Why do Conservashits vote against their own healthcare interests?


I don't want those people to be slaves to the government

They don't want to be slaves to mega corporations tho either user

At least theoretically the government represents the common people interest

>implement socialized healthcare
>create dependents that need socialized healthcare to live
>people realize this is bad and move to reverse it
>But, Oh No! What about those dependents?!


> unironically votes against his own economic interests

DEATH to the WELFARE state!!!! it's not fair and it makes people stupid and lazy. sincerely, a latino that voted for Trump

>getting taxed %110 of your income to support morbidly obese chain smokers is in your economic interests

Unironicly it only helps those with less than 40-50k, most whites make much for than that per household.

> unironically voting against your racial and economic interests

The mental gymnastics is strong in this one

Healthcare is not a right!

Why does op suck warty nigger cock for fun, when he could be fishing, or doing something constructive?

>being a sociopath is a bad thing

latino isn't a race, you genius. it means your family comes from a spanish speaking background. i'm a white latino. and i hate mexicans

So many people who treat politics like a team sport getting cucked by capitalists because it's a "right-wing" thing to do LMFAO
kill yourselves you fucking mongs

Lmao sure spic boy

Any non whites that vote republican are spineless cucks who do it out of white appeasement

Kys yourself commie

Kys bootlicking corporate cuck

My job provided health care. The state paying for my health care wouldn't suddenly make my company pay me more, it would just make my taxes go up.

Honestly if your job didn't provide health care before Obamacare was passed you were an abject loser at life and should have killed yourself.

>was paying $100/month in premiums with no deductible before Obamacare
>now paying $300/month with a 3500 deductible for the same care
>just learned a couple weeks ago that my premium is going up to $450 (thanks Carefirst, fucking assholes)

Are you a shill or are you fucking stupid ?

Why is it that entitlement reform always = murder to libshits? Come out of your fucking basement and contribute to society.

Voting for Democrats is against my racial and economic interests.

Nobody needs healthcare

Megacorporations reliably aim for more money.
Governments aim for more power, plus there's nobody to tell the government to reel in the totalitarianism until it's far too late. I'll take paying asshole corps over corrupt goverment any day.

You burgers do need some healthcare changes, though. NOT more socialization, but simple some limits on the ridiculous markups hospitals impose on people to force them to get insurance.

Why would a spic who's already here and probably has a job vote to bring more competition in and more welfare they'll eventually need to pay for through taxes?
Once an immigrant actually integrates, pays taxes, is in the system etc., there's no reason for them to vote left unless they're a progressive virtue signaller.

>matt mountain
>quoting a professional wrestler

>social liberals and religiousfags have taken over Sup Forums

Jesus used god magic to purge illness and replicate food for free, I don't think normal people can do that. Jesus does not force people to be charitable, he doesn't collect tithes.

I haven't had health insurance since 2014. I don't give a fuck about and have never payed the money Obama's irs charged me for not having insurance. I'm glad it's gone and trump got rid of that autistic fine. I also hope the dependent faggots who "will die" without healthcare gibs actually perish.

>Megacorporations reliably aim for more money.

Exactly. They'd rather milk you dry for shekels than acually do shit.

>I'll take paying asshole corps over corrupt goverment any day.

I'll take corrupt government, thanks. At least government can have SOME interest for preserving their cannon fodder.

>Quoting Occupy Democrats for any reason other then to mock them

See here's the first sign of being below average in intellect. Even moderately intelligent Democrats don't fall for that shit.

Better than larpcuck "muh white ethnostate" faggots

Jesus was not a libertarian. And neither were historical Christian polities.


They are sociopaths who want to see poor people die.
And poor people who are not using healthcare services at the time, but are too stupid to realize they might in the future.

The Jews built a wall. Do they want to become hitler?

Ever notice how religion only matters to a proglodyte when they can use it to manipulate their opponent to do what they want?

I remember that, god OD is fucking retarded.

