Pedotube, how can we make it stop?

Also, anyone else notice that in these videos they keep playing the melody to a song called "daddy finger" . Definitely feels like child programing. Anyone who understands how a dog clicker works will realize this is classical conditioning.....
These videos showed already be banned do to the thumb nail images they use targeting children.... pic is one of their thumbnails.

Here is a video of the song they keep playing

In this video they have two scenes where they actually grope boobs/ass. Also notice at 7:45 they play the song.

Another theme I have found common in these videos is kidnapping.

As well as normalizing needle injections. Injections in the bottom is code for sodomy, it is unbelievable just how many videos there are of bottom injections on youtube.....

Other urls found in this thread:

in this one the joker sticks a needle up spidermans ass and impregnates him with it.....

Please get in here and help me report these videos!

Also normalizing abortions

I'm willing to help, but reporting them will do nothing.
Got to make it spread somehow and get others attention.

Didn't some user find a bunch of CP videos while looking down the related video playlists the other day?


What does this say ?





its the fucking gooks in China making this shit

its a psyop to damage the children of the west

On YouTube? Not possible


I haven't seen anything relating to China

I have seen either Spanish/Portuguese connections and Disney

>fuck you for using children's cartoons/super heroes you fat fuck

Most people view CP as suggestive materials with children involved, because they've never seen more. Of course, finding actual sexual content with children on Jewtube is close to 0%.
What I don't get about this is, why the fuck does Disney or Marvel/DC don't react to this shit? Their intellectual property is being used freely, in a damaging light, yet they don't do anything about these videos? Did you guys find anything about that, like link between the video creators and the companies?

watch the first video I posted there are a bunch now with asians. I also posted one on here with russian ties

yeah but it was taken down right away. Apparently It wasn't full on CP but it was children touching adults in an inappropriate manner with clothes on.

simple caesar cipher thats broken in seconds

Don't worry it's literally over for them. YouTube have been demonetizing content over the last few months and these are thankfully next on the list:

So, thanks to Sup Forums I found out my kid was watching the Elsa type videos, I watched em for a bit and realized how fucked up they were.

Now they are only allowed to way youtube on the kids youtube app---it seems more vetted than regular youtube.

tldr; thanks Sup Forums my kids aren't watching degenerate shit anymore because i decided to finally find out what they were watching because i'm a horrible parent and let them watch whatever they want.

Look up the companies behind them.
Follow the money.
You'll find a Jewish organization or pic related.

we should be more concerned by the fact that these videos are still being released despite demonetization

it's a chinese psyop

most of the views are from their click farms

basically fuck you pedos for using kid shit to show them these awful videos

You can find real CP on Facebook

Apparently to Facebook, CP is fine but pic related isn't

I don't get why you faggots still haven't figured out how to take these videos down for good.
>Step 1 create sock puppet 'suburban mom' normie book account
>Step 2 join all sorts of 'mom and parenting groups on normie book'
>Step 3 share the fuck out of all the infographic and the weird ass videos themselves stating 'I found my kid watching these wtf'
>Step 4 Suburban soccer moms take over the whole movement to get them taken down
>Step 5 Moms get credit and we win but stay in the shadows

You guys just love lying

yes, that was a problem for a while but now advertisements are back in full force, even on these videos....

This guy is right

Does anyone here remember Happy Tree Friends? (or something like that). It seems similar but with real people and even worse gore.

We need to make a thread about doing this, if enough people do it at once it should work

i saw it and im still paranoid. i know its stupid to be because i was sorta obviouly baited into watchi g the vid. but once u actually see smthn that fucked up on youtube its kinda shocking. thinking about factory reset my phone but that looks even more suss... yo ASIO... it was a accident mang.

Oh you poor, naive nigger. You obviously.missed that whole thread. There is ACTUAL cp on youtube that is connected to this stuff. Im not talking naked kids im talking sexual acts with children. No i'm not giving a link and no I'm not clicking that shit nigga

it was a little girl in a bed playing with a dirty dick.


That's actually a good plan.

I've watched that finger song a few times before with a relative, and didn't see anything wrong with it. The kid seemed to like it. I didn't see anything objectionable in it. What is the meaning of this thread?


Remember make the accounts first as if a bunch of us all try signing up at once and then joining popular mom groups all the accounts will likely get zucced. We need a lead time of a couple weeks to get the sock puppets up and running before taking action.

Brohando, this shit is on kids youtube. Take your kids off the god damn internet wtf is wrong with you holy shit

I'm sure there is but they are most likely unlisted (real link was supposed spam)
What about LDS moms for a start?

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the song itself. What I am saying is that they are using it as a conditioning tool.
If you know anything about animal training you will know what a clicker is and how it is used.
The clicker itself is not a problem unless you are clicking at bad behaviors then you will fuck the animals mind up.

They are using the same technique here with children. It's called classical conditioning

Autism moms

Happy tree friends wasn't made for kids, it was an edgy show with cute little animals getting mauled and ripped apart which made it all the more edgy

Marilyn Manson is that you

Thanks pedros

these videos are in the kids category....I'm not so sure that youtube's child app will make any difference.....

Oh really... everyone in my middle school/early high school was watching those videos like crazy.

