Red pill me on space exploration and colonisation

Red pill me on space exploration and colonisation.

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never gonna happen

Not gonna happen. The world will be too brown to figure out how to leave this planet let alone colonize other ones after whites die off.

Neccesisty since one catastrophical event could drive us near extintion.

White exodus from the planet, while blacks claim they wiz spacemen n shiet

our planet is flat, it's just trying to distract us from reality

it would require a radical sideway leap in physics discoveries and the sciences to make it happen.

remember, all "known" facts are simply theories that haven't been disproven yet: last centuries "science' is this centuries humorous joke. it is possible some future discoveries that bypass currently known physical laws might make it possible. But that's a big IF.

After hearing any black activist answer the question, all I know is that I am for it

Bad idea. Right now the alien races are ignoring us, the way a human ignores an ant nest in the back yard. If the ants were to somehow enter the home they would be in great danger of destruction at the hands of a human. As soon as we start building on another planet the aliens will just hit earth with a death ray, then scrap up the remains and use it as filler for a construction project somewhere.

What are you even saying? If there's water, O2 production is possible and plant life is possible too. Mars at least is within reach.

>space exploration and colonisation.

cool stuff.
here, let me redpill you how it will look like:

>whites to busy exterminating ourselves and making new laws on abortion, gays and tolerance
>niggers/browns obviously too dumb to colonise the solar system
>asians are racist, nationalistic assholes who dont give a shit about anything and will soon colonise the entire solar system, and nobody will be there to stop them
>better start learning asian languages, nigger.

The ultimate truth is we're racing against the globalists who are polluting our chances with niggers before we can fucking get off the planet
and any plan to get off the planet will be ghostbustered and if we don't send a fat black tranny muslim into space they'll fucking block every road like shit and we'll all die or some shit
we're fighting a cancer of niggerskins and we're losing bad
they will realize - with their primitive brain - that us leaving means them dying - THEY KNOW THEY ARE PARASITES - they KNOW - that's the secret - they will panic and try and destroy the space program

huh ?
Habitats on asteroids and domed colonies on moon and mars are easy with current tech. Its just getting there is a problem.

We should strive to have self stustaing colonies all over solar system in case we fuck up on earth.

i fucking wish there were aliens - there aren't

> in case
we already did by letting the humans, the whites, get overrun.
we're infected now

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..... anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." - Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin

read it again. NOW READ IT AGAIN.

> we already
> we already
> we already
> WE

Its a scam. Earth is a dome. God tells us that in the bible.

Calm the fuck down, you autistic fuck.

The earth is flat you dumb nigger.
Planets are a kike meme

We missed our opportunity for space travel and new advancements into science a long time ago. Now, we've continued to rot away as a society with degeneration on the rise and no hope for space exploration unless the next generation wakes up and starts to make up for nearly 40-50 years of missed opportunities in science. Once we can come up with renewable energy or something that contains massive amounts of energy that will be enough to sustain a space colony, we'll be a step closer. We also need to come up with some kind of way to freeze and preserve ourselves for long amounts of time while also having an advanced computer that can run our ship and pilot it to another planet. If we do obtain the ability to colonize other planets, we should probably skip mars and head straight to another earth-like planet, or at least one with a good amount of resources to last us a few hundred to thousand years.

In complete honesty, it will be more likely, and cooler, when we upload our minds to computers and live out the universe until the heat death in virtual realities far more amazing than any exo planet we could ever find. We would be gods in our sculpted virtual universes.

Space is fake.


>implying that the aliens would be greater than us

How do we know that they're the technologically superior/more intelligent ones? They might just be space injuns that live in tribes and fight with each other.

That's if Asians don't die out first from not reproducing and watching anime all day.

I reckon what will happen is we'll build a big space station in LEO, then boost it to Mars orbit and use it to control robots on the surface without the signal delay.

