With Based Gorsuch on the panel now, does religious freedom have a chance?

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Considering the recent decision regarding public funds for secular purposes at religious institutions, I'd say so.






"Religious Freedom"

To inflict harm upon others?


Do actual cases of systematic abuse ever get sent to court in US or is it all carefully manufactured situations by opposing political forces?


No, it's pretty much as you say.

No one is saying you cant turn fags away, you just cant fucking say "GET OUT FAGS REEEE" If Supreme Courts allow this, then we have to hear fucking cultists spew whatever dumbass superstition they want for everyday exchanges. Im capable with choosing how my money is spent, but fuck giving more power to peoples imaginary best friends. Religious retards still need to be culled, too

Who cares your fucking religion, just spout any other excuse that doesnt fall within the legal semantics of discriminate towards a identifiable demographic. Fucking simple

weak b8 faggot

This. Unless Kennedy retires he will vote with the left on an issue like this.

>i don't like religion so some people should be forced to work for homosexuals.

There is no law claiming that if someone offers money for product or service then you must render that product or service to them.
> If Supreme Courts allow this, then we have to hear fucking cultists spew
Right, sure, mhmm. And allowing nigger marriage led to the allowance of kid diddling and dog fucking.
>rest of post
Careful friendo your fedora is showing. You seem to forget we have a freedom to religion and a freedom to not be discriminated based on religion, there however exists no freedom to not be discriminated upon because you're a literal ass jockey.
For example:
I own FSM Cars and Autosport. FSM says I cannot interact with people whom willingly and openly disclose they commit sodomy. By the supreme court telling me I have to sell to them, they are dictating my religion.

tell me where in the bible does it say you cant take money from fags for services?

this is the personal interpretation by of a some book made by sheepfuckers 2000 years ago parading around as "religious liberty." quite the stretch, fag.

They don't want to not serve homosexuals. They specifically just don't want to bake wedding cakes for them. They'll still sell them donuts if they want.

To commit homosexuality is a sin. To knowingly conspire with sinners is also a sin.
Don't feel like finding the actual verses because your neckbeard would just get in the way of reading them and the too small fedora is cutting off so much circulation you be able to use critical thinking to link the two together.

Its only about baking wedding cakes I believe

top kek
>you cannot deny a service to whomever

Any other atheists hate gays? Why do they always put on an accent, like they want you to know they're gay, and they always act like "look at me",carry man purses,think it's natural to stick your dick where another man shits, and so much more. Why don't they act and talk like normal people? Most people that hate them, don't hate them because of religion, but because of how they act. Most of the hate they get, is brought on by themselves.


lmao what year is it ?

I dont see why you should be commished to build a cake just because you have sold other custom pieces.

You shouldn't be forced to sell shit to anyone. Fuck the Bible. It's a human independence thing. You know what compelling someone to work for you who doesn't want to is called? Slavery.

Now, if you wanna bring that back, we can have that conversation...

I hate them precisely because of that, they're attention whores who just want to be treated special because they are different. And left is giving them attention and special treatment so they are rampant leftits which makes them even worse.

Kennedy has hired clerks going up until next year.

They're fucking fags, bro. If they could just avoid the faux-female shit and putting on voices I could maybe tolerate fucking dudes in the ass. Be like Ernst Rohm - fag war hero Nazi. Or any amount of faggot Greek and Roman soldiers.

Hate is already an emotion for the intellectually and emotionally stunted. There's no reason to hate anybody... especially for something like speaking or acting in a particular way that doesn't actually infringe on your freedoms. I've never understoood and never will understand why people give a fuck what people do or act like so long as it's not really affecting you... if you're affected by these faggot prides or a high rising terminal then there's things in your life that need your attention.

Gorsuch, Thomas and Alito would probably side with the baker.

Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan will be against him no matter what.

