Is Canada a based white heaven like I always imagined it to be?

Is Canada a based white heaven like I always imagined it to be?

>inb4 muh asian nigger infested cities

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Its tolerable in small doses.


not gonna lie all I know about Canada comes from Trailer Park Boys

Once you leave the cities, pretty much yeah. Thats not gonna last forever though.

This is now a trailer park boys thread

Can shitskins survive in small towns?

why dont you just drive up there and see for yourself, holy fuck they are right fucking next to us

That show used to be so fucking comfy to watch in the summer

Fucking Netflix ruined it

If you move to a rural area then yes.
Its not a meme about niggers and Asians though. The cities are infested with them. Granted they seem to keep to their neighborhoods. I used to live in Calgary and the deep SE was 90% white.
I live in rural Nova Scotia now and there are little pockets of black towns but they keep to themselves.
If you decide to come here though be prepared to be cucked by taxes.

Rural canada is what the US was in the 60s

rural parts are ok

toronto and vancouver are liberal shitholes

TTC is the worst transit system on earth

I got invited to view the taping actually. I'm going to head up there on my next days off. Should be pretty cool.

Rural vs cities is day and night

The urban-rural divide in Canada is much greater than the US, but the rural communities are saved by the working age men working in Alberta and bringing money home. Without that, we would be in far worse shape than the rust belt in the US. The cities are tolerable for a few days but are basically a bunch of Seattles

>If you decide to come here though be prepared to be cucked by taxes.
Based sikh dick is expensive, right.

i always like to pretend that it just ended on season 8 and they never continued it :(. Really is a shame

please make a thread holy fuck. If you're scared of the mods deleting it just make up some bullshit about someone in the team being a closet nazi.

East coast is comfy as fuck, I went there for a reunion and everyone was extremely nice and they clearly hated minorities so it's a win win

The government is currently giving them $3000 a month to live here. I get paid only a little more than that after income tax and when you account in for all the other taxes I probably make less than that.

Canada is over 80 percent white, meximanlet

>TTC is the worst transit system on earth
Better than the STM.

>random testing found TTC drivers on drugs DURING their shifts


>Is Canada a based white heaven like I always imagined it to be?
Outside the big cities.

Will do. I'm pretty excited myself because I'm fucking in love with the show.

>clearly hated minorities
Depends on where you go in my experience. There is a university town about 45 minutes away from me and they have a program where they give Africans free education. All you see is nogs walking around with blonde chicks everywhere. I like to stay away from there.

how much taxes ?i pay 35% each month. evne on my benefits from beeing unemployed.
is it any worse than that ?


Nope, it's around 70 now, and dropping at the fastest rate in the west

aside from greater toronto suburbs, greater montreal suburbs, there are very few blacks.
Any other "major" city and it is less than 5%black, medium sized cities less than 3%.

anywhere you'd want to live is still majority white(anywhere majority white is where i'd want to live...) only a few poos and changs. but they are going to start expanding out of their pockets more and more

has there ever been a better drunk actor?

it's like 77%.

While I was studying in Montreal, one of the subway stations I would take on a daily basis had broken pipes and the leaking water damaged the walls. The place smelled like a sewer. I don't know how long it had been like that by the time I starting taking that stop, but after a few months I noticed the put a "We're making improvements" sign at the entrance. After three months, the only "improvement" they made was removing the trash bins that were on the actual train platform and putting them upstairs where you choose which direction you're taking. The only person that's an improvement for is the guy whose job it is to empty the trash bins.

Also, unless it has changed in the last ~3 years, most stations don't actually have escalators going all the way up/down to/from the platform, let alone elevators. You on crutches? Enjoy climbing up and down stairs every day!


