How do we solve the (((alt-light))) problem?

How do we solve the (((alt-light))) problem?

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We don't. I'm full 14/88 but we need these cuckolds to hide behind when the media comes hunting for us. These guys can absorb the heat like Milo did.



Put an end to MSNBC / CNN / FOX. Also tell the gays to stop pushing their agenda on our children.
Also put an end to TIme Magazine NY Times and the like.


Lets be real, why does pol hate the "Alt-Light" or "The New Right" so much?

As much fun as it is to LARP as AltRight and more on pol, in reality this has no draw with normies.

People like Lauren southern, Crowder and even Milo have far more marketability than Richard Spencer.

At least they are voting and supporting conservative parties and candidates, would you rather they were voting democrat?

What's the alt right?

WN is stupid. Just because someone is white doesn't mean they aren't a complete idiot, and socialism doesn't work even if everyone is white.

It's the latest divide and conquer psyop, Spencer only has like 12k yt subscribers and 64k Twitter followers, despite constant free press in the media whenever he does anything, he doesn't resonate with normies and doesn't win anyone over to the right. If people actually think purging Southern, Crowder and Milo would do anything but reduce the amount of converts we're taking from the left, which is key to winning in politics, they're retarded.

You would have to be severly fucked in the head to let this obviously closeted faggot saboteur and his small band of followers convince you that tearing down our normie friendly public faces will achieve anything besides kneecapping the right and bolstening the left.

>Sup Forums is one person
some/most don't. It's a small activist group that got kicked out of 8/pol/ and had their reddit sub deleted a while back that think they are going to "black pill" Sup Forumsacks into some type of race war or secessionist movement. They think most of Sup Forums is somehow not race realists and they've taken it upon themselves to "convert" Sup Forums or they think the user base of Sup Forums is somehow foot soldier-tier or useful idiot-tier and not just as nerdy as they themselves are.

Ignore/bully them.


>would you rather they were voting democrat?
and yes, Spencer has tweeted we needed to support an open borders, gun grabbing democrat because Trump is siding with our allies instead of siding with Assad.

I can only support the right for mainly economic reasons. Everything else they do is as stupid as the left.

This. Just continue parodying things such as

and my personal favorite
>Muslims are worse than Jews!

They'll come into places like Sup Forums and realize just how retarded they are and slowly become a part of the far right.

Recruitment ground

For the longest time I was under the impression that (for the most part) Sup Forums disliked Spencer and called him controlled opposition disingenuous, etc. So what's changed? I stop coming here for a week and all of a sudden everyone loves him?

Alt - Light are just liberals that don't like DNC and cuckservatives ridden with degeneracy and disturbing traits

Just look at them
>trapfucker pedo chernovich
>faggot cuck milo
I could go on and on, alt- light is a disgrace

Pro tip: everyone who don't call out the jew 90% of the time and call for open race war is

which is pretty much no one

And the "wow he came out of nowhere amirite" argument many here make is bullshit, you could say the same about Trump, just because you only get your info from MSM is your own fault

>Complete materialism.

You and commies would get along.

This ding ding ding

>At least they are voting and supporting conservative parties and candidates, would you rather they were voting democrat?
And whats the diffrence?

Trump would not have won without the alt-light.
They serve a purpose.
Europeans have not yet learned to become ethno-nationalistic.
It's a huge transformation for Europeans to take and we are going to be resented for being at the centre of that.
Once we have succeeded, the alt-light will cease to exist.
Getting rid of them somehow, won't magically make people open to ethno-nationalism.
Persuading people of the merits of ethno-nationalism gets rid of them.

How can someone miss the point so bad?

Call them out constantly. They'll get discouraged. It has already happened on Sup Forums actually. Unironic civnats are practically gone for example

alt right and alt right are both gay as fuck.

You're making too big of a deal out of it.

The real core of the alt-light that is a thorn in the movement is really a few already identified duchebags.

The rest of the folk are not even that much opposed to us.


