Fuck this whole country

We are currently in a race to the bottom as a country. White-collar crime is rampant, scams are everywhere, every fucking day its calls from the "CRA" while the real CRA refuses to do its job and go after real tax evaders, fake charities coming to the door, white-collar crime seems to be the only thing keeping our so-called economy afloat now, besides house flipping. Rampant abuse of TFW program, citizenship auctioned off to the highest bidder, now rampant immigration fraud, quel surprise.

Meanwhile our economy is based on bullshit, mental-health care availability is at an all-time low, enforced monopolies like telecoms that gouge us constantly, I see more and more homeless people than ever before, the education system is a scam ... I could go on and on. And where the hell is our government? Where are the people supposed to be regulating this kind of thing?

We are becoming a kleptocracy. Crime pays, as long as its white-collar, and as long as you are part of the protective class. We have NO vision, or rather, the vision of our leadership is that of white-collar criminal, i.e. get rich by rent-seeking and finding new and clever ways to take advantage of others

Other urls found in this thread:


>And where the hell is our government? Where are the people supposed to be regulating this kind of thing?

Probably on a gayparade

You earn more pretending to have chinese employees than you do actually employing people from Canada.

>CBC finds more cash-for-jobs immigration schemes


Yeah your government sucks, pic related

Yup. This country sucks.

No one in Canada, gives a fucks about anyone else.
Boomer parents are relieved when their kid off themselves.

This country is run by greedy as fuck and raised by psychotic pedophile Boomers. They do not care.
If they have theirs, that's all that matters

Where's all those "non-government" posters who come fight with people to derail the thread??
Those are Boomers, protecting their asses.

>Where's all those "non-government" posters who come fight with people to derail the thread??

>love it or leave it bud

I hate those fucking guys.

>Darrrr hey povertyking, hows the trailer park life as a schizophrenic? Plus 30 here in my part of Canada. Just cracked a beer. Heading to work later where I'm getting promoted to CEO. I got 10 house cause my parents weren't junkie trash. If you're not me, you're a fucking loser in Canada.

Yep, and the tax payers, pays for them, to fight with anyone telling the truth. Even news stories already posted by Canadian Media Outlets.
The Boomers who run Canada want everyone stupid and dependent on welfare as a form of control. Their such shit raised generation by such shitty fucking people, they enjoy watching people squirm,
I fucking hate Canadians.
Penal Colony for the worst fucking trash Ireland and Scotland had to offer

They think they are accomplishing their goals by attacking the poor and downtrodden, when they are actually recruiting more people to think like we do.

Most canadians who are here are poor. The shills are simply making our side more ruthless and growing it's ranks.


Won't be no French Revolution in Canada. Seen how fat those politician women are??
Canadians are too drunk, high and stoned to do anything but lie about waiting to die.

They'll all be dead in 40 years. Thank fuck.

Does this apply to the rest of Canada or only in particular provinces?

Are you asking us to give you an opportunity to move the goalposts, friend?

Canadians think each province is it's own country and just a "part of Canada" for unknown reasons and everyone in the rest of Canada is "stealing" from them and they want to be their own nation and left alone.


>DAAAAAARRR Why would BC and Alberta have the same laws in Canada?? Us folk in BC are hard working and well to do. We like heroin and nature. God damned Alberta keeps sending people here and stealing our money!!! People in BC want to be our own nation and left alone. Fuck everyone in Canada who isn't from my town.

>Hur Dur, us folk here in Alberta are god damned tired of sending our oil money,to god damned Ottawa and helping the god damned rest of Canada!!! People in Alberta worked hard for that oil money!! It's ours eh??!!! Fuck the rest of Canada. Alberta wants to be part of USA

>Duuuuurrrrrr, god damned Albertans, had all that oil money, now their broke and whining. Serves em right eh?? Earn all that money and spend it on stupid stuff like cars and houses. Now they're broke and homeless. HA, serves em right. Maybe they can get filled with shitskins to teach em a lesson eh?? Here in Ontario, we don't give a fuck about Alberta. Serves ya right eh, ya greedy oil worker. Shoulda saved some money eh??

