How is China so successful despite being communist...

How is China so successful despite being communist? Also how are the Chinese so smart when most of their population consisted of farmers two decades ago.

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Why is China the only rich communist country?

mass producing a shitload of cheap shit for american companies. also stealing and copying everything under the sun. Chinks are imitators not innovators.

(((Dr. Henry Kissinger))) agent of the Rockefellers, agent of the Rothschilds.

>enslave your lower class who have no opportunity to get higher in the class system populace to do slave labor
>give no fucks about environmental regulations or the well being of your people
>dump pigs in your major rivers poisoning entire cities

xD if communism doesn't work explain china xDDDD

Captain Identity is a Jap.

an army of a billion slaves to mass produce cheap garbage at inflated prices for the american electronics and cheap products market.
Theyre rich because our countries sold out their own workers to profit off of their slave workers.

there are so many chinks that some are guaranteed to be geniuses

Sulu is Japanese you faggot

The secret history of the Communist Party of China

>not an argument
Those regulations and laws against slaves are from capitalist pigs afraid turn into slaves for the people

Mobile murder vans and a form of communism that is like communism except no one is equal or free and there is a permanent tyrannical overclass

Which is exactly what Japan did for the first couple of decades after WWII. It reinvested its earnings, and continued to improve until it was the #2 economy in the world. Countries can do great things with a 105 IQ population, low crime, homogeneity, and a tradition of consensus governance.

White nationalists need to stop chimping out over China, and worry about their own house.

The same way that a barricade made out of the corpses of your closest friends is a successful wall. :(

Chinese intelligence debunked

Because they abandon all aspects of communism that doesn't suit/profit them

They're successful now because they're no longer communist.

They have special economic zones for capitalism, and those zones produce all their wealth.

>Also how are the Chinese so smart

Their high IQ scores are determined from a score conversion from another test, and the government only allows that test to be taken by the top universities, e.g Shanghai university. The fact that they have grown tremendously using western economics principles shows they are far smarter than niggers, but either as smart or almost as smart as whites, not smarter.

>How is China so successful despite being communist?

Because they rejected the elements of Marxism that make it Marxism: state-enforced egalitarianism.

China under Mao (a true "communist") famines, industrial decay and decline, lowering living standards.

China after Mao, under Deng Xiaoping: Marxist internationalism replaced with Chinese Nationalism. State-only economic structure replaced by mixed private-public institutions. Markets determine most capital and resource distribution, enforced egalitarianism utterly removed.

The Chinese Communist party is communist in name only.

They have 1.3 billion people, a average monthly wage of 327$ American, and can be ghosted anytime by their totalitarian government.

That's not success, its a aristocracy.

China is what happens when the media has a chip against capitalism and China discovers, "if we print money for ourselves, we can say we're rich!" No, China is not prosperous. They have an economy as hollow as their atheist souls. The world bankers go along with their fraud because acknowledging it would bring about a collapse of worldwide equity that would make Lehman brothers look like a blip.

800 MILLION people don't have any kind of running water

Chinese "intelligence"

>Enslave your lower class
>All subsistence farmers / colonial laborers

Real hard to """enslave""" people by giving them better jobs, and more money.

>give no fucks about environmental regulations or the well being of your people
>literally what every country did during there industrialization

You should power your 1 billion man economy with solar panels!!!!!!


Average monthly wage is 6000 Yuan in the cities. And the cost of living index is less than half the US. You can save like 75% of your income, and the Chinese do with one of the highest personal savings rates in the world. Their behaviors are conducive to long term success and stability. You're exhibiting low IQ high time preference when you simply compare current levels of wealth to the US, which has habitual behaviors that are NOT conducive to long term stability.

Why do whites turn into WE WUZZing MUH DICKing, niggers whenever they talk about East Asia? Stop projecting insecurities, and fix the west.

Girl moves to China and says its a dream come true way nicer than america and americans have been lied to about what China is really like

China is NOT what I Expected!

>muh chinks arent innovators

see pic, theyre actually way more innovative than whites

>Chinese so smart

stop confusing intelligence with plagiarism.

The annoying faggot in the pic is a nip. And a faggot.

Chinese characteristics

>How is China so successful despite being communist?

Because the government controls 99% of the wealth and production of a population of over 1 billion people. The question you should be asking is, how do they not rule the world? And the answer is that communism doesn't work.

>Also how are the Chinese so smart when most of their population consisted of farmers two decades ago.

Their population is still two thirds illiterate laborers. There are many smart Chinese because there are A BILLION FUCKING CHINESE PEOPLE. Also, they cheat out the ass and the government posts literally invented stats about their qualifications and performance constantly. That being said, research chinks that actually move to the west are hard working, at least in terms of the numbers of hours they are willing to put in doing experiments.

the Chinese race

Chinese history

Farmers can't be smart?


Note the massive difference in quality between the Western-influenced Qin statues and the Chinese-made Han statues. Amazing how the quality actually regressed.

>Lets do corporate espionage and file patents of their shit in our country and claim its better.

the Chinese will never admit this

>post Japanese fag
Anyway, back to browsing the catalog.

shes a jew though

the long history of Chinese suffering

Why do the Chinese love dying so much?

Redpill me on what Kissinger did in China. I remember reading that Rockefeller called Mao's China a success but I don't know what went down there.

'The Art of War: Chinese Military Prowess'

Because communism is based and white. The Chinese are pretty much whiter than white people.

The Chinese Century

The Chinese Century II

Doing business with the Chinese

Chinese ingenuity

Kissinger opened trade relations with China. This is an oversimplification, but basically what that did was to start out with an economic interdependence, perhaps not unlike how the EEC was the first step toward the EU, as a way for the US to gain control over them.