This. I remember when pol used to have unironic black guys you actually agree with threads. Now you can't even say anything remotely positive about a nigger without "fucking based" being spammed. If you seriously think doing this isn't off putting to normies then you spend way to much time here.

you got trolled my man

Just call them nazis. Works every time.

criminally unchecked

>Let's let KIKES subvert our movement because some of them are "sympathetic to us"

>You are making this a BIG DEAL xD

>Ignore how edgy communists are hijacking a white nationalist movement by telling non-whites they are welcome when they put on a red hat and praise Trumpstein

this should explain it

The alt-light is dying. Cernovich's rally was a total disaster compared to Spencer's rally. The alt-light doesn't really have a ideological core, they're just Trump fans at this point. Their hollowness is starting to show.

>Trump is siding with our allies instead of siding with Assad.
Assad is on the right side and Israel is not our ally

You need foot soldiers in every war. You can't win with a handful generals. They are the mass on the protests, they are the voters on the elections, they redpill their relatives on the holidays, they are the tool to reach what we want.

Turning against a Alt Light is like killing your own son just because he isn't the exact copy of you.

Anyone promoting against them is a fucking shill

I don't care what that fucking chick says or does

I've never sat through a video of hers, she repeats bullshit. I only saw her interview on late night television when she blew up a couple months ago

Spencer is the only one worth listening to, and maybe jared but jared is fucking boring. He's like david duke or varg, he's good for reinforcing core fan echo chamber narratives but not influencing moderate masses.

Spencer has fuhrer potential. Just watch his Vice interview or campus speeches.

>pa request at the behest of the alt kike
do it yourselves you utter toxic cunts

>Turning against a Alt Light

You don't get the repercussions of alt-kikes subverting our movement?

The alt light takes the original WHITE nationalist movement and shits on it by inviting shitskins. I repeat, the alternative right is an alternative precisely because we have a zero tolerance policy for shitskins.

So why call it "alt" anything and try to associate with us in the first place, when you are essentially basic bitch conservatives? Why don't you go back to calling yourselves conservatives?

We present solutions to all race problems. Race wars or ethno states, we can do this a million different ways. The alt light is just jews trying to feel safe because they don't belong in the real alternative movement. They made their shitty knockoff version and failed.

In other words:

We are the real racists.

Check out this FUCKIN' BASED Black guy in a MAGA hat

>squeak squeak

>people go out in public to show their political beliefs

>Nazi LARPers are too scared to even leave their basement

Really makes you think

Nazi LARPers are just delusional children, they're an exact mirror of leftist identity politics.

They're so stupid they have no idea how stupid they are, but it's hilarious to watch them whine and moan constantly on the internet without doing shit in the real world.

Kek that nerd bitch almost drowned in her panties during the interview

Go troll a theater GERBILS

kill yourself jack

Keep sitting in your basement not doing shit Nazi LARPer

By solving the Alt Right first.

You first buddy, you're genetic waste, the niggers of the white race



>when you hate a group for not being extreme enough

You guys are no different than the niggers you seem to despise





A lot of alt lite people are still close to going full 14/88, so we just slowly redpill them all. If you see an alt lite faggot, be nice to them, and slowly urge them on towards the truth.

>having ideals is dumb
>we should fight more wars for Israel
>stop believing in things you fucking weirdos

Fuck off normalfag

Fuck off divide and conquer shill.
Any opposition is good opposition. Take your kikery to the oven.

>muh LARPing comeback

A bunch of the alt-lite fags can see the writing on the wall now. They see how much of a degenerate liar is, they see Cernovich is a snake oil salesman, no respectable adult male anywhere can tolerate Milo. None. Not a single one. People are sick of these assholes. Some head honchos in Gavin's own Proud Boys movements are lowkey White Nationalists and post on TRS forums. They know that when they leave the movement there will be nothing left but a bunch of nonwhites and Jews.

The alt lite is dying, and real nationalist movements are still growing at an explosive rate. Every time we have a rally IRL we gain people. People, normal people, see us standing up for whites against a tide of hideous dyed hair AntiFa trannies and they thank us.
Mom and Pop America want morality to be protected, they don't want a tranny fucker with a lisp, or a shitlib Canadian who spreads his ass open on a podcast for lulz.

>Fuck off normalfag

Autistic Nazi LARPers think they are going to take over the world from their basements with no normalfag support

Keep on LARPing faggots, this shit is hilarious

>Nazi LARPers are just delusional children, they're an exact mirror of leftist identity politics.

