I'd say that Fox News is just as bad if not worse than CNN

I'd say that Fox News is just as bad if not worse than CNN.

Every single story is blown way out of proportion against liberals, so much so that over the past few weeks I have seen almost no coverage during the evenings in which they mention a single good thing Trump has done.

Pro-Trump coverage has been replaced by blanketing anti-liberal coverage, almost every headline is "Look at what the Hysterical Left is doing now" or "Leftist Media is crazy". They don't report on anything factual, every single debate on the channel is between an angry conservative and a liberal who knows jack shit about the subject they're speaking on.

Opinion-based editorialization should not be treated as journalism, on any side of the political spectrum. So much of the mainstream media has turned to this, but especially Fox.

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Cry more faggot

it's shit, but nothing is worse than CNN

plus Hannity and Tucker are /ourguys/

Hannity is a partisan hack who lacks principled policy positions. He supported the Patriot Act until Obama expanded it, then he turned against it. He also said Obama better not bomb Syria when he was considering it, but then when Trump actually DID bomb Syria he didn't say anything. All he cares about is making Team Republican look good.

This is a fact. You should also add anti-socialism. They routinely call ignorant idiot "socialists" so Tucker and similar paid shills can "debate" them.

Whenever they call someone who actually knows what they're doing (like Yvette), they get BTFO and then act like they won.


its funny to me how fox news like to act like they're not part of the media establishment

When did anti-political correctness become conservative? How did you fags take over our board?


That PV video really got to you OP.

>Whenever they call someone who actually knows what they're doing (like Yvette), they get BTFO and then act like they won.

They arent. They're REAL news. A line in the sand was drawn when Trump won. Fox decided to join Trump, CNN and it's cronies took the other. One had news to report, one had to create news to report. And now that Trump is not only winning and beating the shit out of CNN, Fox is livid and eager to join the brawl. Pretty much the same case for all people who stayed faithful to the president despite the lies the left tried to spread. Now they need to either stand aside, give up, or see the truth and work with us to MAGA.

>almost every headline is "Look at what the Hysterical Left is doing now" or "Leftist Media is crazy"
that is the polite way of asking "what's the deal with all the chicks with dicks and feral niggers?"

How can you support a man who cares nothing about this country?

redditposting and slide threads


Tell me exactly where she's wrong. Tell me exactly what Tucker said that's not pure demagoguery.

Can you describe to me the self-image you get in your head when you say that? Do you see yourself as a Ghandi like character calming a horde like your cracking open a Pepsi? Heh... Pepe: The Taste of a New Generation. Trump cares you fuckwit. Get your shit spewing head out of your lying ass and wake the fuck up.

The really deceptive thing about Fox is the shit they DON'T say. I didn't notice until 2007, they should have been promoting Ron Paul left and right if they were actually small government fiscal conservatives, but instead did the opposite and memory holed him so hard that everyone I knew didn't even know who the fuck he was, and promoted globalist cucks like McCain instead.

Or just today, the fact that the supreme court upheld the travel ban should have been a huge headline topic for Fox but they glossed over it in 15 seconds like it wasn't a big deal, just meh we'll talk about the press briefing not having cameras instead.

It's downright maddening

Fuck fox they dont give a fuck about us black people or BLM.

My picture of Trump is basically a man child. He is a north eastern bimbo who among real estate mongols was known as a fraud. The man has always been petty, narcissistic and emotional.

Shut up, fake news.

So basically you just invent your own reality in place of the actual one.

bonus: filthy slope

lol at you for watching cable news of any sort.

Lick boot faggot

>t.Normie Bernout
You're not getting your donations back. Now fuck off back to r/Communism to suck off your comrades.

Fox (((news)))

Fuck the jews. OP is a faggot. Everyone in the thread kys.

The only thing I watch on FOXNEWS is Tucker Carlson, because it makes me laugh at least once, without fail.
I like local news. They don't have enough time to put spin on everything.

Jesus. SELF-IMAGE. Do you believe your the little man standing up against the great power? Not the image that you see Trump as you twitt.



