Turns Out Russia Really Did Hack The Elections. Sup Forums unequivocally BTFO


Drumpf supporters on suicide watch. How does it feel to be treasonous ?

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>Look at this youtube video with no sources
>Ignore the fact that if the elections were hacked it was under Obama's watch
>Ignore that the DNC did actually commit voter fraud
-t. shill

Also muh 1337 haxxorz that left evidence because their so 1337.

>t. Ivan cuckovitch

The CIA and FBI already proved it. Just face reality you idiot.

Paint your room red, you schizoid.

You have to prove they didn't since it is an unreasonable claim to say they didn't

Right after you traitor.

...Is this really what you people consider fun here?

Taking troll posts seriously?

Why btfo?
Sup Forums is mostly russian trolls and shills.

How is it trolling ? You know it's literally paranoid treason to say they didn't

>literally zero proof

We have proof you just don't have security clearance

>"uh oh we have proof but can't show you goyim"

wow how convincing

so literally zero proof

>Actually believes the tinfoiliest of tinfoil hat theories because of some shitty YouTube video
It isn't getting you laid by some niggress babe.

Hurr hurr goys we have all this classified proof that is so absurdly classified we can't even present it to prosecutors or special investigators.
Hurr hurr no you have to prove nothing happened, we don't know what presumption of innocence is or due trial.
Burden of proof falls on the accuser, shill.

>hocking the Ethernet

>We found him get in the vain!

as if it makes a difference to AIPAC hacking the elections. fuck off from Germany burger scum

I can feel this song melting my brain.


You are a piece of shit OP. After all that your country has done around the world to subvert democracy and support despots, you now complain about THIS?
You fucking hypocrite. You are a nation of hypocrites.
Fuck you.

you're worse than alex jones at this point. how does that make you feel?

Yeah, and Hackerman hacked back in time.

Unngh Daddy's so thicc

I've got the clearance, now cough it up faggot.

Liberals became the thing they had made fun of throughout the entire race. That's really sad and really hilarious at the same time.

>the length trump went to to maga

TS:SCI here. What proof? I have seen nothing, even looking on SIPR and JWICS.

This is why I hate user 5

>3090 ▶
> (You)
This much denial over obvious Russian subversion. Literally everybody knows they did it. You're worse than flat earthers. How does Drumpf's cock taste ??? No matter how much evidence comes out you still cuck for Putin liek your"god emperor" does . This is why fascism will always failed. idiot sheep liek you.

top fucking kek

2:50 video says russia hacked george soros

How much did you make for that post?

I lost valuable time that I will never get back trying to get you retards away from paranoid fantasies

And no one with any ounce of sense left takes you seriously anymore.

The video shows and cites sources literally every 30 seconds.

What kind of proof would be good enough for you?

Haha, cry more cuck. Trump is your leader now. Get down on your knees and start sucking

Just go back over to reddit with the rest of your brainlet friends.

Don't Take the Bait

The same government organizations that did shit like MKUltra and tried to convince MLK to commit suicide are your trustworthy sources?

Oh I don't know an actual indictment or formal acknowledgement of this supposed evidence?

Because we're the ones in a paranoid fantasy. For almost a year you fucks have been autistically screeching about Russia and you have nothing, less than nothing to show for it.

You don't have valuable time aside from posting whatever your shareblue supervisor tells you to post, I'd like to remind you that your tavel ban that "will never be ruled as constitutional" was unblocked today for its full duration with the case for it set after it expires.Your trump card that was Comey literally came out and said that Trump was not under investigation.

Some Russian guy using Podestas apple p/w when it was posted to wikileaks and copying his .pst file isnt a hack.

False. Whoever makes the positive claim has the burden of proof. It's impossible to prove a negative. Therefore, it's on you.

Any attempt the Russians had, does not equate collusion between Trump and Russia, you ass.

Shillary had even more contact with the Russians during the campaign...was she promising Putin more Uranium?

Impeachment soon

>Class others brainlet
>Is incapable of assessing the situation objectively


I'd say the jq is much worse. Get over yourselves

>YouTube video as a source

At least you'll fit in here with the other retards

You lunatics have no proof of anything, because there is no Trump/Russian collusion.

Why did even Jeh Johnson have to admit Russia did not succeed in influencing or swaying any election races?

Huh Russia have never tried to hack burger before >Only now it matters for all the mentally ill burgers

Does this make Trump a completely illegitimate president? When can we replace him? Why did Trump supporters deny the hacking for so long?

>cites sources
From where? Forbes? The Atlantic? Give me a break.

You're funny. The narrative isn't working. Russia doesn't own everything bad in your life and world. Russia isn't in control of everything you disagree with.

Every major nation attempts to influence the elections/leadership of every other major nation. Welcome to the real world of politics and power brokering. Russia had an interest in avoiding WW3 which Clinton would've gone after.

We have impacted hundreds of elections in dozens of nations, and outright overthrown sovereign governments. You are a fool to live in such an echo chamber of marxist bullshit and anti-Russian dogma.

Trump =/= Putin =/= International Political Reality

Stop trying to create a big bad bogeyman in the night. It has failed. No one believes you or cares.

Fyi, Clinton sold 25% of our enriched Uranium stockpile to Russia in exchange for multi-million dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation in her official capacity as Secretary of State. That is more direct collusion and well-documented than anything implied or argued about trump.