National Socilaism is exactly what it sounds like: a socialistic, i.e. leftist, ideologi. Historically and philosophically, they are a spinoff from the 2nd international, along with social-democrats. Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that they always welcomed former communists, but they didn't want former (classical nor social) liberals in their movement.

>They see how much of a degenerate liar Gavin* is,
backspaced over a word there

God he is truly a pedo

The left has its useful fool and these are ours.

Why kill them or insult them when we can use them? They are an appealing entry to our side of political spectrum, they speak to the young, the stupid and the people that are uncomfortable with our beliefs.

Don't be stupid enough to ignore willing pawns. Its not a problem, its a solution to our problem which is that we are never given the chance to speak about our views.

Yeah the kekistan stuff is cringey and stupid but its meant to appeal to children. Let them have their fun.

Hang out with them and slowly red pill them by making them laugh with superior memes

Because they are the ones who started attacking us and beginning to transform into "right-wing" sjws?

Anglin is from my home state and born less than a month before me.

I want to be buds now

Charles Murray btfo

There is no point in doing these rallys. There is no point in owning the street as antifa wants. If Sup Forums wants to succeed just get business and economic degrees and volunteer or run for office yourself.

The ALT-LIGHT is a GATEWAY drug to racemixing!

Alt light = race mixing scum

Literally ANTIFA larping as nationalists


I MEAN 1488 !!

88 fags are cancer

why are they talking about hate speech as if it's a thing?
I think we're slacking Sup Forums
we have all this fresh meat and instead of redpilling and converting we are just bitching.
What are we? a bunch of sniffling jews and niggers?

Sup Forums doesn't hate them - the truth is, that (((they))) are afraid of the momentum of the movement the same way they're araid of Lauren Southern, thus the 24/7 shilling of supposedly Sup Forumsacks against them

You don't solve the alt-right problem, the alt-right problem solves you.

Who's afraid of the alt light movement? It's literally lead by Jews who were ostracized by the alt-right because they realized they don't belong.

You don't win a war by having soldiers in your rank that hate you more than the enemy and will shoot you in the back of the head the first chance they get.
These people have done nothing but punched right and made the right look bad.


FUCKING LE BASED. god i want to suck his BBC.

Spencer is not as charismatic as you're implying IMO. Nathan Damigo has been more consistent and argues better. Richard goes on esoteric tirades about the nature of European man instead of talking about shit normie Americans can relate to.

If it runs off normies good. I am a white guy married to a black woman but start nigger hate threads and spam nazi shit to get rid of the red.dit crowd.
Pol is satire and the fact people think this is a movement of some sort is sad and pathetic

14 is most important but 88 is what the 14 is about. Either you're 1488 or 0

He is american, thinking isn't in his blood.

>they're an exact mirror of leftist identity politics
Do you retards still think this is an insightful statement?
I know you can't increase your IQ much, but you can at least read the stickied pic.

There can't be a justification for 14 without recognizing what the 88 really stands for.

>How do we solve the (((alt-light))) problem?

We gently guide them towards the noble art of Jew hatred.
For the glory of Kek, of course.

Rabbi Media (no one takes seriously + lauren left)

Cernobitch = already a fucking joke in right wing circles

Milo = pedo scandal ended him

Kike Shapiro = he never claimed alt-anything so he's still around as a cuckservative

Your shitty knockoff movement is DYING

Meanwhile the real alt-right is blowing up. Every time Richard Spencer farts it makes the top news. We are in every city, state and even spreading to different continents. And we ONLY accept whites - not shitskins. This is the big distinction.

>Slav necklace

I can only hope that these people are just ironic and going with the joke that is the alt-right, but sadly I know that americans are not a the brightest and with their fanaticism, it is really hard to believe in that.

What about Mexicans like Irma Hinojosa? Are they considered white?


>MUG instead of MAGA on the negro's cap


> He believes this
Dumb white trash isnt going to accomplish shit.
White identity is hated by the vast majority of whites and no one buys your "white genocide " bullshit.
Women not wanting to fuck your fat, unemployed ass isnt genocide

Pic related.

I identified as alt-lite until this kike fucking embarrassed the movement.

Fuck it, time for that final step