How come white men don't want to get married?


Because girls are fucking gay.

I'm just gonna pay a white girl to have a baby and then raise him/her with a trap waifu.

By the time they find someone they've grown used to the bachelor's lifestyle. Comfy living with plenty of cash for hobbies.
Hard to go from that to supporting kid(s) and paying a mortgage.

They do. Just hard to find a girl that wants to get married at a young age and have multiple kids and always puts her family and nation first.

Because man became cucks. Also got jewed into some mgtow no marriage bullshit.


however you look at it, it's a lose lose situation.

assuming that you find the perfect woman that won't fuck you over at all, a single man will not be alone - if he is a professional, he will be busy with a career, enjoying his money, spending time with his friends, cultivating his hobbies. for sex, he can find casual relationships, even when he is older. if he wants a more stable relationship, but not the calssic married family life, he can find another career woman.

now working 9-5 so that you can come home to screaming kids, and a frustrated wife that gained weight after pregnancy with a loose vagina and too tired to fuck doesn't sound so appealing does it.

They do.
T.married white male.
Wife stays at home taking care of the house and kids.

This wasn't part of the plan

Too soon

That's literally gay.

its funny how he hates SJWs while his wife is some BLM retarded shit cucking him 24-7

dont be such a homophobe you fag

Bad prospects.

Yeah, I'm not sure how she trapped him. Maybe she gives incredible head or something?

Do you to really think raising a child with a mentally ill man is a good idea? Also, do you think that mentally ill man will be better than a woman. Just lose weight and find a good girl you retards.

It took time but finally men learned from their fathers & old acquaintances experience.

Because of the fear of your wife being able to just take the kids and leave.
Happened to me, don't let it happen to you.

White kids, no cunt attached...
You are a fucking genius

>most western white girls
>not mentally ill feminazi.
Choose one and only one.

Its a lose lose situation

Because the vast majority of women cheat, even in marriage.

Will you tell your kid babies come out of a trap's butt?



kek what is this image. someone give me the basic gestalt

He has said that he is terrified of dying alone.

>not looking for a good woman
>believing the Sup Forums meme that every girl is a whore
>you're a ducking retard

Lmao her face

What's the story behind the pic?

Married 5 years with two kids boy and girl. If I could make more with more women I would. Don't worry am white. I would love to bleach some of the non white women out there.

>Shit like this
>Exactly shit like this

multiple times. this.

Because men are no longer men. Women want stable providers, not manchildren

marriage is for having kids
white men don't want kids, it cut into their video game time.

Just like women are no longer women :^)

>Demoralization complete


Men and women are on splits because men are wanting to be men and go out doors and do real shit and women..women want to sit on tehir little slave phone devices all fuckin day and dress up like whores.

Tyrone is being taught to be there to validate their whore behavior.

Shiiiiiiit girl, dat ass, yeahh datt ass,, muhhh diikkkkk. you know. shiiiitttttt

A mortgage is less than renting

That's illegal btw. Single men can't adopt/get a child through other methods

I'll rather have sex with whores every so often, I still get sex, I spent less and live without a nagging woman bringing my life down.

Degenerate western society has ruined relationships. Unless you're a Chad, you're just a walking wallet to the average woman. They'll ignore you until they need to "settle down", and then there's a good chance she'll leave you if she finds someone better. Cheating has also become rampant. I know 8 family friends who have been cheated on . Even my traditional grandfather who's very pro marriage recently admitted to me that marriage isn't a good option for young men these days, and suggested that I find a job at a non western country so I could find a wife.

>Married to some fucking gook
He's not white

You got any stats on that? Sup Forums loves facts until it comes to women and marriage. It's always anecdotes and hear say.

Something about that picture seems familiar.


chad's don't want kids or a wife though.

No it isn't faggot. No decent agency would ever adopt to a single man unless he was rich/famous, but it's not illegal. Neither is surrogacy.

Because most white women are feminist assholes

Whats wrong with being a walking wallet?


literally every problem we face currently is the direct fault of men being cucks. They've ate the Jew media up and turned into weak faggots



What the fuck is wrong with you people.

Too much anime

Half black here.. just got married to my beautiful white wife..

That's what I eluded to. The average woman throughout her prime years only has sex with the top 20 percent of men. And when they nearly hit the wall, they settle down for the guys they rejected when they were younger. Long term relationships(not including fuckbuddies) are becoming rarer every year. Most women are content with sharing the top men. There's so many single men out there. There's a reason you're seeing an explosion of neet hobbies.


