I have fucking had it Sup Forums I'm done with these fucking Indians, they are without a doubt the rudest, most socially unaware race to exist.

>First-year uni student
>BC, Canada
Which has now become a brown-town breeding ground
>Every week in the halls of the school, on the bus, on the streets, the loos act like fucking tribal men.

>Singing out loud to their music
>Blasting music without headphones
>If they do have headphones don't fret! You'll still hear the durkastep on full blast

The smell
>Smelling horrible
>They smell of horrible B.O. all the time
>A homeless man that saw a dollar fall into the anal cavity of a cow would smell better

The Stare
>I try to be nice
>Say "Hi there!" to people passing by on the street
>Whites: Have a good day!
>Asians: Herro!
>Loo's: *stare*
>They do not reply they just stare at you, if they have friends they will all turn and just stare
>I've caught this happening about 16 times

>I try not to think about it
>Just isolated cases, right?
>Not all indians are this bad
>Every week...

Other urls found in this thread:

Well now Ive had it.

>Get on bus to go to school
>As we get closer more loos get on
>Listening to music through headphones
>The fuck?
>Ranjeet Mustpha is standing there holding his phone a foot away from him
>Blasting durkastep
>And singing along
>Other whites getting visibly irritated
>I ask, "Hey man, could you turn down the music or use headphones? Thank you."
>Gets visibly irritated


>Mother fucker singing louder
>Other Pabjools on the bus seem imppressed
>Whatever fuck this my transfer is here anyways
>Get off and walk to next bus
>Small sideway
>Barracade of three old Jeets block my path
>"Excuse me, need to get through"
>Try to squeeze between them
>Dont budge an inch
>Have to push through
>Cost me about 5 important secs
>Run to my bus
>Mostly empty
>Doors close JUST as I run up
>Knock on the door
>Driver Daldeep stares at me
>5 whole seconds pass
>Drives away still looking at me
>Cum dumpster, goat fucker, ass clown.
>Can still make it to class on time
>Get to my lab.
>5 mins early, my half of the lab is already done
>Loo partner is there
>I ask, "So want me to staple the halves and hand it in?"
>"I did not complete it."
>Gives me lined sheets of paper with shitskin notes written on it
>Lost a good 5% of my lab mark, had to explain to get it back

On my way home
>Waiting at the bus stop
>Durka approaches me
>"You want to borrow a pen?"
Does not reply, just rolls his eyes and holds his hand out
>Fine its not too big of a hassle
>Give him a pen
>Writes something down
>Bites pen
>Gives it back and doesn't even make eye contact
>I loudly say, "YOURE WELCOME"
>Poo looks at me confused
>God damn it

>Just think
I'm not Sup Forums level racist, I'm not Sup Forums level racist....

That night going to have a campfire with friends
>Female friend drives me and herself to the gas station to get a log of wood and some chocolate for s'mores
>We get there it is closed so you have to order from the outside through a speaker
>Its a gas station so Manroop is working the till
>Another car blasting durkastep screeches into the gas station
>3 drunk poopoos get out
>All shake eachothers hands as they get out
kek. fucking durkas
>I ask for a wood log and a bar of Hersheys
>3 drunks start yelling, "NO WOOD! NO WOOD! Burjampa..dapa..."
>Look at them and roll eyes
>Clerk gets a log of wood
>They grumble to themselves
>"Anyting else?" (Yes 'any-ting')
>"Yes and a bar of Hersheys
>He goes to get it
>1 drunk punjab is bumping into me and leaning on me
>"Pardon me" *brush him off*


>Get right up to my face
>I yell back "PARODN. ME."
>3 loos step down and start grumbing in forign loo tongue
>Get in the car
>Girl is literally shaking
>"I hate fucking punjabs"

Girl gets mad at me


>Go home
>Turn on TV
>Punjab speaking about systematic racism and how punjis are very respecatble people.

Fuck Canada
Fuck Cuckdeau
Fuck every last loo

I am now racist, beacuse I live in a multicutural society.

How was your night Sup Forums?

1/3 loos

3/3 loos

Bonus Jojo Loo

Loos are not human, anyone who says so has changed their flag to hide the mark of the poo

its troo we arnt humans

have a bump

>I am now racist, beacuse I live in a multicutural society.


