Flat Earth Questions

Okay, the sudden rise in actual believers of this astounds me, but i'll bite - i'm not above having my mind changed, but i have a few questions about this.
Hopefully some of you believers can answer.

>If the earth is flat, how is there night-time and not just a sun off in the distance when 'night time' would normally occur. If it goes under the earth, what is 'under' the earth?

>Why do the moon's fullness cycles coincide with where the sun is and why can we see sunlight reflected off the moon at night if the sun is indeed as close to earth as you suggest?

>How are there seasons if the earth is flat?

>If antarctica isn't a continent, and is in fact some kind of ice wall surrounding earth, why is it possible to sail around antarctica; if flat earth is true then sailing 'around' antarctica would take several times longer than it does, as it would be the longest distance you could possibly travel as it's the perimeter of the entire circle.

>What is under the earth?

>How does gravity work if it isn't a product of mass and therefore prone to crushing large deposits of mass into spheres?

>How exactly is it possible every last nation on earth is cooperating and in on this when we can agree on nothing else?

>If the earth is flat, where are the satellites going/how do they maintain geosynchronous orbit, and if there are no satellites, why is it 'satellite' broadcasting is less prone to blockages from land-based obstacles than actual land-based broadcasting towers?

>Why is earth flat if all the other planets are round, and why is it we can observe other stars, other planets crossing those stars (orbiting) as spheres?

>How close IS the sun to earth?

>What is beyond this supposed 'ice wall' (Antarctica).

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this is all you need to know

>Okay, the sudden rise in actual believers of this astounds me
I seriously doubt these people exist. From what I can tell, most of them are just memes.

reminder that spherecuckoldry is not tolerated here and spherefags should all kill themselves

Meaningless Nonsense

Hopefully this picture answers some of your questions on how the sun and moon rotation works.

Also (((gravity))) does not exist, Nikola Tesla explains it like this:

Actually that can't explain the phases of the moon and how lunar eclipses work so that model must be rejected.

I do not subscribe to flat earth, But I have been reading some interesting theories on tesla and dynamic gravity.

Other oddities...

*Cannot find one decent video of the curvature of the earth...all seem to use fish eye lens

*Engineers supposedly do not take in account curvature when they do large scale projects

*The moon and NASA in general...just so many suspicious things.

They are hiding something. What that is...I cannot figure out.

And just for fun...wouldn't flat earth be the ultimate conspiracy? They wanted heliocentrism so that people could worship the sun. They want to deny all of the bible.

I don't know I am really tired writing this.

>another globetard with the same old, already answered questions

Just search "flat earth asshole" on YouTube and educate yourself, flat earthers are growing tired of answering previously asked questions

If true, from high enough up you could see the entire rotation. If the Earth was flat and you were on Mt Everest, you could see everything 360 degrees

I always figured the whole "flat earth" thing was just an object lesson on how impossible it is to concretely prove something to someone who doesn't want to believe, that got out of hand because some schizoids who weren't in on the lesson took it seriously.

It does't, why would the light just stop there if the earth is flat?

My guess on the whole moon thing is that they faked the first one to beat the Russians but the rest of our trips there were legit. We just didn't quite pull it off when they said we did.

Nice Psyop, Jews. Cass Sunstein would be proud of this cognitive infiltration.

If you guys want a quick rundown on how this PSYOP started and why then read this

go to the center of our earth, to mt. meru and you'll find the entrance to a portal into Agartha; paradise.
there's more than one moon in the lunar cycles.

Electromagnetic levitation doesn't disprove gravity, gravity is just a (relatively) incredibly weak force.

Wait, am i the psyop, or is flat earth the psyop?


Prove it, also your own model forgot to show these other moons

thats not how light works
it just doesn't cut off like that

>more than one moon
why do they look identical then?

>flatearthers btfo by one single question:

the fact that you even entertained the idea of this being plausible right around a crucial time full of different happenings, warring intel agency factions, veritas CNN conflict, Pedophile rings and everything else.

basically it goes like this:
>niggaz are getting woke to falseflags and other government shenanigans
>shit is trickling into the mainstream
>antisemitism on the rise

All this called for a steady dose of disinfo that needed to get injected into the discourse in collusion with MSM lies about "flat earthers believe sandy hook/ Comet pizza shooter sentenced" I can here you guys Oy veyying from across the ocean

>*Cannot find one decent video of the curvature of the earth...all seem to use fish eye lens
Yeah, this annoyed me too.

>*Engineers supposedly do not take in account curvature when they do large scale projects
Large scale like what?

