Bloomberg says it's over for white America

>Immigrants support the housing market and the stock market. They take care of elderly Americans and provide invaluable skills for U.S. corporations. Without continued robust immigration, the U.S. population will shrink and gray, and the country will start having the same problems as aging societies like Japan, South Korea, and East Europe.
>But in order to keep immigration going, the country needs to accept that most new immigrants won’t be white. And that means that the U.S. is now being forced to face up to the issue of increasing diversity for the first time since the immigrant wave of the early 20th century.
>Some on the right fear this change, and worry that it will lead to ethnic balkanization, or a breakdown in the social fabric. But a steady drumbeat of new data should reassure people that this isn’t happening.
>A new report by the Pew Research Center provides some amazing numbers. Half a century after laws against interracial marriage were struck down by the courts, the share of new marriages that are interracial has risen from 3 percent to 17 percent. For black Americans, the rise in intermarriage has been particularly strong.

Why is it ok to want to dilute my culture? Most white people haven't done anything to hurt anyone but we are still the only acceptable target for things like this.

Other urls found in this thread:

where is all this prosperity they're talking about

They never mention that they are speaking about Fortune 500 profits and total GDP. Every immigrant increases both of those, but they also increase debt and decrease GDP per capita, which are way more important measures.

It's focused mainly on the property market and how cashed up foreigners can buy up which causes a never ending chain of needing more and more foreign investment to keep your markets afloat

who says "growth" is an intrinsic good?

it's better to emulate denmark and have a small, robust economy with real value, rather than to keep printing money to appease niggers

>Without immigration from mostly Hispanics and Asians ...
This is racist isn't it?

>without immigrants we won't have enough economic growth to support our large population of immigrants

Latin America is famous for its prosperity. I can't think of a single country I'd rather live in than Guetemala. We need to be more like them.

in (((their)))) pockets


Slavery but under a guise of shit wages and cheap labour mixed with stupid subserviant races. Jewish master plan.

>mostly of hispanics and asians
but thats fucking racist

(((economic growth)))

There's absolutely nothing wrong with stagnant or slightly declining population.

Unless your entire society is built on a system of Ponzi schemes that require infinite growth to keep itself afloat.

Don't worry about it, goy


The "immigrants" they are talking about are the bamboo jews buying up all the property in the us. They literally own us

This is why you should hate the Republican elites. They are the globalist corporate types who did all this shit in the 1980s.

Until 1980: America was 80% white european christian.
After 1980: America is 65% white and dropping rapidly.

Why? Because the Globalists' stocks would go down if we took care of the white families who built this country with their blood, sweat and tears.

It is funny to me that as a cis white male I am portrayed by the media as being the greatest oppressor, meanwhile the international Jew is using Arabs, Blacks, degenerate media and racemixing propaganda to try to destroy me.

All we have to do is selectively breed ourselves for intelligence and other special abilities.
Then set up sperm banks stock with out super human sperm
Then market the sperm to the masses or retards who need an intelligence boost.
Eugenics, Eutelegenisis, Genetic determinism, is our secret weapon against the left wing communists who want to bring this country down to a turd world living standard, and bring it under the control of a single party socialist regime.

Brainpower is the resource that creates mega wealth. Mass low IQ immigration will cause the average intelligence to go down, and socialism will take over and tear this economy apart.


Fire up the GDP machine lads.

>what happens when other countries have declining populations

What?! You haven't seen all the prosperity in South Side Chicago and Baltimore?

It's prosperity for people who are not middle or lower class.

Are Chinks the real Jews? I know that there's a Jewish diaspora in China.

And the country most representative of the mixed society that they want it a complete shithole. All the studies show mixed societies are bad in terms of trust and prosperity.

I just noticed the SS runes on his sunglasses.

>Telling based America it's done for
Their tears are delicious

They are using economics to justify White genocide.

>le growth maymay
why did every braindead kike get this fantastic idea that infinite growth is possible with finite resources? they're only setting themselves up for a harder collapse.

"growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell" is such a good quote, too bad it comes from an anarcho hippie faggot

>spics are 19%
>spics are going to be 40% of the population even higher than whites in 30 years
>it's china
china is going to unload all their investments when it becomes brazil bro. they're just storing their money here for now but will mass sell once there's too many brown people causing the collapse and your murder by the brown people

The Jew doesn't want a mixed society. He only wants it for us. The Jew feels threatened by European/White civilization so he seeks to destroy it while keeping his own society and family separate from the other races.

Yeah there has beena a big propaganda push in the past month trying to link immigration with economic growth, saying that to get to 3% growth we will need a shit ton of immigrants.



>(((American))) prosperity

He's a good friend of pepe

>without slaves economic growth will falter

>automation is going to kill unskilled and even some skilled jobs at an unprecedented rate
>btw we need to import millions of unskilled laborers to work jobs
are they ever going to get the narrative straight?