Of course over the longer haul, it was really about globalism, and using both to smash each other inextricably so that all sides could be played from above toward a global empire.

China: the new leadership in the fight against global warming

lmao you post that shitty fempat in every chinar thread

you live in the us yet you look to china as your identity. smdh...


You would need to define successful for this thread to make any sense at all. But you didn't, because China isn't successful in the ways that count.

They lack proper intellectual property infrastructure, which makes them a crab - able to go backwards and sideways but never forwards.

They could probably be innovators if they were a society with the proper IP infrastructure and social encouragement, but they don't have the infrastructure and all intelligent Chinese are encouraged to be doctors, lawyers, and assorted other bureaucrats whose income is the result of the monopoly of their licenses/certifications.

They have very limiting societal expectations and the American concept of taking a leap to start a business or "being an inventor" is totally alien to them with very few exceptions. They are taught to chase points and play the safe bet, be the tortoise, and not take unnecessary risks. This isn't going to change any time soon.

>China has been trying to industrialize since the second world war

Sure friendo

China's valid criticisms of American climate change policies

Asians have a remarkable tolerance for suffering, life in China for the average person is living hell. But they endure it and carry on, it's why Asians are often liked to being a kind of bug people. It's why they assimilate so well in foreign countries and cause little to no problems. It's why illegal aliens of Asian descent often so easily go under the radar.



Chinese cuisine

>Chink hate thread b8

Love it, keep it comin' boys.

Chinese ingredients

Ok, everyone's pointing out that the chinks aren't smart and that they lie and cheat to get to the top. But it still doesn't explain why they have one of the world's largest economies if they're communists.

>It's why they assimilate so well in foreign countries and cause little to no problems.

Special economic zones

Because the US shifted all their productive capacity over there as a financial, geopolitical, and regulatory arbitrage. Kind of like a tax haven for industrial revolution style slave labor.

Just as a first step. We even have to feed them patents and technology to keep it going, just so they'll keep the financial circle of life going and pump up our bubble markets with foreign investment.

Google special economic zones, it exempts them from communism and are the only productive areas of China

All the China red pills

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

huge population, extreme competitiveness, cut-throat environment plus strong family value relative to the west

easy. corporations in high wage countries moved production to china in hopes of producing cheap products and a chance at china's domestic market. ccp required western companies to do a mandatory joint venture with locals and all the tech was siphoned away.

read this book for more info. it's on libgen.

omg you really believe that bullshit without a legit good source lmao

It isn't.
They're not.

Now you know why japanese get butthurt if somebody calls them asian.
I wonder why most neighbouring countries are shitholes.

China GDP per capita
7,924.65 USD (2015)

>everything is 10x cheaper

by unironically adapting capitalism in special administrative regions


doesn't explain why India, Russia... shouldn't have leapfrogged China given much closer ties with the industrialized west

fuck is there a .zip of this too lazy to download it one by one

taiwan is decent. it demonstrates that the problem is with culture and not genetics. pic related.

Are you 10? It's common knowledge that the Bolsheviks went to China after getting kicked out by Stalin.

>taiwan is decent.

>it demonstrates that the problem is with culture and not genetics. pic related.
i never got that.
westerners never look at the dna difference between countries.
you do realize china != japan DNA.
german guy != greek guy. its not just culture.

>>thread about Chinese
>>post Japanese man.

funny boomer

and the Bolsheviks were started and funded by the you-know-who as revenge against the Romanovs. Damn newbies.

They were literally given their whole manufacturing sector, and much of its technology from the west, mainly American traitors

And Ainu Japanese are different as well

Oh wow. Thanks for that. I'll definitely have to look deeper into that. It sounds pretty critical for understanding contemporary politics.

Their focus shifted from studying new cutting edge ways to efficiently massacre as many people as possible to meritocracy and industrialization.

from the book (seriously, it's a good read)

>In the late 1980s, Clare argued that there were only two large markets in the world where an international company could find the potential for significant growth: the Soviet Union and China. By the early 1990s, the Soviet Union had disintegrated, and its successor states, including Russia, were in economic turmoil. That left China.

not many left but sure.

It's not communism. They stopped it in 1976.

China is as communist as the DPRK is democratic and national socialism is socialist

seriously. it boggles the mind that we haven't strung up these people.

remember chinese has a word for people that are race traitors to them (汉奸) and it is commonly used against those that associate with westerners.

Wish I had a good book rec for you, but I don't. Kissinger has been a key player.

Perhaps a useful rabbit hole to start out with from this perspective would be to check out the betrayal of Chiang Kai-shek as a historical starting point. Kissinger has had his nose in and out all kinds of stuff, including the closing of the international gold window. You can just about toss a handful of stones up in the air and some of them will land on something that Kissinger had a role in.

Check out some of his famous quotes, too. Or NSSM 200 (available from your favorite .gov website.)

theyre not and theyre not. chinks are untermensch lad


Agriculture selects for the smartest long-term thinkers. The farmers can have more food thus more kids.

The problem with China is for some reason whenever anyone talks about how great China is, they ignore the 1.1 billion poor as fuck, retarded dirt farmers living in conditions that make Africa look good.

The Chinese are only smart, rich, successful and what not if you ignore these people. Which make up the vast majority of the Chinese population.

rice farming is collectivized though

Fuck the Chinese. Taiwan is where it is at.

>good read
>doesn't answer the question why China above India, Russia...

if it's """easy""" as you claimed, India and Russia should be way ahead of China

China is a mix of political systems. Its not full communist or full capitalist. Hope some people in this thread can enlighten you or at least you can google to learn more.