Why hasn't canada collapsed yet

FUCK Canadian retards.

my god I hate this fucking country. I've only been awake 20 minutes and I'm pissed off and bored, because I'M CANADIAN EH????

Fucking bullshit fucking country, picks your fucking pocket every chance it gets. It has some sort of "sense". As soon as you earn more, Canada knows. It will make sure you give every fucking dime back. In rent, food, clothes.

Story of my fucking life. Seeing my deadbeat Boomer parents with nice clothes and lots of money, while they made their kids wear hand me downs and work jobs so they didn't need to spend THEIR money on THEIR kids.

Fucking scum trash people

If you are poor, it has collapsed. Your life has been getting worse for a decade and will keep getting worse.

They used to pay people money to keep their money in the bank, now the banks charge you to keep it there.

They're mass importing chinks so they won't collapse, they will just get slowly taken over.

At this point if you're a white Canadian man your only hope is to get a chink waifu and hope that your Eurasian children will have it good.

No, the Chinese just buy property to hide their money for the commie government in China.

There's no huge Asian community in my city. It's a BC thing. BC isn't all of Canada.(they like to think so. Like each province does)


Anyone got anymore Leafwave?

Daily Reminder:
Over HALF of ALL Canadians will be dead in 40 years or so.
More than half of Canadians are 50 and over. Everyone needs to die. All these Canadians will die.
In the next 40 years.

Live the high life and leave your own offspring with sweet fuck and not give a fuck.
Fucking Boomers are the first generation in 100s of years to NOT GIVE A FUCK about their kids. They had kids for an accessory or something and got tired of them when they realized it cost them THEIR money.

Fucking scumbags.

I will get even with my shit stain Boomer fuckwit parents before they die.

They will probably makes debts inheritable soon in order to stop the boomers from killing themselves once they find out what their house is really worth.

>Canadian seniors now outnumber children for 1st time, 2016 census shows


>More Canadians are 65 and over than under age 15, StatsCan says


NO ONE lives for ever.

GOOD RIDDANCE you stupid trash old fucks.
>Darrr, I grewed up in a shack and shitted in an outhouse. We had to work the farm every summer. I have a grade 6 education and I'm a millionaire now. I laugh at my own hungry grandkids. I'm a Canadian , how we was raised eh??

Good fucking riddance. They can all die now. My city is nothing but people over 80 and their giant baby children carting them around.
My "dad", Mr.Tough Guy if the person is smaller and weaker than him, is going to lose his shit, when his mommy dies. Cause he's literally a 65 year old baby.

My "dad", takes me to grandmas house for lunch, and says
>Aren't parent's great?? They do everything for their kids!
I reply with
>I wouldn't know

I don't know what it's like to have my mommy spoil me. My dad, never let my mom spoil his sons out of jealousy.

bumping yur post. that is some fucked up shit.

Everyone read this guys image.

How would you fix Canada? I want honest answers leafs.

That's like asking how do I add these two fours in such a way as to not get 8.

Kill everyone over 50
Beg USA to annex Canada making us a state with no voting rights for X amount of years
Kill everyone who is a brain washed retard who hates America and thinks Canada is some magical land of wealthy and nice people.

the white collar crime thing is pretty much the entire West except for Germany and places that are stagnating due to a lack of white collar crime propping up a fake economy

>Kill everyone who is a brain washed retard who hates America and thinks Canada is some magical land of wealthy and nice people.

USA would need to give citizenship to like 10 people after that

How to make white collar crime accessible to the common man - that's the problem we need to solve. Once joe sixpack figures out the financial sectors game, he'll become the engine of the new economy.

>it's fine, it's happens everywhere. What ya gonna do about it, eh??? Not mcuh, try to get a slice of that pie yourself. Crime is fine these days.

I'm a Canadian bud, I've grown up around criminals who have endless excuses. Save it retard.

Story time!!!!

K, so I don't know much about my parents, cause I was always grounded in my room for some minor thing, or out working cause my parents refused to buy me shit.

Anyways, my parents were married 8 years before having kids, something super uncommon.
My mom, was on a prison parole board for some reason
My dad worked as "manager" in a kitchen in Barrie, where there is a prison.............

