70% of the world is ruled by whites. Is that fair?

70% of the world is ruled by whites. Is that fair?

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>greenland, south america are white

are you fucking retarded?



>ruled by whites.

>any South American country

and somehow they aren't 70% of the population. huh really made me think.

By jews and eskimoes?

By what metric are you measuring this?


>Is that fair?
I'm not sure what you are asking here. It's reality. The people in power have, more or less, fought their way to the top. It wasn't just given to them on a silver platter.
>Some win elections
>Some win through revolution
I mean, there aren't many monarchies left outside North Korea from what I know, and they're not white so it supports my argument.

By visual approximation

Visual approximation of land area on a map that you circled countries on? That doesn't seem very scientific. How are you measuring "ruled by whites"? What is required to meet that qualifier?

100% of the oceans is ruled by sharks. Is that fair?

Why does everyone want to move into the white neighborhood, city, state, country?

Interesting how Jews are "white people" whenever it suits the narrative.

Nah, the whole world should be ruled by whites.

Nope should be 100%

>using Mercator projection
Someone post that west wing clip. I'm phoneposting right now.

Maybe if non-whites had put in the effort at any point in history things would be different

(((white people)))

>Siberian Russia
>Northern Canada

Weren't we also the ones to explore p much all of it though?

There are hardly any jews here. Our upper class is about the same since the 19th century.

In the world, how many national central banks are privately owned by white people (non-Jews) again?

>ruled by whites
since when are jews white?

That's not the problem. All governments got greedy with keynesianism, an "economic" policy that favours the guys in the state affairs while impoverishes the people.

No. Should be 100%

>argentina white
>NZ not white
Well fuck you too then (((EU)))

So your talking about the greater german reich ?


Brazil is about half white. Argentina and Uruguay are white. Paraguay and Bolivia are not, I hate those guys.
The map doesn't include New Zealand. There are whites in all continents.

Jesus fucking christ those proportions

Sorry New Zeland. However you need to become more relevant

no, it's not. they should be ruling 100%

Life isn't fair. Grow up.

>Warped map of the earth
>Russians aren't white or human
>Only 20% of what you drew isn't infested with non-whites

rate my fix

lol, not even a to scale map of the earth.


>not white

just fucking harakiri already

Bogdan pls

oh so when you want to shore up whitey's total landmass we're included? how nice.

really makes you think

>croatian goddess isn't white
okay pedro

Should have a map of the Kekistani people.
We are too oppressed.


>American education

>70% of the world is ruled by whites. Is that fair?
No, should be 100%. And libtards should be gassed.

Yes because whites created developed civilization

Jews aren't white.

She does look a bit on the lighter end of Trump orange to me.

I see what you did there

Why not?

If I was black I wouldnt mind.
As long as there is black countries and asian countries the world will go on for everyone.

Of course not. They deserve 100%.

>South America


You circled a bunch of uninhabitable land. The russian siberian, Svalbard and Greenland? Not to mention all the goddamn protected federal and state parks consuming tens of millions of acres.

You're legitimately fucking stupid

Yes, they won that land

if we really wanted to, we could take it.

Is life, fair?

I'm just curious here? How would you highlight? Would you just some arbitrary shapes removing Siberia and the likes? What about all the places you don't know? How would you do Australia? 2 tunnel like lines that surround just the edge of it and not the empty desert in the middle? How would you do this map for the sake of simplicity and convenience. Please, show me.

>new zealand



nigger do you even map?


Then your visual approximation is wrong, given that the closer to the top or bottom of the map, the more it has been expanded to fit a square format. They are actually much smaller than they appear on the map.

This is my girlfriend.

Fair? Who gives a shit about fair. The way it is. How do we stop living in this world? Shotguns help.

100% of whites are ruled by jews