>paying taxes on benefits
Your combined income tax total is about 30 - 40% right off the bat depending on how much you make.
Depending on province you are paying anywhere from 5% to 15% sales tax. I'm on the higher end of that.
Gas taxes account for almost twice the price of gas. It works out where I live that the price should be about $0.60 a litre and we end up paying $1.10.
Property taxes range as well, I'm not too familiar with them yet as I rent but I have heard some people paying up to $2000 per year.
Sin taxes are another one, a $10 bottle of alcohol ends up costing me $25.
I think I got the most major ones but there are plenty of others. It works out that the average family pays 42% of their total income to taxes. If youre a single person it works out to be more because you dont get as many tax breaks.

i grew up in a village then small town full of white people. its basically the equivalent to the inbred yank south full of 11 year old cousins fucking eachother

because I used a calculator in school i was essentially a "city boy" and outcasted so have fun if you decide to own any tech other than a vehicle

The city I live in is unrecognizable from when I was younger. Every different color imaginable. Rural Canada is still white.

I lived on the west coast 20 years ago, predominantly Native town, there were Asians and Hindus in smaller amounts, but whites definitely weren't the majority. Well, I've experienced racism. The 6+ foot Native girls across the street would call me 'white bread', my so-called Native friends would use me as a joke until they saw me fight. My closet friend for a while was Vietnamese. Hate isn't exactly necessary, people can get along, but races definitely belong with their own.

I talked to a dude today, I was mentioned our hindu defense minister not looking like a natural representation of Canadians, he basically ends up telling me he can't wait until everyone is grey so the hate stops. I wanted to fucking slap him right there.

>>inb4 muh asian nigger infested cities
Vancouver, where I live, is minority white. Most of the surrounding suburbs are the same, minority white. Canada sucks

it drops 3ish % ever 5 years.

the 76.7% is from 2011, so its probably like 73% if consistent rate, but the diversity seems to have been rampped up in the past 5 years too.
the 2016 cencus has been taken and some data is online governement websits, i dont know if it takes time for them to produce more info, or if they decided not to do ethnicity this time

>because I used a calculator in school i was essentially a "city boy" and outcasted
kek are you sure you weren't just a weirdo? this is Sup Forums after all...

I take the stairs sometimes cause people dont fucking walk on the escalators, so it takes forever

Trailer park boys dump incoming



It's literally the opposite. You couldn't find a more cucked, unlivable place on earth. It's worse than sweden. The only thing you can do in cucknada is die a slow and painful death in 3rd world conditions.


Seeing as how we're taking in about 800k~ non-whites per year, I doubt we'll remain a majority white nation for long.

i was a weirdo along with the 2 asians and 1 black kid who used calculators also throughout my school years

im not kidding, dont use a fucking calculator

All census starting in the harper era are useless because he made many changes that make the statistics 100% meaningless.

frig off randy

Toronto and Montreal are lost to migrants.

Vancouver is Chinese.

Outside of that you've got Calgary which is pretty brown and Quebec city which is pretty brown. Generally the further East you go the whiter it is until you hit the Maritimes which is just white people in small towns.

what was changed to make it useless?
if you don't think its accurate, but the same method was used for each census, the trends of change are no longer valuable to you?
are you guessing there are more or less white people?

Something about the methodology, the selection process, the sample size, and the fact that it's entirely optional now, so there's an explicit bias in the data that is received, and that bias cannot be measured.

fuck off randy,we know it's you
you gotta stop selling your body for cheeseburgers man

quebec city supposedly in 2011 95% european. and 500 000 people. all the other cities that can compete are about 120 000 people. mostly in quebec.
closest similar population 500 000 city is Hamilton 83% white (im from here, it doesn't feel like that, feels much less. but they include our suburbs in, the actual city is very nonwhite)

but that data was 6 years ago we're worse off now

>3rd world conditions
Not quite that bad yet but I wouldn't be surprised if we are going to be reaching that point in the next 20 years.
I actually could have lost my wife because of the doctors here.
>my wife and I like to play around and shit like any normal couple
>there's a bulkhead in our kitchen
>sometimes I like to pick her up and lift her because shes so tiny
>forget the bulkhead was there
>smash her right into it
>make sure she's okay and check her for concussions, wake her up in the middle of the night and ask her what her name is and shit to make sure she doesn't have brain damage
>she is not feeling good at all the next morning
>bring her to the hospital
>they didn't even question me for abuse or anything like that
>doctor was a nigger
>tells her she's fine and tells her to take a Tylenol
>fast forward a week
>she is feeling worse
>start to worry
>drive her to a different hospital
>they tell her that she has a concussion and that her neck is fucked and that if she got a massage and they touched her the wrong way it could kill her or some shit
>they tell her she needs to take a bunch of time off work and give her tasks to complete that apparently help her recover

