Any specific thoughts on the CCP?

Any specific thoughts on the CCP?


Not a nice group of people.

It happened once. Let's hope it did its job well enough it won't need to repeat itself. I'm pretty sure that there's not been a system in which schizophrenia was more pronounced than within Communism/Stalinism. Unhuman.

No need for the pirate flag here.

A flawed system supported by flawed people

ever met one?

What happened?

Will it collapse you think?

People got imprisoned for making anti-Stalinist jokes. 20 years hard labour. Mental asylum for the remainder of life. Order of the day. They build their "Super power". Let's hope they won't need this kind of human labour again.

I wonder how people so far away with such a different culture can possibly adopt such a european ideology

I suppose I can answer myself because part of the reason seems to be chinese collectivism


very economical

a bird told me they still do that, now they even sell the organs of prisoners apparently.

They've been State Capitalist ever since their reformation in 2003 away from Maoist philosophy. They've been communist only in name for over a decade.

I've met a lot of chinks at university. Very nice people.
They nation has reformed so greatly that they barely resemble a communist nation anymore aside from the symbolism. They've created a nice slave class at the bottom of society that keeps everything afloat. They seem to be going strong.

It's hard to say. On the one hand you have die-hard Marxist ideologues who are in secret power struggles with the more pragmatic economic minded capitalists among the party.

Since its reformation it's tailored itself towards western enterprise. If it falls it will be due to a Marxist anti-western revolution and not a democratic one.

Meaning it could be replaced by a state more like North Korea than Northern Ireland.

I wonder if they will drop the hammer & sickle eventually in favor of the swastika or some design more aptly accomodating theyre actual status

I specifically think that spam is not allowed.

seems legit, hory sheet, might give ole goldie locks a chance to seem innocent, affable, even heroic, if heĀ“ll still be in office then...

It's because they didn't. They divorced Marxism entirely from its Judeo-Germanic roots and instead married it to Chinese thought. This process reached its crescendo under Deng Xiaoping who basically ditched Marx from Marxism.

>It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.

The Chinese have a different view of government than us Westerners. We want the government to maximize our prosperity and we want the government to do what we want it to. The Chinese want stability. They want the government to be a neutral, reliable, efficient, bipartisan third party. Do you know why? Because when the government isn't, millions of Chinese die. In the Taiping Rebellion, somewhere between twenty million and one hundred million people died. The Chinese are not "Collectivist". Chinese culture is not about "collectivism". There is no Chinese culture. China has cultures. Many of them. China having one culture (and one language) is an ancient meme created by governments desparate to squash anything that might lead to rebellion.

The closest Western analog to what the Chinese practice is the social contract, found in Confucianism. If the Emperor violated that social contract, he lost the Mandate of Heaven and it was every one of his former subject's duties to revolt and violently overthrow him.


No fuck off commie

forgot pic

Your comment nears the absolute in contradiction, congratulations!

They claim what they are doing is Socialism with Chinese characteristics, but it's more like Capitalism with Chinese characteristics.