What did she mean by this?

what did she mean by this?

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She just took a psych class for the first time? Honestly I wish my fellow cryptofas would get on board with me and promote Freudianist ideas. I guess because he was a Jew it's no go but the dude was redpilled af.

Stop spamming us.

Nothing Misogynistic about wanting to fuck your mom 2bh.

jesus christ she looks even more like a druggie than ever

how proud her parents must be

Cry moar fagget

Mysogynistic Pseudoscience! Yass Queen, slayyyyyy!
What Jewish Pseudoscience? Anti-Semite!

>but the dude was redpilled af.
Are you fucking stupid? He pulled most of his ideas out of his ass and was a pessimistic piece of shit.

she meant she's a dumb libtard who only knows words like misogyny, sexism, and racism.

Also saged you dumb spammy fuck. Take this shit to /bant/

Freud is essentially is pseudoscience. He discovered some interesting things but the tools to measure his analysis are in themselves unmeasurable. He is just a interesting character in the world of psychology.

What aug frog is shitposting about is just more insane and she could most likely use a good dose of his pseudoscience. I bet she did actually and she discovered she is a horrible human being and she triggered herself into building a wall of denial around herself like she always does.

This commie cutie is correct. Sigmund Fraud fucked his patients talked a whole pile of nonsense.

Keen observation of humanity would make anyone pessimistic

>Not fucking your patients.

How else are you supposed to get into someones head without going full lobotomy bro?

You probably don't know the first thing about Freud redneck you just believe everything Fox News tells you why don't you stop fucking your mom for a minute and read a book You probably hate Freud because he is so right about you and your cousins fucking kind

>implying that the whole field of psychology isn't pseudoscience

Freud absolutely laid the foundation of all current therapeutic practice with his own invention. The reason people revile him is because they can't swallow the red pills he was churning out by the minute. He showed the world for what it was and the world could not stand it. Anti-Freudians are just as bad as people who spread the six gorillion myth.

Then explain why Nietzsche was such an optimist? He's known to use exclamation points more than most philosophers in his texts despite dealing with grim existential dilemmas. Besides, it's well known by now that Freud stole a lot from Nietzsche and changed it up a bit. He's a lying and thieving Jew and so are you, faggot.
>Oy vey! Pessimism is good, goyim! We betta' make sure to push more multicultural and gay propaganda to make sure we don't have annuda Shoah!

>the six gorillion myth.

All credibility lost.

Freud thought gays were mentally ill. Freud supported the German aristocracy. Freud didn't just call out degenerated he explained how they were degenerate. The problem was he showed just how many people were degenerate and no one liked what he had to say. And yes he did borrow from Nietzsche who, mind you, if you read his diaries you will find was a very pessimistic person. He tried to find a way out but ultimately could not.

Marriage material lads ;)

Also yes Nietzsche was right but Freud was actually trying to find a practical way of overcoming which Nietzsche never did.

>aug frog

It means she just took Psyche 101 for the 1st time over the Spring Semester and that she isn't capable of critical thinking: like realizing that Psychology during Freud's time was still trying to establish credibility and universally accepted research methods along with women during that time being from the Victorian Era and very traditionalist mindsets - they legitimately had Penis-Envy because men had more freedom and rights.

Funny how a guy who made sure his daughter get the best education she can get during a time when most women were expected to shut up, be barefoot, and pregnant is considered a misogynistic.

>the six gorillion myth.
What's that supposed to mean?

She is kind of.

She is just a train wreck who smokes to much weed and hasn't learned that she is not smart as she thinks she is and nor is anyone else. There is some degree of intelligence there, for a women, and that makes her good breeding material if you want smart kids because it is quite clear genetics is everything.

my grandfather who liberated Birkenau told me before he died that the people were dying from typhus and starvation because we had bombed the German supply lines and that the German soldiers were immensely humane people
And he didn't believe a bit about the so called genocide.

