How do we drive /r/t_d redditors away from this board?

How do we drive /r/t_d redditors away from this board?

why not red pill them?

How do we get rid of divide and conquer faggot shills like OP is the better question

if your not a shill stop posting like a shareblue piece of shit

how do we kill of new fags like OP that unironically think pro-trump redditors are invading this board

you can't teach retards things

You cant.. its completely infested witht these faggots and any mention of them and their cringe tier kekistan shit and they cry shill or shareblue (see above) they cant wrap there heads around the fact that there is a base of people who dont want them and their ideals in our board. Fuck cares if they support trump, it doesn't outweigh the constant trash threads made by based black lgbt alt righters


You are just as bad flag-poster.

>not judging people based on content of character and caring THIS much about race

Fuck off. I'd take 10 libertarian blacks than 10 socialist whites.

Just confirms the narrow worldview of the average fucking burger.

go die in a fire burgers

You should have supported Hillary.

Why are you here? Go back and prep Tyrone.

>Flagposters complain about nu/pol/

You're at their level


Is is true that only kikes are using the newflag meme?


ban phoneposters

what does even T_D mean? The Donald? wtf

dude, your janitors ARE redditors. I just got a ban for shit talking christians and they dubbed it pornogrophy, than I pointed it out and got another ban for complaining about Sup Forums. they where all timed bans. 8 minutes. your janitors are fucking redditors. you guys are done for, your opinions will be turned against you. prepare for the end my freinds

If it wasn't for them, youd be bitching about a clinton presidency. Every type of organization has its flaws. Love it or leave it, but there could def be much worse. You will miss them one day.

/mlpol/ was a temporary fix

this is a joke, right?

You think TD fags actually care about le based nigger memes? How fucking autistic are you? You want to know why you newflag cunts get called shills? because you are too fucking retarded to see that the purpose of TD is to function as our little tumor on Reddit. They subvert the leftist stronghold and spread propaganda. Le based nigger memes are about pointing out leftist hypocrisy, which is incredibly easy and works well. Cry all you want, but we started TD. We sustain TD, and without us it would never exist. Stop seeing it as a separate community and start seeing it as a means to subvert Reddit as a whole.

no niggers

T_D confirmed, the flag system used to be like this.
T_D shares very little with most Sup Forums views, you are the ones shilling for your kike controlled messiah with your countless boring threads.
Have fun defending him when he invades Syria and breaks another of his promises.


if we just tell them to leave, they'll leave. they're very understanding im sure they'll listen to us asking them kindly to leave.

Fuck off, this is clearly and Ivan thread. Trump said he would work with you mongoloids, which is more than you deserve. Don't cry like a bitch when he won't let you keep "muh pipelines" and "muh shitty little army base" in Syria. Trump is going to do what's best for the United States. If that's not working out for you then try harder.

you and your friends should stay in our "colony" then. stop tainting our board with your cult of personality and unironic neoconservatism.

Basically all the Kekistani posts have been shit tier bate. Why anybody responds is beyond me

>implying i use reddit

Fuck off, I see the value of our army of reddit foot soldiers. I really wish they wouldn't post here, but I think just ignoring them completely is the best route.

Lets all post dicks and have meetups where we livestream genuine pol gay gang bangs they won't know what hit them

>They subvert the leftist stronghold and spread propaganda.
Yes. I can see how doing shit like unironically supporting and worshipping a faggot who calls Trump 'daddy', is obssessed with taking niggercock, got plastic surgery on his ass to better take said niggercock, and thinks molesting children can be a fulfilling experience is really subverting degeneracy and spreading good values.
Unironically supporting cancer because it upsets a different kind of cancer still leaves you with fucking cancer you faggot. If you love TD so much then fuck off back to it. They're an utter fucking mess of cringe and they do nothing but dilute everything back into neoconservative, civic nationalist, cuck kikery.

The division is pretty deep.

Alpha men:

>support Trump

>proud of their nation flags

>don't care about le plebbit

''Oldfag'' cucks:

>support Assad and Putin

>use meme flags

>liked /mlpol/

It always goes together. No exceptions.

Double down on the fact that Trump is a kike puppet. Not much they can do to that.

Post anime. Especially lolis.

I dont care about the reditors, an enemy of the left is a friend to me. Pol shouldn't be triggert by them it makes pol look like right wing snowflakes.

>its the only time we have ever had a chance at winning so lets purity spiral


I wont go into the fucking irony of that, but I will say that there wouldn't be a problem with the fags if they had just integrated. They try and subvert boards into their own design like a virus. They tried with voat and here.

If you're so eager for our support then let us work behind the scenes instead of infesting Sup Forums with the same cancer smug leftfags were infested with during the previous decades.

>posting underaged girls
Fuck off pedo.


>leftypol memes
Nice falseflag, redditor. Let me guess, you will change your IP and start complaining about those filthy commie faggots because obviously the only alternative is to fuse with some shittu subreddit.

Not knowing if the posts you read are 100% genuine is a bigger problem IMHO.

Who knew that the key to having a chance at winning against the degenerate kikes was to just become a watered down version of them?

Nice try. Also
>if we get rid of t_d newfags leftys will stop coming
You can do better, fuck of till your ready to

atleast post boys

that's gay tho

It's less about newfags (who always were a problem and always will be) and more about a cancerous subculture that is supported by various Youtube videobloggers/e-celebs. If you don't think that's even slightly annoying there's no help for you.

friendly reminder to sage and report kike d&c threads

Everyone hates their own useful idiots dumbfuck thats why your shitty plan will fail because we already know exactly what they are and you cant take them away from us cause they know to call you a shill

Yeah, but it would be great if these useful idiots didn't shit up other boards. Because sometimes I can't tell them apart from lefttards with their fag-loving antics.

good ol gore wipe, its only and final solution