Do black people actually think that white people are out to get them...

Do black people actually think that white people are out to get them? Do they seriously believe that cops just go out every night and shoot black people because they were black? Do they legitimately think that white people are some invincible beings? That the media is on the white peoples side? What kind of fantasy world do they live in?

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one where they get free money that is spent on drugs anyway

Do black people actually think that white people are out to get them?
They think this because niggers think that they are entitled to rob from people

Which leads them to believe that cops target them out of racism, and not because of actual crimes that they commit

>Do black people actually think that white people are out to get them?

No it's more like racial profiling than anything else.
>Do they seriously believe that cops just go out every night and shoot black people because they were black?

Well yes because I can't have my phone out while walking near a cop less he'd think I have a gun aimed at him. I literally always try to make no eye contact around cops.
>Do they legitimately think that white people are some invincible beings?

Well you dorkfaggots on this website sure aren't invincible.
>That the media is on the white peoples side?
this is stupid
>What kind of fantasy world do they live in?

Nope, they dont even have time to think about any of that

>Do they seriously believe that cops just go out every night and shoot black people because they were black?

No one believes that. What we believe is that cops are simply afraid of black people and shoot them because they "felt threatened". Most black people don't commit any crimes at all. Decades of anti-black propaganda and disproportionate policing lead to this.

They think they're fucking Egyptians mate, black people are seriously retarded monkey animals who have a child like grip on reality.

I think this is a meme pushed by white supremacists.

Black people believe there are more poor black people than poor white people.
Allows them to get creative with the self-serving victimization angle.
Go look at the last census numbers; very revealing w/r to poverty.

Sitting in multi-million dollar corporate office hear affirmative actions talking about "Get Out" unironically, "Yeah that's how they fo real be, they want to be us that's why they be keepin us down." Go on a racist rant against whiteys for the next 15 minutes. Probably have a better chance of being promoted than me despite having a general studies associates against my specialized bachelors because 15 years ago biased old nogs got promoted to upper management due to affirmative action. Muh white privilege seems to be missing.

Yes, but they're half right. The cops here don't shoot em without a reason, but niggerbeating and chasing niglets is a favorite passtime for cops. Racial profiling exists because otherwise society crumbles under all the chaos.

Fuck off dumb nigger, your kind are criminal by nature. The only reason we haven't lynched your ass is the same propaganda protecting your kind by demonizing racists.

There has to be a another reason. Perhaps your manlet ass can't tie a rope around anyones neck so you can only say it online.

>Do black people actually think that white people are out to get them? Do they seriously believe that cops just go out every night and shoot black people because they were black?
They understand that some white people are nervous around them and that may cause the white person to do something irrational or uncalled for.
Do they legitimately think that white people are some invincible beings?
Definitely not.
>That the media is on the white peoples side?

>we dindu nuffins
>ayo fuck you whitey

Choke on a chicken bone jamal

lmao I didn't grow up in some shithole with other nuffins. My family is middle class. Stay bent in your trailerpark, Billy.

>I'm not like the other niggers, I'm a based black man!

You're the same shit and you don't even realize it, typical low IQ turdfaced ape. Back to plebbit nigger.

Do white people actually think that all black people are aids infested criminals? Do they seriously believe that Jews solely exist to con them out of all their money? Do they legitimately think that have shoulder length shaggy hair alone makes them sexy? That Trump would ship all the minorities out of the country? What kind of fantasy world do they live in?

The answer to both of these is that some do, some don't

>Most black people don't commit any crimes at all.


You're alright Billy. Want to be my friend?

It's just some smarties honestly push identity politics

>here is a shooting incident
>abra kadabra
>dance with a tambourine
>throat singing
>this is a whites vs blacks issue

>Most black people don't commit any crimes
calling bullshit

they are a criminal existence

Do white people actually think that jewish people are out to get them? Do they seriously believe that Jews just go out every night and discuss how to destroy white society? Do they legitimately think that jewish people are some invincible beings? That the media is on the Jew's side? What kind of fantasy world do they live in?

Do white people actually think that Jewish people are out to get them? Do they seriously believe that merchants just go out every night and sell out white people because they are white? Do they legitimately think that Jewish people are some invincible beings? That the media is on the Jewish peoples side? What kind of fantasy world do they live in?

>Most black people don't commit any crimes at all. Decades of anti-black propaganda and disproportionate policing lead to this.


Crime stats in the US consistently show blacks commit violent crime at rates 4-6x higher than Whites. And pic related shows how this is Universal behaviour amoung blacks. Regardless of false concepts like 'racial profiling' or 'Institutionalized racism'.

"Do black people actually think?"


According to to the U.s census, as of 2015, there are 46.3 million blacks in the U.S.

In that same year, 523,000 blacks were incarcerated according to the U.S Department of Justice.

The percentage of the black criminals accounted for only made up 1.13% of the population

Hello based black man

Many Jews are on record saying they want to destroy the white gene pool. It's not like they are even trying to hide it.

low iq plus liberal brainwash
same with white bimbos and rich boys who like to pretend they are communists (antifa and shit)

Many white people are on record saying they want to destroy the black gene pool. It's not like they are even trying to hide it.

it's still 8x more common among them than whites

BUT, SLAVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>What kind of fantasy world do they live in?

The land of Kangs an shit. Just a noble ape, minin' his own bisnatch, being Kangly as is his noble nature an shit.

Demandin' tribute from the evil whitey at gun point when all de sudden this noble Kang is cut down in his prime an shit.

It's a travesty, y'all.

White people are out to get them. They've just been kept blind to the fact that it's the left holding them back, not the right.
Black people are naturally very conservative and in the early 1900s the percentage of married black couples was higher than whites. Now, most black people are raised in single parent homes which almost always produces poverty and stress.
So they vote democrat looking for help, not realizing the gibs enable the single parents that destroyed their community.

Still doesn't mean that the majority are predisposed to criminal behavior despite the popular opinion around here and sites like stormfront and niggermania

You must understand nigger thought process
>see something he wants
>decide to take it
>whitey try to stop you
>damn, you want something, but whitey is trying to stop you, he must be raciss
>beat the shit out of whitey
>whitey cops arrive and tell you to stop
>damn, whitey giving you orders, they must be raciss
>get shot
It really is that simple.

yeah they do. Black people believe in all sorts of dumb conspiracies, just listen to them talk to each other some time.

the hurrdurr all black criminals are incarcerated meme.

>Do black people actually think that white people are out to get them?
>asked on a board where people regularly talk about killing niggers

so now they know poltards talk about killing niggers.
now, can you understand the difference between poltards talking about vs. whites wanting to?

>just listen to them talk to each other some time.
maaan, dayymm, sshiiieet, laaaiik..... maaan

who the fuck cares what niggers think.

god im so done with this western crying about their whiteness. Just fucking kick them out of country with their leftie friends and thats it. Thats all. No fucking gender studies, and lgbt bullshit any more.

Also, dont go to fucking movies where gender is pushed, so jews dont get sheckels.


I was going to say no we don't but then I remembered Ben Garrison memes and my life got better


no, they don't believe any of this. The day they stop pretending to believe this shit is the day have to play by the same rules as us.

They don't want that.