Ask a Croat who will overstay with USA tourist visa anything

Ask a Croat who will overstay with USA tourist visa anything

Pls don't come back. Any European who emigrates from his country needs to have his citizenship revoked and all of his things left behind confiscated by the state.

Where are you going?
Do you have a cute sister I can marry?

get fucked pussy
I'm going to fuck so many black angels and knock them up with my Croatian seed

and then I will bring all my race mixed sons to Croatia

Oh, it's niggerfetish Croat from Sup Forums

>Where are you going?
>Do you have a cute sister I can marry?
I do :^)

Absolutely fucking disgusting.

go back to Sup Forums

When do we get new serious sam, faggot?

>implying I'm the only one
black angels is a way of life

yeah, I've already been there and didnt like it much. Nights are so cold during fucking summer...
but Croatian lobby is the strongest there and they can help me the most on getting up my feet

Cleveland is decent tho try more harder next time.

I'm 100% serious

fakat bi volio imat mrcine, polucrne sinove koji bi igrali košarku u ciboni i jebali hrvatice
zaista me nista ne bi ucinilo sretnijim u zivotu

Ban these idiots please. Sage.

OP you're mentally ill to think baboons are attractive, now kys.

fuck off whitey

I'll let you live with me in California if you bring your cute sister

hmm Cali is indeed nice..

Fuck off shill piece of shit. You're probably a Serb.

more whites the better.

Degen shkije the picture

>You're probably a Serb.
and you're probably a faggot


Doslovno sub human
Nisi nista bolji od jebenih amerikanaca

This. Just don't stay in America either you fucking cuck. Go find some niggers to shoot you or something.

You are seriously gonna choose to live in fucking Ohio over Croatia? Full retard mode. I've been to Pula and you sir are making a mistake.

>being this mad about people's sexual preferences
wew, easy way to spot virgins here

eh, im doing it mostly for the experience. there is so much to discover in this world..
and life gets boring here
I doubt I'll stay in America my whole life.. I will definitely not

Dude they're 20€ at the highway turnarounds.

Personally I never understood beastiality


Who's the nigger?