Is Modi 'our' guy

Trump and Modi share hugs, promise closer ties in White House meeting

-No other world leaders has ever hugged the God Emperor. Modi does it.
-Europeans, Canadian, Australian leaders mock and deride Trump. Modi praises him.
-Europeans, Canadian, Australian leaders defend Islamofacsit. Modi was banned from entering the US for his alleged role in killing of 2000 Muslims during a Riot.

I like Modi. Is he our guy?

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Modi even invited Ivanka Trump to lead an entrepreneurship summit in India.

I like him, his a literal kebab remover.
responsible for the death of 2000 Muslims.
But he has his own agenda which is fine.

I was just reading an article about how Mobi has been looking the other way on recent mob killings of Muslims.
Muslims getting lynched is increasing.

Trump touches too many men

Come on people, bump me up.

We really need to kick Pakistan to the curb and befriend India. The Northerners are our Aryan cousins and they hate Kebabs more than anyone. No one will give a shit if India nukes Pakistan.

Yeah. That's something Trump can learn from Modi too. I read that Muslims in India fear mob fury if they commit terror attacks. That's how it should be.

He's got my attention. Two hugs.

The hug that started the counterjihad.

Bump for removing kebab

>that flag

Trump seems seriously disturbed.

Keep in mind that this is a guy who is a germaphobe, and even among the elite is a well-known fact that poos, even those from the upper classes, prefer to use their hands over loo paper to wash their asses. It's why one of the Golden Rules in business is to never shake hands with a Poo.

He is anti-muslim, conservative and a national hero. He is doing the best for the country.
Our left media is trying to destroy him so bad.

Fuck off with your useless post

hes not shaking hands
hugging only

hell yes, totally totally agree - Pakistan not to be trusted ever

they had to block off a section of pennsylvania avenue so modi could use the toilet like back home during his visit

he's a hugger, for sure

dumb ass

King Poo, poos in the loo.

>wanting poo hands all over your fine suit

notice how Trump's hand is all tense while touching the filthy poo

No way someone who has made so many international deals doesn't know about the Poo Rule.

at least I properly clean my ass with paper like an actual human being.

One of Modi's goals is getting Indians to poo in teh loo. He's alright.

Christ, you're an idiot.

when did Justin Trudeau mock or deride Trump?

Trudeau made a fool of himself trying to act "macho"

It helped Trump realize that Canada was a piss easy target for cheap trade wins.

This sort of BS is why we are being swamped by Mudslimes. While we are busy making fun of someone who actually knows how to fight Islamofacsits.
Stop fucking around or be swamped by Mudslimes.

I think he already knew that. Seeing as they're America's largest trading partner though I really don't see Trump having Canada's economic balls in a vice grip just yet.

What are you talking about specifically though with Trudeau acting "macho"? I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just legitimately curious if you had an actual statement by Trudeau that lead you to saying that.

our poo

im cool with this

Modi and Indians in general figured out the secret to how to play Trump: just flatter him and he will let you do whatever you want.

It's quite shameless.

India is a good ally to have, right in the middle of Pakistan and China

you're retarded but that flag makes that a given

After Trump's Mudslime ban Trudeau said that he would take the refugees in Canada is Trump rejected them.
That was Trudeau trying to virtue signal & act superior than Trump.

If it is that simple, why couldn't you leafs do it than? Got slapped with lumber taxes.:-) :-)

Seriously KYS
India and USA should be best allies. We have so much we could do for each other. And we both need to keep on BTFOing the muzzies.

oh yeah okay you're right that's true
i was just legitmately curious because Trudeau has been wise to keep his mouth shut during a lot of Trump stuff.

He is just doing that to get on Trump's good side and we all know it

I'm very conflicted on how I feel about her

> she is a liberal who is way out of her depth in the position she has

> her husband is also a liberal Jew and she converted to that disgusting religion for him

> at the same time who am I to question Trump's judgment

> he always finds a way to win in the end so he must know what the hell he is doing

Trudeau is easily played.

Think about it. There are two major nations in the East with huge populations that are developing nations. One is china the other is India. India has been a budding friend of the US ever since Pakistan went full muslim-death-to-America, and there are major manufacturers who have loads of production centers based in India.

Modi's people absolutely fucking love Trump, and he's always looking for more foreign investors. There's no way this can be a bad thing in his eyes.

To be perfectly honest I'm surprised he didn't just drop down on his knees and shine his knob in the middle of the rose garden.

“it is better to wash with water than use toilet paper after defecation because water washes completely without a trace, whereas toilet paper might not wash completely or properly. “The paper particles can attach to the surroundings of the anus which can bring discomfort, while water washes off everything, leaving you clean and fresh.’’

Americans use 36.5 billion rolls of toilet paper every year, representing the pulping of some 15 million trees.

You have a point to a certain extent

> you guys just smell really bad and all the religions over there are total shit

> you also think that you are the equal of the white man which is very aggravating because if it wasn't for the white man India would be as bad as Africa

> also for fuck sake please wear deodorant if you are in America

> also fuck Gandhi

> but at least you guys are not animal fucking Arabs

Poo in the loo

he hates kebab like we do

modi is a good guy

Modi is a little excessively touchy


>that second handshake


Why is Canada such a cucked anti-American shithole? You may ask yourself.

Up until the mid 1960's the border between Canada and United States was wide open. The two countries were best friends and anyone could move to either side of the border without problem.

In the 1950's Joe McCarthy cracking down on communists sent a lot of jews fleeing to Canada. Vietnam sent all the draft dodgers fleeing to Canada in the 1960's.

