This happened around 20 minutes ago

This happened around 20 minutes ago

>Bussing home from my girlfriend's apartment
>Get off at my stop, about a 10 min walk home
>About halfway there, a car drives by and some guy sticks his head out the window and screams "fuck you" and throws a coffee at me
>I have no idea who these people are
>flip them off
>they pull a u-turn and pull up beside me
>4 shitskins jump out and start to move around me as I back up
>"Why'd you give us the finger?"
>As they say this one quickly steps behind me while another moves infront of me really close
>tell them to get the fuck out of my way and shove one to try and keep walking
>Suddenly one of them swings at me and catches me in the head
>I throw a punch and back up
>I have my expensive camera bag, wallet, phone etc with me
>All four muslims are now starting to move in quickly to me
>I have my pocketknife in my hand
>Decide to turn and run instead
>They start chasing me calling me a bitch
>I stop and turn around, infuriated this time not sure if i should fight
>Someone else on the road sees and yells at them
>they all scramble away

I can't fucking take it Sup Forums. How can we be forced to live with this fucking scum without being able to even properly defend ourselves in leafland?

I feel like a pussy now though. I feel like I should have stood my ground. What would you have done Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Go to Iceland, you will be safe

Is this pasta?

Lol. You're fucking pathetic.

>Not having a conceal and carry license

Everyone knows snowniggers reproduce by importing chinks.

Instead of a camera, carry a hockey stick.

what would you have done in my situation, fellow canuck?

At the time I was mostly concerned with my things being stolen, but at the same time, with four of them, do I really even have a chance? They were clearly looking for a fight so how am I to know if they aren't carrying a knife or otherwise

Do you know about the legal use of a AR15 80% lower? Just carry that. In a fight use it. Then say. I found it on the ground, they had it. I picked it up and defended myself. Or get the fuck out of there ASAP.

You feel like a pussy now?
You should have been feeling like a pussy when you bought an expensive bag.

it's not an expensive bag, I meant I had an expensive camera with multiple lenses and things inside.

Does anyone else here even consider Canada to be a real country? Every time I hear about it I just laugh. I can never take Canadians seriously.

It's like a shittier version of America, like a really shitty state without any of the Constitutional benefits.

no now is not the time for white flight, it is time for us to stand our ground, because soon there will be no where to go

If I was carrying expensive shit with me, well I already know my dick is big so I don't need to get into this kind of shit and wreck my stuff or go to jail because of corrupt Canadian laws
If you live canada, you can't just be a fucking ''tough guy'' anymore, or you will go to jail or waste your time defending yourself in court
Not worth it
Don't listen to these fat needle dicks, you don't need to prove shit to people
Don't fight unless you really need to


Four people against one is never fair.
Life is not a movie and it doesn't have a reload or try again button. You can't save and give it another go after you die.
Good thing you're carrying a stiletto though.
You did the right thing user. Don't worry about it.

thank your pm for ensuring your safety as a native.

there is nothing you could have done. too many shitskins even with a knife unless you were trained

If this isn't pasta, I feel for you.
Solid greentext, really made me feel the rage.
I went to a 55% nigger middle and high school and got the shit kicked out of me by packs of niggers 2-3 years older than ~115lb 11-13 y/o me for no reason.
I have since grown up, gotten /fit/, graduated, live in an area completely devoid of shitskins, but I do still remember that feeling of white hot rage inside.
The more of our people that come to know this primal feeling, the stronger our race becomes. They're instituting conditions upon us that will inevitably set of our alarm clocks.

>riding the bus

That was your first mistake, leaflet

I think of it more like Sweden; a generally nice place with high living standards, which is welcoming its future demise with open arms.

>not carrying a hockey stick
gtfo proxy fag

When they provoke, laugh. Whenthey attack, kill, tell cops self defence. Works like a charm.

> letting a disgraceful shitskin immigrant who you are feedig with your taxes intimidate you

I would rather die than let some immigrants chimp out at me

thanks guys that makes me feel a little better. Not sure if I should be worried about them coming back because i walk the route quite often

and yeah i know I have no way to prove it its just i'm pretty poor (I just graduated univeristy and yes I did a stem degree) so I live in a poor neighbourhood and dont have a car and I swear I'm one of the only white people, its fucking full of shitty ripped apart townhouses, like a complete Muslim filled slum

go on your local news
say muslim immigrants have ruined society
spend 15-20 years in canadian prison

Also does anyone really know how the Canadian self-defence laws would work in the situation I used my knife when they attacked me and I seriously injured or killed one?