>Be poorfag

Under Obummer:
>Can't afford "affordable" healthcare
>State denies medicaid to students
>Can't file taxes because I get fined more money I don't have

Under Trump:
>Still can't afford healthcare
>State still denies medicaid
>CAN file a tax return and get some of my hard earned dosh back

Hmmm, really bargles my marbles.

>25 million lost insurance due to Obamacare
>22 million lose it due to the repeal
Looks like a net 3 million insured thanks to the repubs

My job stopped providing health care BECAUSE Obamacare passed.

Lying shill

its not r4al idiot


>Taking health insurance away from 24m
lmao, that's not what's happening. They removed the fine for not having health insurance, millions of people are choosing to not get health insurance since they're flat broke and no program helps whites.

The more benefits the State gives out to young women also makes them less dependent on their fathers and husbands, user., and that weakens families.

My mom feeds that cats on the back porch. Suddenly there's cat shot everywhere. Also we can no longer afford food for the pet dog and all the neighborhood strays. So I tell her to stop feeding the goddamn cats
"You're a monster! You want those cats to starve!"
>no greentext

And it also encourages women more thoroughly into public life when they should be considerably more private than men.

I work for a small business. I went from paying nothing to $40 per month to straight up paying for my own health care. The company couldn't afford to pay for everyone to have insurance because we already run on a pretty tight budget as is. I still remember the "accountant" (boss' wife) celebrating how "we're gonna save so much money". Fucking cunt. At least the old man had the decency to apologize for the inconvenience.

>what did they mean by this?

>implying you aren't taxed for roads, schools, your city etc. that morbidly obese chain smokers also use.

That's what taxes do, they pay for things for other people to use

>No program helps whites

Are you really saying no health insurance is available for white people?

Would Jesus threaten people with jail time if they didn't give their money to the Romans?



Why do socialists vote against their interests? Why do they want people to die?

Is it taking away something if the government is forcing them to buy it?
It's just telling them that they aren't forced to buy it anymore How is that taking it away?

>live in social democrat paradise of denmark
>prostate itches
>happiest country in the world because nobody has an irritated prostate

Is Matt Mountain a porn star?

Obama wanted to give big payouts to donors through bullshit healthcare bill

Health care costs exponentially increase due to obesity
Also loaded question

Until you run out of money and start sending people to the gulag

If the healthcare is fixed obese chain smokers don't get to use them for very long.

I have yet to meet one person about to lose their health insurance who unironically deserved to live.

Obamacare steals money from working Americans who need it for other reasons. Healthcare is not a right, and neither is operating a inexpensive and inefficient health care system.


>Matt Mountain quote
>look him up
>has no relation to theology, sociology, politics, or healthcare
>This picture


>single mom
This is needs to stop now

Single mothers are THE cancer. Always crying for gibsmedats and bullying other people and especially other children.

Then castrate Paul Ryan.

Wow it's like some jobs are more important and require more skills to perform in the real world!
Where's the equality in that?!?!?

someone explain how this doesnt eternally BTFO the idea of socialized healthcare?

Easy just cut funds for nonwhites

You have no right to "healthcare" if others must chip in (by force) for you fucking parasite

Stop buying 2000$ Macbooks, 300$ Jordans, 200$ Dr.Dre's headphones, 20$ avocado spread and shit like that and you'll afford your own insurance and get covered as YOU need

>Supposed to have sympathy for single mothers.
You do know the average pol poster hates singlemothers with a passion right? They were the stacy that rejected the average user for chad and then got pumped and dumped with 2 kids and now they vote for tax increases on user aswell.

Also singlemothers are litterally criminal factories.

If the US pays double what they do and only gets a few more percentage points better survival than Canada, plus ten years or more of hospital denbt for the patient personally dig themselves out of even if (((insured))), maybe privatized healthcare is eternally BTFO as a waste of money on par with $1500 toilet seats.