No one really cares about niggers, even other niggers.

Look Fox News shills in its own way. They routinely put neocons on TV that shill for more military action all over the world, especially Ralph Peters. But, imo Fox doesn't bullshit anywhere nearly as bad as CNN.

The thing I really can't fucking stand about Fox is that they only change their viewpoints out when it suits them the most. They stopped being a moderately-conservative network when Trump started gaining popularity, and I'm sure they'll throw his entire ideology out when the next big figure in the Republican party comes along. They're effectively Republican propagandist shills for whatever is working for the party at a specific time.

op never heard of controlled opposition and at
the same time doesnt know all media is
owned and programed by jews. making op
a retard.

Fuck off CNN. Tucker is better than anyone on your channel.

Fuck CNN too. The amount of hyperbole and exaggeration that goes into their reporting is fucking ridiculous.

There is only one reality new friend.

I would rather support market capitalism; not the crony kind.

Not a 'great power' because the white house has a skeleton work force. He is about a hundred people down from having a full staff. Though the image I have is how most of America sees him. As well as how most people in the real estate/banking industry view him.

At least I watch some interesting stuff happening in the US In fox news, CNN have been Russia Russia Russia all the time and I was fucking tired, and BBC is always about Africa for some reason

I don't know how normies tolerate watching cable

Fox News and CNN are two sides of the same coin

They only generate controversy because it makes money.


MSNBC is the opposite of Fox News. CNN is like both of them as they both chase sensationalism.

>assuming any msm is not complete bullshit
just stay on pol to get the latest events.

>BBC is always about Africa

Who cares about him changing his positions? Our guys are our guys.

Too bad you don't actually live in it.

>Or just today, the fact that the supreme court upheld

That was breaking news about 3 days ago.

Been living under a rock much?

This is Demonstrably wrong.
Are you a shill or just straight up dont know any better?
Fox is bad yes but compared to cnn, nytimes (yes for real) and msnbc fox is the least bad.

Fox news is really hit or miss. The liberal rats are creeping back into the shows and the (((writers))) are getting worse daily.

That being said, Tucker is /myguy/ and so is Watters because he seems like he's still pissed about O'reilly getting canned and you can tell by how he conducts his show.

>ywn listen to Bill while you drive home again

He was a hack but the factor was Top Comfy.

She's wrong because she's shouting people down without hearing what they have to say, and in a fascist government, that's essentially the same thing that happens. She's wrong because shes the antithesis to what she proclaims to stop. It really isn't that hard, bolshevik.

>"Look at what the Hysterical Left is doing now" or "Leftist Media is crazy".

Well can you disprove it? There is borderline everday something insane coming out of the "progressive" circles be it planning anti racism events by having black only days (lol), calling for murder or people that disagree and all that crazy shit Calling out never ending shit on campus is not the fault of fox its the fault of "progressives" no one forces them to provide endless material.

It's all just propaganda of one kind or another, user.

>Every single story is blown way out of proportion against liberals
Have you not seen what those retards have been doing lately?

>Tell me exactly where she's wrong
You mean besides cheering for violence and censorship?

CNN is the Bolshevism propaganda station. Fox is the Zionist one. Both are horrible, just in different ways.

What Fox does is stir the pot to paint every person on the democratic side as utterly mad. This leads its viewers to think everything in our country that is the problem, is due to the left, despite the true democratic people having legit concerns (dying in the sand for Israel, environmental concerns thanks to China, bankers fucking us, etc).

To help make this medicine go down easier, they have Tucker and Watters do nothing but interview the most deranged liberal people possible. And once they've reeled you in on the "Everybody else is fake news but us!" hook, is when they start peddling you pro-Israel, pro-Judaism trash. And since you've been indoctrinated to believe whatever they say, you are hard-pressed to disagree. InfoWars does this too, so does Breitbart.

The sooner you realize all MSM, no matter if it is the right or the left, is totally corrupted and bought out by Jews, the better.

We all do; that is what reality is.

Of course Fox news is pure shit. But all these dumb Trump supporter believe that Fox news is great because he tweets that.