My sister wont have kids

My sister is turning 31
She is a successful entrepreneur
She has $1,000,000 in the bank
She is 100% white
Her long term bf is 100% white and successful
She is aggressively bluepilled
She wants to adopt

how can I convince her?

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tell her she will never love the adopted kid because she wont go through the bonding experience of giving birth

They don't let 10 year old's adopt kids and with a brain like hers reproduction should be denied.

Her reason for not having kids is "ew gross"?

Women are just children - they are following their men or society. It is her cuck boyfriend's fault. No real man would tolerate a childless woman. He probably is a bull prepper and a closet faggot too.

Just remind her that she has maybe 5 years to have a child before she dries up and becomes depressed for the rest of her life.

Adopt a white south African/namibian/angolan baby.


Rape her

>not the asian ones

i thought you said your sister was bluepilled ?


Sex is yucky and boys have cooties.

western women are vapid and barren

take the foreign-pill

>Bad for the environment
What did she mean by this?

She refers to children like someone would refer to a dog. "Oh I'll just get a Thai one." Her mindset regarding kids is irresponsible. Until she fixes that (and gets married), she shouldn't have kids at all, IMO, adopted or not.

make sure she adopts a white one at least

What is wrong with adoption? There are a lot of great kids in foster care/group homes that could use a family.

>Muh Genetics
Genetics means nothing, really. You go back far enough and everyone is related.

Pics of her wearing stockings? Might help determine the best course of action.

Good goy

>better for enviroment

>I won't get an Austalian baby because it'll be FAS'd up

>I know, I'll get a Russian baby

What's your sister's deal

Try to convince the bf

a mixture of this video but replace immigration with adoption and use an appeal to flattery about how successful she is and how her and her children would make a greater difference than simply adopting.

>just have a real baby
>ew no
Just fucking shoot her in the head.



Tell her if she adopts, I'll rape her. I'm probably going to anyway lol

Adopt a poor Syrian child that looks suspiciously much older.

Not a real women

Grossed out? red pill her on creating something beautiful with her husband together, which is a part of both of them. surely she will turn.

I am sorry but wtf is wrong with you OP? if she doesn't want to have kids so what? such an autistic faggot, if you keep pushing her eventually she will get tired of your faggotry and never have them. That's her BF job to do, so fucking weird.

Your sister is more successful than you will ever fucking be kangaroo
You'll never convince her of anything by being a good for nothing useless sack of shit pol baby

Also please don't adopt from overseas.

Op is a monkeys uncle.

We have the worst women on the planet, I'm certain of it.

Hopefully she tells her boyfriend that she has no plans for children so he can move on while he still has options.

t.ahmed ibn salah abdullah

Mind your own business.

Parents of adopted kids are r-selected tier. Genetics is everything.

>goes back far enough
>everyone is related
>goes back further
>everyone is fish

>long term boyfriend
These fucking people, I swear.
It's all the boyfriend's fault. You need to hire someone to beat him up and maybe that will jog his testosterone.

BF is probably a cuck

Some of the guys are just as bad. Sister friend was with some guy for 10 years and he kept telling her when he turned 30 he would have kids. 33 and he finally tells her he will never have kids he just wants to travel.

She is all depressed now because shes 31 and wasted all that time getting lied to.

this desu

An old woman without biological offspring knows she has failed the game of biology.

Tell her there's a big 6'5 stud in aus/pol/ waiting for her anytime before 40

Tell her that you intend to step up and be a man and that you'll knock some woman up yourself then let her have the kid.

ask her to adopt a black child so she can get BBC later in her life

At least you're straight up about it, I thought I was the only one who bantered like that with my family/friends.

>australian ones would have fetal alcohol syndrome
>russian or ukrainian wouldnt
is your sister retarded?

Yeah, inbreeding babies are most healthy and beautiful

Can she adopt me? I swear I ain't gonna shit my pants, I can even cook for myself

go fuck your mum japan

>We had a protozoon common ancestor
well then, my ancestors managed to grow a backbone and yours are cottonpickers, nigger

Australians are like that to everyone

I noticed how an Irish child wasn't even worth considering.

Same problem with my sis, and she's married. She actually wanted kids until hubbie said no. And they're redpilled, upper middle class whites as well.

She meant that it was scientifically proven that humans pollute the environment by merely existing, and our planet is in severe danger unless our number gets halved.

So there is nothing more selfish than having more than one baby. You are literally putting the future of humanity in grave danger.

Just tell her that it's incomprehensible to you that she would abandon her parents and families legacy by not passing it on to a new generation.
Also, that there will always be that thorn in their relationship with an adopted kid that they would never be the real parents, and that the kid at any time could say "thanks but I want to return to my real parents, country and culture".

