It was her turn

It was her turn...

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Yeah, thats pretty funny

I don't recall any pro-immigration stuff in HP, in fact the dirty foreign Wizards only visited every 4 years

>tfw too intelligent to win the presidency

>Harry Potter
What is it with libshits and that fucking book?

I read the first one in class when it came out, I read a few more then gave up because I discovered alcohol and warm holes.

It was an alright kids book, but that's it, why do these mentally ill freaks use it as a moral compass or a set of teachings?


Harry potter? you mean the book where special people could pass through a magical wall but that kept muggles (unpure normal people) out?

>then gave up because I discovered alcohol and warm holes

Exactly. Libs are rejects who never experienced these things.

But there aren't really any gays or immigrants in the books and house elves want to be slaves except for dobby who is a fucking nutcase.

She had it right with sneaky banker goblins though. Denying them wands was 100% the right decision

Good point my French friend


>read a few more then gave up because I discovered alcohol and warm holes.
There you go matey. These nutjobs are the social outcast freaks and not the kind they project people like you and me being.

Was Harry Potter MK-Ultra shit? That fat cunt that wrote blood letters into his hand really turned me off the series. It started to read like some daytime TV filler designed to appeal to SSRI nutjobs. I read captain underpants growing up and alter came out bi. Much of the children's literature seems like it was designed to stupefy and scare you into self policing each other over social stuff. Fucking K-12 Prussian serf retards wouldn't let me keep reading my history books. They just had to give em autism with their shitty literature.

Because the mentally ill will latch onto anything "magical"
Why the fuck do you think religion is so fucking popular?

It's the only book they've read

I also read harry potter as a child.

See flag.

Good points.


Maybe also Catcher In The Rye, Animal Farm & 1984. Can't be a pseudo intellectual without those!!

Public school shit-tier literature turned me away from reading. I think that's it's intention.

I read it all.

Before I stopped being a geeky freak, I even enjoyed the story.
Then I grew up.

Jesus Christ.. They are so detached from reality it hurts.

Bernie and Trump supporters were/are retarded. "It was her turn" has nothing to do with what She or any of her supporters believed. Keep strawmanning to justify the worst president ever in office though.

Damn user, I actually never thought of it that way.

why did so many people misinterpret harry potter?

I'm no libshit but I'm 26 years old now, and I can tell you that the first movie/book that became so popular had actors that were right around my age at the time. Then every 1-2 years another came out and they were that much older and so were you. It lasted throughout middle and high school and well into college as well. They were characters that I grew up with, and while I never went crazy about the series like some people do, but I did enjoy it very much, and there aren't many series' like it that people grow up and live with. That said, I don't use it as a moral compass and am pretty against immigration. The reason that people relate the story to immigration is because voldemort is all about keeping his wizard blood pure, and is supposed to be a quasi Hitler for wizards. Obviously to normies, Hitler is bad, and Trump is literally Hitler for building the wall. Therefore, harry potter is a pro-immigration series. If Rowling hadn't called trump hitler herself, I would say they're just stretching, but turns out she's a libshit bitch too.

dont forget the star wars references.
fucking retarded, hillary is

>mfw i read "A Series of Unfortunate Events" as a kid

Harry Potter fans are all pussies.

Public schools are all about pushing an agenda. Fucken hell I had a teacher in gradeschool who used a book that had some guy who "excessively masturbated" and then had to be operated on his dong, which meant he couldnt anymore so he almost became a rapist bullshit as one of our first books.

The teacher in question was an 68th movement rad fem. The girls were basically given the run of the show, allowed to do whatever and never disciplined while she was extremely harsh with the boys.

Most of the other books we read were similar shit. The few teachers who were remotely neutral and actually in it for the teaching were funnily enough younger ones and the quality difference was insane.

Harry Pottet made ne realize Voldmort did nothing wrong.

Where's the lie?
Your post is like watching all the matrix movies and being brainwashed from them. God forbid a democrat reduce the national debt WHILE helping people go through college with healthcare. Most repubs just want to see people suffer for no reason? Accelerating the economy only helps the 1% (PSA I hate bernie)

lol. Shut up fag.

I'm 28, grew up with them too, but like I said. I forgot about wizards and other lame shit when I started getting drunk and fucking my classmates.

