Black Off-Duty Gets Shot By White On Duty Cop Who Said He Feared For His Life

All Whites are Racists

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If a cop fears for his life, he should not become a cop. Keep the cowards out. I think we should take away the guns from the police. The police have become a Militarized SS hit squad.


I know you're memeing but I actually think taking away guns from cops and encouraging all citizens to conceal carry (after a mental and background check of course) is not a crazy idea at all.

>Who Said He Feared For His Life

When I was really young, I remember watching some police chase on TV with my uncle (who was a police officer) and he told me that "I felt threatened and feared for my life" were the magic words that allow police to get away with close to anything.

Decades later, his words still hold up.

>talking about black people being shot
They don't stop do they

but apparently only cops should have guns according to the left

do they have video of the encounter yet?

Isn't it in the link?

no. it's a video of the news report.

>chasing stolen vehicle
>the tires get taken out with spike strips
>the three nigs inside start firing at officers
>car finally comes to a stop and a full blown shootout ensues
>black off duty cop comes outside armed
>the two cops on the scene order him to the ground, then realizing he is a cop tells him to come to them
>third cop arrives on scene where black males were just shooting at officers
>sees armed black male coming towards other officers


fuck drumpf and fuck white people

you're a fucking dumbass mate lol

Wait, then what would be the point of having cops at all at that point?

Actually all whites aren't racist which is the problem.

Are you srs? That is fucked up. RIP.

this is why we need robot cops. robots have no life to lose


shooting black people is a sport now?

getting away with it is the real sport

That is a retarded series of orders. They should have made him stay on the ground and handled it later.

Yeah that will work well. Only let the criminals have weapons.

Nah then you'll be getting tickets for laws you didn't even know you were breaking every day.

Also they beat up Matt Damon and are we honestly going to pretend we're okay with that?

incompetence defined

just dont commit crime and you wont have any problems

We have the right to bare arms chucklefuck

>oh no im scared
>i better shoot the shit out of this guy
Boy am I getting tired of hearing this excuse.

You break a law every day without realizing it. I could follow you for a mile and you would certainly commit some sort of minor bullshit traffic infraction. We are all human and it is literally impossible to drive perfectly.

t. cop

so by time we have robot cops we need to get rid of all the shit laws

heh, I've yet to get a speeding ticket, despite doing it everyday

Niggers are the most racist people you'll come across

God willing.

Robot cops'll get you, man. They never need to stop for donuts.

>brought in as reinforcements when your fellow brothers in blue are being shot at and chasing some criminal scum
>see person with gun that looks like the criminals in the vicinity of your brothers
>not shooting him
why wouldnt you?

>why wouldnt you?
Because carrying a gun isn't a crime, and if you're such a dainty little flower that the sight of a gun sends you into mortal terror then you shouldn't be a police officer.

All blacks are.

It's almost like a uniform offers a very distinct and clear picture of who's who in a firefight. Add thisto police training 101

Never relax. He did good.

>>the two cops on the scene order him to the ground, then realizing he is a cop tells him to come to them
what why
fucking non-racists trying to get themselves killed

pulling out your gun while in the middle of a cop/criminal fire fight, fog of war my friend

>came out of his house
never mind

Still, it's pretty fucking reasonable. Dude should've thrown his jacket and badge on.

I think he was scared of the nigger, not the gun. But the two combined I can completely understand.
Niggers are fucking dangerous. Yes, that's a racist statement and it's true. The truth is racist.

We also don't know what other visual cues there were that caused him to shoot. Maybe it was during the few seconds where it looked like the dude was flanking his unsuspecting buddies. If it looked like a legitimate threat even a marine would have probably shot the guy.


>whites killed by BLM: ZERO
>Blacks killed by cops: MORE EVERY DAY



If you were armed and heard a bunch of gunshots you'd leave your weapon holstered? Come on. Shooting at anyone holding a gun in a country where guns are legal to carry is probably the single most fucktarded thing police could do, yet they do it anyway.