Space is unfathomably vast and if they can get here from wherever the fuck they come from, they're more advanced than us. Period.

flag checks out

Either Aliens exist and know of our existence before we know of theirs.

or we are completely and utterly alone in the entire universe.
Both are scary

I'm talking intergalactic travel here, not just to mars.

live out in a fake matrix VR?

hell no.

how did you come to these 2 exact options Einstein

We don't actually need planets at all
We can and should just build O'Neil cylinders for habitation

Mars is not happening for a long time, if ever.

More likely asteroids with space stations (for locations not in Earth orbit). Moons of Jupiter hold more potential than Mars. Better resources, far more of them, shallower gravity wells.

Landing more than a symbolic manned mission on Mars is a meme and will remain so for decades, if not centuries. Lifting resources out of the Mars gravity well will never be as cost effective as mining comets & asteroids.

Post back another thread for travel to other stars once we have a practical method to travel to them. Right now, very slow colony ships (meaning: small crew of maybe 4 to 10 people plus frozen embryos) make no sense for the resources expended.

General prediction: for non-Earth orbit, asteroid belt, capturing comets, and moons of Jupiter in approximately that order.

Moons of Mars MIGHT turn out to have practical benefit (their location as much as anything), and the moons of Saturn as a stretch goal should we make a serious attempt at the moons of Jupiter.

Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:

Flat Earth theory = Reddit

Hollow Earth theory = Sup Forums

Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are (((coincidences))). There is a world inside our world.

most asians have a hard-on for epic space battles, anime and ruling the galaxy with an iron hand.

what are whites doing?
movies promoting feminism and minorities, gayness and tolerance.

in a 100 years, whites will still be wondering which gender they are today, while the asians will be thinking which planet to colonise next.

the asians will be the jews biggest issue, after they wipe out the white race.
asians just dont give a shit.

There is no space

>Jovian moons

enjoy your radiation

if aliens exist how come they never visited us?

>they are purposely not coming here
even if this were true at least 0.00000001% of them should have countered the norm and considering just the observable universe that still leaves a big fucking chunk of it

>they visited us but we don't know
see above

>there is no such thing as space it's all an illusion created by the kikes.

because they are unfathomably far away


Go to bed Elon

Planets would be more beneficial in the long run, but we could use O'Neill cylinders to get to other planets.

Chinese are going to be the first to colonise other planets, while retarded westerners will believe in Flat Earth and other hot potatoes.

It still doesn't help with their population and culture issues.

Would be cheaper to dig a giant trench from the Gulf to the Bight, creating an inland ocean and building a 2nd great dividing range at the same time, turning central Australia into a paradise.

More beneficial too.

They're not as advanced as we say they are.

Time and useful resources for exploration are all finite

this. We only need more new rockets and more rocket scientists.

The overmind won't let us have the technology we need until we sort ourselves out

a question that can rumble your tinfoil hat.

how can anything live in a hollow earth, without light?
no plants, no life, no nothing.

The closest a nigger has been in space is when white astronaouts take a shit.

Am I right?

Dark matter and anti-gravity

if we can't handle Earth, the planet with literaly everything we need to live, how the fuck are we gunna terraform something with nothing? FIX EARTH FIRST. also it ain't gunna happen

>It still doesn't help with their population

why else do you think they would go to space?
exactly because of their population.

>culture issues.

what issues?
not giving a shit about tolerance?
being nationalistic?
being hardworking?

i dont even like asians, but i can see were still fucked..... :(

Mars is not an ideal place to colonize, at least not yet

Making a cloud city in Venus is more plausible, but humanity's not there yet.

The Moon is also not plausible as Mars, if not worse. Fine moon dust can severely hinder everyday life there.

we're fuckedddddd

>suggesting whites are the ones who need to leave

All you faggots need to think smaller. Why should the white race be forced out of their god-given world and onto some uninhabitable rock halfway to the other end of the universe?. No. We need to stay here and fight for what is ours. Why surrender the earth to the savages? I'd rather die.

and exactly how would any of these hokus pokus abra kadabra things be inside our earth?

