Post your findings of this momentous occasion. Before and afters are greatly appreciated too. Let us celebrate and rub that salt deep into their wounds.

Other urls found in this thread:

>piss hitler
>you will never be this stupid or angry in your entire life



ACLU is going to take this to the international court of Hague

This is far from over

Kelly sounds like a potato name.


>muh race of muslims

>international court of Hague

>ACLU is going to take this to the Galactic Council, it ain't over Bloompfy!

Fuck of hippy, we didn't want you here anyway

>international court of Hague
top lel

>Scandinavian Socialist Utopia
What, the diverse nation of Sweden?




She probably means that place, yes.

I mean, we could fix it by nuking Malmö from orbit to be quite honest


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Do it.

>the international court of Hague

>Sweden is much much more white than America
Maybe that guy should check his white privilege that he obviously enjoyed more in Sweden than in the states.

Gee you mean that court that the US has always ignored when they didn't decide things in their favor?


>The end of America



Reddit thread from when the 9th District blocked the ban.


>Beginning of the end

Sick of this phrase being thrown around since last year. Slowest buildup EVER

Big if true!

Did she get raped while in Scandiversinavia

Seems like they're slowly coming around, keeping quiet, or think the SC won't support it.

But drumpf is going to destroy the country user. All the liberals keep saying it, so it must be true!

How deluded are you?

this is the beginning of the end of trump's chances in the primaries
this is the beginning of the end for trump's chances in the general election
could this be the beginning of the end for america?


Maxine Waters says she will take beyond the Supreme Court. Whatcha gonna do Drumpfkins?

This guy has it except he didn't mention kikes and used blacks instead of niggers.

i'm actually kind of jealous, immigration and integration is clearly not working at the moment, so why would you continue it? we need those bans, especially from the countries full of religious zealots.

>Scandinavian socialist utopia
It's hilarious how socialist has been redefined to mean "universal healthcare and heavy government involvement in education"

>Scandinavian Utopia

Do they ever ever actually think about why this is?

>Scandinavian socialist utopia
>literally on the verge of war due to mudslimes

They're Antifa, shocking.

This may be the dumbest thing I have ever read on Sup Forums.

No, but it is the end of Their America

What happenee with the travel ban? I dont see any other threads besides this one in the catalogue

>Thank you for the Gold random stranger

>yfw their donations get used to pay for Andrew Anglin's defense case


The SCOTUS said it's going to hear the case for it in a few months, which means that until then most of it is now law.

It doesn't make sense in any way. Muslims are the most useless group in the USA. At least Mexicans do landscaping. Muslims do nothing at all. They are acting like not taking in more 80 IQ welfare leeches will somehow crash our economy or something.

Two scoops of salt.


>Grim Kim
(((MetalSucks))) at it again.

>admiring a white country
she sounds like the real fascist here

>international court says Trump is a meanie bo-beanie
>Trump/America ignores it


is drumf finally btfo? this tweet is hot fire



You know, he's right!


Very nice, I guess the mods/shills are trying to silence the good news.

>international court

Those are big crystals.

>its official, we are a racist nation
Trump really did make America great again

Post more salt.

oh no! will they put TRUMP on double secret probation?!?

Tfw Republican majority
Tfw possibly +1 more by that time


this is the best timeline

this is really what our democrats believe in case you foreigners didn't know. he's not even baiting


That's what they mean.

They see a nice and clean white utopia and think it's because of some reason other than the White natives

This is why I stopped going on Reddit. Smug faggots who can't use their brains and who actively seek the downfall of white society.

Muslims have been so important to America's history! Idk what we'll do without them!

Even if it was an out and out Muslim ban it would be great. What's the point of letting in third world Muslims.

Why would anyone stoop so low as marrying a Somalian?

> What's the point of letting third world Muslims live.


He;s clearly one of the rocket scientist refugees.

I care about liberals losing almost as much as I care about Trump winning. They deserve everything coming to them, and the pain will force introspection.

chances of landwhale are very high for that one

We seriously have zero respect for "international law".
And rightfully so.

user, PLEASE tell me you've visited the "Kim Kelly's Hand" Facebook page and saw the Death Metal Underground articles. Pic very related.

pirate fetish


It isn't being reported on very much.


You haven't been to "scandinavia" if you haven't been raped by at least 3 sandniggers 3 times in a row

WTF I love America now.



You should have let us take you in 1812.

>blaming Gorsuch for a 9-0 decision

Hey Redditors, if you want us to believe these screenshots are real stop redacting usernames.

Yeah, but then it would be 8-1, checkmate.

I love the -49 downvotes for the one guy stating the obvious

>implying America gives any fucks what the international globalist puppet nations think

> Sudanese terrorists can't enter the country

>you will never be this stupid or angry in your entire life
what is Sup Forums when shown a picture of a BMWF couple for $500, Alex?

this was high quality bait, and Sup Forums fell for it

Yeah. I mean what the fuck are they going to do?