Why burgers need to ruin everything?

Why burgers need to ruin everything?

Americans are worse than MUSLIMS. WTF

This is one of the worst flags ever designed

This is one of the worst humans ever born.

>this is the american alt-right
Toppest of lels.

>Sup Forums in real life


You mean this is one of the most awesome flags ever designed

Burgers actually ruin the white race, but hey, they're still better than germany/sweden/denmark/everything east and south of austria/germany

>this is what you are speaking to when you see an American flag on Sup Forums



Where the fuck is his neck

I've seen American Sup Forumsacks and the dude is clearly not brown enough.

how are the rolling blackouts faggot

>Hi are you the burger

under the protective fat flaps

how's the blackening of america?

All americans are ugly fat subhumans.

Blasphemy. The white race wouldn't exist if it were not for America. Uneducated Europeans used to believe in a mythical "causasian" race that included poo in the loos and sand niggers until America set the record straight. Also potato niggers and pizza niggers are now white for reasons... oh and George Zimmerman.

i thought this was a fat cop at first

Because they have no culture, except for pledging to a flag designed by a woman and Nigger rap.

where is his neck

americans are the redditors of the world