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Lol these redditniggers are angry because the Supreme Court upholded the constitution and didn't legislate from the bench.


it makes me sad people truly believe some of the shit written there

Because of the wording
>He may . . .
I want a woman republican with Trumpish views to gain power. This way the liberals will say
>But its a woman and it says HE!

>Constitution literally says that the POTUS can designate any group as non-eligible for entry into the country if they see fit
>Supreme Court's job is to see if things are constitutional or not
>Reddit et al are surprised when the Supreme Court rules that the travel ban is not unconstitutional

How do you even get to be so stupidly deluded and partisan?

>redditor thinks canada/eu will open up immigration to whites from the western world

Big lol

holy fuck this salt mine is infinite

>liberals getting blackpilled on the future of this country

This makes me so happy.

why do you censor their names

So far I have yet to come across a single Trump supporter who can actually reasonably and sensibly argue their points rather than resort to pathetic, primitive mockery or emotional outbursts based on group identity. It's all "lmao", "lol", "librul tears", "MAGA", "BTFO", "LIBERAL FEELINGS ARE HURT" or some other nonsense.

Could be the dankest new meme.

Thanks OP, I love reading liberal butthurt comments. Got any more?


I know; I keep thinking they're being satirical.


wait which points
also all politics is identity politics

Not him. But mods are fags and ban you if you don't. Sometimes you'll get lucky and they'll leave you be. But 90% of the time, it's a 3 day ban.

>I am thinking the GOP will reinstate segregation
I thought it was the progressives that wanted the "black only safe spaces" and BLM meetings made up with only blacks, but okay! These people love to ignore that "progressive democrats" like Wilson added to Jim Crow and the 1957 Civil Rights act which was proposed by the GOP which was made toothlesss by Civil Rights "hero" Lyndon B. Johnson, and reproposed 7 years later. I suppose he really did want "those niggers to vote democrat for the next 200 years". I suppose these people also like to forget that George Wallace was a democrat.




I don't understand these people

They would sit there and get stabbed by a Muslim and their last words would be "At least I'm not racist!"

>Waiting for Canada or EU to offer citizenships
What's wrong with Mexico and the ME, you hate filled bigots?

>brain drain chief among them
name one from Yemen, Somalia and all those other shit countries
pro-tip: you can't

anything attached to trump or his cronies is automatically self-evidently LE RACISTTTTT

it's fucking retarded. the left deserves every second of salt they feel. the funny part is we're not even doing it on purpose eg. to attack them. they are just that retarded


>Erosion of our country's values

>4 years of Trump will cause a liberal awakening
what the fuck was obama

>people sure are getting a lot of milage out of 9/11
This person needs to die.

>what the fuck was obama

The agnostic liberal's personal Jesus.

Trouble us they'll flee to the remaining white countries like mine and try to fuck it up with liberal policies even more

Identity politics is what caused them to lose.

It's obvious they havent learned from their mistakes. The future is almost looking brighter. One more conservative Supreme Court justice please...

>America really has abdicated its position as a leading beacon of democracy.
Why? Was Trump not democratically elected? Or is it only democracy when your team wins?
America is a republic anyway, not a democracy.

>Obama set himself up to have total power and control, to then carry forward the torch for the democrat machine and Hillary to use the said power t utterly fuck the US as California screeched in ecstasy about all the diversity that was coming their way
>They turned the US Presidency into total power role, primed for their promised future


>OK when Obama does it
>apocalypse with Trump does it

>expecting a leftist to know about how government structures work
They can't even fathom why this ban is constitutional, and I think its because they don't know what constitutional even means.

>emotional outbursts based on group identity
Textbook irony


Why is Iran on the list?

How many Iranian Jihadists have attacked on American soil?

these people are little pussies and I hope they leave our country.

Ahahahahahaha why they mad is only game

Fuck I hate these people, they desperately want their multi-ethnic utopia they're willing to ignore every lesson from history. Every multi ethnic empire has collapsed or split.

Keeping mudslimes out should be the least controversial, I'm one myself and even I know how useless this group of people are, we need to be destroyed by the eternal christian crusader, race war now pls.

I'm starting to miss when you guys used memeflags

It's all bullshit.

It stops nothing, and allows Saudi's and sunnis to continue.

Trump is along for their ride, or he's towing the line to appease and double cross in some way.

I still think Trump's entire Jewish thing is an angle, he secretly hates them.

Do you have an argument?

The countries on the list are countries we bomb, or support other countries bombing or will bomb in the future

Yeah, because they think the "crime" of being a racist is the worst thing imaginable. They honestly believe that there is no act more terrible and fearful on this earth than to be a bigot. We're dealing with lobotomized retards here user.

>implying anyone moves to vacation countries to begin with

It seems like the ban on Iran is to make it seem he's tough on that country in case he can't tear up the Iran deal.

He also probably realized SA is too important of an ally to continue to malign. He might have been also told that the new young King was more reformist minded.

It's just geopolitics, it's scary how Sup Forumsacks really believe it's all about 'protection'.

>Obama walks over the Constitution
>Liberals cheer him on
>Trump uses the powers granted to him by the Constitution to propose a travel ban

>welcome to r/politics!

Doesn't even make sense they put that out there themselves not like you're Doxxing them or something.