>I studied Freud
>he posited that people have something called a "death wish"
>but that totally doesn't apply to my current "I'll never have kids and let's import billions of Africans and Muslims" brand of politics
this is why women should stay in the kitchen

there is a nice twitter for this twitter.com/antesdepoisfede?lang=en

Keep sucking that Jew cock. Don't forget the guy was a literal psychopath that manipulated and exploited people on the regular. He used Jung as his token goyim until Jung did something he didn't like because everyone around him was to worship him. Read the chapter on Freud in The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker. His mother literally enabled his narcissism. Kevin MacDonald outlines in his book The Culture of Critique how despite not being a religious Jew, he had a strong Jewish identity and saw himself as Hannibal, a Semite that fought the Rome (symbolically represented in his time as the Catholic Church). And you don't know shit about Nietzsche's philosophy. He had dire problems and was human like the rest of us but that doesn't change his philosophy or attitude toward life. The man had tenure at twenty-four, you moron. You don't do that while being an emo faggot.

Fuck you you pseudo-intellectual faggot.

Well MY grandfather who was interned in Buchenwald and gassed 3 times begs to disagree.

All these white knights

Ah I see what went wrong here, she left out a word. Let me correct this:
anyway, she's wrong. Freud is all about pussy worship, without his daughter feminists have nothing to cling to

sounds like somebody is in the throes of an anal fixation

That freuds interpretation of the psyche leave no place for "the feminine" but rather just talks the sex drive and sublimation.

How is wanting to marry her, discipline her, and have her churn out my offspring "white knighting"

>read these explicitly critical accounts of freud to see the truth
Maybe you should read Night by Elie weasels and then you'll see how bad Nietzsche and all anti semites are :^)

Nietzche never really talked about sex

And freud boiled everything down to sex

I honestly have no idea.

Fuck off. I didn't say you had to like her. I just said the prime thing you want from a women is intelligence so you can make high IQ babies and she fits somewhere in that realm its just she is a manic depressed person because she smokes to much dope and digs hers own grave by subscribing to a shit ideology because she is a women.

I thought the death drive was purely lacanian.

Why are you following this crazy bitch

Stop being a beta faggot

>has a high IQ
>isn't studying Physics or some other high level science instead of virtue signalling on twitter
Maybe you should dig a little deeper

>I was only pretending to be retarded
You aren't pretending, retard.

Freud isn't pseudoscience, he's like what Socrates was to Philosophy. Basically, we know better now and can prove that most of his ideas are illogical and/or had unintentional/intentional bias flaws. However, Freud discovered a concept that he was 100% right about and ahead of his time for just like Socrates was. Freud proposed the idea of the subconscious: the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings. Just like with Socrates and The Socratic Method, the concept of the subconscious is a widely accepted theory (among many) that helps explain (at least partially) many mental illnesses and helps provide verifiable positive results.

Also, you have to understand history to prevent yourself from repeating its mistakes and understand how far things have come from to move forward.

Suck a dick bitch the thing about Freudian theory is that it confirms Nietzsche's genealogy of morals systematically which Nietzsche himself failed to do and he also confirms Spengler's notions of the decline of the west systematically which Spengler failed to do. The problem you have with Freud is you know nothing about his theories beyond glancing at a Wikipedia page. You're a fucking dilletante and it's apparent because you are obsessed with the definition of entry level philosopher. Also how is Freud religiously Jewish when he was able to demonstrate the primitive basis for all religions within the disturbed psyche?

No she doesn't use her time wisely like most women do. If you take a woman who are naturally submissive and bog them down with anti white propaganda it won't take long to break them and develop self destructive tendencies. I'll sight Sweden as my source.

Remember she went to college post millennial era. She has been brainwashed to put a gun in her mouth.

Freud was a mother fucker...literally

The pseudoscience part is accurate but she a cunt

>what did she mean by this?


Psychology is way more focused on the actual physical structure of the brain and what makes it tick which is the correct path but Freud did do some really interesting shit.

