Muh 45 against government

>muh 45 against government
How you gonna stand up against entire army?

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boobytraps designed to cripple and maim just like the viet cong an the taliban
Also Rollins is a faggot

>300,000,000 Americans
>Over 300,000,000 firearms in the USA
>TOTAL military personnel in the USA is something like 1.5 million
>Probably far less actual ground troops
>Huge swathes of the ground troops would defect if they were told to march on their hometowns and start slaughtering children
>Expecting drone operators and bomber pilots to just incinerate entire city blocks of their countrymen because they were told to

You tell me.

What an unbelievably stupid question!


fuck off data mining kike

Sneak up on lone sentry - Dispatch - Steal his shit - And on up the ladder

Trust me on this. A drone operator in Virginia would, without hesitation, incinerate a 1,000ft radius from an altitude of 80,000 feet. Especially a bunch of dumbass rednecks playing army with their shitty, Chinese built shotguns.

heard of the vietnam war?

they cant. cletus and billybob are delusional. not only will their ar15 pea shooter do nothing against our nigger and spic army, theyre probably too fat and stupid to make it out of their doublewide before they get drone striked.

>American people turn on the news and see their friends and family being turned to ash by faceless soldiers

Okay, what happens next? Hearts and minds and all that. Do you think the US government could possibly sustain a war against its own people forever when they are already armed to the teeth? The fuckers couldn't even keep a bunch of goat-reaming savages armed with 50 year old Soviet surplus down, but we're meant to believe they can fight not only their own citizenry, but also their own defecting military? Infinitely? Until the end of time? While the entire world sits and watches from a distance and doesn't capitalise on the unrest to kick America off the hegemonic throne?

Why not just talk it out bro?

Get fucked kike bitch.
>pic related

>thinks the soldiers will side with the corrupt politicians vs their family and friends

I should ask the vietcong

I'de like to see an army try to wipe out 200 million indigenous armed citizens.

>doesn't realize that communist countries always start out with a small group of retards fighting against the "entire army".

>How you gonna stand up against entire army?
Because the army's on our side.

stay pissed bitch!

>The government is just going to start blowing up the suburbs

Sounds like a tyrannical government that should be fought.

>Cap loyalist politicians
>Make rebellious friends in the army
>Build expansive underground network of rebels to coordinate subterfuge and build safe spaces for rebellious thought
>Five months into the war president gets sniped while speaking by a random nobody with literally no connections who just wanted their fifteen minutes of fame and to go down in history with their middle name
You don't need tanks to win a civil war when the problem is government

Why would a nationalist administration kill its own people? Especially those same "rednecks" who supported said administration, have family on the coasts, comprise the vast majority of the military (including your drone operators) and etc...? Makes no fucking sense.

The 2nd Amendment isn't a one dimensional right, either. It has many fundamental purposes.

Leftists don't seem to understand that the political right comprises the army.

useful reminder that this untermensch is

a cryptojew

a closeted gay

an asset of jews music media

a flawed gatekeeper

>muh black flag ITT

Fuck off kike

Of course some Langley faggot would bomb his own country for rank. Why am I not surprised.

I join it and destroy it from the inside.

How does an army stand up against a nation of armed military veterans?
It doesn't.
It defects to fight alongside the brothers.

This is how the Day of the Rope begins.

Firstly fuck Henry rollins. Secondly Learn2history nigger. A bunch of goat herders with antique aks kept russia, the U.K., and the US, at bay. A bunch of rednecks and drunks and drunk rednecks took on the entire might of the English empire with muskets, moonshine, and hatred boners.

And to think the current military has a disproportionate amount of those red necks who are just there to learn deadly skills and be welfare queens. You think Cletus is gonna shoot his wife sister or or son uncle cause someone told
Him to?


>doesn't even consider the fact that the army is made up of people like you and me

Rollins is an embarrassment.

All contextless one-line response prompts are spam no matter what they are about. Sage all spam.

He is also been telling everyone who would listen that he is a pacifist. Been doing it for 25 years at least. He is the definition of a larping anarchist.

Real men don't look at it from the perspective of being able to win, even if out gunned, they look at it from not being a pussy and fight for what is right. We know OP is a cuck so that concept is totally foreign to him.

>on the side of the army
pick one you delusional fuckrag

>USA tries to use it's superior weaponry against rice farmers armed with small arms
>It fails

>USA tries to use it's superior weaponry against corn farmers armed with small arms
>?? ?????

1.) I'm not the only guy with a rifle.
2.) The rifle is also for Commies.
3,) And for criminals.
4.) You're an anti-civil liberty cunt who hates freedom and safety.
5.) Saged.