Can someone explain Ruth's logic on this one? I didn't see her as the type to use critical thinking

Identity politics is what the right did everyone but me must learn

>mods will ban you
No they won't redditscum. Take your fake news bullshit outta here

Yeah, my biggest disappointment with Trump is that he continues to follow the Wahhabi (Saudi) and Zionist (Israel) power structures that have combined to do massive damage to the Western world. So long as Saudi Arabia is around and powerful, Islamic extremism will continue. Adam Curtis' documentary Bitter Lake is a pretty good take on this if you're interested.


What's the significance of the 9-O rather than 9-0? Referencing the Trump tweet or is it an actual "thing"?

Fuck the Mods
They cant do shit

What would you do though if you were in a position of power? It's not like it strengthens the US in the region to abandon the country. Iran will still hate the US, Israel relations will sour etc.

They've made a careful calculation to accept a certain amount of radicalization and terror for strategic regional advantages.

>Vote was 9-0

Not only that, but Canada has similar views of immigration to the US. We're only more lenient towards actual refugees - people crying about Trump don't count.

>I am thinking the GOP will reinstate segregation.

Me too. I hope.

Iran refuses to lend information for vetting on potential immigrants/asylum seekers/visitors to the US. It's not about having terrorists, its about refusing to check for them, which is the case with every nation on the list. Saudi Arabia at least gives us a heads up.


>jewish extremists have committed more terrorist attacks than neo-nazis
Really makes me think

>at least i have the constitution
>wait, i hate the constitution


Do you?
False equivalencies don't count


Fuck redditors and the high horse they came in on. So fucking glad I left that shithole several years ago....

>censors names of all-ready anonymous users from a completely different website
>all to avoid a three day ban


haahahahaha Reddit's a gold mine right now.

So much for gloating over the Ninth Circuit ruling, huh libtards?

my understanding is the BLM narrative for safe spaces is to provide an area for activism free from anyone who isn't black (and probably straight)

It's a herd mentality thing, strength in numbers, etc.

I think it holds some sense of legitimacy considering the nature of the message seen as aggressive but it is one of their only ways to actually narrate their grievances publicly

Mark my words, if history holds true. American consumerism will neuter that message BLM is trying to uphold. White guilt will become a product that is bought and sold. Upper middle class white assholes will take fucking safaris and shit to experience what it was like to be a slave and will buy shitty buzzfeed style booklets explaining to them how to be woke.

I've never been worried about a race war because it is not possible. Things get steadily better for PoC everyday while the middle class white people get a bag of shit. I'm worried about all my friends who grew up poor in rural areas turning into violent aryans after they get out of prison and start talking opening about rebellion.

Its only a matter of time now, and I hope I can get out before SHTF. But it seems like everyday more and more boys drop out of high school because society has no reason to provide boys with an outlet to improve themselves. There are no jobs for them and if they complain its "white privileged"

So where do they turn to? The only place they are allowed to vent: Stormfront

I fucking hate stormfags, they took a couple of close friends of mine. The future looks bleak as fuck and its driving me crazy that no one is talking about it.

yeah white males have no outlet for this shit, it is aggressively shoved down our throat at literally every outlet; highschool, college, the media, movies, shit even video games.

white males are really at a fight or flight type of deal, and just leaving the game in droves, because it offers no rewards until the very end(graduation); and even then, who knows affirmitive action may fuck them up there too or HR being feminized to hell.

if you're a white male and can't stand to keep your head down about this shit, don't even think about college, it's hell. join a trade, you won't make as much money in the long run, but you'll have a p good nest egg before most of your peers and you won't have to deal with this horseshit all day every day.

You are always welcome to join the Catholic church and move here, mate. So long as you're not Negroid, that is.

why the fuck would you censor the names you cuck

The last black President apparently.

Because OP stole the image from TD and they aren't allowed to show usernames or subreddit names in images or in comments.

I joined a trade because I had no drive to go to college when I wasn't interested in getting a generic liberal arts degree.

My parents and I agreed that since my HS experience went to shit (sold drugs and got expelled) that it was better that I bootstrapped my way into a trade.

10 years later and I make six figures a year with a bachelors in business, a couple aviation licenses, and am now a manager for a defense contractor.

I know I'm one of the lucky few but ffs it pains me to see the guys I grew up with get such a raw deal.

And don't get me started on feminism. There is no place for a man in a feminist society

You're missing some great salt on WaPo

List was made by the Obama administration. It gives Trump credible reason to ban these countries in a society where political correctness has run mad.

>the left declares the Constitution is racist

We there yet?

They say our nation is "inherently racist", so it's already implied.

>Waiting for Canada or EU to offer open citizenships to Americans
>open citizenships
-breathes in-

Blacks are now the ones who wanted black-only dorms and such. Pretty sure that's segregation.

>>the left declares the Constitution is racist
Too late friend.

there is a huge disagreement in what "America's values" are. The highest one is freedom FOR ITS CITIZENS.


>makes the argument that the constitution is outdated
>it's coming from the outdated farming equipment

if a person is trustworthy, why the hell would they need to pull a publicity stunt to prove it? how do people fall for this deception?

>implying they'll get the chance
The kangz are starting to segregate all on their own.

reddit is basically a third-world country

Great, so the 5th amendment doesn't apply and the 9th circuit's arguments are undermined. These people are autistic, they say some parts of the Constitution are landmarks of advancement of society, and others are just "paper made by some old whitebois 300 years ago". They're morons.

We have been there