>how is Freud religiously Jewish
You shouldn't be criticising people as being "entry level philosophers" when you have shit reading comprehension you Jew cock sucker. Tell me how much of Freud's works are still relevant? Oh yeah, almost none of it.
If you bothered to read The Denial of Death where Becker basically sucks his cock as hard as you do, you'd know how hard Freud pushed to have his legacy solidified so morons like you could keep sucking his dick later on. He's shit and only dumb fucking faggots like you think he's even remotely relevant or intelligent you fucking penguin fucking cunt double nigger shit cuck ass.

I've got coincidence detector on and I'm seeing a lot of triple brackets in this thread

>Freud proposed the idea of the subconscious
I like how the one thing you think Freud was genius for is literally stolen from Nietzsche. Jesus Christ just neck yourself you dead weight.

>I have daddy issues the post

It is a jewish pseudoscience. The "mysogynistic" part though? Who gives a fuck. As long as she dosen't start making excuses about not making me my fucking sandwich, I do not care whether she believes the trees outside are trying to communicate with her.

>METHOD: The major works of Nietzsche were read, and each possible analogy to an idea later broached by Freud was correlated by a systematic review of his works. Any references to Nietzsche in Freud's writings and reported conversation were culled.

>RESULTS: Concepts of Nietzsche which are similar to those of Freud include (a) the concept of the unconscious mind; (b) the idea that repression pushes unacceptable feelings and thoughts into the unconscious and thus makes the individual emotionally more comfortable and effective; (c) the conception that repressed emotions and instinctual drives later are expressed in disguised ways (for example, hostile feelings and ideas may be expressed as altruistic sentiments and acts); (d) the concept of dreams as complex, symbolic "illusions of illusions" and dreaming itself as a cathartic process which has healthy properties; and (e) the suggestion that the projection of hostile, unconscious feelings onto others, who are then perceived as persecutors of the individual, is the basis of paranoid thinking. Some of Freud's basic terms are identical to those used by Nietzsche.

>CONCLUSION: Freud repeatedly stated that he had never read Nietzsche. Evidence contradicting this are his references to Nietzsche and his quotations and paraphrases of him, in causal conversation and his now published personal correspondence, as well as in his early and later writings.


I mean, Freud *was* a piece of shit who helped engineer the shitty hedonistic society we live in today.

There isn't a uniform universal Psychology Theory to cure mental illness.

Actually, based off my time mainly studying Psychology Nursing along with other branches, Psychology nowadays doesn't just focus on the structure of the brain (Neurobiological Theory) and uses other theories as well to certain varying extents depending on the mental illnesses be dealt with. To put it simply, all the fathers and mothers of the prevailing current psychology theories were right to certain extents. A person's particular mental illness has certain influences from genes (Genetic Theory), from relationships (Interpersonal Theory), thought processes (Cognitive Behavioral Theory), and etc. Acknowledging and using a combination of these theories helps us provide more positive results compared to the past.

Freud was right that to a certain extent what happens to you during your very early developmental years can play a strong influence on your Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) later on in life.

...Why are you calling yourself a faggot?

She's 100% right about it being a pseudoscience. Freud mostly made shit up. He was a fraud and a quack. See Frederick Crews, who has documented the case against Freud extensively in a couple of books and a number of articles in the NY Rev of Books (a bastion of Jewish thought, I might add) published over a course of years, the most recent being just a couple of months ago.

Despite this, many people still take Freud quite seriously. It activates the old almonds, boggles them, even.

His writings on the subject of literature are worth whatever value one wishes to give them. Even there, however, he was driven by massive ideological biases and a rather large chip on his shoulder.

i guess she's right from her perspective

the daughter stands by the father cause of "penis envy"

the son stands by the mother cause of "oedipus complex"


It's funny how retards like you always devolve into shitposting when you've been proven wrong. The entire consensus is against you but you're still trying to play the "I'm intellectually superior for having these super enlightened iconoclastic ideas." Neck yourself, loser.