I didn't hold onto a child's book and use it as a moral compass for my life.

The Prussian Volksschulen, common school K-12, actually was designed to get the lower classes to stop reading. Reading gave them too many views into better ways of living. It's basically enslavement of the lower classes. Makes them into infantalized lever pullers.

21:15-25:10 for the quick rundown

On your "MK-Ultra/self-police" thing, I've generally noticed that unless you've been specifically told to question everything that's ever taught to you by institutions like schools etc, or your parent's don't give much of a fuck what you read/learn on your lonesome, people tend to be very fucking sheepish and follow the word of "teachers"

i noticed this especially back in high school, where whenever i tried to engage in a meaningful debate about whichever topic was being "taught", more than half the class would yell at me to shut the fuck up cause i'm "wrong". Thankfully, the teachers (for the most part. Some of the knew ones were as thick as brick walls...)would tell them to shut the fuck up and engage in the debate. Probably because they were bored, but still...

why didn't harry just cast a spell that would make hillary win the elections?

The Prussian K-12 system was forced on Americans and most of the western world.


Is it time to meme this shit into the ADL?
There's so much fertile ground.

Biological superiority and privileged.
Refusing to integrate with muggles and or help them with medicine and clean energy etc.
Segregation of class,race,gender etc.
Oppression of other magical races based on perceived superiority when really it was due to wands / numbers.
goblins and house elves etc are more magically attuned but wizzards shit all over them and limit their potential and progress so that they can maintain power.
deeply corrupt ministry that would rather live in denial of their short comings rather then address them and prevent further damage to the wizzarding world.
Death eaters etc are just a bi product of the systemic racism ingrained in wizzards by their schools etc.
Harsh international relations where other countries are deeply secretive and uncooperative.

>is it time for the ministry to fall?

>tfw really liked Harry Potter
>tfw couldn't be more against immigration and faggotry

HP is for children and the left, LoTR is for men and traditional indviduals

you sound like the prick who cares way too much about a topic and all the rest of the class cares about is passing/getting an A on the test, so they want to hear the lecture in it's entirety so they can do their best. Then comes your dumb ass and steals 10 minutes on some meaningless debate, possibly multiple times per lecture, and then it ends short with a chunk of material having never been covered, so you don't know what to expect on the test. Sure you can go read the 50 pages in the book, but if there are even 5 questions on that content you have no idea where to begin in there.

>special people could pass through a magical wall but that kept muggles
How can Trump wall even compete?

>Read Harry Potter
>Loved the Books
>Movies were OK I guess
>Mfw someone asks me how I feel about migration policy

>If you read Harry Potter you're probably a fucking retard
Story checks out

Not just them though. It's highyl efficient in imparting ones views, ideas and way of thinking on the younger generations during their formative years. College later on comes as bonus round where it is taken even further, outright inducting them into a cult esque mindset.

It's another thing we can lay at the feet of the boomers. They were fat, complacent, lazy and self indulgent. When the left, often bankrolled and radicalized by the Soviet Union went for the universities and education system at large. The boomers rolled over and handed it to them. Stuff rapidly went downhill from there.

i read harry potter when i was 6 and i hold none of those feelings. It had nothing to do with any of that stupid shit. It was a fantasy world i delved myself into and enjoyed.

Thanks for the red pill.

The pure and absolute butt hurt emanating from the left has been consistently palpable since November 8th. By far the most hilarious shit I've ever experienced. All of the absurd headlines the week after the election; the Washington Post shitting out the term "fake news."

I wonder what it was like to work for these people at that time. Probably non-stop insanity.

History books constantly going into the details of human slavery and various religious and government systems red pilled the shit out of me.

Books they push in school are very suspicious. Lots of anti free speech, anti individualism narratives. Everyone is always brown nosing each other and fucking with each other's lives because it's the moral thing to do.

One of the functions of the K-12 Prussian system is to get the plebs to police themselves, as it would be too costly to do it with paid police. They also enforce whatever social customs are taught in the curriculum.

I read Harry Potter and i hate all of those freaks.

For the record only about 3 of the books were decent, the ending to the series was just shit, pure shit

I loved those books. I never had money and our school library only had the first six.