Kill them all let God sort it out.


not this thread again

weak bait. Loos are based. Sage


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...Anonymous (ID: Jd87ukSH) Archived
Poo in the loo
06/27/17(Tue)11:47:35 No.131501883
1 KB
Hey Sup Forums,
So I have to do a presentation for my social studies class on whatever social problem I want and how to solve it. I chose open defecation in India because of the poo in the loo memes.

Is there anything I should know that could be useful?
...Anonymous (ID: 0T84k3Xr) PR
06/27/17(Tue)11:56:13 No.131502382
(OP) #
A dark brown man covered in body hair. The first thing you notice is his smell. Curry and poo. He has a skinny frame, oily skin and hair. Slimy. Oozing curry and poo from his pores. A thin pathetic moustache. Pitiful.

He pulls down his pants to reveal a small penis surrounded by a mane of smelly greasy pubic hair. He turns around and I see his buttocks smiling at me. His butt is covered in more coarse hair, black. Small cheeks. He bends over and parts his cheeks. A waft of pure poo fills the air. The black hair is thickest here, with a brown hue. Dangle berries can be found. Yesterday's shit clinging on to life. The poo is a light brown, like pumpkin soup. He uses his hands to part the mattered poo hair to reveal a little brown butthole. Caked in poo. Disgusting. The epicentre of filth. An ugly crater. A dirty yet prolific anus.

The Indian.

I don't care if it's bait it's accurate to a tee.

They're just a bunch of stupid darkies.

Bitch what time of shit is this post

Swear on my life
Aint bait
Im not that creative

shut up, poo

blueberry mansions are rightfully whiteman clay

Swear to mee
Are you totally retarded leaf?
see the flag

If you've ever been to Richmond, BC it's all blueberry Bangladesh mansions

>when a poo hides his flag

Good luck fellow leaf, Cacanada is now multiconflituals.

The Poo is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Poo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>when a poo hides his flag
Says the guy who is going to be an islamic nation soon.
Future americistan.
We created you remember with our fat,trashy useless inbred whites.

I know, it's only a matter of time before they out number us all



my sympathy is limited.
if you were american id say move to an enthostate, but since you're a leaf....

start a revolution my boy.

>tfw live in Ontario and am surrounded by millions of poos

Even niggers and Muslims are better than Indians. Every day living in the province drains a little bit of your soul. The only good thing about chinks taking over is that they hate Indians.

t. Poojeet



>Indians being anything other than nasty people that can't even poo in loo.

Get the fuck out.

India was better under British rule. Fucking poo in loo savages.

It looks like they tried to copy and paste a old post they liked, but they forgot to delete the extra crap other than the post.

I don't know why pol doesn't crowdfund a Thai invasion of India. You guys love traps and East Asians right? It's a win/win

I want out of this country too. Try living near Toronto, its a thousand times worse. You get every fucking colour on the rainbow here.

Hinduism is based like polytheism dide, and secret eye bruh! Like temples and spritiuality and magic dude *hits blunt* whoaaaa my inner magical power bruh I'm gonna build a rat temple! like Hinduism is western and based AF bruh! *passes out*

join our meetup group to discuss the issues

[email protected]

doing some serious vetting.

fuck off

>the reason leafs are rude on Sup Forums
fucking cucks you deserve this

Haha a little bit gets on Australia

They stare a lot. I mean a lot. Always just these creepy stares that look like they are in some kinda evil eye cursing abos.

there is a really ugly and fat Indian creepster at my gym. Never seen him work out - he just stands there and stares at people. What the fuck is wrong with these creatures?

My gf can't even go to the gym anymore because of them. They will literally stop what they are doing and just rape stare her. I have to go at night because I can't freaking stand the smell they give off
The ones at the gym are the worst. What is up with Pajeets and staring? I think they legit caused a few girls who would go everyday to come less often because they are so overt about creeping on these girls.

They have weird intimacy things with strangers, like they'll sit right next to you for no reason. That's weird in the west.

They'll stare down white girls. That's also weird, I could be sneakily firing smiles for hours just to get her to sit close enough to make checking her out easy... Then a greasy Indian will just leer. Fucking leer.


Oh no, good sar, yu ar tinkeeng of tda Pakis, not PooNLoos, sar. Deese peepuls are verry bad. Da Indian peepul have been trying to get rid of dem for a looong dtime . Pakeese arrre very killing peepul. Nobady likes dem.

Not everyone does that fuck you
Not everyone smells aswell

You can't hinder the Jinder my friend.

I can't stand them. Escaped a cucked nation and came to Poland and they are everywhere here. WTF?

