in the west let Africa suffer on an unimaginable scale because every time a leftist virtue signals it gives him/her a little dopamine kick to feel good about themselves. Ya.

show those ebil fascists you would "defenetly not have been a nazi had you been living in germany during the 1930's" !!
Yes you would have been. Just like anybody else.

It's just two ultra wealthy groups of weirdos fighting over supremacy. They hate each other for the power each has.

Like father, like son. There is no time better spent than trolling the bejesus out of the liberal media.

thanks, jeans.

Ask"Can I get the Gas n' Ash Slash?"

>troll the liberal media
>complain that the liberal media publishes your trolling

boy, such chess, many dimensions, very smarts

If that were true, then non-whites would be accused of racism far more often than whites (since they vastly outnumber them), and yet they don't. When's the last time the media went after a non-white for racism? Has it ever happened?

Show him pictures -- just not of literal Nazi's.

>undercut, literally the "Hitler Youth" haircut

People find everything racist nowadays, this is not a surprise.

HOL UP..sjw's and feminists have jobs? since when?

Hey senpai, looking to start gassing the Jews, hit me with a fresh one.

>just fuck my shit up senpai

>say no more

He looks less awkward than usual in that.

Intentionally or unintentionally goofy, but if huffpo insists it's racist, then I'm laffin.

I feel you, bro. Luckily I've been going to the same barber for a while now, so he knows what I want. I usually say, really short on the sides, a bit longer on top. Then comb it to the side.

>just fash my shit up

Undercut is really based if you don't shave down the sides, leave the sides at like 1/2" and its the most aesthetic, manly cut you can have.

gimmie the macklemore

my fashy goy undercut always comes out as just a fade

i'm tired of these faggy haircuts

Do you think Don Jr. redpilled him?

That would be fine if that's how leftists actually defined it.

I'm tired of this faggy fag

t. reddit


This is me.

I believe the actual name is a Hitler youth cut.

Wtf I hate US now.

I have got this kind of hairstyle.

>who thinks people who oppose his dad are “not even people,”
lel I see there's a little salt to go with these dishonest implications

>Headline: Eric Trump on animosity toward his family
>Media: let's hate on the Trump family because of a haircut

4d chess

Just tell the barber you want to look like a massive fedora-tipping, vaping hipster faggot

Show the barber a photo of Hitler gassing the Jews. That'll explain everything.

>if you don't shave down the sides
Honestly this, i hate the way he looks in that picture, he would look so much better with some hair on the side

>huffington post
more like huffing a ton of pot

Ask for "The Fash"

Medium reg or a low reg.
Undercuts and high and tights are for boots and skrublords.

t. balding faggot

Oh no he has a new hair cut. This means he will exterminate 6 million jews.


That hair could lead a nation.


Trapping off about horrible writing and then ruin it all with a then.
And if you're so good at native tongue, reddit is not our native tongue, so Fuck off.

>>The Huffington Post
>>serious news article

Good one, OP

Speaking of.I have a huge bald spot on the back of my head. I've been keeping my hair short, because fuck trying to cover it up, should I shave my head instead?

Undercut. My barber got joking and now I just ask him for the hitler youth.

>Ridicule trump nonstop for 2 years
>be mad that he uses it against you

ArcAnon strikes again! Keep up the good work!


I think he looks better with his hair like that.

Good call. I tell my barber I want an undercut but not super pronounced, fade it in on the sides.

He's got it down and gives me a great cut everytime now. It's super hitler youth tho lol