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2, 7 and 8. any other combo is autism

you are my kinda guy, I like it.

Ill take the same he is having, thank you very much.


Alex for the high energy

Stefan for the facts

Milo to please the gays

Liking any person in that picture is autism

2,4,7 would be the dream team


1, 2, 4, 7,

1000% this. No other argument allowed.

3rd for Nigel, Peterson and Milo

I've no idea who any of those people are

pic related and two spares.

6,7, and 8.

Ben Shapiro


No one could stop them

Nigel three times

dream team

2, 5, 7 if i was allowed 4 id pick 1 too


2, 3, 6

Only 1, 2, 4, and 9 are the correct options.

Any other is a LE ALT RIGHT FREE KEKISTAN XD answer.

2 4 5 are objectively the most well read most intelligent and most well spoken. Also well respected.


Nigel definitely. Then Milo 2nd. He's the goat at BTFO of identity politic arguments which lefties will immediately go to in this day and age. Not sure about the 3rd..

>No Douglas Murray

Oratory is a dead art in this country

>picking alex jones to your debate team

- but mr. Jones we were discussing about immigra...

Are Nige and Molymeme, everyone else can die.

what the fuck is discount Bernie Sanders doing here?

4, 5, 7

2 3 6

Farage for the witty quips and bants
Hitchens for the intellectualism
Jones for the wild card

2 3 5*


just for the entertainment factor

Molymeme, Nige and Peterson.

4, 4 and 4

arguments only
no fallacies
final destination

Nigel Farage
Jordan Peterson
Maajid Nawaz

David Starkey. Intelligent historian. Blows the fuck out of lefties on a daily basis.




1, 2, 9

>Maajid Nawaz


Correct post

can I just have moggsy thrice

2, 4, 7.

EXCELLENT debaters.

3, 6, and 8 are the choice for retards for sure.

all you need is alex jones
shout down the lefties, they don't respond to facts

4th one is very questionable. Seems like Stefan doesn't live a full life: he doesn't enjoy music, doesn't appreciate other arts, he doesn't meet a sunset with lovely wife and kids. Seems like there is nothing in his life apart of what he's doing. And it's very very bad. Even if I agree with his views, I just can't trust a person who obsessed with one topic in life (not the most pleasurable topic btw). We live one life, there should be something good in it. We should appreciate the fact that we are alive, anons. Even if you are in Gulag, appreciate the fact you are still breathing. And people who always complain about everything are not very reliable in my opinion.
8th is nice. It's not like he's not telling some good stuff, but still for some reason I can't take him too seriously. He doesn't take himself too serious. And also when I see Milo's face: I hear his British accent voice saying "feminists". It's like his favorite word in the world.
3rd is a joke. Officially. Even though I like his role in "Waking Life" movie.
I pick 7th. It's a nice jew. The most educated person in the whole list. So, enough talking. I'm just going to clean my room.
I would also pick Dugin, but OP-pic doesn't have him.

2 7 8 "that was easy"

If your goal is to debate a leftist, having an actual moderate Muslim to hold up will evoke mental gymnastics of the highest order.

Also, watch Nawaz's interview with Anjem Choudhary and his debate with Reza Azlan.

Wow sure wasnt hard to find the nu-pol /r/t_d kekistanis in this thread!

Instead of choosing three from there can i choose just pic related?

Why the fuck would someone ever pick a goat to go to debate with lefties?!

Where the fuck is ben Shapiro? That little Jew is a master debater. Replace Stefan with ben. Also lol Alex Jones.

best choice hands down

2 for political insight
3 to shutdown
7 to analyse deeper within.


5, 7, 9.

Milo would be a liability. I've seen how he frustrates even his allies in debates by grandstanding and going off on tangents.

>pick three
>he picks four

We don't need debate, we need bats and bricks

I second this with all my being.

2, 4, 7, but I don't take Stefan, I take Mike and have him look shit up during the discussion.

Mike's fact checking abilities are seriously underrated.

Alex Jones is all I need...

>Not being able to debate a lefty yourself
Debating lefties is about educating them about the world.

Debating other rightists is a battle of wits.

1>based mogg
4>le non argumento man
9>starkey burning school children at the stake

2 3 7

Never seen these guys get stumped

>no William F. Buckley Jr.
>no Alexander Hamilton
>no George Will
It's like you don't want a Dream Team

>not a single ethno-nationalist
I go alone.

There's only one man who can't be stumped.


based jeffery lord should be included

4 5 7

2 to gain the upper hand when making introductions(who are they?)
4 to counter their attempts to present feelings as arguments(they are not)
3 to demoralize them with incoherent screaming and chest beating(break the conditioning)

Hitchens, farage, peterson
Anyone who wouldn't include hitchens is a memeing brainlet


2, 3, 8 would be fun

Give me a Mogg, Nigel and a Molymeme


I'll take Molyneux, Peterson, and Yianopolus.

3. There will be no debate only destruction.


I can rely on molymeme to use his ultimate "Not an argument" counter.

I considered Jones, but he was too much of a liability.

Cringe. I'd take Hitchens, Peterson and Jared Taylor who is inexplicably not on that fucking lost.


Replace that with Molymeme and then you'll be right

3,6,8 a combination of ad homs and yelling will win every debate

Alex Jones three times. They will fuel off each other to unlock the the secrets of the universe and produce the ultimate water filter.


> They will fuel off each other to unlock the the secrets of the universe
wew lad, you win.

You have to use the last three digits of your post number you tard. Check

Serious version:
Stephan Molyneaux, Peter Hitchens, Jordan B. Peterson

But really, debates are a joke at this point, it's all about getting your opponents irrationally angry. For that, the ideal is Nige, Alex Jones and Milo. Few trios of characters could more easily send leftists into conniptions.

Shapiro is legitimately great at this stuff though, he'd be a good add. By the power of Jewish tricks he'd come out on top.

Who the hell is 6?

You only need JBP

1 , 2 , 5

Six is Tommy Robinson.

He fights with muslims all day in the UK.

Michael Savage three times.


>needing help to debate a lefty.

I don't know who 1 and 9 are, so The Farage might be replaced, but 2,4,7

Three Alex Jones', but they all think they're the original one and don't know they have clones.

257 with a varg on the bench in case it gets real


Milo, Peterson, and Molymeme.
And because he upsets everyone on the left.

I don't know much about Starkey.. how much more effective is he than Douglas Murray?