So Roberts and Kennedy will decide. It might go either way.

the constitution and government have to promise that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law, and this constitution and government serves the public. for you to operate as a business open to the -PUBLIC-, key word, in this country, you have to follow the example of the government. the government is prevented from discrimination, there is no way that a buisness built in a American town on American infrastructure protected by American soverignity should be able to then break that rule when opened to the public. if you dont want to follow that simple rule, fucking find a country that aligns with religious beliefs

furthermore, your freedom to religion has to stop when it infringes on a fags right, in the eyes of the law, to be "equal." telling an american citizen his money isnt as good as someone elses based on sexual preference is a definite argument for discrimination, because the offender has made his mind up before they ever interacted with said faglord.

if you held values, you would accept the principal objectively. people who struggle with emotions struggle with values

Is it faux female shit? How can anybody really know but that person... I sincerely doubt people can spend and maintain that much energy making sure they sound a particular way every day, all the time... do you walk around trying to make your voice sound deeper? Do you make sure you hold your hands a certain way? Have you ever made sure you were walking a certain way? No, you don't...

Hey bb, /mascgen/ here. Come get your dick sucked while firing off your favorite handguns.

hate is the opposite of love. love attracts, hate repels.

without hate, how will you repel something?

and if you love something, you fear harm coming to it. you hate the harm that could come to it. and if you don't, then you don't really love that thing.

The baker would sell anything to gays except wedding cakes. He considers himself an artist, and doesn't want to make a cake for a gay wedding because he doesn't approve of it. He refuses to make Halloween cakes for the same reason. Surely you don't want to force him to start baking Halloween cakes.

businesses deserve the right to deny
service to anyone. however, people also have the right to be equal. as in the case when rights conflict, your rights STOP when it infringes on mine (i.e. falsely yelling fire in a movie theater puts everyone at risk, so you freedom of speech must be limited a little to protect my right for safety)

im not trying to put equality on a pedestal, its just appears open/shut to me. i still agree the business has every right to deny service. you just have to avoid the fucking several legal landmines Americans have. they fucked up with they said "no, cause youre gay." forget all the rest, merits for an entire case is all in those 4 words

>TIL Jesus was a sinner

I don't. I'm normal. Fags do. They're narcissists hyper-conscious of image -- at least the ones who do the shit we are talking about.

Get to know a fag well instead of just virtue signaling that you have faggot friends. If you ask him to show you his "Man Voice" and he trusts you wel enough, he will. Better yet, know a fag before he comes out as a fag. You'll see the change.

>knock knock muthafuka

Only if you say "no homo" first.

What harm was inflicted?

Did the baker take the money and run?

Refusing to bake a cake is not inflicting harm. It's not providing a service you have no obligation to provide.

Fearing harm for self-preservation or the preservation of your loved one has nothing to do with hate... I don't make my kids wear helmets when they ride on my snowmobile because I hate them not wearing helmets... you don't need to 'hate' the idea of harm to simply wish no harm comes and protect them as a parent. We're talking about random fags trying to live their lives... sure, they do obscene, annoying shit but it's simply not a reason to hate them since it's like we talked about... not actually harming you, and if you're supposedly finding harm in them holding pride parades, kissing in public etc... then you're failing to act like a rational human.

>"no, cause youre gay."
when did they say that, even implicitly?


Lol. The fags I've known I've known since childhood... and I knew the entire time before they even understood what being gay was that they were different. Believe me, I live in Minneapolis and know tons of faggots... and putting on a man's voice proves about as fucking much as you or I throwing on some faggot lisp. So... I'm not buying it.


I've always been pushed away by the gay community. I'm just not fit for Los Angeles.

1. Fuck equality. We're not soon' that.

2. Property rights and rights to association and CONTROL OF MY OWN FUCKING LABOR trump your desire for a cake, a new wall, whatever. Fuck you. It's my work. You have no right to it. I could hate everyone with red shirts. Doesn't matter. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

3. Fire in a crowded theater is fucking retarded. It was used to shut down the speech of socialist anti-war protesters. Incitement and such attenuated "speech crimes" are utterly retarded and need to be removed from the law.