That was running through my head in the moment, and I really had no idea if I would be charged if I did use it

>I feel like I should have stood my ground.
Four against one are impossible odds. Running was the best option.

Should have stabbed them. Its leafland, you'll be out in 4 months.

how's the apex gang doing?

this, you shouldnt feel bad op

>shove one to try and keep walking
Should've decked him on the word go. Other muzzies would've shit their pants.

Dunno, think they got btfo by another gang.
But at least I can say they're arseholes and should fuck off back to africa without going to jail.

You're not allowed to carry weapons for self defence so you would need to say you had it. For work or other recreational activities.

He's probably white => Life in prison.

You should read, "The Men Who Stare at Goats"

In it, a military officer explains that the best way to confront a numerically superior force, is to make a spectacle by cutting the artery of an enemy, and grabbing him such that blood sprays over his comrades, creating a psychological deterrent, and thereby increasing your probability of victory.

Probably would get your ass beat, or raped/killed considering they are faggot muzzies, with 4 on 1. Can you carry a pistol in Canada?

Yeah they're right. The solution is never a one man army.
Fight smart, not hard, after all.

>Can you carry a pistol in Canada?
I'm pretty sure Canadians have hands, so yes.

Shouldn't have flipped them off.

Or since ou did you should have said "You threw coffee at me you idiot!" And then you shold have not let them surround you. You should have kept all of them in front of you and backed away and got to a safe area. Or ran ahead of them but keep them all in view.

You should have stabbed them if they came at you after that. If you got into fighting then who cares about your camera stuff at that point. Just survive.

Best answer. Could always have a concealed maple license... Sticks enemies together, traps them in spot on the ground, possibly even blind the enemy. If nothing else, makes a great bargaining chip.

Move to the states

Trust me you would have been charged.
Your country is cucked even more than mine.

Lock very well your home from now on my friend, they wanted a "fight" to adquire a target.

A friend told me this story he saw somewhere in Mexico city in a shitty neighborhood.

>guy saw his door a little open with the lights on at night when he was returning home after a date.
>dat shit is suspicius.
>before entering his house, he slowly opened the already unlocked door and saw a fucking hobo looking motherfucker behind the door with a huge ass backpack.
>He screams "What the fuck are you doing in my house!"
>hobo tries to run.
>dude grabs hobo and pins him to the ground, proceeds to drag the fucker to his kitchen
>notices that the hobo is wearing shoes that belong to him.
>"Take them Off!
>Hobo refusses and tells him to not call the police.
>Dude procedes to beat a little the hobo looking motherfucker, hobo starts to cry like a bitch.

>Inspecting that big backpack he finds all of his money, cables, lotion, keys and clothes, even the dirty underwear
>Hobo at this point is begging him to let him go
>Dude Proceds to call the police.
>hobo tries to escape again and he beats the shit out of him waking up all the neighbours from the pussy screams
>takes half an hour for police to arrive(Viva Mexico)

>Police says that they can't arrest hobo because he hit the fucker and is bleeding a little.

-bad ending-

But he copped that house...

Where in Canada do you live?

>Lying hands on an individual before they do it to you

aaand you're a fucking retard.

they threw a coffee at him, they started the shit. it is obvious they were looking for a fight.


You should contact slug2_

OP, you only lost the battle. And you did so with minimum losses. Get your mind straight, learn to fight, work out, carry whatever legal defense weapons you can, (improvise, I know you are in cuckland)

Then move out of Canada, leafland is fucked, we need a Northern wall

If you didn't think you could take them then running is fine. Just make sure you try to find where they live.

If you beat them they win.

HAHAHAHAH get fucked dumbass. fuckin nerd. I would have punched you as well.

OP, count your blessings. You live in Canada. At least you can still go home and fuck your dog.

>What would you have done Sup Forums?

not carry an "expensive camera bag" like a little faggot. if you live around muzzies why the fuck are you WALKING AROUND with expensive shit? if you live around muzzies why the fuck are you WALKING AROUND?

Yeah man Toronto sucks

OP I wouldn't worry about it as long as you made a good faith effort to stand up for yourself, which sounds like you did.

Four vs one is simply not viable. Ask any cop or someone who fights professionally.

you aren't worth flag you pitifully try to represent, you aren't a true canadian, KYS KEK

Brampton? If not where?