of course there are

we're like tiny krill living in a geothermal vent at the bottom of the ocean, and you're claiming that this MUST be all there is because we've never seen a trout or a squirrel. Assuming that we are alone in the universe is an act of faith, not logic. Logically we can assume that the universe is filled with life. The other lifeforms, however, are incomprehensibly different than us and at incomprehensibly great distances from us. Also, though we are capable technologically of reaching the lowest parts of the ocean floor, we have very little reason to do so. Likewise, the aliens probably don't give much of a fuck about our planet for the same reasons. They could come here if they wanted, and the few possible sightings of ETs were probably just crazy affluent tourists like James Cameron and his submarine, here just for the fuck of it and then leave without really having any perceivable impact.

if they can travel to earth but we can't travel to their planet its safe to assume that they are more advanced than us. A species that can traverse tens of light years or more during a single lifetime, or can set up a mission to do it over the course of several generations, makes us look like spear chucking nigs by comparison. That said, we have to remember the concept of scale as well. To a human mind 1 million earth years is an astoundingly long time, but to another intelligent species it may be equivalent to a few months or years. Consider that, even here on earth, there are living organisms over 1 million years old. If an intelligent being can live 100 million years than it doesn't need to travel at light speed to travel 10-20 light years. It could travel at just 100k mph (about 5 times faster than the relative ground speed of the ISS) and get here in just 50 million years, or half of one lifespan.

OR aliens exist and don't know of our existence,

>whites keep fighting themselves, because muh democracy, half wants niggers, other half wants into space
>in the meantime, asians already have bases halfway across the galaxy, because they dont give a shit about anything else

Hakub desu

islamists want to blow up the rest of the world and you worry about space exploration and colonization?
We need to deal with the immediate cancer we are facing then space exploration now.

or aliens are little prokaryotes that feed off the sunlight of their mother stars because we are the most advanced civilization in the fucking universe,

Or we find a new, beautiful earth-like world and make it a white utopia.

White males also have the capacity for logic. Can't do either without dealing with the earth situation first as someone else mentioned.

What do we do until then? Let the world rot?

I was talking about aliens that can't travel to us. Like the blue cat people in Avatar. They're still there, but they're retarded and can't even space.

thats a pretty cool explanation, i like to explain it using grains of sand on a beach, as an example.

we're living on 1 grain of sand, on a huge beach, and are living in a delusion that only our grain has life on it, and the rest of the beach is dead.

while in reality, probably the majority of the sand has life on it.

i personally believe the entire cosmos is absolutely filled with all kinds of life, and we're just dumb niggers who didnt even invent a toilet and used a horse to commute a 100 years ago.

there are 100 to 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone

am I supposed to believe that 0.1% of those stars are not sunlike and that 0.1% of the planets orbiting those stars are not earthlike and that 0.1% of those planets have life and that 0.1% of that life is more advanced than us? that still leaves us a ridiculous number

what makes us so fucking special

I'd rather let this world die and find a new one. The degenerates can sort this planet out by themselves without whites holding their hands.

>Can't do either without dealing with the earth situation first as someone else mentioned.

wont ever happen.
we gave voting rights to women, so the white race is fucked.
democracy never fixes things, it makes them worse.
this shit will get worse and worse with every election.

We work on getting to those new worlds and leave this world to the degenerates.

I didn't say that all aren't advanced, just some.

Government is shit at it. Government is holding it back.

Privatize if you want the white man to conquer the stars.

>Can't do either without dealing with the earth situation first as someone else mentioned.
So what do you think is a reasonable timeframe for having this "earth situation" dealt with?

Deport everyone into their original country of origin (traced back through ancestry) and restart but with closed borders? As for womens rights that is easy enough to fix. It's like parenting. Just give the ones that are acting up a lesson.

I still would rather fight and die for my fellow whites than leave my home.

you fucking dick answer this: WHERE DOES THE SUN GO AT "SUNSET"?

and don't give me none of that nigger "perspective" bullshit, the sun does not change size at all as it crosses the sky

You cannot work on getting to a new world with niggers attacking you while working can you?