I can't wait to have muslim bakers make me some gay pork filled kebab for X event.

Point being, we can consciously act a certain way... but the idea that some gay people are maintaining the level of consciousness to 'sound gay' 24/7... including in childhood is just insane to me.

The faggot lisp is fake. They're trying to appear more feminine. Shows you don't know any actual faggots that well. Here I am hating fags and I have better buttfucking oven-fodder friends than you do.

The gay community is full of fags anyway. Just be gay and live a normal life and make normal friends.

I know. Cut the accent, stop acting to so sexual in public places, and dress like normal people at pride parades. Stop walking around in man thongs at pride parades where children are attending. No one needs to see that.

Isn't this the same couple who claimed they were "mentally raped" by the baker's decision? I'm surprised this hasn't been laughed out of court. Just shows how much power these lunatic faggots really have.

want me to spoonfeed you, you goddamn knuckledragger?

i was going to screenshot, but fuck you. 2nd paragraph in OPs article, literally the summarized argument

I doubt it. And you're ignoring my point and anecdotes and your argument is basically 'yeah well my anecdotes are right yours aren't'. Speech pathologists have already identified that it's a subconscious formation of linguistics and when you show me the science behind "the faggot lisp is fake" then I'll give a shit... but you're missing the point anyway. Hating them because they sound like faggots? Wholly irrational and you know it. I don't give a fuck what clothes people wear yet I'm supposed to care how they talk or walk? Fuck out of here with that shit.

>we have the right to refuse service to anyone

This so much..... They obviously could easily have found another baker who would

res judicata per the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

land of the free... get fucked america. Im watching documentaries about waco and ruby ridge, the american people are completely enslaved to the whims and fancies of their government.

And Rosa Parks rode dozens if not hundreds of buses in the front trying to start some shit.

Those two atrocities are a stain on our collective souls.

Yeah I mean, if the courts disagree with you then it must be the power of the faggots who are controlling the U.S. supreme court and not the power of our judicial system, logic and reason of our judiciary and their interpretation of the constitution and what they view as inalienable rights of American tax paying citizens. You live in a fucking fantasy world if you think faggots have any power over the courts... but I get that when things don't go your way you need to blame someone, anyone.

Waste of time, private businesses can deny service for any reason at any time.

If this passes can you not just invent a religion saying "no services to blacks" and then do that? Then the civil rights act is pointless

You hate them because they're unnatural. They're acting feminine and weak and submissive. They're men. They're supposed to be dominant and aggressive and behave like men. Be a warrior fsggot who happens to fuck other dudes and you're tolerable. Otherwise, gas yourself already.

Also you openly use the democrat flag, breddy sure your anecdotes aren't to be trusted.

They will rule that the bakers must become gay.

The gay men are inflicting harm on the pastry chef.

Way to address what I was saying and not go off on a strawman. Also
>what is the 13th amendment

On one side you have the possible inconvenience of having to go elsewhere for a cake. On the other you have a state where you don't own your own labor. It really is a toughie.

its still so relevant, if you try and break away from their system, they are after you. Even people who go off the electricity grid get hounded by the police. Thank god you have the rights to guns. Never relinquish it. Europe sucks but things are ok away from the centre of the evil empire...for now.

Someone should come up with 10,000,000,000$ and force Trumps sons to build a skyscraper shaped like a penis.

Because there is no difference between 60 minutes to build a custom cake and 6 years to build a custom skyscraper.

What because I happen to be a pro labor, pro union airline pilot who believes we should invest more in Americans than making sure your corporate overlords can enslave you. I'd rather be a slave to the government we elect whose arm strength is made up of us than the corporations who want to make sure you live no better than a 3rd world monkey. I come from a wealthy family split down the middle and I know exactly who the greater of the two evils is. Don't let kikebart scare you with this SJW narrative... that's hardly the problem in society, that's hardly the problem facing you and your children 20 years from now.

It affects you. Believe me. If you live in the Bay Area and you do not feign fanhood and pretend not to be Christian, you get all kinds of shit.

