Why don't you want socialism?

>If I have to pay a little more with each paycheck to ensure my fellow Americans can access health care? SIGN ME UP. Poverty should not be a death sentence in the richest country in the world. If you’re okay with thousands of people dying of treatable diseases just so the wealthiest among us can hoard still more wealth, there is a divide between our worldviews that can never be bridged.

>I don’t know how to convince someone how to experience the basic human emotion of empathy. I cannot have one more conversation with someone who is content to see millions of people suffer needlessly in exchange for a tax cut that statistically they’ll never see (do you make anywhere close to the median American salary? Less? Congrats, this tax break is not for you).

>I cannot have political debates with these people. Our disagreement is not merely political, but a fundamental divide on what it means to live in a society, how to be a good person, and why any of that matters.

It's so simple, if you don't want to side with the Democrats it simply means you're a horrible person. The Democrats feel they know how to use your money better than you do. You aren't a horrible person, are you?

Problem is - some have only their cancer to share. Parasites, basically.

>The radical idea of STEALING**
Fixed that for you

If you think you are entitled to my labor just try and take it. I fucking dare you.

There's absolutely nothing stopping you from giving *your money to people.
Don't force your morals on others via government force, fascist.

Because I don't want to share. Being a horrible person benefits me, so why should I stop?

Also, not giving yourself and your offspring advantage over others is retarded behavior. Nature harshly punishes for such retardation.

We can have discussion about the nature of advantage but slaving for parasites and retards is always dumb. There is no advantage in this.

Sup Forums loves (national) socialism.


>The only people who want socialism are those who haven't "enjoyed" it yet.

really activated my almonds

Ethnic national socialism, to be precise.

>If you think you are entitled to my labor just try and take it. I fucking dare you.

Because it doesn't work. Let me just point out that mo' money fo' dem programs require money. In order to get mo' money, we need a thriving economy. Socialism fuck the economy to extract gibs.

It just doesn't work that way.


But hasn't it worked in every country that's implemented social medicine?

For what purpose? To feed fat, ugly and old politicians, allow them to keep living a luxurious life in their glass tower, isolated from society and protected by armed guards at all times while I can neither carry a weapon nor protect myself if attacked? To feed millions of "refugees", which we supposedly need to fill in jobs, even though we have 10% unemployment? To feed corrupt public companies, which have a monopoly on their respective sectors, and can raise the prices without any competitions? To feed lazy public servants, who will riot on the streets if they are asked to work more than 10 hours a week? To feed shitskins who make 10 children and earn more than a fucking engineer while doing nothing? Then their children can attack me on the streets and won't go to a court because they are poor victims of racism? To pay healthcare for every fucking immigrant and anyone in the world who can travel in France and get any treatment or surgery, no matter how expensive, for "free"?
How great, public healthcare is absolute garbage anyway, we still need to get an additional private coverage, and we have to go to private hospital and doctors if we ever want any serious treatment. Just like we need to send our children in private school if we ever want to have any serious education, but we still need to pay for public education on top of paying for the private one!.
Socialism is the radical idea of sitting on your ass while stealing hardworking people's money and virtue signaling to show yourself as the great one in that affair.

Yeah I'm mad, mad to be living in a shithole with no opportunities for the average slave-citizen, only taxes, media brainwashing and an authoritarian socialist state. What a wonderful life!

Sharing is voluntary, though. I share an appetizer with friends at a restaurant.

What you're talking about is stealing. The government takes half of your income (on pain of imprisonment or worse) to give to the poor, just kidding, to send their kids to private schools in Switzerland.

It has worked because we don't take the money for our COMMUNIST HOSPITAL COMPLEXES from the rich, we take it from everyone in form of higher taxes for everyone.

Because, I don't want a state that "legally" steal my property and give it to others.


I feel you, I earn an average salary, of a mere 500 000 NOK/year, which works out to a mere 52 000 EUR. I pay 24% taxes. It really sucks.

Socialism makes everyone poorer. Especially the lower classes.

It's not (((((sharing)))))) when the giving party doesn't have a choice, that's theft faggot. Giving willingly is called charity. God the stupidity of people amazes me sometimes.

It breaks when the person who has his "stuff shared" stops making stuff voluntarily.