Gg fucking retard.

You're committing treason by supporting a subversive foreign government and dictator like A*sad. You're crazy delusional if you think this is going to end well for you





What do all these words have in common?

Hint, they all let ((("Journalists"))) write whatever they want about low tier Russian intelligence ops.

Nowhere will any article mention that kids spend more effort trying to hack CS:GO knives than the supposedly evil Russians spent on the election.

You stupid-asses are nothing more than programed zombies.You don't know even how to think....you are only told what to think.

The fact that you can't answer those questions says a lot about you.

Zero evidence you mong

Because they are delusional and were abused as children and as such seek a strong authoritative tyrannical father figure for their own moral validation.

Nigger, did you just censor the ass in Assad? Go back to fucking reddit.

Wikileaks Vault 7

CIA has hacking tools to spoof Russian hacks. So it comes down to motive. Who had more to gain? The out of control completely criminal Deep State CIA, or some third world Asian nation running on fumes?

He needs to die in an airstrike soon tbqh

If the Russians hacked the election under Obama's watch, surely Obama would have done something about it.

It's working out pretty well for them right now. They have the white house, Senate, Congress and the supreme court and all you have is Russian conspiracy theories that have accomplished nothing kek.

One side is losing everything and it isn't the republicans kek.

>Because they are delusional and were abused as children and as such seek a strong authoritative tyrannical father figure for their own moral validation.
This seems quite true.

>Zero evidence you mong
This seems like a case in point -- a good example of retarded rage coming out of early childhood trauma and abuse.

As well as the "Russian Reset", complete with goofy big red button and all.

Cool story bro but still zero evidence kek.

>I believe a foreign government over my own.

T. Treasonous faggot.

Stay on topic lunatic, your started with Russia, and when you can answer simple questions about the lack of proof, and key Democrats admitting they have nothing...you have to vere to Syria. This kind of nuttiness is all we need to keep taking election races from you..

Do you consider Obama's excessive drone use killing thousands of civilians, treason?....STFU

>proved it
>without presenting any evidence
gee its like you and i have a different definition of "prove"
>proved that the "Russians" exposed the emails of the DNC rigging the election against Bernie in favor of Hillary
wow they really did such a horrible thing!
forget about what the emails said goy!

>If the Russians hacked the election under Obama's watch, surely Obama would have done something about it.
Obama did take action, but he was limited in what he could do both because too much action would be seen as meddling and because Trump's Russian ties went very deep.

OP don't waste your time. The majority of these folks are plain daft and refuse to hear any antithesis to their skewed opinions, if they knew anything about history or Geopolitics they wouldn't be this dumb in the first place.


He did. Obama isn't a retard so he didn't start a war over it but it was VERY serious. We need to respond to Russian aggression by Invading Syria properly to kill ISIS and then Send irregulars into Ukraine to wage hybrid warfare to push them back to Siberia

Still better than listening to anything a British whipping boy has to say.

And what was that action again? Oh, yeah, he led from behind while the DNC refused access to their servers to the FBI.

Gee, what was on those servers that was more important than Russian hacking, I wonder?

And what, exactly, did you think Obama did about this, again?

>We need to...

Do I understand you to state that Obama threatened thermonuclear war with Russia over this "hacking" incident?

>t.retard that wants to start world war 3 because it was her turn

That video has no sources at all, and only links off the their kikebook, the music used, and sub to their channel. Constantly says "we know" who the fuck is "we", and why is "we" credible?

These liberals are fucking insane. They want to go to kinetic war with their ideological twins.

Shills are out in force. Something big is coming

Sergei, now that the hacking is admitted this new story really isn't working. Trump has been found out.

from fake news websites citing the same (((anonymous))) insiders

Turns out OP really is a fag shill, whoodathunk

CIA, FBI and NSA are known liars.

Nope. Not enough. If we don't have enough evidence of paedo elite sex trafficking, the this is definitely not enough.

>The US can't protect itself from Russian hackers

Trump is a goddamn traitor

the fbi has still not seen the dnc servers... stfu.

um no sweetie we are under russian rule now so Trump is just fine

OP is a degenerate faggot who has aids IRL.


drumpfkins btfo again

will they ever admit being btfo eternally ? !

Don't fall for it goyim

>its ok i didn't have a father
>he prolly would have abused me anyway

Is there anything more sad then dis nigga?

Next one in line would be Pence which would change nothing. Other than maybe remove convenient target for all the blame when shit hits the fan

>democrat calls literally anykin else a traitor

Youre the traitor here fag, look at your party's ideals.

>Still can't provide any proof,
>Never will

Low energy.

>MSM calls out Trump for saying Hillary "Acid-Washed" her servers
>Apparently it's okay to use "Russia hacked the election" despite it not being a literal hacking


there are people who unironically believe the russia narrative
holy fuck americans really are stupid

>being this butthurt over the travel ban injunction getting BTFO
>back to russian hacking narrative that even CNN is shying away from at this point due to lack of evidence which necessitated multiple humiliating retractions
>accusing others of treason on zero evidence when we have definitive proof that Hillary Clinton gave our Russian *enemy* 20% of our Uranium supply.

Just gonna go ahead and sage this bait thread

You realize we have IDs right?

Jesus your employer needs to find better believable cucks with no spine.

no proof

also s a g e