Capitalism everyone!

Capitalism everyone!

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>Bailing out banks and Wall Street is capitallistic

It's actually not. Let the market regulate itself

Way I see it that rich dude built the house and has the waiter on his payroll. Meanwhile the white guests did him a favor for the slice of pie and the niggers are uninvited guests who somehow expect to get pie for free.

Pretty fair in my opinion.

Crazy world we live in when liberal ''people'' seem to equate not taking money away from the people as giving them something.
As if not getting taxed is a privilege.
Like everyone receives money from the government, and a tax cut is just the government giving them more money.

This shit is crazy.

Now show a cartoon of Socialism!
(all plates are empty)
Go back to uni and get a degree in economics.

Seems fine to me.

>Capitalism everyone!
No, you can stop electing Trumps and Koch brothers puppets to Congress and it will still remain capitalism.

>dumb amerilard will justify kike run monopolies

What is purchasing power

Where's the original Ben Garrison picture? This is a shameless copy.

I unironically agree with this pictures underlying message, yes there is a massive wealth inequality, but disagree that...
1) Rich man is seen as a white male
2) middle class means single mothers
3) blacks represent the poor
4) the GOP is the butler to the rich

It's well known that the 1% back Hillary Clinton aka the democrat party and they despised trump during the election. Hell, they STILL defy him to this day and pander to the left.

This map reeks of bullshit.

Those fuckers that's are shit

Monopolies are created by the government.

Not this gay shit again.

Listen motherfucker, your gay ass ideology is failed. Marx was wrong in his predictions.

You commie scum need to pay some fucking attention to reality.

>hurr durr but official soviet statistics and projections !!!!!11

IMF map directly. And only reason east is higher is because they are no longer communist.

And the usa goverment is owned by the kikes

Yup. Capitalism has lifted huge masses from poverty. Only reason Some countries with Capitalism might be poor is because its not real capitalism and in real sense not socialist sense

>Ronnie cucking the evil empire

Yes because, not taking your money is the equivalent to giving it. That is some serious socialist mental gymnastics you got there.
All the plates would be empty except for the state since Socialism is only about giving the state more power over it's citizens.

Its a picture from google images without any source. Fuck off back to réddit you fat dumb fucking cunt

>this pic

its like im stuck in a loop where everything just repeats itself over and over again

>confederate flag
fuck off traitor


The rich man grew his own ingredients, baked the pie, and invited other people to come share it.

>poor niggers
>not nigger fault
Try working, nigger.

Wow the guy who worked his butt off his entire life is getting the biggest piece of the pie and the niggers who collect welfare don't wtf I hate capitalism and republicunts now

So amerilardistan is not real capitalism, right?

>single mother
Stop it, Shlomo.


Those wall steet kikes sure worked hard for their bail out monies

>nigger with 4 niglets and no father

Surprised this wasn't labeled RAYCISS by the nigger left.

oh wow! i am convinced now.


What are you proposing? How would that work?

Fucking idiots....

inefficiently run organizations are morally superior because nobody gets rich

The poor should have the pie and the middle class should have the empty plate to be more accurate.

>Unironically thinking this
Do you also believe there's a conspiracy to turn the frogs gay?

Nigger cartoon depicts crony capitalism. Limit power of government, problem solved.

>black people are all poor
Typical racist lib

Yep, makes a lot of sense. Instead of asking the server for some pie. They just gawk like retards at the fact that the elephant has a whole pie. Just thinking to themselves. "Why does he get a whole pie?" Meanwhile there's a few more on standby and, the ingredients to make more in the kitchen.

>muh fixed pie fallacy
'Most economic fallacies derive from the neglect of this simple insight, from the tendency to assume that there is a fixed pie, that one party can gain only at the expense of another.'

""middle class"" = single mom working class


>when you have only crumbs on your plate,
>but you're the most obese population on tha planet earth

I wonder why the right gets demonized so bad? There are objectively more dem billionaires then Republican.

That's also true. The middle class can organize their own pie, the government will give none to them.

probably a case of - being somewhat powerful makes you a target - but being the ruler makes you immune

There's a lesson about reproductive discipline in there, but I just can't put my finger on it...

Good goy. Them poor kikes din du nuffing. They do honest work on wall st.!

fpbp, the only reason this can happen is ecause of lobbying shills+ high-power government

lol, there's 2 elephants in this room :)

>but we need more welfare recipients

If their views where based in reality they wouldn't be communist.

It's actually is,
Market is not a force of nature. It's a product of people, and because of it, is subject to propaganda, coercion, kikery etc.


At best, it's middle class family that actually, well, BUILT it.

Crazy world is where the nazis are more than eager to out jews, but litelarry shut their eyes on usury and other kikery as long as the guy doing it is nominally white.

How can anyone be this stupid? It's embarassing.

Look at the middle class family.. Have a huge piece of pie, yet they are displeased because someone has more.
Poor and middle class people in America have a pretty decent life. They dont even have to work to get housing, clothes and food. Those that does are instantly rewarded with a higher living standard than +75% of the worlds population.
None of this matters to the socialist, all that matters is how much their neighbor have. Its like the saying "neighbors goat must also die". Meaning if you have a goat and it get sick and die, then it is only fair that your neighbors goat also should die, so you can become equal.

this says the majority of the 50 richest families are republican

Capitalism is the ultimate Jew game
Every poltard is a Jewish puppet without even knowing it

>Implying that business won't strive to create monopoly by itself, because of muh NAP and non-writter chivalry rules.