All these Boomers are fucking criminals. Given jobs and told to behave. I don't fucking get this country.

>pic related
In Canadian prison, you get a cross and lines around the cross for each year you served inside.

My dad is a high school teacher. I remember being a kid and sitting at the table with him and another teacher friend of his. I remember seeing that tattoo on his friend. Another teacher.
That guy went on to be PRINCIPAL and School Board District Trustee or some shit. Big money jobs.

just a moron who's never in his life had a real job

those tattoos are done by prisoners.

>Look everyone, i was in prison.
>i got this tattoo to show you
>fear me

Canada was literally some lawless fuckhole stuck in Pioneer times until the 1950s when European refugees from post WW2 came over.
It took them another 10-20 years to civilize Canada.
That means there is SHIT TONS of jobs to go around.

Fuck, they use to give you a CHECK just for showing up to the employment office. They had jobs a plenty.

Canada is a brand new country from 1950 on and it's run by scumbag criminals and their kids.
The youth are dying in droves it's such a shit place to be.

I know. I'm well versed on jail and prison culture. You need to be if you want to survive Canada outside of your suburban safety bubble

Literally, it's the same fucking rules and people. Inside or out.

Speak when spoken too
Show respect to the bosses
Don't touch what's not yours
Be ready to throw down 24/7
Watch your back
You have no friends
Never forget where you're at

Holy crap, my dad was some MOB runner or something. He told me he use to bootleg liquor. He's a WOP.

Fuck, I grew up around Hells Angel kids. I use to be good buddies with one of them. We sold a fuck ton of weed together.
That guy,man...............he'd buy a new fucking car, in cash.

The shit you realize later..................

>Rampant abuse of TFW program

That guy, he had some CLOSE buddies, at 16-17, those kids were making 1000s a week off drug money.
Like I'm talking Mitsubishi Eclipse Spider, brand new, then got the whole "Fast and Furious" package.
Casinons, strip clubs, high end hookers, raves. Those dudes were out of control.

Now they all got kids and small businesses they started with their drug money. Moving companies, car dealerships. All got wifes with some girl who doesn't care they fuck hookers on the side.

What a whack life.............

Kinda went off into the entitled deep end there at the end of your post, Ricky.

Why even bother defending it, there's no point

I grew up and live in a society of entitled people. Product of my environment.

No trailer for me bud. Just sounds like it, I know. Mob Connected dad, i had a 5 bedroom house with a swimming pool in the suburbs

His rage and word output is a superpower

Guy does 8 years in the pen, works as a teacher with other criminals, has no criminal record, friends with cops.
I've seen him say his name and get out of tickets cause the cop, knows his cop buddy.

Thanks for the mob connections you selfish faggot.
Fucking guy.............

Why are you so pissed at your dad? Did he touch you in private places while using his mob connections to make sure you don't tell anyone?

This is your flag now.

t-thanks italy

LOL what??
Here's your typical Boomer faggot, trying to make sure I'm some how the "bad" person, despite trying to imply I was sexually abused and it's OKAY if my dad did, I should be mad at someone else

Can't wait for all the Boomers to die.

>Molesting kids is FINE!! I got molested! Look at me! I'm a CEO now. Getting molested means you're sexy to older men. It's GOOD. Why are you so mad??

Boomers literally have no souls.

>Canadians are too drunk, high and stoned to do anything but lie about waiting to die.

My god, yes.

Does anyone else get this feeling about EVERYONE JUST WASTING THEIR LIVES?

I tell people
>I'm waiting to die
I did die already. From alcohol withdraw. Boy it's comfy to be dead. it's like a deep sleep. That's it. When you die, it's like going to sleep.

Well, for some reason, I came back to life and I have hated every minute of it since.

I'm literally the Undead

>When someone dies and comes back to life, they're what? Undead.
I'm literally the Undead and Im just here , waiting to die again

Whoa slow down there, Rick. I asked why you hate your dad so much. And also why you think you're entitled to his money.

