For the last 24 hours, no black person has looked at me when they've spoken to me. Men and women...

For the last 24 hours, no black person has looked at me when they've spoken to me. Men and women. Might just be a coincidence but you never know.

Then they weren't talking to you.

Maybe it's cause you have SS lightning bolts tattooed on your hands.

No they literally were. Some for almost 20 seconds. The men have been exclusively looking away and some of the women have been looking down.

Because it starts soon

kill them all

maybe, you're ugly as shit

Maybe you have some nasty shit on your face or your breath smells bad.

Just remember to never relax, user

Well that's certainly possible if not likely but then why is it only black people? That still seems suspicious.

why do you think?
they are looking for their partners to sucker punch you when you are distracted?
you're scary?

Its a ghetto sign that you are not worth mugging

I live in the South and black guys always look at me and nod. Until this thread I always figured it was more of a natural bond between males thing instead of a race thing but now I'm not sure.

I was thinking that it was something that has nothing to do with me other than I'm white.

Because you, being the person that you are, inherently pay more attention to the way black people act around you.

unironically I was searching for this post.

they're on the lookout for someone else.

That is absolutely not true at all. I'm starved for attention so I definitely notice when anyone won't look at me when we're speaking.


Keep telling yourself that...racist.

Actions speak louder than words. I can be the most racist person in the world but still treat everyone fairly.

I'll venture he's thinking maybe the shit's about to kick off. But I bet it's something else. Maybe they all saw a movie about killin' whitey and its making them feel guilty or something. I don't think they're about to all pop off at once. Maybe word got around you shop at pol/mart.

Either they
-are afraid of the mastah, or
-they are planning something and fear that the mastah can see through them if they look into eyes

the mosque next door to my house had a 15 minute firework show tonight at sundown.......


no black person looked at me

>living in south africa
>niggers never look you in the eye here because of apartheid
>youngsters talk normally
>mature black's (grew up in/under apartheid) never look you in the eye and always address you with master/boss
>it's a form of respect here that was whipped into them by evil white men

Black people fucking love me and yeah I get the "sup man" nod all the time. Black people can tell by body language if a white person is uncomfortable around them, they're always looking for it. Even though I'm a race realist I'm totally comfortable around them because I have great niggerdar and can detect niggering long before it happens.

How recent is this? Tay is sporting a Trumpesque partline and combover.

If you have great nigdar then you should know that staying a minimum of 2 miles away from all nogs is a good idea.

Its a spectrum, on one end is hardworking (usually rural) black folks, on the other end is giganiggers. Most drift around on that spectrum. Same with other people too, I can read them pretty well. Also just confident. Blacks read my body language as not-racist and are cool with me as long as conversation is superficial.

Also I can dance so maybe its how I walk too, without the tight ass. I defy their stereotypes about the kind of white people that I don't get along with either.

i gave myself a number 1 haircut the other day and anyone non-white stays clear of me.

is the fear of white man trending again?

feels great!

I fucking hate niggers with a burning passion, lived in south Houston all my life and I've been knee deep in monkey-mania ever since Katrina; our crime rate doubled over a year and has stuck since, every time I see on of these ooga booga fucks in public I just fucking leave, can't tolerate hearing them speak or smelling them much less blasting their fucking coon tunes and gyrating their cellulite in front of their 5+ bastard kids in public.
Went swimming the other day at a gym and left my bag on a bench with my belongings in it, while I'm doing some laps I resurface and notice an overweight nigger not in gym clothes sitting beside my bag nonchalantly and I immediately get out of the pool and grab my bag and begin to leave, soon as I fucking do this nigger rips out her earbuds and starts with the broken English "wut is u racist wife boi, thinkin imma take yo shit?" Tell her to fuck off I know you people can't swim youre here to swipe shit, her boyfriend shows up from the locker room also fully clothed and starts to yell "you ain't gonna say that shit to me now are u white boi?" Start to open bag, sees gun handle and books it.

Cautionary tale for you goyim, don't argue with niggers, they don't even speak intelligible English; niggers know one universal language and it is the language of violence which they speak fluently, you can tell a nigger not to take your hubcaps but hell just blather on shit about reperations, hell they'll even try to grab them off a hooptie while its moving that's how niggers discovered break dancing. But you show them a gun and a nigger will turn tail and run at the site of it, he's lost too man relatives to white men with guns.

Why are you talking to black 'people'?

I have not seen a black person except on TV for like literally months.
I heard there is such as thing as 'negro fatigue' in the USA. It must really suck. I don't know how you do it.

Huh, inverted story here. For the aboriginals avoiding eye contact is a display of respect, but when the aboriginal kids were taught by white teachers they got punished for not looking at the teachers while speaking

Thanks for posting this. I avoid niggers like a goddamed plague. They're average iq is fucking retard teir, and they can't speak intelligible English to save their souls. There is something shifty about having shit skin and being so prone to violence.

*blocks your path*
What are you gonna do white boi?


She's 8km away. Plenty of time to change course around her.

I wonder what her father thin-, nevermind.

Create another future member of SAR/DAR


Nice larping user. In reality, when the fat nigger said you was thinkin she was gone steel some shieeet, you said ", sorry, mam, I w..was just leaving :DDDD, HAVE MY WALLET!"


Now there's two of them and she leveled up her glasses

Instantly disregarded, as you are only sticking up for your Somalian brethren.

Its summer you fucking asshole.

Literally farm animals

Oh no help me white boi I cant swim

Nah Sven, we don't hand our wallets our wives over to minorities unlike in your nation. The absurdity is your government already hands over a large proportion of your wallet to them.
Jokes aside I'm older have a limp and a TBI from deploying; I won't argue or fist fight with an ape and try to relive my glory days, I will just try to hit what little brain they have which is why I carry a .357 and if I end up on the news for gunning down a dindu that was attempting to tell me the good news of Jesus Christ while rummaging through my belongings, so be it.

I have been started on by packs of boongs for nothing more than the colour of my skin and my looking in their general direction

Ok and?

>Looking for people to infect with herpes once or twice a week.