>been a degenerate since my early teens
>did lots and lots of drugs while hanging out with other degenerate guys and gals
>believed all the jew propaganda being thrown at me through the media
>graduated HS, went on to college to only drop out because I'd rather party and chase pussy than go to class
>listen to rap
>start supplying massive amounts of weed and then move on to massive amounts of cocaine to be distributed throughout my community
>listen to rap music
>make lots of money.. ride the pussy carousel
>after a few years.. my "african american buddy" gets busted.. on the front page of the paper.
>I panic
>think I'm going to get raided next
>have severe anxiety
>someone offers me some oxycontins and I try one for the first time
>get hooked (ain't karma a bitch?)
>spend all my money on pills
>start selling every prized possession I own to pay for more pills
>start selling pills just to get pills to maintain my addiction
>start working shitty restaurant jobs
>in and out of jail at this point
>cant be bothered to pay fines or show up to court
>this continues for a while.. thinking the police were my enemy
>finally get locked up for a year and go to rehab
>come out and get my life together
>end up with a decent paying job managing a bar/restaurant
>start fucking all the hot waitresses
>still listening to rap music
>start partying all the time again (I had already forgot what happened the first time I did this)
>end up in a "serious relationship" with the most beautiful batshit crazy girl
>relationship ends badly after a year and a half
>this time it's heroin
>lose my job and the cycle of decline repeats itself
>now I'm a heroin junky
>in order to sustain my habbit, I start working with some other "african american buddies"
>help distribute heroin though out my community
>in my downtime I discover Sup Forums (7 years ago)
>I then discover Sup Forums (5 years ago)
>start slowly becoming redpilled

Welcome to a diffrent form of dispare.

Good for you. Have a, I mean here, I will reply to Your thread to keep it active longer.

Dude you fucked up so bad for so long you'll have to slave away for 1,000 lifetimes to get rid of all that bad Karma.

Shit like this is why Muzzies suicide bomb. After a lifetime living at such high levels of degeneracy it's the only act(to sacrifice yourself in the name of god in a holy war) that could begin the path to redemption.

how does someone go that far down the rabbithole? I probably dont know because ive never been in such a situation, but wouldnt you find the point where enough is enough


>the initial shock depresses me as I see what I'm learning on here
>still on smack
>no more rap music
>start questioning everything around me
>the initial shock wears off
>I ask myself "How can I use this to my advantage?"
>slowly get out of the drug trade
>get clean
>stay away from "african americans"
>become proud of my race

will cont..


>spend a lot of time self reflecting
>get healthy
>get fit
>no felonies, only minor drug related misdemeanors on my record
>no diseases
>get a job someplace nice
>work my way up to a decent position
>life is good, but i've wasted so much time
>time to find a decent woman and have some White babies

will cont

Good for you user


>live in a "university city"
>liberals everywhere
>only socially drink at this point
>I vape sometimes too
>go to a local bars on the weekend
>be 42, but can pass for early 30's
>I guess being a late bloomer has it's advantages later in life
>the amount of single white moms in their 20's is shocking
>most go out alone on the weekends
>they just pick up my phone and put their number in it with no effort put forth
>Most say they'd of voted for Obama a 3rd time

I'm almost done...

you cant just simply quit heroin

>be 42, but can pass for early 30's
larp somewhere else


>now I just go out alone to mess with these random, young single moms
>I photo bomb their selfies with "White Supremacy hand gestures"
>I spot the group of feminists with tattoos all over them
>right before I leave I blow a vape cloud at them and flip the bird

I'm a nigger hating, degeneracy hating, anti-white hating American White Male.

Sup Forums literally saved my life.

Next step is to find that pure qt pi... It's not going to be easy.

I can try to make up for it by securing an existence for White children.

It's much easier than many would think.. Most of it was a blur.. and there's still a lot I left out..

Thanks.. I mean that sincerely.

I DID.. cold turkey too.. and it was on an Eastr Sunday when I laid it down.

Dude, I meet guys who smoked crack everyday (functional, had jobs) and they looked younger than they were. I'm not saying op it's not larping, but it is possible that he is not.

uhhhh.. OK

It's called genetics.

You know.

This is the only thread I've ever started on here. I thought it was about time to thank the place that really did change my way of thinkng for the better.

Just had to skim it for this tl;dr

>my life is shit
>I'm shit at living it
>oh I browse Sup Forums, maybe out of all the times I've tried turning it around, it'll work
>no I don't have a reason

I thought the reason was obvious. I realized what a piece of shit I was. I realized I pretty much acting like a nigger. Not thinking long term and only being self destructive.