That's heresy.
You dont leave the cradle of human civilisation to die.
Shit will sort itself out, but like i said, chink chongs will rule the galaxy, not whites, not jews, not blacks.

The fucking ching chongs.

If niggers start attacking whites for trying to leave the planet then it'll just give us more fuel for the race war. You'd be able to fight while we worked on getting off this rotting world.

all a flat-earther needs to do is take a baloon ride, or sail out to sea.

literally 2,000 years ago people already knew the earth is a ball, not a disc, but we got americans now, and they excel at coming up with retarded things.

you flatearthers are scum. fooled by jewry to ditch our scientific achievements and lower society to Zardoz levels.

answer this, if you can:

A few decades.
Venus is a better candidate for colonization than Mars.
Space exploration =/= space colonization.
The posilibility of long term colonization is a requirement for space colonization. Sure, flags can be planted on Mars, bases can be built on Mars but settlers can not live there. Mars' gravity is 0.38% of Earth and Mars has no magnetic shield and no atmosphere to protect against the constant bombardment of deadly cosmic radiation. Low gravity alone is enough to destroy all the bones in your body, nevermind the cosmic cancer from radiation.

>it's heresy to leave humanities birthplace so how about you stay and be a good goyim while Asians conquer the galaxy and leave the cradle of humanity

You've been caught redhanded, Steinberg.

Even if 0.1% of the galaxy is more advanced than us, that doesn't mean any of them have developed practical interstellar travel.
Even if they had developed practical interstellar travel, there's a fuck of a lot of stars explore. It would be difficult to find us even if they were looking.

enough ?

Nobody has sent anything into space for real.

for fucks sake you can send ballon high enough to see curvature for like 300-400$

>you work while i fight

Gotta clear an area and work outwards while cleansing and expanding the sanitized boundaries of the white paradise before you can work in peace right? So once we do that we have somewhere to start and can start to look into new homes, but if we have established borders and sanitized zones there may not be need to leave earth.


Anywhere outside of Earth's magnetic fields is teh same problem. It needs to be solved for any extended time in space. Mars is just as bad.

Radiation shielding is one of several problems that need to be addressed (weightlessness & and ability to simulate gravity for another). The point being, those problems all have to be solved to travel & explore & colonize space. Once they have practical solutions, the "low hanging fruit" of exploring our own Solar system remain asteroids & moons of Jupiter.

We need solutions for energy, fuel, food production, other health effects, radiation shielding, economic sustainability, zero gravity manufacturing, to name a few of the more obvious ones. A Moon colony almost makes some sense, one with at least one orbital station. Beyond Earth orbit, we want to move away from the Sun (radiation, deep gravity well, among other things) ... but. Mars (the planet) is a lower priority than several other much better options.

Jupiter is actually very exciting for a number of reasons, even though it's a crazy far distance for us to reach, especially in the near future. However, it does have a larger payout ... namely, resources that are accessible and abundant that can sustain a permanent colony. Almost nowhere else in the Solar system can (as we currently understand it). That's why I suggested Saturn as the stretch goal.

Google "undersea volcanic vents" and read up on sunless ecology. You don't require sunlight, you can achieve the same things with chemical energy.

laughing at this memester, next you're going to say spacex is a private venture?

>captcha: Fahrgasse Piscine

It's more than just creating a new civilization. We need resources and we've over consumed the resources on this planet. We only have around 100-200 years left of oil and once that runs out, we'll be screwed. We need to go to a planet with a lot of resources where we can sustain a better white western civilization than anything possible on Earth. We'd finally be able to follow our instincts and explore a whole new world. We'll conquer this planet and build a new civilization where we can live peacefully, free from any shitskins, faggots, and general degenerates.

>Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
>In fact, it's cold as hell

I like how you think. But I disagree with you on a few parts. One. We have nuclear, hydro, and solar power in addition to all the remaining fossil fuels. Within 200-400 years we will be able to build infrastructure that can support our needs and future needs easily. Two. Without all the shitskins and jews plotting against the [white] human race we would build electric cars and create more efficient solar energy collecting methods within said time period.