Free Healthcare is a lie, dosent work in pratice, suck up resources and create just more dependence from the people for the government (someone always pay the bill, and the government is funded trough taxe so in the end the people pay for their own healthcare but now much more expansive and they cant choose, those who dosent want dont have a say on this and the people who already pay now must pay even more, and everyone is a bit more poor).

Big corrupt corporations dosent exist in the free market those are created by, you may not know but is the corrupt government. And the more big the government is the more corrupt it is and the big the corporations are, until the point theres no public and private (you know like fascism or socialism).

If you have a free enough market to have successful companies you can tax JUST enough to spread wealth around comfortably to maintain incentive across all classes, you can have a pretty strong country going. Close the borders, too. Fuck shitskins.

What program do you use to create these shitty pics OP. It's obviously you since once again
I'll give you points at least for a new pic and text. Though I still don't understand what you're trying to get out of this. And no, you will never 'enlighten' anyone here. So seriously, how much do you get paid to shill here.
Since you used a new pic but still only posted once (as usual), I made a pic in your honor

no, it can't.

>inflate medical costs 2 to 3 times what they should be through crony capitalism
>steal everyone's money through government corruption
>restrict welfare so everyone you stole money from can not obtain medical care on the grounds it costs too much (since you inflated it)

Dont be surprised if you find yourself in a guillotine one day. You can make people poor if you ensure they are still comfortable, you can ignore their comfort if you dont steal their prosperity, but once you take their comfort and their prosperity you are getting your head chopped off.

>limits on the ridiculous markups hospitals impose on people to force them to get insurance.
The insurance companies force them to do this as part of their payout bargaining.

The problem with US health care is that all the prices on everything are heavily inflated, because its common practice for insurance to haggle the price down. This spirals ever upward.

What we need is the kind of collective bargaining ability single payer gives, either through single payer or some other method.

>If you don't give them your money they will kill you

Cuck mentality. Don't be surprised if you find yourself having to give away all you have once they discover how easily it is to extort you.

Why do leftwing faggots want to use the government to take everyone else's money?

>hi I'm an ancap and I don't understand how scale economies work

socializsm isn't productive
>free healthcare, but wait years to get it because of scarcity
it's a big scam
free market healthcare is the most productive we to organize the delivery of healthcare.
charity and volunteerism can help people who can't afford it.

Wow, are you that desperate to belong to a social group? I suppose this is a testament to both spic intelligence and Trump voter intelligence

>Having my money being stolen in order to pay for expensive, bloated, inefficient government healthcare for Shaniqua and her 6 children by 7 baby dads and Jose the border hopping tamale salesman
>My best interest

>Idolizing a guy who imagines murdering people because he's edgy

Southerners don't matter in the long run

you're clearly 15 years old, have never had a job, and on summer break

Female independence is weakness? Are you that insecure holy shit...

So you're saying evil exists

Money doesn't exist, its a control mechanism to rob people.

Some jobs sure, but not politician.

Politicians should be the lowest paid people, this would ensure only people who cared about their country and not themselves would be interested.

I have health insurance through my company because I actually work for a living. Libcucks and lazy niggers btfo

>wage slave detected

Really made me think

Thats part of the problem.

Do you realize how much your wages are cut because of health insurance? Health insurance you need because medical prices are so inflated because everyone has health insurance?

Its a circular problem. What we need is sweeping changes to fix everything, you cant just tweak one thing like obama/trumpcare wants to do and expect it to work out ok.

What a presumptive fucking statement.
I support President Trump, and I'm not Christian.

Notice how the Jew...er, "media"...always tries to divide whites...er, "the enemy"...when they are trying to destroy them?
Any white that falls for this nonsense is not signalling their virtue or intelligence, they are exposing their ignorance and vulnerability to being a dupe.

Well maybe if the Democrat party decided to stop the abortion holocaust, we would consider their policies

>berlin wall
what the fuck? thats fake right?