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this came out like a year ago on pol time

how the fuck did i miss that?
so what was the conclusion? what happened?

P-pro...P-project... Ve... V-veri... tas... s...


Their parts 2+ and Ronald bernard part 3+ will be interesting, center are normies waking up.

I watched CNN yesterday to see if they will mention this. And they didnt.


>putting your country on the brink of nuclear war for the sake of ratings

When you put it like that, it's badass!

its nucking fothing.

Wow you're only 12 hours late. Asshole.

>project veritas
Not this shit again. You realize he's been found guilty of federal charges before, don't you? You realize he literally admitted he deceptively edits and frames things?

No. Of course you don't. Because he defends your precious retard emperor and attacks news that you disagree with.

Read it. Then try to say he's a credible source.

CNN is basically dead now

He's also releasing a bunch more videos, should be another one within 12 hrs

Nice damage control, JIDF

This is what the shills say every time an O'Keefe video comes out, too bad it's never true

Go ahead and tell us exactly how the video was deceptively edited, we'll be waiting

>recent video footage obtained by Project Veritas
>Project V-blah blah blah

nobody buys that story you know
conservashits are so pathetic.

Long live the CNN and above 50% of US population who are truly redpilled and normal.

These are the same fake guys that showed voting fraud. Nothing to see here. Move right along. Thanks!

Then why did ACORN shut down?

nervous shlomo?

Yup these are the guys. Ok yeah right. Accept it there's connection between trump and Russia. How much is the question.

I'm not a Jew just stating facts these guys aren't legitimate sources. Next!

>Who would you believe, me or your lying eyes?

> An uncut video is fake because muh feels
It wasn't even cut from beginning to end.

read drudge

It's getting 500k views per day


They're the niggers of journalism

LOL he said CCN and fox only have about a million viewers
and NBC has 20 million


shills are like "Don't believe what you see, wait until CNN tells you what to think"

Yeah it was also #1 on trending, still in the top 3

Everyone is seeing this shit, CNN is fucking dead


I don't know the viewership for fox and CNN was that low..
that's pretty good news.
American isnt as cucked as I thought.

More to come

Old news
sage & onions lads

You're dumb and you should communicate less.


LOL go ahead and tell us exactly what is fake about these videos, we'll be waiting

>video of them saying it
>3 employees ' resigned '
Yeah it's nothing right? XD

>2 cents deposited

Love the work James. You and you're crew are like a bunch of theives in the night fucking up these peoples days before they have a chance to wake up.

He's releasing it at noon. So it will be up here at 12:01, and this asshole will find out about it on Friday.


I'm as hard as a rock

Doesnt change the fact that Putin elected Drumpf.

not a credible source. go read a newspaper.

Still waiting on any shill to tell us what is not credible in the video

CNN already confirmed the guy said what he said

They can't, they can only attack the source and not the information, it's dismissal on "I don't like the source" rather than "it's factually wrong".

If they had anything to dispute the information released they would use that instead, but they don't do they won't.



You literally didn't even address the argument, go ahead and tell us what is fake about the video

You mean if we seen: Yeah, we have!


lol ok


>deceptively edited
stop liking what I don't like


They even attack the guy from CNN for being from Kansas

Kansas is the new FUCKING WHITE MALE

>h-he's a c-criminal h-he w-was arrested
so was MLK Jr.

LOL the left just eats their own

The guy is literally saying that, right there, on camera. How the fuck are you gonna say that's fake?

This thread is filled with nonsensical bot posts, what the fuck is going on.

o'keefe is brilliant, and the left still keeps falling for his traps.

what he does is he releases one video, the left goes crazy and makes up lies, falling into his trap. he releases a 2nd video that proves the left was lying about what they said about the 1st video. the left goes crazy and makes up lies about the 2nd video, thus falling again into a trap: he releases a third video that proves they were lying about what they said about the 2nd video.

He was arrested for filming on private property. Veritas is a saint.

Normally companies get charged for mainly hiring one race. The Jewish mafia gets a pass.

There was a time when journalists considered it a badge of honor to get arrested covering a story.

The next video should be release around noon. I expect a wave of shills to post a lot of slide threads.

"We will be blowing the candles out around noon, unwrapping 'American Pravda: CNN, Part II"

Fake Veritas news.

sorry but o'queef was arrested once therefore everything recorded doesn't matter
checkmate drumpfniggers

>You realize he's been found guilty of federal charges before, don't you?

Has he ever been found guilty of slander?

>You realize he literally admitted he deceptively edits and frames things?

He edits the videos because they have hours of footage. You claim they're deceptively edited videos. That's two different things.


Are you going to tell me GamerGate is a misogynistic terrorist group of cisgender white male gamers who try to chase women out of the video game industry?

So he has all this shit stored for revealing the left? This guy is kekistan genius.

Not one good post has even been made under that flag, prove me wrong.

>Then why did ACORN shut down?

Also: why was Bob Creamer fired?

>Yeah it was also #1 on trending, still in the top 3

the rank changes by geolocation, it was #6 on trending in Canada about an hour ago. I think it's #1 in the US

If anyone here has a Facebag account I'd like to see the view counter on Facebook because these types of videos tend to get a lot more views on FB than on YT

Kill yourself.

>3 employees ' resigned '

No that was before the Project Veritas video, they "resigned" after Breitbart.com fact checked their article based on an anonymous source. Then came the memo telling everyone they need to be more cautious then came the PV video and there's another video coming out at approximately noon today (eastern time?)

Nope, we completely missed this all day yesterday. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

>go read a newspaper.

you're funny :-)

CNN editor: "Yeah the Russian narrative is bullshit for ratings"

Liberals: "B.... But mah project veridas! He always shows things out of context!"

Idk how you could take those quotes out of context, but liberalism is about indoctrination, not logic.

>the video was deceptively edited,

as simple as that

We saw it coming years ago... this is so nice to see.


One of the all time best games

>deceptively edited
people are paying attention to things I don't want them to see

aka: stop liking what I don't like

Fucken a


Waiting for rest

The shill talking point is bringing up past times where Veritas has lied while not even acknowledging the words that are being said in the current video.

I think he was talking about nightly national news vs cable news. But still, CNN is pathetic.

Lel excuse my phoneposting, but I just had an add for the nyt

Threadly reminder: all non geographic flags are leafs and/or swedes(ahmeds) by default.


Oy veh goy, nothing to see here

Bad bait

Get out

literally nothing

Let me break it down for you fags:
>John Bonifield does not have anything to do with CNN politics dept.
>Bonifield literally just stated his own opinions. No different/more credible than watching Alex Jones.

>John bonifield is likely gay
>undercover reporter def did some 'deep' investigating to get this scoop.
>undercover reporter investigated this story 'long and hard' and literally made an ass of John Bonifield

Getting scared?

Really bad.

CNN is finished

but their ratings are higher than ever. if anything all they need to do is talk about Russia even more if they want this thing to be swept under the rug.

god knows that the libtards eat it up like candy

so you're really are a nigger, ohhhh...

ooga booga mufugga

Better hope todays video is bigger than getting some no name local CNN Health producer share his personal uninformed opinion on the russia story. What a fraud.

Lol, reaction is the only reason I watch this piece of shit channel. It's hilarious how they outrage. This time, it was just hilarious watching them double down on Russia


Same paid monkeys screaming again "nothing to see here, move along" hahahahahaha get on the next boat out of my country cnn cock suckers.