>*The moon and NASA in general...just so many suspicious things.
I'd honestly be willing to believe NASA is full of shit because they're incompetent/have been ordered to basically spend barely any of the funding they get and give it back for the sheer sake of placating the public's desire for space exploration.

here's your problem, you're stuck in a heliocentric model and are mixing apples and oranges

flat earth is not about the planet earth being flat in what you would call universe

it's about earth being a realm, not just a spec in a vast universe, there is no vast universe

earth is all there is, a flat, non-moving realm in the middle of the waters (waters above, waters below), with lights circling above

heliocentric model is just a story that has been told to you, you can't confirm any parts of it

you see lights circling above, one of those lights being 93 million miles away is just a part of the heliocentric story, not a scientifically proven fact

you need to understand the model as a whole to understand why it's not ridiculous at all ... as long as you consider philosophical and mathematical spins of a theory a "fact", you will never be able to even entertain flat earth

what do you mean?


Seems you have a lampshade on the great lamp in the sky. Could you exain the solstices in this animation?

So why can't flat Earthers put a flat Earth on a map?

You think Australia must have the width of the European and Asian continents combined.

I'm still confused. Am i a psyop?

Also what is gained by convincing people the earth is round as opposed to flat?
A flat earth would be interesting as fuck.

or maybe the other shit is here to distract from the growing flat earth movement?

see how easy it is to just talk shit without any investigation?

There's a direct flight from Chile to Australia thay takes 8 hours.

That disproves flat earth.

>walking around Antarctica would be like walking on the edge of Africa like 5 or 6 times.



what you're doing is arguing using globetard cartoon maps

that's not science

science is a gyroscope that proves the earth is non spinning and non curved

once you realize that, the shitty cartoon map is irrelevant

Then explain it to me dude, honestly - I'm not married to any way of looking at the world, I just pick the ones that make the most sense.

So all you have to do is make more sense than the competing theory.

So on the outskirts of the "sun" there would never be real day, only a bit of light?

I'm using your map. The problem with mapping out the Earth on paper is that it's impossible without skewing continents for the sake of keeping the distances accurate or sacrificing distances and ending up with Australia longer Europe and Asia combined.

The flat Earth model has the distance between South America and Australia being roughly the entire diameter of the planet. Every boat and plane traveling from and to those locations prove you wrong every single day.

they've been indoctrinating you with the heliocentric model since you were born

you will get more shit for saying the earth is flat than saying earth is just a simulation that doesn't actually exist

that's not a coincidence, you've been taught your whole life to laugh at flat earthers and dismiss them

if you are actually interested, instead of watching hollywood fiction, try watching some flat earth docs sometime and slowly get a grasp of what the model is about

you will eventually find a good answer for every single issue you have with it, and then it's up to you to decide if you've been lied to

i can't redpill you here, you're going to have to invest some time and energy

the key is the sun. the flat-earthers niggers blab about the sun getting smaller because of perspective.


furthermore. it is ridiculous to think that it goes "under" the earth, because it would be dark on the whole earth at tge same time.

add the problem of seasons and flat earthers are exposed for what they are: a jewish ploy to destroy culture by alienating people to crucial scientific discoveries

That is the main problem with this... flat earthers can NEVER disprove the facts brought up. And just saying that we all have been indoctrinated doesn't prove shit

>I'm using your map.

you're using the azimuthal equidistant projection, which is a globetard map

flat earthers just use it as a basic starting point since there is no better map at the moment

you're arguing against flat earth using a heliocentric cartoon projection

flat earthers are about scientific experiments, not cartoons and cgi

>they've been indoctrinating you with the heliocentric model since you were born
okay, sure. But if you're well versed enough in this to be certain it is indeed flat, surely you can answer at least SOME of the questions i asked in my original post?

I mean, if you ask me some scientific questions i can answer and explain them relatively well, because i've spent time learning about them; surely you can do the same.

>I seriously doubt these people exist. From what I can tell, most of them are just memes.
It is not even a meme. It is a large thought experiment to see how far they can push a ridiculous idea using a mix of real science and pseudo-science. A bit of role play is involved where they pretend to be 9/11 truther types and will passionately defend their made up ideas. They debate it for the sake of debate, although some of them are clearly doing flat earth roleplay to make fun of the "reptiles/masons/jews did 9/11 because jet fuel can't melt steel beams" crowd.

It is like a really refined version of troll physics mixed with truther parody. As long as there is a conspiracy behind it the tinfoil hat crowd can be tricked into believing anything. This is why flat earth role play is so popular but I do feel bad for the autists who are not in on the joke.

answer this then, WHERE DOES THE SUN GO AT SUNSET?