You don't know actual faggots either. They do put that lisp on but then they do it so much that become there voice and after some time it takes more effort to speak"normally" than with a lisp

Fine, then you have no right to turn down a job you do not want, either. Particularly, if the clients are impossible.

Yes. Clear case the baker's rights were denied.

Buses are a public service. They are not comparable to a privately owned shop.

meant to reply to

it wont pass precisely because of this consideration

Cant he just quote the part of the bible that says homosexuality is wrong and then just say that forcing him to treat them like they aren't "wrong" directly contradicts the religion.

I mean, I don't really have anything against gays, but it clearly does violate religious freedom.

>To inflict harm upon others?
Refusing service is not inflicting harm. Would you take a bartender to court for not serving you while you're busy vomiting all over the floor?

Being gay is demonic possession. Nothing more, nothing less.

Republicans are literally the American ISIS

Yes, he's identified, correctly, the need to protect individual freedoms from religious persecution. If the cake shop denied them because doing business with these fags threatened their business in any way... then they have a good case to deny them their business, but to deny paying customers on the basis of religious reasons sets a dangerous precedent.

Sixty minutes? Are you serious? You have no idea what goes into a custom order, do you?

Exactly. The civil rights act is morally flawed.
This is what we call here on Sup Forums a "red pill".

I've known Gay ppl it's just like going to a different country you try to mimic the accent until a point where it is your accent and it's easier than your old accent

Yeah, now, if only we could prove demons existed, and could find out a way to excise the demons from humans... then the problem could go away. Too bad the Jewish iron age desert trilogy doesn't explain how to do it.

Bowl. IF the gay men win, it means every creative person can be forced to write, sing, film, things they do not want to. This is Naziism.

That's what I've been doing. I don't even tell anyone until they need to or ask. It's usually a surprise but I've never lost a friend over it. Usually I'm more conservative than them.

I have a good run. No complaints in life except on taxes and gun laws of California. Well, sometimes I'd like a conservative bf that likes hiking and dirt bikes. That doesn't do meth or degenerate things

>religious freedom
Or just freedom to sell your services to who you please?

a job is a individual agreement on a contractural basis beteen you and a employer. in your example, the decision to accept a job is mine alone, and not subject to discrimination clauses. the employer, who offered the jobs to the -public- at large, IS held to these discrimination clauses

a business retailing to the american public already made the -decision- to attempt to serve the public at large. sadly, there are fags/Muslims/niggers and other demographics that are included in the american public. you cant pick and choose people after they enter in search of services.

We do have ways to excise demons from humans, but fags are choosing not to read the Bible and go to church.

Pro-Union. Fuck off, commie scum. I'm not afraid of SJWs. I don't like fucking reds

>be baker
>be forced to make cake for some faggots
>make it complete shit
>terrible quality ingredients
>wrong design
>misspell the names
>accidentally drop it once or twice
>charge full price plus tip

They'll never bother him again.

That's fucking stupid. A private business can discriminate service to people for many reasons if they want. But most importantly you can't FORCE a business to serve you.

Public sectors and private have very different rules for them.

I always thought that maybe if it gets to the point where the government flat out forces bakers to bake gay wedding cakes, they should say to the gays, "I'll bake the cake for you, but I'll tell you upfront, 100% of the money I make from you two will be donated to Christian organizations dedicated to curing homosexuality."

The Bible is clear.

The ruling is indeed saying you must serve fag weddings. If you do not like religion then fuck off to some atheist paradise like NK.
Just grab your fur suit, put on your fedora and head out. I am sure they will just love you there, comrade.

when they lose this case (for the 3rd time since its at the SCOTUS), they will feel plenty retarded for not just charging 5x the amount and delievering a subpar cake baked by a mexican they hired for the day

Serious question, what does the Priest/Judge pronounce them at the end of their marriage ceremony?

"husband and husband","wife and wife", "married"?

I don't think you know the meaning of the following words: literally, isis, rebublicans, are

They won't lose.