Seems like you changed as distraction from the previous lifestyle. From experience if the new behaviors don't pan out you may resort back to the old lifestyle. The Red pill can also become a source of frustration. What are your goals? As you get older options dry up.


To find a good woman.. Raise some kids and instill values in them so there isn't a remote chance they'll ever have the same life experience as I did.

As a male, we are lucky in the respect that age doesn't affect us starting a family the way it does a woman. Also, it doesn't hurt to look younger than your age either.


I see what you did took me a while..I think that's a good thing it took me so long.

So that just leaves a good career where you can be prosperous. I won't go into it any more than that at least to avoid any negative vibes. I wish you well.

I'm working on that as we speak.

Thanks, pirate user!

good for you bud i was always a good kid but never found my place Sup Forums gave me an interest other than booze and vidya it gave me a clothing style i could call my own it gave me a haircutthat suited me it gave me a place belong to and as cringey as it sounds it i found myself here. this place really is something else.

wow sorry for the mistyping

Thanks for sharing user

It proves that changing yourself for the best is possible ; and that Sup Forums is part of the answer to that.

Are you good looking or do you just have the gift of gab? How do you slay all this pussy by being unfit and degenerate?

Growing up.
People's lack of experience means maturity begins @26.

And @42 you should have sorted your head out. You win a medal

Awesome! This place has so much shit talked about it, but if you are the least bit intelligent of a person.. you can make it something that's very beneficial to your well being.


I can't give too much info since it's always possible someone could see this and figure out who I am.. but I consider myself average looking.. a little over 6ft.. naturally on the med/skinny framed side as far as looks go..

Even though I was a degenerate, I had money and power. That sadly equals easy pussy.

The young single moms flock to me, I suspect, because of confidence.. and they're looking for someone older and more mature to take care of them... and their kid(s).

Yeah.. rub it in, mr.genius.

Better late than never, I guess

>literally me
>smoke base every day while working salaried career
>39 but get carded for alcohol regularly
>smoke newports whenever smoking and drinking
>very fit
>can still run pic related: 5 yards

Sounds like you've come a long way. It was a good read.

Good on you, buddy.

>tfw I'm 25 and look 35



shit nigger get American Spirits or Timeless Times, Newports reek

Sounds a lot like my life. Im ten years younger and sometimes wonder if it's too late. Sup Forums has helped me see the error of my ways too. Hopefully getting a better job tomorrow, just ran into a friend that said he will get me hired. Quitting smoking and drinking. Keep up the good work. Hope your thread inspires others to get their life together or not make the same mistakes that we did.


The Amount of redditfags in this thread is fucking insane

OP the only way to save your soul is to shoot yourself, but do us a favour and kill some muzzles and nigs

Thanks, man.. appreciate ya.

Yeah.. well.. goes to show White people can do nigger things too.. It's way too easy to do in this society. The common denominator was associating myself with niggers and nigger culture that whole time...

You sound like a much bigger faggot now than you were before, which is really saying something.

Crack I believe is one of the least damaging drugs out there. Alcohol is pretty bad they say

Hahahaha... you get 10 internetz for that one.

Funny enough Sup Forums saved my life too i used to be a freight train hopping heroin addict and a huge nihilist but Sup Forums was my replacement addiction now i go to church every sunday, work out regularly and im joining the army in september cause i dont wanna work at walmart for the rest of my life

Yeah dude, they should totally sell crack at health food stores and whatnot.

Currently trying to quit porn.
I've successfully reduced the degeneracy to videos with tame things, usually not even them saving sex, but I still can't fap without a video

You made a website your identity. Not just any website, but a website full of dipshits with little to no real awareness or applicable knowledge of sociopolitical issues. I'm serious, it's embarrassing and you should get a real life.

You're a dumb faggot

Says the guy who thinks crack isn't that bad.

Fucking nigger

Does your name happen to be Eli?

you suck at reading idiot
18+ to post here

Alcohol in moderation isn't a bad thing.. it's really bad when over done. Crack is way too addictive for casual use IMO.

The drugs that brought me to my knees were of the opiate variety.

Fine taste

Jesus Christ

>Welcome to a diffrent form of dispare.

Yes. Welcome to this pear.

There is literally nothing wrong with snorting oxycotin

I have had a friend in a very very similar situation to you, could you tell me your first name?

This site is not my identity. It did, although, open my eyes to realize what my true identity is. There is a difference.

Think big, man. You have to know what you really want and just go for it!

Yea if you're a 80 IQ nigger.

It's not Eli.. more people are in similar situations that most people think. I'm in no unique situation.

Uhhhhh... That kind of thinking is what fucked my life up.. basically causing me to lose 20 years.


