One of these things is not like the others

One of these things is not like the others

Me third from left.

That bitch needs to hurry up and die and Kennedy needs to retire.

If Trump gets to pick two more that might actually save the nation for a few more decades.

Which one, user?

trump because he's not a justice?

why is the cleaning lady in the photo?

I was referring to the goblin third from the left

Someone give me a quick rundown on Sotomayor

Is it the cheeto standing in the middle?



Time to gas the kikes.

That "nigger" is literally the most conservative right wing member of the court. He was appointed by Bush 1 to fuck with democrats. There's a reason why Thomas was the one who swore in Pence as VP and why Thomas Alito and Gorsuch all dissented the recent ruling for not going far enough in trumps favor

You know you would..

So. Fucking. Based.
But seriously, based black man.

Yeah, I know who that nigger is.

That's Bader-Ginsberg.

The hyphenated name alone should tell you everything you need to know.

Anthony Cumia on the far left.

She thinks her race and sex gives her valuable input on legal cases

Who is this Hebrew semen-demon?

Yeah, Gorsuch is the only Christian on the SCOTUS. The rest are Jews and Catholics.

Said the court needed a "wise Latina" to make good decisions in the future. In actuality, she's just a liberal vote. She never strays from voting the liberal side of the argument.