Trump is about to kill millions of Americans

He is literally worse than Stalin and Pol Pot combined.

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally no one will die.

Why do liberals talk like this?

Because it's a mental disorder.

>poor people off the dole
>lower taxes
i'm struggling to see the problem here

Why did I never hear about people dying before Obama care?

Stalin is a saint, ask the russian church.

they learned how to fear monger but are too stupid to control it


Because you were too young to remember. People dying due to lack of coverage is what gave rise to Obamacare in the first place.

I 10/10 this bait a rate

>Because you were too young to remember.
>38 years old

only rosie odonnel?

Just fuck off, OP. No one here cares about your retarded liberal horse shit. You low life r.eddit fag.

>if I don't get muh gibs I'm gonna die!
That's the fucking point, is it not?
t. Somebody who lives on gibs

Wow it's almost like able bodied people will have to get real jobs


On the Internet, nobody knows you're underage.


He's getting cucked. Trump never had any sort of plan. Middle class aren't getting any tax cuts.

Didn't the guy who shot Sasse use this as a justification for his actions?
No dumbass, people were going bankrupt, no one was being denied access to the hospitals


Less ameriniggers

Pol Pot's Pleasure Penthouse

Someone explain how getting rid of obongocare kills people

A promise is broken the sheep don't care.


>trump literally said he would not let people die

Healthcare is not a human right. You can't make someone treat you for free.

Fuck off libshits. Get a fucking job and earn your privileges instead of sucking someone's teet.

don't you remember when all poor people died in America when they got sick until 2011

We'll all die if Oboomer care isnt appealed.

Subsidized healthcare is not a human right. People die, in fact our survival as a nation depends on it. Its the circle of lifeeeee. Now fuck off and move to Venezuela if you love socialism so much.




It's insurance dipshit. Medicare are the absolute poorest or disabled.

People with preexisting conditions get fucked over. The elderly pay 5 times the rate.

nah, people could still get care, Obamacare was sold as a way to avoid the debt incurred so you wouldn't go bankrupt getting treatment. It was also supposed to keep people from depending on the ER for their routine care and push them into primary care offices or clinics.
None of it worked. It just ruined the system that we had before, which was much, much better. Would have been better to have kicked out all the illegals who were mooching and expanded Medicaid eligibility somewhat.



Sounds good to me. People with preexisting conditions cannot be on a healthcare plan for it to function properly in the first place. Its health insurance not cheat death tax.

>he's too young to remember how Obamacare removed the concept of death from humanity

> be self-employed white citizen of USA
> pay a fuckton in taxes
> make too much to get subsidy for health insurance
> can't afford health insurance because of ACA
> nobody gives a shit... would rather flush money down the toilet to let people with preexisting conditions buy insurance

Have you ever not had insurance? 3 days at a hospital runs you about 25k, an ambulance ride about 4k. I shudder to think about people who need to get a serious operation with an extended stay without insurance.

hey yea you get a condition then are dropped for being sick. That's an awesome insurance plan.


get sick lose job lapse in coverage die. great plan

Huh? A preexisting condition is something you have before signing up for healthcare.