Don't forget Gypsy=Indian so hate them too.

they are malevolent beings, spawn of satan shit

the stare is the evil eye that they curse with, they subjugate your soul to possess with evil intent

In India, the evil eye is called "Drishti" (meaning gaze or vision) or more commonly as Buri Naza

you could be an indian astrophysicist but still shit in a cow drawn carriage

>Be me
>Walking with gf
>Car pulls up to us, Indian guy in it, blasting curry pop music
>Doesn't say anything, just stares at gf
>Keeps rolling along besides us, saying nothing
>Ask him what he wants, no response, just keeps starting at gf
>Ask him if he has a problem, no response, just keeps staring at gf
>Tell him to fuck off, still no response, still keeps staring
>Throw a rock at his car, he drives off


We all know who is behind that flag pajeet

im not indian but they're based

Sup Forums leaf user



there is a reason why poos were expelled from Fiji, Africa, Europe (gypsy poos)

>In Guyana, Trinidad and other Caribbean countries, Indians form the ruling class, dominating over Africans and natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Others become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Anti-Indian resentment sometimes turns violent, but Indians still hold power and dominate.

>Indians in Fiji form the ruling class, dominating over natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Natives become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Anti-Indian resentment flares and natives try to overthrow Indian rulers in 1987, with military coup, but fail.

>Indians in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda etc..) form ruling "mafia", dominating over natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Natives become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Natives in Uganda try to overthrow Indian rulers in 1971, with military coup, but fail as Indians return to power./


lmao these dumb Poos trying desperately to sway opinions on Sup Forums,

kys im not india

Awesome. I fucking hate Indians and anyone who's works or worked in the service industry will tell you that these disgusting roaches are the worst people to serve. They arrogant, loud, smelly and downright rude all whilst unable to speak English.

Poos are worse.
I've never seen a room full of people start gagging and have to evacuate due to the horrible smell of one dirty Chink's body odour. I have witnessed this with a Poo.
Plus they're the rudest cunts on Earth. They live like disgusting peasants but have the arrogance of aristocracy.

Why are Indians so arrogant? Every single one I've ever met (and that's a lot, I go to a liberal college) is always looking down on white people and Westerners. One time the printer broke in the computer lab and I was fixing it for 5 minutes before Pajeet shows up and scorns me for not using the proper technique, like I'm some kind of asshole that's never done this before.

Shit happens in Burger Land too senpai.

Was skateboarding at the local DIY spot when these exchange students (not all Indian, some from Middle Eastern countries as well) when they decided to play cricket in the middle of the park.

There is a baseball diamond literally 100 feet from the park.

We asked if they wouldn't mind going to play on the baseball diamond since it would be more suitable to the realm of cricket.

They just stare, I know they speak english, I go to school with them.

One of them speaks up and says it's locked. I tell him to come with me and show him the fence to the dugouts is clearly not. Eventually they start playing on the baseball field but it they were nearly about to start a race war with some of the skateboarders.

Do they not understand social cues or are they just stubborn like the rest of us?
porbably both

yes I'm sure you're a White guy on Sup Forums who's just hypersensitive about Poos and not at all a Poo yourself.

>there is a reason why poos were expelled from Fiji, Africa, Europe (gypsy poos)

no1 likes poos, you evil eye staring shitskin fucks

holy fuck, what a full blown autist. Your only help is to end your life.

Could have sided you on this but mann..
Cricket should be played wherever anybody wants. Any hindrance in Cricket means serious trouble for you pal.

>Do they not understand social cues or are they just stubborn like the rest of us?

they are abo-gypsies, you will learn the hard way about their cursing evil eye malevolence, by that time you will be like fiji with an ethnic cleansing to rid of poo

>from the bong

Hows Muhammed's cock taste?

nice try pajeet


Tbqh I've never met a rude Indian in Europe. I've only ever met nice well-behaving ones.

I'm aware there are a lot of staring Indians in India with no conception of personal space though.

reveal the flag POO

Why is the appearance of Indians so disgusting? A couple weeks ago I had the misfortune to encounter three pajeet types and I felt physically ill just by having to watch their shitskins and subhuman physical complexion not only that but I was also disgusted by their foul and liberal smell, they literally had curry body odor that you could pick up from a couple meters away, I was also disgusted by their shitty language which sounds extremely unpleasant as if they're selling you something at all times, I don't know hoe these people aren't universally considered subhumans

you know that shit isn't mud