You would just need to watch what happened with a lot of the korean adoptees.

Explain to her that every nigger she adopts is just fueling more nigger cattle being born. If she has two kids they will do more for the world of environmentalism than some fucking niggeroni she adopts.

My sister was a typical Stacy party whore, but when she got pregnant she stopped everything and settled down.

It's becoming obvious that normal, smart well off people just don't want kids.

By killing urself... u don't deserve knowing her.

it's not ok to tell people to kthems buy why dont liberals organize mass suicideces or something
it's enviroment friendly
they are doing it in the long run with not having kids and being gay but why dont make it faster you know?

You can't these high earning Millenial Whites take things in steps Step 1: a Dog that they call their baby Step 2: an adopted minority child that is effectively their pet Step 3: a white child late in life that is either autistic or downs because they started so late.

Says the russian

problem is most of the time this happens the guy leaves and they become a single mother

thanks for the pro tip!

True, bad men coupled with awful women, it's no wonder WM/AF relationships are common

>Pics of her wearing stockings?
Absolutely patrician taste, my dude

There are a lot of kids that can be salvaged. Most of them are shit. Most people are shit.

If you are truly elite, (125+ IQ) then you will have elite children. You are otherwise wasting your time and your efforts one someone who will never have the born in drive to succeed.

I am a foster parent to my niece and nephew. They're both improving academically, but they are still drastically underperforming. I help the girl study and she simply cannot remember things, even if I provide a mnemonic for it.

In science class she was learning energy types. Radiant energy has RAYS. Rays of light, Gamma Rays, X-Rays. Less than 5 minutes later she had forgotten. Some brains retain information, others do not.

I am well off. I could budget $1,000/month per child in hobby/fun expenses. I've offered them limitless expenditure if they just get A's and B's. They can't will themselves to get it done. You can give the world to these kids and at best you can get them to pass high school on time.

Subliminal baby images and background baby sounds may trigger her biological clock

I was adopted from Russia at 8 months.
The family I've lived with my entire life is indistinguishable from my real family, I would have never known unless they told me.
Convince her to do both, adopt and have bio kids.
I'm 23 and almost an MD, orphan children have potential just like a bio kid.

Pay some guy to rape her.

>checks flag

>Genetics means nothing

try sending her pictures of babies so she realise that it is in her nature to birth one

at least they are your blood.

Probably for the best, if you have an interest in the Irish.

I don't see anything wrong with her opinion? can you snowflake tell me what's wrong?

>thanks for the pro tip!
Are you implying something here?....

You know it, my man.

>end result of a long and brutal evolutionary struggle is an organism that can easily be convinced to not reproduce
>would rather raise unrelated young either to avoid real responsibility or for some absurd, abstract moral cause

Let her be a genetic dead-end.

>Women are just children - they are following their men or society. It is her cuck boyfriend's fault. No real man would tolerate a childless woman. He probably is a bull prepper and a closet faggot too.

This. I've known a number of women that don't want children until they find the right man and then they want children.

Women are followers. BF is to blame.

it's true little snowflake your genetic literally means nothing. Learn the history of evolution then you will understand.

Your bio parents were probably intelligent people. Adopted kids here are likely from parents who were fuck ups.

Agree to raise it for her op. You owe it to your countrymen

share your folders?

sounds like a fucking cuck, why not stealth it?

fuck off, dingo.

>checks your flag.

Perhaps, I get this happens a lot with randoms. Guess that's where the taxpayer comes in

Modern women only want to virtue signal, they love "He's a rescue!" or "We adopted from Sudan" or "Our Special Needs Son" I blame it all on Facebook.

having kids with a 31+ year old women..
you have to be the biggest cuck in the world

images of tiny baby feet and hands are kryptonite for women in their 30s
Also if she has any friend with kids, aks them to send some pictures of the new borns

My wife's, but that's blood enough.

Weird case her family. Grandfather was an engineer, patents and millions in stock. His wife was just a stay at home, which is probably where later complacency in mate choice happened.

I can't say what it is but somewhere along the line her mother married an unstable mind which filtered all the way down to my niece and nephew.

Homework is completed before dinner and electronics go off at 9. Everyone is free to read paper books, play analog games, exercise, or do chores until 10.

They usually choose to read and are thrilled that they get to stay up later than their peers. They've made great progress, but they still aren't A's and B's that were trivially simple for a slacker like me to achieve.

>the history of evolution
sorry too busy learning the evolution of history

What a worthless sack of human garbage.

I wouldn't speak to my sister if she refused to have kids.

>What's wrong with being a cuck?

>My sister is turning 31
>She is a successful entrepreneur
>She has $1,000,000 in the bank
>She is 100% white
>Her long term bf is 100% white and successful
>Talks like a trashy early 20 something
Somethings not adding up