This isn't bongland leaf. You're allowed to stab in self defense. This is my EDC

>beta leaf gets enriched : the thread

Part of me does wonder why Canadians aren't the more rugged, 'based' versions of Americans, being it's much colder, larger, more spread out landscape. And if it's just Toronto, Quebec, Montreal cucking the place... surely that's not 51% of the nation?

My dude, you should try to immigrate here.
Despite Le 60% meme, there is so much space in this country that most areas outside of major metropolitan cities are >95% white.

Fuck dude. you have too many mooslims in your area, they're getting aggressive. sorry! If you can, note the license plate number next time maybe and see whether you can get the cops involved. And / or, get a concealed carry if they allow that in Canada.

>no ccw
No sympathy

Thought this seemed possible, checked the flag and was disappointed. If a canadians interaction with shitskins ends in anything but him prepping the mudslimes before they fuck his gf, it's a lie. sage

I think even in the US suddenly pulling out a knife and slashing wildly would be illegal because you're escalating the conflict with a lethal weapon.

A true Canadian would have given them all his stuff and then let them fuck him in the ass.

The strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must.


im mexican and im moving to iceland soon

You should have stabbed them.

If you kill youre enemies, they win user


Mississauga? Brampton?

4 on 1.
There is nothing wrong with tactical retreat desu. If there was one behind you, you were right to get out of the circle. If you pulled out a weapon the one behind you might have been able to take it away. And then you are screwed beyond belief. If they hadn't gone away you may have had to use it in self defense. But on your terms, not with them surrounding you.

sad as fuck, buy a gun

they would have fucking stabbed you with it, good job running

People who live in and "believe" in Toronto think it's the center of the universe and the rest of Canada might as well not exist to them. There is no rugged toughness, unless you count being exposed daily to soul crushing urban existence. Add up the populations of all the greater urban areas and it's maybe about half of Canada.

I've met and worked with rugged, tough canadians. The kind who do dirty deeds, or work construction.

This kind of shit happens in small towns too, except with natives instead of muslims. Sometimes even whites. I've had bottles thrown at our group in a 99.99% white town. The "night club" scene is full of white niggers. If you stand out or if you're soft someone will try to fight you.

Lots of rugged Canadians, they typically don't larp on Sup Forums though

You have to have a piece of paper that allows you to carry a gun?

Thats cute.

Man the fuck up leaf and become an ALPHA.
Stop letting cunts push you around.


No you're not. Untermensch are not welcome.

Burn th coal, pay the toll.

Try burning down some of their shit run tenements.

You did the right thing OP. There's nothing you can do in that situation, a knife only makes things worse. You stab one sand the rest will kick you in the head. I lived in a shitty neighborhood. When I was too poor to own a gun, I would carry a steel pipe the size of my forearm and walk around with that. Even a hammer would be better than a knife.


The sand people scare easily, but they will soon return, and in greater numbers

Don't even need one in glorious Maine.

Move the fuck away from that shithole of a country. It has already turned its back on you, and it will kill you someday. Make it a plan to move someplace better user. Do it, user.

you have to learn MMA. Sign up at the local gym and start training ASAP - it has to be a way of life for you form now on. I personally do MMA and Boxing - specializing int striking is important because shitskins only attack in groups so you need to be able to deal with many very quickly.

Running was the prudent choice, user. Prudence is a virtue. Virtuousness is the epitome of manliness.

>federal government floods us with illegals
>respond by declaring open season on criminals
>vote red so hard millions of illegals flee to cali and NM

God I love this state

Only fucking faggots are in to photography. You should have been raped.

I live pretty rural so I don't have to worry about this shit.
God forbid it did get to this point though I drive around in a pickup. Don't think a few pakis can stand up to my truck.

>I have my pocketknife in my hand
>not a gun

>that happened

I guess such is the life in the progressive west

Back. To. Reddit

Do not let yourself get surrounded. You running initially was smart. I don't know what kind of knife you carry (5.5" fixed or locking is standard for self defense) but knife fights easily can become dragged out. The best thing to do would be carrying a sidearm as these incapacitate much more quickly (that's REALLY important when you are outnumbered) If you wanna stick with a blade, fine but you better fucking practice with it. Gun laws fuck you and Europeans so much harder than you understand; these migrants come from a land that has NEVER stopped fighting with knives.
In conclusion, you did the right thing. I assure you that was bait and at least one of those four were armed. The coffee, the insults, they WANTED you to fight them. You chose correctly, prepare for the next one.

MMA? Against 4 sandniggers?
How about a firearm?
Send them to the aloha snackbar in the sky