Here choke on this, Quick rundown of the function of American public school Longer rundown of the function and history of American public school. History of the Prussian education system and it being pushed on Americans. Interview about all aspects of public education and state propaganda. First 50min is high density redpilling. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. Exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans. Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control. Allan Watt exposing the use of TV and media to corrupt culture from the top down, as a means of control.

These two focus on Frederick the Great and the generally traumatizing way the elite raise their children. I'm not sure about everything in the first doc, but the child rearing stuff is on point. They abuse their kids to bring about disassociative and multiple personality disorder. Allowing them to act without empathy towards the outside world. It's why most people can't even bring themselves to see the system for what it really is.

And you sound like the cunt who has the level of IQ fit for a sewing machine.

Also, before you make assumptions (because we all know when you assume you make an arse out of you and me), No. I never wasted time debating stupid shit during lectures. If i knew the lesson entailed important shit for some bullshit exam? I got on with the bullshit and let them lecture on with that "chunk" of material. If i knew it was a shitty filler lesson with no content in it? Then i engaged in reasonable debate. Also to note, the two classes I done this in were both History and R.E. (Religious Education) which should be a fucking given considering the fucking topics. You cunt.

Oh, and how did i know if it was a key lesson you may ask? The teachers had the right fucking mind to let us know if anything key was being taught.

Good series

I read all of them as a kid, but mostly because my friends did at the time and I wanted to be hip.

I noticed this with the History books as well. They were far too biased on most subjects and never took into account the other factors involved in whichever historical event that took place. A good example would be the rise of the Nazi party during the 20's to 30's. They pretty much went along the lines of "Everyone hated jews, the nazi's saw this and made a move". Anyone who had disputed these claims? Automatically called a Nazi by the class. Because they fucks don't know how to pick up a book out of their own volition.

My computer science teacher in 8th grade redpilled us by showing us a stormfront-associated MLK site. The lesson was "you can't always believe everything you read (on the internet), you have to think for yourself".

The first three to four book are actually decent children stories. They were good reads during my free time or before going to bed and shit.

However, after the third book (((Rowling))) aimed at a bigger audience and wanted to jew out young adults and man children,too. That's the point when shit hits the fan with "le ancient evil has awakened" and "Harry fucking bitches left and right".
You don't read the 8 or so fucking book for the overall plot but the atmosphere, setting and character interaction. I don't give a shit if the MC is a Mary Sue that will bring balance through the magical force.

Your mindset is everything wrong with the "education" system. Everyone sacrificing their intellectual faculties for test taking and memorization abilities.

>It was her turn...

Yeah it was her turn to get in jail

Harry Potter was an MI6 project to create just that outcome, Hillary.

You don't go to school to learn, you go there to get papers and certificates with legal authority. You should be teaching yourself anything you need or want to know, or find a mentor. If you're honestly going to school to learn, you're using the system fucking wrong.

You're a fag for even taking those classes

They weren't awful books. They were lighthearted, fun reading and kept the middleschool/highschool me entertained. I read a shitload of other books of a higher caliber though, and that's what most HP fanatics who compare Trump to Voldemort failed to do.

When your experience is limited to HP and such, you clearly won't have the capacity to think outside of the limited mindset young adult books foster in you.

Pretty much. Too many HP fans have only read those books and similar lighthearted stories.

I very much liked the Harry Potter books, still do too

To clarify, i was speaking about my self study i did in the library and after school with books oi had checked out. Everything they assigned to me was obviously propaganda to some degree.

I have to admit one of my biggest redpills was learned in school. We went over persuasive writing in English and how to back trace the thought process of the person writing it. Suddenly i realized most things are persuasive writing, also that most people are too dumb and lazy to ever trace anything back to it's root.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao is a manipulative warlord. Seems like one of the few people he ever cared about was an enemy warlord's propagandist(can't remember the name). The English Civil War was the first time the printing press was used to recruit troops en mass to great effect. Germany seems to want to decentralize into lots of little countries. Only the shear strength of Rome and the mind control propaganda of the Prussian education could ever turn it into a centralized empire. The pen is mightier than the sword because it can raise multitudes of swords.

The system is using you, you tool. Enjoy that serf pussy and the slavish genetics of your offspring. "Just study what you want in your off time" is a bullshit meme. You'll never become proficient when most of your time and energy is being devoured by indoctrination.



Because only libshits give a fuck about harry potter.