>Vancouver is minority white
>Surrounding regions of Vancouver are minority white
>Canada sucks

I don't think you've seen the majority, of Canada have you?

East coast is 90% whites. Rest is liberal refugee shitholes or gooktowns.

so are minorities more or less likely to fill out census? just as likely?

you said it was 100% useless. is canada's decreasing white population real but exaggerated, or underestimated? not changing?

Victoria is also a shithole, full of Muslims now. Good thing our security services do their fucking jobs, otherwise we'd be having attacks every other week.

You mean those maritime provinces? Always wondered about those. Heard they were right wing as fuck but voted liberal for give

No. It's rapidly deteriorating. We have a fucking muslim nigger as our immigration minister. Trudeau and his family should get the Romanov treatment.

It's sad to see those that the Maritimes end up voting Liberal or NDP.

Talk to a lawyer about suing the doctor for malpractice mate, you may have a case

What? It's more nerdy and weird to do the math in your head if the teacher says you can use a calculator

>Heard they were right wing as fuck but voted liberal for give
We don't vote liberal for faggot shit we just really need money for dem programs

>otherwise we'd be having attacks every other week.
Canada is fucking huge man, maybe those sandniggers are making their bombs in the woods and then they have to drive 3 or four hours to the city but the bomb fails and they accidentally allahu akbar in the woods and no one has found those niggers yet.

Shit, i forgot that you have a somali immigration minister.

Less gibs and the weather makes it hard to live off gibs alone,

Lol it's not that big though, the most of it is uninhabited except near the border.

best canada is french canada; les anglos sont des cucks

They'll survive in small towns the way they always have in small communities: inbreeding

Toronto - mixed bag - everyone kinda puts up with each other. The Chinese mafia is starting to infiltrate the housing market bigly, which is making it unlivable. The only 'rough' areas are in the East, and North Western ends of the city, and they are small pockets. Parts of the GTA are basically rich Indian/Pakistani enclaves. Toronto used to be much more of a mosaic, but it's becoming more and more segregated.

Vancouver - Chinese controlled hell hole, but my god does it look beautiful. All the whites are Yuppies, Hippies, or junkies. Dirty filthy city. The housing market is complete trash. OK to visit but would never live there again.

Calgary - Cowboy larping oil jabronis(the ones who run the business). Not a fun town.

Edmonton - filled with trash of all kinds. Horrible hell hole.

Winnipeg - Smells like piss. Murder capital of Canada. Native gangs. Avoid.

Halifax - drunk Irish wannabes, can barely understand a damn word they say. They all love to sing, it gets annoying. Fun I guess.

St Johns - Close to NOWHERE. Nice clean air though. Boring as fuck. Can't understand a damn thing anyone says.

Hamilton - A city full of juggalos and junkies. Steel town. Horrible - avoid.

Guelph - College town - filled with rich wops, students, hippies, and yuppies. Really nice cathedral.

Kitchener/Waterloo - Hamilton's gay brother. People from Waterloo think they are special because BLACK BERRY was invited there. Kitchener is like 60% German. I think that sums it up.

London - 82% white, shit economy. lots of students who like to party as it has two colleges that are infamous 'party' schools.

Windsor - South Detroit.

Montreal - Fun to visit but no jobs unless you're in video games.

Quebec city - fun to visit but no jobs even if you speak french.

I feel like Trudeau doesn't even know that people live outside the major cities. Kinda like if Hillary won she would just outright ignore rural and suburban retards but Trudeau just doesn't know they exist.

