Republic of Canada when?

Republic of Canada when?

Are you disturbing the Queens peace?

Yes sir. We should abolish the institution.


God Save The Queen.

>royal canadian mounties

sadly never since 95% of canadians are mortally petrified of being mistaken for americans if we go republic. so we rationalize staying cucks to britain without any of the benefits to actually being british citizens.



Common law systems don't have citizens they have commoners

common law or not, we are still not british subjects. we do not have a right to abode there, nor do we enjoy any of the rights or privileges of being a briton yet we have a foreigner as head of state. ok so it's titular, it doesn't make it less cucked or horribly dependent on someone else to maintain a facade of national identity.

states 51-59 when? (no Quebec faggots)

I'm not necessarily opposed to this.

What the fuck is that?

Too bad that your ancestors didn't reach that conclusion. You honestly would've been treated a lot more fairly as Americans (well duh), then you ever did as subjects of the British Crown. What did the British ever do for you? They used you as canon fodder in WW1. They never developed your lands and resources to their fullest extent while you were a Dominion. Nope. They were just on the Indian subcontinent and elsewhere.

Honestly, America would be more prosperous today, and less dependent on sand nigger oil (which also means less wars), if you were apart of the fold. It's a shame. But you chose this timeline. So live with it.

>one diamond too many if you ask me

How would life change being republic? You'd still have a gay leader who openly wants to destroy your country.

A few generations considering all the foreign shitskins they've been letting in.

If we changed our Government, we could push hard for a 1st amendment style provision in our Charter of Rights.

Soon as liz dies.

I can't believe the progressives are willing to wait that long.

Even the UK will probably turf them soon.

>wants to
Yours already has

It's treason then

They don't kick up too much of a fuss now because they don't want to seem too disrespectful to Elizabeth II who is respected by many.

But the elites hate the British connection and want it gone badly. Multi-culti is the new flavour, Anglo is stuffy.

Thing is they know they will need ALL provinces approval to adjust the system, so they can't appear to be denigrating traditions that some hold dear (I'm thinking of the insignificant provinces on the East Coast) who will have the power to say Fuck you to Ontario if they want.

I think it's a done deal, but it would be hilarious if some spec like PEI dug in their heels and spoiled the progressive plan... they would be SOOO resented, particularly because they are very white and also receive a lot of transfers from the government.

It can't and won't happen. God Save the Queen.

t. Beady eyed Northerner on vacation

If you can prevent yourself from becoming the Islamic Republic of Canana....

>But the elites hate the British connection and want it gone badly. Multi-culti is the new flavour, Anglo is stuffy.
they honestly could not give any less fucks about anglo shit. more so because British society today can be utilized by them as a progressive example to strive for. monarchists, especially ones in canada, are under some mass delusion that the institution of monarchy is some sort of bulwark against the onslaught of progressive politics. looking at modern canada, a fat fucking lot has maintaining ties to the monarchy have done to stop canada from being sweden on the other side of the atlantic now, has it? still monarcucks will defend this.

Nine states? No way. Five states at the most with all of the Maritimes merging with Maine instead of being their own states.

Nah, they really don't like the monarchy.

never. kys proxyfag

As soon as possible

Soon I hope!

Canada is a multi cultural country now, these old racist traditions have to go

The new Canada to truly represent Canadians must have a Canadian head of state

we are no longer a British colony!