The divorce rates are high because every girls like used towels and it's encouraged.
They also want to pretend they can have kids with amazing career while "D'em programzz" helps them by destroying what guys had.

this, traps are fucking sweet m8

>suggested that I find a job at a non western country so I could find a wife.
Women are the same everywhere, the only reason why they sometime appear different is because they haven't had the freedom of the first world.

you see that?
thats a man that gets to re-experience true freedom
thats why he's smiling

Because if you're whole worth to your partner is your utility, then when things don't go to plan, and you lose your job or your business fails, you'll probably be getting divorce papers citing non existent abuse. This is what happened to my uncle, who kind of went through a mental breakdown after being overworked and stressed for years. He also had unresolved child trauma issues. He lost his job as a manager at an accounting firm, and a month later, his wife left him. He killed himself afterwards

The problem is, women see marriage as a transaction and men are the unwitting romantics. Men need to wise up, see women for who they really are and what marriage really represents.

I rarely see a good looking women or man, with kids or even a partner.
Most of the younger couples in their mid 20's with kids are either fat landwhales or average looking people.
Most women I see with half ugly niggers kids are with their parents, with no dad to be found, and the women themselves are either fat, ugly, or both.


>17 year old boy

I hate journalists.

Because western law and women are such disgusting abominations that getting a divorce is an actual cause for celebration.

Marriage is a pointless archaic ritual. My parents and their parents were just too blue pilled to realize it.


Quite logical

>tfw can't trap for a bf and have 2 children with a surrogate with each child having one of our seeds to raise together

Fuckoff MGTOWs. If you're not ready to be selected and propagate the white race you're not welcome on pol
Go stew in your pit of self loathing while the rest of us do the work

Third wave feminism

>Taking life advice from lonely teenagers in their parent's basement

After fucking over 50 women in a couple year span I found a wonderful wife and I've been with her for over 4 years. We have a little 1 year old son and he's absolutely amazing. I can't wait to have more children to be honest, I'd like 4 AT LEAST.

If you know how to fuck there's no reason for a woman to go anywhere else, what's the point? I make her have more orgasms than she can actually stand, it's exhausting to have multiple orgasms for 20-30 minutes.

Not to mention, my little son has brought me so much joy and laughter. The old adage of you don't know what you don't know applies here.

Before you get married, you have to sort yourself out, you have become a respectable and decent person. You need to understand what being a "real man" means. Marriage is about two people joining to become one to sort themselves out TOGETHER. It's about learning how to become more evolved better people, you have someone to support you when times are tough, like when my father died. And I'm their to support her when bad shit has happened to her. After we raise a family together I will have a sincere honest and loving companion for my old age, and hopefully many grand kids.

We don't feed our kid, nor do we eat, any sugar. He's an absolute joy because of it.
We also will be homeschooling because it doesn't seem like a good idea to me to send my child to school for 8 hours a day to learn how to sit down and shut up, and if not he'll be force ably medicated lol.

Marriage is truly a beautiful thing, but you need to step far outside of normal Western culture of Television, Sugar Food, and medication. If you don't realize this, you're probably already living in hell and you just don't realize it.

Dont look at me, dont touch me, dont whistle at me... Im gonna do a full display of my boobs but dont look at my boobs you pervert. Are rest of you girls also tired of man approaching you and trying to start a conversation. Such desperate losers. Dont touch me, dont kiss me, dont hug me... RAPE RAPE RAPE Fuck you im sending you to jail.

10 minutes later...

Why arent men acting like men? For some reason there are no more real men.

Burn the sulfur, now you suffer.

All this "be a real the white race" bullshit.

It's all young, acne covered fat NEETs giving advice. Most relationships fail. Why stay with someone who only wants money. Women hate working. They only do career to spend money, travel and hookup with lots of Chads.

Get married, get divorced, but don't have kids. They'll destroy you. They'll demand more and more money. Then the legal threats start, then the hearings, then a judgement, then false charges.

I've seen too many men go through it. Stop thinking all that romantic shit. Women see men as a business transaction. Trade sex for money and free stuff. That's all. I've never met a woman who really loves the man in her life. Not once.

You live a sad sad life user.

Rich criminals want to jack the system and keep everybody poor. And so the only people getting married are poor colored people who dont care about their kids growing up in a subsidized apartment, a smattering of white middleclass government workers with zero aspirations beyond family, and all the upper class exploiting assholes which includes people making money from the internet.

everyone dies alone, what are you gonna take someone with you?

>Marrying an ugly flat faced gook in the first place


Traps are gay