Lazarus Leaf

No you didn't. You're literally a drooling retard 50something tax paid government shill, trying to make me look bad for pointing out the wrongs of others.
I'm CANADIAN, I grew up around deadbeat criminal losers, using word magic to get out of shit.
Try harder faggot.

Stfu dumb beaner. Enjoy the race to 50 so you can die in your shitball country.

This is pretty damn accurate.

I'm on the East coast, and if it isn't obnoxiously smug turbo liberals in Halifiax, it's jingoistic assholes who shit on anybody who didn't have the privilege to grow up in their economically depressed fishing village.

I'm from a town 2 hours out of Toronto, literally everybody from my high school has either moved to the city and became bottom-rung wagie degenerates or stayed home and started killing themselves with booze and drugs. I heard one guy might've got a job working for the town but I didn't know him.

You're just gonna keep dodging the questions aren't you?

Why do you hate your dad so much?
More importantly: why do you feel like you're entitled to his money?

Feels like I've been alive 1000 years or more.........Fuck I'm bored............

I've been from PEI to Vancouver Island.
Canadians are the same from Coast to Coast.

Boomer Logic
>My parents bought me everything and that's fine
>As a parent, I do not need to give or buy my kids anything, like my parents did for me, cause I'm a cheap,greedy,entitled faggot

Why is it okay for my parents to get spoiled by their parents?
They lazy brats or something?? Couldn't work for their money?
You a lazy brat too?? Had your hand out your whole life, waiting for mommy and daddy to give you things??
Sounds like it.

Dead serious, I had a dream last night that the States started attacking us over resources in a massive air attack.

I've rarely felt more alive.

So yes the answer is yes, you'll just keep dodging the question. Just in case I'm being presumptuous with your answers so far, I'll ask it one last time before confirming that you're just an entitled little faggot throwing a temper tantrum to strangers on the Internet:

Why do you think that you're entitled to your dad's money?

I had a dream where I could afford a steak.

Crazy dream. USA wouldn't need to attack us. Trump would just call Trudy and say "You're fired. Canada now belongs to USA" and Trudy would say
"Yes sir, Mr. President of Canada and America"

I think Millennials get covered in tattoos, too feel SOMETHING.
I want more. Lots more. Who gives a fuck. I'll be one of those old dudes, covered in tattoos and look like a leather book. What does it matter??

Limping around after the skatepark beat the crap out of me, makes me feel alive too.....just knowing I can feel physical pain...........

Why are you entitled to your parents money, and your children aren't?
You keep dodging the question

Yeah, as far as dreams go it wasn't very grounded in reality.

It was a joint attack with Japan for some reason and our planes were actually giving the Americans and Japanese a run for their money.

This whole thread is the honest to god truth. the cities are vapid as fuck, full off multi ethnic shitskins/mussies/soulless chinks/ and their white libcuck enablers. The suburbs are full of city posers who act too hard for their own good.

The boomers are a huge fucking problem here who just can't let go of their jobs and move on because they have accumulated so much debt that they have to work or else their whole utopia comes crashing down.

Stay away from here. not because of war/famine/whatever else, but becuase of crushing despair and hopelessness.

Can confirm poor over here. Make 20k a year, 25k in student loan debts, which i legally dont have to pay because i dont make enough money to pay it. On the brightside, i do own guns, so I'm not a complete lost cause yet

I'm not and neither are my children, but I will put it in my will that they get my shit when I die because I assume when I actually have kids I'll love them unconditionally. Now are you going to keep dodging the question, confirming that you're just a little entitled faggot throwing a temper tantrum or are you going to answer me?

Why do you think you're entitled to your dad's money?

This 1000000% i was in your thread based american dude

Props go to the user who posted this thread yesterday, itself based on work done by another user on a different chan

This guy is a downtrodden criminal and probably has legitimate mental illness. He's got a DUI and can't get a job


>but I will put it in my will that they get my shit when I die because I assume when I actually have kids I'll love them unconditionally

Sounds like your kids are ENTITLED to your money.

I told you the answer. I was raised by a spoiled and entitled brat of a "man"
He's entitled to his parents money, my moms parents money, his kids money.
I'm entitled to his money.