Dozens and dozens of cases where men have been killed by police, even in their own homes, and nobody says a fucking word because they're white. Decades of this hyper aggressive mad dog police bullshit and nobody can discuss it like an adult because it -always- becomes a race thing or a gun control thing.


i certainly wouldnt jump into the middle of everything with my gun drawn and confuse everyone and put myself at risk of getting shot by both sides

I usually side with cops because I don't like niggers but what a fucking tard

Yeah well let me save you some time with my magical prophetic powers of foresight. Mutual distrust and paranoia between the population and the police causes enough friction to boil over into violence. People will start intentionally targeting police for violent crimes or killings, and eventually the police are just going to stop coming to work. Then the police get privatized and the rest is an exercise in ANCAP NAP memes.

We can divert from this course at any time, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.

The only good cop is a dead cop.

The species of the American negro are the most racist group. Those colored people need to stay in their place

they kind of met eachother halfway in the mistakes meter

>virtually everybody packs a gun
>arguments ending in murder skyrocket
>gang violence explodes
>every little public social conflict has a tense undertone
>people start mistrusting each other
>tons of videos of random gunfights land on the net, Worldstar makes millions
>Gang neighborhoods are declared War zones
>people now openly carry their weapons, who's gonna take them away anyway
>anyone is anytime ready to shoot
>people start eyeing each other for no good reason
>life has become a Sergio Leone western.

wat about serpico

Hey, when you or your buddies break the law by speeding or some shit do you get any cognitive dissonance goin on there? Writing tickets or whatever for shit you do and probably get away with on the regular ?

I personally don't write speeding tickets specifically for that reason.

Why did you capitalize racists?
How much did you pay for your degree when you don't understand basic grammar?


If your a pig you have to put your firearm to your temple and pull the trigger

Sounds like a good dude. I like Dorner too.

Ah, I see. So there are cops that actually think about they do. Good for you m8 keep up the good work unless that fucker is speeding like a mad man or driving recklessly.

But what if I REALLY don't want to do that? Can I not then?


Nigga shouldn't have been high on LEAN slangin around the hood, grippin his glock foaty while white men were busy at work.

Daily thread about a black man being shot by police in dubious circumstances.


This. It's like when people tell me at work that something is 'affecting my ability to do my job'. They've learned it's the magical phrase that makes things happen so they all just spam it now.

fucking actual cops browsing Sup Forums.

Only in America

Tip: There are several Congressmen who shitpost here.

I mostly come here to laugh at the ridiculous paranoid shit that gets posted here. I try to limit my visits to once a month.

Is this true?

>arguments ending in murder skyrocket
How many sober arguments do you actually know that end in a physical fight?

>ban guns
>now only criminals have them

They have some sort of quota system here from what I've heard, so you can get a ticket for some very minor bullshit while you can see in the cop's eyes he hates his life.

Being police over here is pretty shit in general since you need to know Russian. At least niggers speak English.

The problem is 'murican cops getting low amount of training i'm guessing. Lot of time in the shooting range not so much about rules of engagement

What is your opinion on black people?

You don't even know the half of it. You think we've drawn so much attention from the alphabet agencies and news media without attracting a myriad of misfits from every walk of life?

Shit dude you better believe there's at least one FBI agent posting on this board -right now- that is 100% off duty and doing so purely for amusement.

>all whites are racist
I fucking wish.

>Militarized SS hit squad.
Not yet.

But you get all those sweet Russian Road Police Vodka bribes!
They mostly seem to have darker skin than white people. Mostly. There are exceptions to every rule, obviously.

>police have become a Militarized SS hit squad
I fucking wish.


>But you get all those sweet Russian Road Police Vodka bribes!
We're not in fucking Russia you asshole.

Oh. Sorry, misidentified your flag. American education, you know.

b-b-but, muh thin blue line! Muh brothers!

No they don't, Estonia is not Russia.
They just have Russians there. Worst of both worlds.

Why haven't you played thousands of hours of Grand Strategy games so that you can identify all the flags in the world including medieval dynastic coats of arms?

heh can confirm, im the ceo of one of the nations largest oil companies.

I'm no good at strategy games, for reasons that should be evident.

There are some dirty cops out there, user. It is not always that simple. There are also a small minority of cops who have anger issues, power trippers, or are nervous and should not be given a job with so much authority. They are the ones that flip their shit and shoot people at the drop of a hat. They are supposed to protect and serve. It is a job of sacrifice and cops seem to forget that.

Dude you gotta pay attention we was talkin' about robot cops.

>Only in America
not only in America

this happened to a white cop in NY about a year ago. Why are they so quick to make everything about race?