For a small country of 15 million this would have a major effect. The jews, draft dodgers combined with the already anti-American frenchies in Quebec teamed up to elect a glorified communist Pierre Trudeau.

Trudeau completely blackballed relations between the two countries. He made friends with communist anti-American countries and redesigned the election system to give Quebec more power to ensure his reign was a long one.

"Canadian values" were redefined as socialism, globalism, and anti-Americanism. If you did not agree with his party's platform you were against Canadian values.

Children in school were brainwashed from a young age to hate the big bad American boogeyman. The average Canadian is raised to hate their American neighbors more than the USSR, China, North Korea, or Cuba.

If you admire Americans, practice Christianity, believe in traditional conservatism, want to own firearms, oppose drug use, or yearn for persomal freedom away from the shackles of government you would fit in well 60 years ago. But now the state has brainwashed an entire country into believing these things are "against Canadian values".

We are now a country of apathetic politically docile sheep who care more about looking nice, virtue signalling, and sticking it to these evil Americans than anything else.

Welcome to Canada.

curry poo memes aside, Hindus are very redpilled against sand niggers and will be a stronger ally against islam than eurocucks



We use hand bidets you fucking moron. Much better than using a dry flimsy paper or your hand to wipe your asshole.


Use your electric toothbrush. It's the best of all worlds.

Based Pajeet will bring prosperity.

>Krishna literally person Mohammed spoke to
>Mudslimes Are Indian slaves

Cool, we both wash and use tp, even better.

This awkward walking handshake reminds me of Junker's shit, he has some really awkward moments bro...

Westernized Indians are extremely successful compared to most other races, especially Africans.

My Indian now-aunt (just married into senpai) is a Trump supporter and tells me Modi has been trying to clean up the corruption in India. Seems he is /ourguy/

Because he's drunk most of the time

That's because it's Ivanka's turn to try a hindu cock after getting Kiked, Chinked, Arabed and leafed.

But the Pakis do it anyway. We need to get rid of Pakistan.

Shart in loo power alliance, India truly pooper power by 2020



kekked out loud

She'll eat some street food and fucking die

cap this

>Used Roman numerals well into the 1400s
>Literal semitic civilizations
>The only reason European countries we're successful was because of Jews


Seriously guys
I see both of our leaders are getting along and I'm so happy to see this.
America is like our brother who will help us with Investments and help us grow economically while at the same time back us while we BTFO the muslims and keeps Chinks in check.

Long live America-India friendship.



Nothing will stop the Shart in Mart and Poo in loo coalition!

> Is Modi 'our' guy.

Yes, Trump Tower India is going to happen. MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!

Praise the jewvanka heirs, they just got $10B richer! MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!

We are dumb little peasants! MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!

Brah your massive army is a Yuge asset to bring to the table when dealing with china for anything and Your close relations with Russia should come in handy too

Hail Poo
me & u
without the jew
or inbred muslim Huehue
Ten thousand loos we'll build on the moon

Mobi hates Muslims, Trump wants to ban and fight Islamic terrorism. Why wouldn't he love Trump?

this honestly might be the answer to the China question, just bolster you Poos until you can rival them


he's not a conservative, he's an integral humanist hindutva nationalist

it's india-only ideology

still anti-islam tho, but very larpy

I think you mean that he grabs too many pussies.

He just can't stop kissing them.

Why are Canadians butthurt all the time, it's as if they hate themselves for being white and being not liberal & progressive enough.

It's probably Pakis in Canada posting shit. Trudeau has really opened the flood gates on Muslims to Canada. He wants to turn Canada Islamofacsit. And those Islamofacsits love to hate Modi.


India is probably the only country in South Asia that has realistic chances of not staying a shit hole in the next 50-60 years if they play their cards right.
Kind of sad if you look at pictures from AFghanistan and Pakistan 40-50 years ago, where they weren't utterly cucked by Wahhabism.

he was just using Trump as toilet paper.


How do you know that word?


Let this meme die. Were the Indians "Westernized" when they invented the numerals?

Indians were always honorary poo-aryans.

Fuck your "westernized" marxist propaganda.

Shart In Loomart Alliance is born

Explain, poo. Also how do Indians feel about Jews?

Indians pretty much love or at the very least like the jews.
There's a long history of Jews and India.


I take back all the nice things I've said about you shitskins.

Are you butthurt Ahmed?
Indians love anyone as long as they hate Muslims.

I know we like to shit(POO) on India for their ability to not use toilets but they are an ally against the Muslim menace. Sikhs and Hindus have been fighting against Islamic barbarians for centuries.

You guys don't have any options.
You literally worship a dead Jew on a stick.

Pajeets > Pakistan anyday

Pakistan ISI was hiding Osama for Saudis. NEVER FORGET.

It's either the jews or the muslims. who are you going to side with?

Yeah, the last good Jew.
The Jews. I hate Muslims way too much. But love is a strong word, Raj.

Yeah love is a strong word, I correct myself.

Can't you guys just nuke pakiland already?

pajeet ashamed of his tiranga! , never forget poo a loo we made you our bitch for 1000 years while staying a minority, so dont get ahead of yourself pajeet

This toiletkin is alright

>Did you say "POO"?

I dnt understand
What is ur age??
Consider u live in a neighborhood
There is one house in which there is only 1bad guy and everybody else in that house is innocent

Now everyone says to just nuke that house because of 1 bad guy...and nobody cares about those other innocents..

Is that the right thing to do?

It's called collateral damage, faggot.