Shit fuck ass 42?! Damn man tou HAVE wasted alot of time

The only people who make their race their identity are people who have no other valuable qualities and a need validation. You wouldn't express these beliefs to people in person because you yourself recognize that they are completely retarded.

Moderation dummy

Well what you described going through is almost 100% the same of what happened to him. Still interesting. He is doing well now and has been somewhat sober for a while with the exception of weed and the occasional percs. Good luck to you friend. Remember /fit/ will set you on the right path as well.

>newfag thinks this is his personal blog thread #1488

>mfw pol is filled with literal low life like you

thanks man posts like this help me realize that I still have plenty of time left as a 22 yo. Gives me hope

In the current year... If your White, you've got to fight. Of course the self hating ones don't see that though.

tldr whatever good on you m8, hope you have lots of children and all that.

You want to be a pariah? Maybe at this age you should be focusing on building happiness and applicable skills rather than a really, really stupid ideology.

You just make yourself look stupid to the general public. Times inevitably change, you'll get nothing out of it by being an angry, self-absorbed bitch. There's still time to be an actual good and productive person.

>I'm a nigger hating, degeneracy hating, anti-white hating American White Male.
>Sup Forums literally saved my life.

I hope this is a troll. Because this is the funniest brainwash teenage level outhere.


you're pathetic

Spent the whole time waiting for spaghetti to fall out ye pockets

Nobody praises white supremacists except other white supremacists. Nobody hails the achievements of white supremacists because they've never accomplished anything concrete or beneficial.

pic related

Not angry at all.. Quite happy to be honest. I'm a race realist, not a White Supremacist.

You know how easy it is to shut down people like you? By throwing out facts and statistics... all backed up by scientific data.

My brother just got hooked on this shit, how do I get him to stop? ps. you're a degenerate piece of shit

He's got to really want to stop. You can't MAKE someone stop.

Pray for him.

>hurr durr, these numbers show blacks commit more crimes, must be because they're primal!
Obviously whites do better in terms of productivity, education, and cultural impact. If you can't realize that sociopolitical, geographic, environmental, and circumstantial factors are what place races in the positions they're in, you're either intellectually incapable or in high school. Reevaluate yourself before you lose all the people you like.

>Sup Forums literally saved my life.
Really? You must be really fucking stupid because, it did the exact opposite for me. Look, It's great your going leading yourself down a better path than before but for the sake of both your sanity and cognative ability (assuming you have any at this point) i'd recomend ditching this place and reading some genuine literature.

Muh systematic oppression.. Classic BS response. No substance no real data.

There is a comparable amount of research evaluating and explaining why the cultural supremacy of whites isn't due to some inherent biological superiority or "divine" intervention. We can trade sources back and forth but it doesnt change the fact that your ideas will isolate you and never benefit the community around you in any way.

You can't refute it so you're just shutting down. I'm not saying that we should relegate things to blacks because they got a shit deal. I'm just saying that you cling to the foolish concept of white superiority because it makes you feel better about being a loser.

If it did the opposite for you , maybe you are the stupid one ?

Ever heard the saying "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger?"

This is just an anonymous image board.

>ask advice
>cap it with an insult
well, on the bright side it's not bad in terms of physical addiction or lethality as opioids but it's basically near the top of the spectrum in test of your human will to stop or moderate

the key to stopping or moderating is that you just can't remove it from your life but it must be replaced by something you are passionate with that is a productive career or hobby
if you remove the activity and don't fill the void then you are basically creating a vacuum that will bring the activity back or another worse activity
if you ever have the bizarre desire to test your willpower and mental fortitude as a man then step up to the plate but just know this:
you can never go home

Also, don't act like you gathered and examined a ton of racially-oriented research yourself. You've copied and pasted some archetypal collection of data you found on Stormfront. I could easily go to some gay-ass, leftist shitsite and find the antithesis.

in my experience it has been:
>What doesn't kill you only makes you stranger
embrace the void

Cool it, Hunter S. Thompson

>when OP saved your exact ahx file with its shitty resolution and size
based user desu

I've seen more and know more about how race relations work than your indoctrinated brain does. I've had enough IRL experiences to base the way I think. Forced diversity dos not work. If ya wanna go suck some nigger dick, go for it. It's your life.

>school of hard knocks
You clearly have no real life experience. You're little story made that clear.

The truth is that blacks mostly suck and are okay in some ways. Same with whites, Christians, Muslims, cultists, and whoever the fuck else. Beung white doesn't make you special and to think so is childlike delusion. I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings but someone has to explain reality to you in this cesspool of self-aggrandation and basement-floor cum-tissues.

Stormfront? No.. I'm more of an AmRen minded guy.

More HD crack pics plz user