Spoonfeed me you autists:

How the fuck are they using DC/Marvel/Disney characters without being taken down instantly by DMCA? Perhaps DC/Marvel/Disney are in on it? What's the deal there? If I made a "Spider man" thing on youtube I'd have an inbox full of DMCA takedown requests


These videos are total fucking top keks to watch, why bring them down? I find them absolutely hilarious.

Christian homeschool moms

You can't. We Jews are working to ensure age of consent laws are lowered to 12.

MindGeek is big here in MTL
Knew a few ppl who have worked there

Terrible place, lots of competition and really gross.
How can you have pride working for this industry, even just as a programmer ; you can't!

that's not how youtube work, they are creating their own content. There are hundreds of thousands cosplayer/reviewers/critics or shit like that that would be out of job otherwise.

mods will ban everyone
come to

Your feeble undeveloped mind can't comprehend why these videos are fucked up and how the creators make thousands of dollars off them too

I'm pretty sure that shitty knock offs are okay. Can't be a DisneyTM costume or protected music

Why would they? This thread is 1000% legit by the rules

this thread hasn't been deleted yet, mods must be jacking off

Seriously Sup Forums what are you doing? These just look like shitty TV comedy sketches.

This is fucking true manufactured degeneracy and cringe fest over here. I'd rather watch Mexican cartel and ISIS videos than this shit, at least those are understandable.

You shouldn't try so hard to look high and mighty in a website known for shitposting lad, it won't stop people from being disgusted when looking @ u.

With that said, I totally agree that something should be done regarding to the fact that the main target demographic is children.

>I'm pretty sure that shitty knock offs are okay. Can't be a DisneyTM costume or protected music
Tecnically yes, but the volume of videos is so high that no one actually check if people are using TM cosumes and shit.
The music is auto-checked by a software tho but it doesn't give you a copyright strike or take down your videos. they simply put their own ads and make money on your videos.

They're going to demonetize the channels!

You're a fucking genius and this is a perfect plan!!1

Are you fucking blind?

Promoting violence, sex and abortion on Youtube Kids is TV comedy sketches???

I didnt know Brazil was THIS degenerate

Reminder that its unsupervised kids clicking on this shit, kids are fucking perverts to begin with.

Audible kek.

This guy is saying the truth, kids will click anything unknown to them - literally anything related to sex or w/e, it's the parents fault for letting kids fuck around on their phone instead of properly playing with them and paying attention to them. Even if these kind of videos didn't exist, it's still not healthy desu.

So what is pol shitting on this time.
Also. When did geo get added? This is definitely new.

yes and no. they are gated into this kind of content by the use of arguably the most popular characters (elsa for girls and spirderman for boys)

No they say it's off-topic. Last time they banned everyone instead of just deleting it. /x/ already has had threads about this and they know more.

I have a little nephew, they just click anything going by the related bar.

This is actually a problem, they might end up in this weird stuff, since it's related to that fucking finger song.

Why do they hear it? they only talk taco for fuck sake! >:c

Well shit. I was never here.

Here's my avatar, let's meme like mums.


Good point, especially knowing that the top results when you search either ''Spiderman' or ''Elsa'' is this shit. However this doesn't change the fact that kids, toddlers particularly, should totally not be allowed on something like youtube, especially without adult supervision, it's the gateway into growing up into a degenerate.

The cunts behind these videos put all sorts of tags and words in which toddlers always search
Common examples include
>boss baby
>paw patrol
>fidget spinners
The kids don't know any better so they click on the top video which usually happens to be a shitty toy video

we are onto your tactics.

Ok, now I am convinced.
What the actual fuck



Just put ''Boss baby'' and after clicking a couple of these vids, you get this:

what the fuck ahahah

Use something with no so good lighting
Photos like that which obviously originate from photo places can give you away. Use something more realistic

It's amazing these days you have to be in some sort of Mennonite or LDS retreat to keep your kids away from this stuff completely. A good start is not allowing them on any devices without you 100% present, but people don't do that. Plus their neighbors, friends, cousins, siblings, etc are all using this stuff. It's frightening.

its just to get views and money you idiots
kids watch jewtube 24/7.
these people make millions putting out shit that

I stumbled upon the CP channels while reporting everything left and right.

Most of the titles are in Russian. You'd never fucking know unless you didn't check everyone who comment's channels. I've been reporting so many they're starting to Capcha me. What's even worse is that some of these videos have up to hundreds of thousands of views with upload dates spanning back years. It's ridiculous. There's literally a fucking cabal of pedophiles uploading nude children videos left and right under Russian titles and there has been FOR YEARS with no one even batting a fucking eyelash.

This shit has to stop.

globalist jews run you tube

The problem is the parents. Work stressed parents with little time on their hands put an iPad in front of their kid and let them do whatever game or app they like. This leads to them searching shit on YouTube

Sorry, that was only a joke. Please do everything you can to stop this evil. I come here multiple times a day to see the progress.

no surprises

thats so fucked up.

Lazy parenting.

Subvert the young with degenerate fuckery with the purpose of destroying the traditional western family - and folks fall for it like ducks.

Some of them are made by Maker Studios, which is owned by Disney