Daily reminder that jesus loves you

daily reminder that jesus loves you

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no actions of it though

Larpan shill thread sage

Who's the white European in your pic?

Inpen- er I mean, Jesus was a great guy. He taught everything that mattered to a person's salvation in one sermon on the mount.


Let me get you a more accurate pic


>Who's the white European in your pic?

Jesus was NOT black, if that's what you were insinuating.

Jesus was black you edomite cave beast crackkkers stole our history bitch ass pussy ass honkeys

What a faggot

Indeed he does. Stop sinning, pol. Why are you trying to hurt someone who loves you?

Middle easterners are white?

>Jesus was black you edomite cave beast crackkkers stole our history bitch ass pussy ass honkeys

That is false. Why is it that black people claim to be the Egyptians AND the Jews, when the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians?


He died for your sins.

>jesus loves you but if you dont guess the right sub sub sub sub sub set of christianity his dad will torture you forever who he also is

yeah sure thing delusional christcuck

>his dad will torture you forever

This is not biblical. Those who do not believe will be burnt and turned to ash.

Also, your blasphemy really is telling of your personality you heathen.

>This is not biblical.
Why do Christians like to lie so much? Is it the spiritual semitism?


Still looks white, but Jesus' relatives blended in well in Glastonbury and British Isles. He probably looked Celtic.

Jesus was kike shill same like Moises

Trinity is a crap doctrine. God the Father, Jesus and Holy Ghost are three separate beings working in a Godhead. Christianity was never strictly monotheist. It was Henotheist in that the father rules.

>I love you whether you love me or not
>but if you don't love me this crazy guy is going burn you alive for all eternity (totally not my fault)

ily2 jesus

wot sins m8