I stopped taking the teachers seriously when none of them could explain the goals of the Nazi party or the Communists. It was all "Hitler was going gas everyone who wasn't blonde haired and blue eyed and he had three testicles." Constantly focusing on Indian canoe bullshit for years, while never talking about Egypt, Persian, Greece, Rome, or anything important really pissed me off. Made me think it was all a waste of time to keep me stupid. Now if i try to spark up a conversation about history i get called Sheldon Cooper(Bazinga man). Having a cup of coffee with most people makes me want to blow my brains out. They're all re-transmission stations for bullshit movies, TV, and government propaganda.

Based Cao Cao


burn harry potter books

I loved the Harry Potter books. I still want a white nation.

I don't get it, the books aren't exactly lefty friendly. They're a HIGHLY segregated "ubermensch" genetically superior society who disallows "untermensch" muggles from even knowing of the existence of their far more productive culture. From what I remember they had bone fide slavery against a lesser race, and although it was only portrayed badly when the villains were doing it, nobody else seemed to give much of a fuck, good or bad, that they were living on slave labour.

Maybe leftists are enamoured by those concepts without the reflex racism barrier.

It's just fantasy, like the holocaust.

>trying to find some correlation to having red harry potter

might as well try to find some correlation to everyone who ate pickles before.
the saturation is way too high to draw any conclusion from it


>Not wanting to go Slytherin

I read HP.....and I'm a Nazi

I hate how they are basically jerking off to how moral and progressive they are for having hillary in office. Didn't Germany and India already have female top leaders? Then the UC Berkeley and progressive fuckbags are throwing the worlds largest temper tantrum over her not winning and starting WW3. Which BTW, women are not required to enlist and "people of color" would just protest how racist it is for white people to fight other white people so they don't have to fight. They probably would also abuse the shit out of the scholarship system because Affirmative action hasnt already made it easier to get into a top ranked school to dodge the draft.

Harry Potter books genuinely aren't that good. The overarching story theme is decent, but its the exact same story from a thousand other stories being recycled. J.K Twatling though wrote like she was a middle school student trying to pad an essay by adding words. She reuses the same few phrases thousands of times in every book.
I think theres something really receptive to the left leaning mind about verbal repetition.

I fucking love Harry Potter, but I hate illegal immigrants, queers, minorities... Etc

H-Hey L-Listen!


how can u read a movie u idiot


Yep, it was definitely cool being the same age as all this was coming out. I was a big Harry Potter nerd.

I'm not compassionate to gays, immigrants, and refugees though.

They want to turn Rawling into a modern day C.S. Lewis and make her work a benchmark for their camp as Lewis has been for more conservative leaning thought.

I read all the books two or three times, loved it as a kid. When the last one came out I was 13. Needless to say, shortly after that I completely forgot about the books as I started to drink and chase chicks. And here I am, an HP veteran, a nationalist, a socially conservative.




if you read it in elementary/middle school it was pretty much just escapism, honestly if i read that shit as a kid i would have been depressed af knowing i'd never get to go to wizard school.

Did you even follow the story? It's badly written, sure, but it is pure crypto-racism, with an educated genetic elite running the world in secret, and a bumbling violent inferior race ridiculed as "mudbloods". It could be used as pure propaganda, with Soros as Voldemort and the the nignogs as muggles.

I always knew there was something wrong with that book.

Actually, HP is the logical next thing for Sup Forums to turn into a symbol of white supremacy.

Didn't Pakistan have a female head of state?
Like it is such an indicator of how excellent some place is - bloody morons.

Out of all the actors, Radcliffe is the only one who's become actually good. Watson's been starring in shitshows for years now, but ever since he stopped being an insatiable drug addict, Radcliffe's actually done some pretty good stuff.


*takes a deep breath*

I'm annoyed I see a bunch of Harry Potter fanfic shit in my instagram feed when I tell it to not show me this shit. Like Headcannon james potter did x to fingerbang Lily on their first date while someone was shapeshifted and came in fly form in her beer

*falls on the floor*

I read the Harry Potter books as a kid. I hate immigrants, refugees, and fags.

Liberals love the Harry Potter books because the characters act so tolerate and yet they still call non magical people Muggles. That's like someone preaching about how black people deserve respect but still refer to them as niggers.