Transphobes Btfo

Transphobes Btfo

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What the fuck. It's real!

wtf i love canada now

>it's fucking real
Canada what the fuck is wrong with you, why did you vote this moron in?

Trannies will be the first ones to the chambers.

REMINDER: Justin Trudeau's mother was a notorious coke whore, likely pimped out by Trump to a friend according to his second book.

>When Castro's bastard goes full retard

If I can't assume it is male, then I'm not supposed to treat it as one.
Using the same logic, I can't assume it is human either so I must also avoid treating it as one.
Furthermore, I can't assume it even want's to live, it can only make that choice itself. So I must refrain from assisting it.

If I stop identifying people as human am I legally allowed to shoot them?

day of rake when

mentally ill trannies btfo

I really love this arguement.

just checked it's real SMDH

any excuse to talk about babies' genitalia. you know he fucks kids.

>its actualy a real.
where a sexaul dimorfic species theres x and y the others are genetic mutations the can see in the fetal stage if a kid is female or male.


Just because a baby is born doesn't mean you may assume it is alive #AbortionHasNoAge

A baby can be born with 3 vaginas and I can still assume it as male. What the fuck right does this fairy bastard think he has to tell me what I'm allowed to think? These idiots sink their own arguments every time they speak.

Just because a baby is born a baby doesn't mean it's a baby.

sauce you fucking faggots!

Just because a cuckold prime minister virtue signals, does not mean he can assume he is virtuous.

I assume Trudeau is a woman

Just because you're reading this with your eyes it does not mean you may assume you're reading this with your eyes

Hahaha I like it

Trudeau is a freak. To the gas chamber.

just because a thing is how it is, doesn't mean it is that way

gold metal mental gymnastics, perfect form even better execution

Imagine if we lived in a post apocalyptic world. Would people bitch about these things? And if they did, would they be shot on sight for trying to fuck up future generations? These people are an upscaled cancer plaguing the rest of humanity

No Justin, I may, and you can't stop me.

>it's fake


Why canada?