Fucking Norwegians

How do people cry when they see this shit?

Socialism: it just works

no, it doesn't

Did you even watch the video

That's actually sweet, the fuck is wrong with you

fuckin commie

There is a lack of foster care homes at the moment, so they are promoting ads atm to get more foster care homes

>brings empty lunchbox from home

It worked fine there because participation wasn't forced. Virtue signalling is good if you are actually doing something virtuous like helping a person in need, it rewards virtue with social status encouraging unity. This is not the same as empty signalling on social media while not backing it up.

>lunchbox is empty
>leaves room
>lunchbox is full
Giving the quantity of niggers in that classroom, I'd say the footage is reversed.

Dafuck? Do they bleach kids' hair in Norway?

So he ate his lunch already and then he gets second round?

Won't that just make him fat?

i dont see the problem here?
>not wanting to help out others
what are you some kind of jew?

Why is that kid eating grapes in Norway? Cultural appropriation much?

>Please white master.
>Will you give me something to eat?
>I'm so hungry.
>Please, you are so rich.
>And I am so very very poor.

You're welcome, kid.

It doesn't matter. Why in the FUCK are there non whites in Norway. Yet another example of the systematic replacement of whites and media propaganda trying to make it seem as if it's no big deal because of

>haha lel look this niglet was nice to a white kid check mate racists

uh no? you know people can be born with blonde hair right?

He probably lives in some small village and has never seen a white person in his life.

That kid's hair aren't blonde, they're already white like a 70+ old man's hair would be

pic related

That was a nice video, thanks user

Do norwegians seriously not get free food in school??

thats how we all start out
white you know?
It darkens a bit later

>the guinea nigger doesn't know that blonde hair is a naturally occurring phenotype

My hair was just as white when I was around his age.
And I'm not even blonde, I have brown hair now.

White kids often start out with almost white hair, which gets darker as we get older until it gets gray/white again.
That's just how our genes work I guess.

Funny I never realized this is weird to non-whites.

The black kids fed the poor aryan boy. They FED HIM!! PRAISE BLACK PEOPLE!!!

I thought only French and Anglo countries had school supplied lunches?

When your mother doesn't make you lunch it means she doesn't love you.

a community banding together to help a family in need to make sure a child gets a lunch everyday is not the same thing as taxing (stealing) everyone's income to pay for boogie's next failed diet plan

My father was born with blonde hair too, but, you know, they were dark blonde hair
And they turned black within a few months

meant for you too

>shitskin Moor rape baby has never seen a real blonde person

>>lunchbox is empty
>>leaves room
>>lunchbox is full
>Giving the quantity of niggers in that classroom, I'd say the footage is reversed.