Them digits

This increased immigration coupled with the next generation of neo-marxists school being made in the colleges , see how college educated spics and chink lap up sjw narrative, we will see an acceleration in white genocide

So let it collapse. Id rather that than more of this immigration bullshit.

Immigration doesn't increase the prosperity for Americans.
Sage and hidden.

Democrats passed the 1965 immigration act which destroyed the Unions and ensured wage stagnation for unskilled labor.

Greeks did it to laugh at their former enemies
Spartans did it for shits n giggles

>tfw looking at old comfy pictures of California
>clean cities, small mom & pop stores, people hitchhiking and just having a good time
>look up recent demographics for some of the cities these photos were taken in
>every single one is majority nonwhite now
>average white percentage is like 15%
>get depressed when i realize they used to be 90% white not even 40 years ago
>start thinking about what could've been if they remained white

Unions are communist cancer and destroyed themselves

Theres plenty of Jew blood mixed in Chinks

no, but neither is our side

>niggers, dude! niggers they're racemixing and it's white genocide
>100 years ago spics weren't even 1% of the population
>now they're 19% with 30 million illegals so maybe even higher
>going to be 40%+ in 30 years even higher than whites
>spics are counted as whites in crime statistics and account for 90% of the crime they attribute to whites
>there's no such thing as a good spic country in human history
>south america is even worse than africa
spics are the biggest threat to america even worse than mudslimes to europe but for some reason everybody in the south thinks they're based and then the spics even spam Sup Forums with their propaganda and saying how they're based

What a shit opinion

The narrative is straight.

Whatever would help white people, they're against it.

Take a guess where all the prosperity goes.

>Republicans and big corporations are willing to kill millions of people just to save a little money on healthcare and taxes!
>listen we need to wipe out the native populations of the west so we can increase the GPD by 2% we did the math already ok

And yet no one adopts policies to increase their own native populations birth rates. I wonder who could be behind it


does he feel the same way about (((diversity))) in Israel?

Future is looking bright

I'll tell you why (((they))) do it but you won't believe me yet. They do it because they love you and want the best for you. Anything that doesn't come from within in meaningless, user. Peace be with you.

ahahaah yeah, muds will grow the us economy xD
I just hope I will be alive to see it all implode.

dude you're really retarded. immigrants from china are racist as fuck. they know they come here cause it's white not because it's got niggers and spics. marxism and sjw people harm asians. asians need to score higher than whites to get into universities. affirmative action hurts asians even more than whites.

it's true that americanized chinks are liberal retards but not ones from the mainland. there's even conflict in their community.

the chink population increase is expected to increase by 3-4% while spics will go from 19%+(probably higher) to 40%+++++

yeah man it's the chink threat! thanks aryan soldier. you've got it figured out.

Greedy rich are just shooting themselves in the foot. Third worlders will vote for socialism.

>But a steady drumbeat of new data should reassure people that this isn’t happening.
What? All the data is suggesting quite the opposite.
>For black Americans, the rise in intermarriage has been particularly strong.
Dude, they're taking the piss now.
>You like that cuck boi?
>Tyrone is fucking your sister, how does that make you feel?
They know they're losing.

How are these poor imigrants able to afford a house when they are over inflated as fuck? Also the idea of them supporting the stock market is highly doubtful. Do they think we cannot read articles that are saying hardly any of the people moving to Europe have jobs?

Why do think Jews eat so much Chinese food? How many shekels for those eggrolls?

They Chinese already own almost all the property from Seattle to San Diego
They're going to keep it forever.

Make it stop

>How are these poor imigrants able to afford a house when they are over inflated as fuck?
Spics getting subprime mortgages.
>Also the idea of them supporting the stock market is highly doubtful.
That's where the chinks come in.
>Do they think we cannot read articles that are saying hardly any of the people moving to Europe have jobs?
Reading isn't for the goyim.

>(((Noah Smith)))

California is a state populated by veracity-challenged overgrown children and spics. It needs to secede.

>Most white people haven't done anything to hurt anyone but we are still the only acceptable target for things like this.

>assume everyone in every nonwhite race acts like a certain negative stereotype
>bitch and moan when someone does it to your race

Karma at its finest.

I want to know more. Please elaborate. Quick rundown style.

(((economic growth)))
At (((Wall Street)))

they fucking count spics as white in our crime statistics dude. spics are violent as niggers. i hate this meme that spics aren't equally bad as niggers so much.

spics are the biggest trojan horse in western society. they're even worse than mudslimes, but everybody is so fucking asleep on this issue

so what? you can safely there. chink crime is even lower than white crime. also, you're talking about the west coast? what about the 30 million spics? did you not fucking notice them turning it into a slum? how can chinks keep their property when spics are going to have the majority in the future? america is now brazil 2.0. in the future spics will be 51%+ majority

keep talking about chinks while the very land of america is going to be controlled by spics in 50 years. i'm sure kikes love to giggle at people like you who don't even know what's going to kill you. honestly, whites deserve to die since they'll actually allow spics to come and get the majority in america while pointing fingers at niggers and chinks.

a lot of countries literally pay their people to have babies but it isn't helping enough

Pay doesn't matter if everything else just weights your soul to the bottom.