Nah I'm pretty stable, albeit awash in hopelessness at living here.

>33 posts by this ID
I hate canada as much as the next guy but you've got some serious problems m8. Did you remember to take your pills today?


I know, if I was born 20 years earlier, my DUI would've gotten me a 6 figure position like all the Boomers alive.

How come it's okay for criminals to be in power, but you pick on me??

20-30 years ago, the cops would just drive you home if you got caught drunk driving.

Do you want me to get some articles together, of high paid convicted criminals in Canada??


Wrong. My kids aren't entitled to my money. I'm willingly giving it to them. There's a difference, retard. And you aren't entitled to shit either faggot. You don't deserve it, it isn't owed to you. Now if you weren't such a little whiny faggot maybe your dad would be willing to throw you a bone or two but he sees his son as some prissy little sissy boy always notching about something so he's probably like "na fuck that little entitled faggot thinking I owe him anything"

Welcome to the real world. Nothing is owed to you.

At this point things are bleak. The idea of Canada being a white country is almost dead, buried and covered in cement. Most young people here are gleeful to watch everything around them slowly turn to shit. There is almost no appetite to rock the boat when it comes to the status quo of the conservative/liberal government duality. Things are moving in a way to guarantee that we will essentially be a 2 party state in the near future due to the irrelevance of the NDP and the fact that vote splitting kills both left and right candidates. Nobody on the right or left seems willing to give up a chance at the next government for something bigger.
What can be done about this? Some people are trying to raise up the National Advancement Party, but they will fail simply because people would rather "vote strategically" then "waste votes" voting on a losing party. As well the NAP is cucky as fuck, they have no backbone and as long as they are not explicitly an white ethnic party they will never be able to rally our people around the one thing that would give us a reason to not shoot fentanyl directly into our eyeballs.
As much as I don't trust Dicky Spencer, I can not deny that what Canada needs is its own Richard to get the conversation started.

Get some new lines you old piece of shit Boomer. I love the fact I can literally kick the shit out of all you old fucks these days.
High school is long over faggot. You're old and weak these days.

Run your mouth more, people like you, make sure my Boomer parents end up in the shittiest most abusive seniors home I can find

nuke us

You have to earn things in real life. Beating up people you will just go to jail.

Canada always seemed like a pointless place where you mine timber, oil, gas, and where rich criminal faggots go to ski. And now they are seemingly just trying to turn their gay ass cities into tech hubs, not realizing the bubble that is the internet.

Phone posting and it shat itself.

I work for the government in Ottawa and it astounds me how many people here are weary about Canada day this weekend. Nobody wants to go to the downtown celebrations because they all half expect some sort of terrorist incident. I can't determine if such a thing would be good or bad for Canada.

Quebec should become the 51st state of the USA

Im serious think of it


Fuck soros and the globalist canadian government

LOL what??
You need to make sense, if you want to join in on a conversation, in real life.

It will probably be easier to just let the 10 people immigrate to the US and then use us to ethnically cleanse- I mean gentrify some place

paid for by Ontario tax dollars

I mean, you can keep bitching on a Nicaraguan rain dancing forum about how you're owed shit and life isn't fair but that doesn't change the fact that nothing is owed to you. How do I know this? Because you're bitching how you don't automatically just get free shit from your dad and how he didn't buy you that new bicycle you saw at the store and you threw a fit because he said "not today."

Relax man, neem een jointje.

Quebec and the biggiest communists and anti-gun faggots in all of Cucknada

>I work for the government in Ottawa
10:00 am
>Phone Posting

Your tax dollars, "hard at work".

How did you get a job? Are you female or refugee??
White males don't have government jobs.

Ya Canada Day in Ottawa is a POS. It's boring as fuck. Downtown Ottawa is trash hole comparable to a small towns farmer market.

Canada Day is literally 1000s of people, crammed in 4 city blocks, staring at each other wearing Canada clothing. It's gay and boring as fuck.

People are trying to rent rooms, house and apartments for Canada Day.
Like people from ALL OVER are coming here.
750,000 EXPECTED to come to Ottawa to celebrate 150 years of ........................