Québec city has a really low unemployment rate. But you have to know french: they hate minorities, call them "les races", and often bundle anglos with them because they don't give a shit

>Can't understand a damn thing anyone says.
really? any examples of a strong canadian accent?

>Is Canada a based white heaven like I always imagined it to be?

Rural people and blue collar workers pretty much understand what is real, and what isn't.*

*except for WW2, Hitler, Holocaust, Jews...

They have Yeti there, right? Fuck that northern American state of Canadia.

I actually obtained evidence that the health system is in fact significantly worse than the average 3rd world country's. The other infrastructures are outrageously bad as well but probably not 3rd world for sure.
Personally, I don't know a single person who's successfully gotten a correct diagnosis in canada, and I myself have been crippled further everytime I went through the system. Now half my body barely works correctly. 100% doctor incompetence.

Newfoundland English sounds like another language

Which is more common in Canada, BMWF or WMAF (azn including poos and the like).

Nova Scotian here, (Cape Breton not mainland where the bois are at) anyways, yeah I know some people that are right leaning but the average joe here seems to be socially left leaning with 0 I mean ZERO political / world knowledge, since were sort of in our own mostly white little world other then some asian exchange student (no one bothers with em) I feel thats the reason no one seems to take their vote / stance seriousley, its very easy to be a love-it-all liberal when you don't have to expierence these failed races first hand. Most people who move away then come back are almost always 75% more conservative.

I think if we got a small sample of 3rd world shit skin enrichment we would be entirely right leaning.

>Edmonton - filled with trash of all kinds. Horrible hell hole.
Fuck, I'm moving there in August. Last time I was there, some chug tried to fight me because I wouldn't give him a cigarette.

I don't know. The bias is not systematic and not measurable. If there are lots of illegals, then the minority count will be less. Otherwise, it will be more.
The decreasing population is real and underestimated, because measures with regard to it do not take into account 10-year-visa holders who get permanent residency automatically at the end of the 10 years, for instance.

What about Alberta mate? I want to move there

leafs must leave this board

Vancouver WMAF, Toronto BMWF

uh trailer park boys shows lots of africans and two main characters are gay cause mike clattenburg is a (((J))) the show is literally made by a (((J)))

nice memes, but a complete lack of evidence

I liked the last movie, a little darker tone than the rest of the series.
The European season on the other hand was utter dogshit and they funded it with almost a million dollars of Nova Scotian tax dollars.

Most of what they made after Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys is unwatchable. Still my favorite show though

It depends where you are...just stay clear of the city's, they are becoming gay as fuck.

a-atleast we fund womens rights movements in Africa...

Alberta is third worst, behind Ontario and BC.
They're the London of Canada, they elected a muslim mayor. Actually they're worse than BC, but better than Ontario.

>Vancouver - All the whites are Yuppies, Hippies, or junkies.
I can fucking attest to this. Tinder here is party whores, college SJWs, and potheads. Dispenseries are everywhere.
Luckily for me I live on Bowen Island, the only non whites are the Koreans that run the general store and the one Jamaican guy that works on the garbage truck. The Koreans keep to themselves and the Jamaican is a real nice guy.

you are a fucking idiot

thats the mayor of calgary

not alberta


How much of a cuck are you?
>The Koreans keep to themselves and the Jamaican is a real nice guy.

Why is it relevant how they act? They're foreigners and must be treated equally with their collective - not judged on an individual level. It's irrelevant, that is individuals. That is the problem with our culture which Hitler attempted to correct in order to avoid the cuckoldry we are currently in.

Still a great show the fags are the main bad guys, and the nogs can not be trusted.

A muslim mayor of Alberta. So sad. Also elected NDP government. Even sadder. Alberta is lucky Toronto is just so shitty that Alberta can never truly claim being the most cucked province in Canada. Alberta's economy is in a downward spiral, they recently got downgraded and the NDP is doing nothing to prevent another downgrade. Alberta, get your shit together or RIP.

Where in the country do you live?

I ask because each province has a different medical system, and depending on the town/city you could get first rate care, or complete SHIT.