But then again, you bitched about not getting 1v1 during fucking war, so no surprise.

Its some edgy fat american kid who came here because ebin trump maymays

Where the fuck is Africa?

Are you basically jealous?

I bet he also shills for "white nationalism" and praises Hitler.

Fucking mongrels without their own history or ethnicity to be proud of.

Let me ask you a simple question. When the government bails out banks, do private owners still retain control over private property (also known as the means of production.)?
If you answered YES to this question, then it is still capitalism.
Government control and intervention is not socialism in of in itself.

Socialism: The transitional period between Capitalism and Communism. Examples of socialism: USSR, Cuba, etc.

You mean the same publication that never adds Rockefeller, rothchillds or any of the actual richists people on the planet to their top richest people issue. Have you not been paying attention to the "fake news" epidemic? Your an embarrassment to that flag.

>(((Poverty Threshold*************)))

Not accurate. Instead of "tax cuts" it should be called "tax loopholes" and it should be served by a donkey/elephant abomination.

But no one ever wants to talk about how ridiculously complex and full of loopholes the tax code is. Instead lefties just bitch about tax cuts for the rich.

if you want the government to stop fucking over the middle class and the poor then all you gotta do is simple: pay for your own shit, stop demanding others pay for shit and stop electing politicians that promise to give you free shit. you marxist retards always complain about the government and your solution is more government.

And the rest are Democrats. So what?

Why do political cartoonists label fucking everything? They have all the subtlety of a brick to the teeth.

>When the government bails out banks

Not capitalism, commiefag. If banks fail in the free market, they go under. What you're talking about is corporatism.

People are getting dumber as we move "forward"

The rich earned their pie.
The poor should just fucking work for it instead of expecting to be handed some fucking charity on their plate.

Also, I'm completely fine with a single slice since I don't eat too much anyways (literally and metaphorically).

No oecd member african countries.

>Let banks go bankrupt
>Millions of families lose all their money, thousands of businesses disappear
>"At least we aren't socialists"

>thinks there is a finite amount of wealth

Hey retard the rockefellers are on that list and it wouldn't make sense for the rothschilds to be on a list for American families because most of them are in Europe. You're a fucking moron.

You implying that doesn't happen in a socialist state?

Capitalist trump make that pie bigger, whereas faggots like you try to share it out so that everyone has their "fair share", which basically translates as useless cunts demanding more money than the value that they can produce for their fellow man is actually worth. Also if that was a drawing of communism there wouldn't be anything on the plate

More like assets are liquidated, people get their money and the people who fucked over the bank get tossed out of a helicopter without their precious golden parachute.

they forgot the part when the rich guy and his ancestors worked their asses off and the black people/faggot class never did shit.

>U.S. wealth
Absolutely spooked

Funny how this comic neglects to mention how 70% of the 'poor' don't work, are mostly obese (thanks food stamps) and are mostly on welfare. Also remember this:
The rich employ the middle class directly and indirectly. Either through them employing you or you selling/making something the rich buy or work with you are employed through their management and smart thinking.
The more money the rich have, the more they can spend, the more people they effectively employ. So when you tax the rich more they employ less people, which makes more people poor. The rich didn't get rich by doing nothing, that's how and why poor people are poor.

that's an OK edit, but does anyone have the original?

We don't live in Capitalist society, when the fed owns 1/3 of the US, we don't have free markets, 50% of every transaction is manipulated by government. We live in a socialist society- and before the end of 2018 - there will be a recession bigger than 2007-2008. What we see are the effects of socialism within society along with greed - Fidel Castro’s personal net worth at $900 million. That’s a lot of socialist rationing for one person. Luxurious living arrangements were especially appealing to Castro.

More Communism isn't the answer, you will be miserable, what we currently have isn't the answer either. I think we need 1776 not 1984

Found the original

capitalism pretty much equates to natural selection which is the inherent force of evolution, life and thus the universe itself, it's pretty hard to argue against it the laws of physics you retarded fucking nigger kill yourself, good goy n shit nigga fuck you, however, sound there certainly is a role to be played by the state in economics, now this however, is when we get into the nitty gritty of policies and extremely complex mathematics, which regardless shouldn't make us turn to ideological fundamentalism, let's see disagreement as the beatiful expression of the dialectic which it is, now next question, i'm 200% woke

Please, notice that only one of those three are gonna be obese with hypertension and diabetes.
Just saying.

One paid for and created the ingredients, the other did the baking, and they are both generous enough to give some to Leroy and his 4 illegitimate children who did absolutely nothing.

Seems about right, except that the "poor" in the USA all seem to be morbidly obese, have 800$ phones, 60" TVs, 200$ sneakers, and 100$ worth of fake hair on their woolly heads.

You're retarded. There is no such thing as a free market outside of textbooks. The capitalists will ALWAYS take the power of government and bend it to their own ends. It's a literal prerequisite for capitalism.

Go cut your own balls off you fucking moron libertarian fuckwit.

Poor black lady should sell her gold earring to buy some pie tbqh.

still better than everyone starving kek

>not taking *all* of your money at gunpoint is considered a bonus
your whipped cream analogy is fucking shit bucko

Give me any political ideology and I'll show you a state that cannot exist.

Historically capitalism is the closest thing to perfect that we've got.

show your true flag so we know which nation to laugh at

>Relative poverty
Our poor are fat you dumb kraut loving faggot

How is it a prerequisite comcuck?