>worse than africa
Now now, we mustnt get ahead of ourselves user.

Pure Coincidence!

I invite everyone to put the tin foil hat away and be logic.
They want to mix us with new races. Fine, they can try to do whatever they want.


if we work against it and sabotage their plan, their scheme is going to fall apart.

So, uno, our plan should be:

yeah, the numbers in their excel sheets will propbably go up, but their plan will ultimately fail.

>they fucking count spics as white in our crime statistics dude.
Please explain this, this, and all studies I've seen, count hispanics as separate from whites, or at least they list them as "hispanic whites".

you are clearly retarded if you think asian immigration doesn't hurt the country. look at canada and australia

Here's the reason for articles like this, btw.

So they admit that the current economy is a pyramid scheme.

>Some on the right fear this change, and worry that it will lead to ethnic balkanization, or a breakdown in the social fabric. But a steady drumbeat of new data should reassure people that this isn’t happening.
They need to get their narratives straight. According to them, Trump was elected by fearful white hate. All we hear about anymore is how racists whites are. Non-whites are beginning to demand segregated spaces. Ethnic balkanization absolutely appears to be on the rise.

The productivity gains of the last 30 years have gone mostly into the pockets of the wealthy. Wages have been stagnant at the bottom.

Good goy, the bamboo jew is not a threat, they have low crime rates like (((us)))

better not allow white europrans to migrate

Checked and truth

>American Prosperity Depends on a Nonwhite Future
>Silicon Valley run by white progressives who do not hire blacks and browns or females

It's only better because at this point America has become the Jewish race mixing melting pot and there's no reason to put more gold into a melting pot of shit and cement

the main argument is that it's too expensive to have children, so getting paid should solve it. in reality women need to stay home, abortion should be banned and religion taught in school if we want to see positive birth rates

>t. spic
no you're actually worse in many ways than africa. you're a little bit smarter so you can hide your savage behavior
this picture should explain it. they consider spics as being white to fuck statistics in america. look at any prison and it's literally like 40% spic and 50% black and then 10% white/asian/other

>this little pain is the real issue
spics are going to get the fucking voting majority in 50 years you subhuman trash. fuck. i hate that people like you allowed to live even more than the shitskins who are going to turn america into a slum brazil.

I'd like the headline to say "American Prosperity Depends on a Nonblack Future" and the article to go into detail about how blacks need to be deported for their own good since their own sheboon women are so fucking hideous that their irresponsible men chase every other ethnicity instead of staying with their own race.

>The productivity gains of the last 30 years have gone mostly into the pockets of the wealthy.
What is the majority ethnicity of the wealthy?

I cant find any proof this guy even exists.

What do?

that's funny coming from a country that does everything under the sun to kiss minority ass

Meanwhile, Europeans aren't even allowed to move here. (((They))) won't let them. Only shitskins and a handful of asians. Why do I come to Sup Forums anymore? All I do is get angry.

Its prosperity for the rich kikes like (((Bloomberg))) and of course the savages who are coming from a third world shithole.

It fucks over middle class whites.

We haven't recovered from the 2008 recession. All the gains go into the stock market or corporate elites. The average person struggles to find work, work that is starting to hit 50 hours a week, and wages have stagnated.

>bring in immigrants goy, us boomers need pack to wipe our anus when we are old

Are worthless old white people the jewiest non jews?

This guy works for (((Bloomberg))) who got sued for telling a pregnant female employee to "kill it" lol you could not make this stuff up.

>But a steady drumbeat of new data should reassure people that this isn’t happening.
Hahaha, oh wow.

Holy fuck this x100000.
The elites have mocked any attempt at American manufacturing, etc, specifically mocked Trump: "coal is dead, industry is dead, rural/suburban retards are angry because they didn't stay ahead in global market. Days are gone where you could get a job as low skilled."
Native English speakers with low skills can't get work but a sub 80 IQ Somalian or Burmese immigrant who struggles to say "hello" in English is somehow vital to the survival of our economy?
It's almost like debt slavery is key....
But that would mean...fuggggg.

Top kek
>hey Sup Forums africas doing great. Europe will benefit from african immigration. Too bad the americas are stuck with spics
t. Europoor nogger

I agree with this, however, the US elite aren't spics, nogs or chinks.
How do we know if the elites aren't simply top tier whites, whilst the rest of us are mid and bottom tier?

>Republican elites
Don't exist anymore. They're all just democrats who indirectly support the establishment GOP.