Is this the new atheism?

is this the new atheism?

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Hose those numales with gas and light them up.


>Muh insults, muh oppression

It's the new aninimoose

As far as I can tell, Sup Forums's main difference to them is that Sup Forums wants a race war whereas the Kekistani are especially proud of minorities partaking in the cause. That's the cringe?


#resist is

You do realise the whole "Kekistani" thing is a parody of Identity politics? Getting annoyed by it only fulfills its objective.

shut up sargon you fat pig

what does that flag even mean

shut up sargon you fat pig


Is that Rucka Rucka Ali all the way right?

I think you are right.. Maddox was probably at that event too then

>t. civic nationalist

Fedora -> Anonymos -> Kekistan
the cringe is ever evolving

Us normal atheists are tired of the fedora fags.

Is that Maddox on the right?

Do you mean the guy with the rings and nu-male haircut?

topkek just found this

It's the beginning of the end of atheism. Atheism is the final stage of "rationalized" thought, now descended and assimilated by the masses. Everything new now will be a return to spiritualization-- in this case via nationalist/quasi-mythological.

Reminder that these "people" stand for absolutely nothing. So anyone that defends them by saying "at least they're out there spreading the message; more than you'll ever do", please understand that these guys have no beliefs. They don't have any concrete world views or principles. These groups are made up of children and adult loners who couldn't let go of the election cycle. It was the first time of their lives that they ever felt a sense of purpose or belonging, and now they're desperate to hold on to that feeling. If you asked these guys why they're out in public parks shouting memes at dog walkers, they'd give you a vague and rambling reply about free speech. These groups are no different to the student union communists or anarchists who don't have a fucking clue what their "cause" is either. Consider the regalia that they take with them to these events - shields, armour, banners. The kind of iconography that's associated with medieval knights. Consciously or unconsciously, that is what these guys fancy themselves to be. Noble warriors, not middle class kids from the suburbs.

There could be an entire remote ecosystem under that tummy and no one would ever know.

Is that maddox on the right with the yellow nametag?

Lmao i thought the same thing

A good smoke screen if anything.

That image is beyond cringey. Needs to be in a beta/cringe thread on Sup Forums with furries and bronies.

>we actually turned reddit conservative

Why is this a bad thing?


>Is this the new atheism
Right up their with Android fagboys
>in this moment I am euphoric, not because of some phony Apple bullshit but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence

>I think you are right.. Maddox was probably at that event too then
He's in the picture, two spots to the left of Rucka, wearing a cap to cover up his baldness. He's trying to rebrand himself as anti-SJW to save his dying brand. His SJW girlfriend who tries to get people fired and now has a restraining order against her is right behind him.

Sure it's cringey as fuck but honestly would you rather them be parading around half naked with rainbow flags and dildos in their mouths?

At least these retards look like decent people.

Sup Forums didn't turn reddit conservative. more like sent a bunch of newfags there who never actually browsed reddit before. So they're basically dealing with an invasion, but at its core reddit is still a liberal shithole.

no it's the new autism

It's objective is to subvert the alt-right and you know it Sargon.

Fuck off.

Sup Forums didnt turn anyone conservative, at least not on its own. The autistic sjw left did most of the work for us.

No, that's Paganism.
Kekistan is new anonymous.

No atheism is still worse. This kek stuff is probably just right below the whole ¡RESIST! Thing though


Is this Psyops? Did fat neckbeard just ruined the milk and ok sign meme for me.

What is this creature? Are goblins real and just hiding in plain sight?

the altright is fighting an unwinnable battle. Altright or not, you have to know richard spencer and his 20 followers wont accomplish anything.

why is politics in the west so gay

>we actually turned idiots into a laughing-stock


Who are these people?
Where are they organising? Is it the_donald?


Alt-lighters, they worship people like Sargon and are cringy cucks.

They mostly operate on twitter it seems.

worse. autism

Kek, I missed that thing, and yes def a goblin

it isn't
shills are just trying to turn us against those that are bringing people right
They are trying to weaponize our autism against us.

I can't believe those are the people who call me nigger...

Good post.

Do they even know they're using the naval flag of the Third Reich?

It makes me sad to see KEK being misused like this.

I don't give a shit about that
This fat faggot took something and ruined it
This is 9gag-tier behavior

>Hey guys look at this cool new maymay I created I don't know shit about how it was created and what it means but I will give it an arab name because I am a literal cuck raising someone else's children

This centrist stance is taken by people who are too cowardly to actually take a side in a fight.

You're trying to play referee by taking the side that requires the least sacrifice to defend.

Truly atheist/fedor tier faggotry.
this guy is alt-right discord server admin
also Spencers view on marxism and gay people worries me a lot.
The guy on a video I posted is literal furry

lol wrong pin

No it's the new face of the white supremacist alt-right

Where you been user?

This is the price we must pay. By exporting our culture to the mainstream internet, we helped Trump get elected. Unfortunately, now normies have adopted parts of our culture and express it publicly.

A fair trade-off for getting Trump elected though.