So your people don't even have a map. So Flat Earth can't be used in cartography and can't be used in navigation. What good is it?


no, you're just so afraid of the truth you dismiss any evidence we ever bring up

here, have one

gyroscope has one important function
when rotating, it stays suspended in space (in space!, not in atmosphere, etc)
we use it for all kinds of real life machinery and navigation systems
it NEVER detects any motion or earth spin
actually, our systems unsing the gyro RELY on earth being flat and non-moving

Nobody has ridden that flight, because it doesn't actually exist.

i can answer all of your question with ease, making you look dumb in the process

but these questions are very beginner tier, so i don't intend on spending my time answering the same questions on pol every single day

answers to those questions are easily accessible, but you can always stay ignorant and laugh at stupid flat earthers, so there's no problem

I thought this flat earth nonsense was just trolls seeing how dumb Sup Forums is.

>i can answer all of your question with ease, making you look dumb in the process
Please, i want you to. I'm okay with looking dumb, i just have to fucking know the answer to this shit.

Help a nigga out man.

you can make up all your alternative science but until i see a picture of the edge of the earth im not buying any bullshit. Thats a perfectly reasonable request isnt it.

Open google earth and enter these cordinates: 33.893889,-112.449444

first of all, it's not alternative science, it's actual, natural science

building mathematical models that can't be confirmed is alternative science, actually alternative TO science, also known as pseudo science

and flat earth doesn't mean there's an edge, but have a photo anyway, since all you do is look at photos anyway

It can if you believe that the moon gives off it's own light and not a reflection of the sunlight

1) The sun doesn't go under the earth, it goes across/along the Earth. Imagine a frisbee and the ridges above it, it essentially follows a path like that
2) Actually the shadow on the moon during changing moon schedules is not of the Earth, that's why you can sometimes see the "shadow of the Earth" on the moon during the day when the sun is across from the moon in our sky
3) Irregular/deviating sun path
4) >Implying someone has sailed "around" Antarctica
5) More water
6) Its density and buoyancy, not gravity
7) You don't have to have someone in on the secret to be a part of the conspiracy, you can just lie to them. People didn't know they were making an atomic bomb in the Manhattan project, the information was all compartmentalized
8) They follow the same orbit the sun does
9) >Implying other planets are round
10) Its local, but farther out than the moon
11) The firmament (keeping everything closed in) its essentially a wall

>moon gives off it's own light

which you can prove literally by yourself, using two thermometers in a very simple scientific experiment

How does a eclipse work on a flat earth?

>being this retarded
the heliocentric model and spherical earth model accurately predicts and depicts many celestial movements: the moon the seasons the tides the stars the planets and their moons
Flat Earth theory is just hur i dunno anything the government is blocking us. Also, assuming every single government on earth over every single fucking generation is in on the scam. (srsly, Kim Jong Un is in on it??)

>photo of the edge of the earth
HAHAHAHA you cant be serious. Thats an ice wall? and what, space? hahaha!

it is confirmed Cicada 3301 is directly connected to WikiLeaks due to the Elsa files and this website 1711141131131.xyz/062817.html

So you're saying that the earth is essentially two dimensional but is impossible to draw correctly on a two dimensional plane?

That's Hitler invading Russia levels of retardation

So where does the sun go when it "sets"? give me an exhaustive answer

>i'm a great example of someone being illiterate in both, heliocentric and flat earth models
>i try to mask it with """"jokes""""

OP, this is a subject that has tortured me for years now so I'm just going to say this: if you delve into this rabbithole of madness you will find two things. The first is that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that the earth is a flat realm and that the entire universe revolves around us.

The second, and this is the part that endlessly fucks with my head, is that there is not a SINGLE shred of credinle evidence to support the claim that the earth is round. I find THIS to be far more interesting than the flat earth theory. It cannot and has not been proven that the earth is round or that the earth revolves around anything or that it is even moving through space at all or that space even exists.

Go on, try it for yourself. See if you can find credible info to prove that the earth is round. This shit broke my mind.

I swear to God I'm not trolling. Try it for yourself.

>not drawn and/or not released
>impossible to draw
you're a confused dummy, attacking a stupid strawman, lurk more fuccboi

just explain why no one has seen the edge of the earth without resorting to some global governmental blocking effort and then you can start on the myriad scientific problems your theory is facing.

What will ever stop us from breaking through the firmament?

You still haven't explained why it's impossible to map the Earth on a 2d map. Your flat Earth is always hilariously skewed where distances between continents are 3 to 5 times longer yet travelers never seem to notice.

i'm not explaining shit to an arrogant ignorant fanboy
go watch a football match or something, sperg

>cux science iz theory it's not fact


Come on dude, i'm being sincere here - answer some of my questions.

I'm not trying to present any 'gotcha's' here, i'm genuinely curious and you seem to believe you're well learned in this subject.
I bow to your wisdom and only ask you share some of it.

Never thought about multiple moons but that explains a lot.
Are the tunnels under earth what lead past the ice walls you think?
What about false suns

>heliocentric model
pick one, faggot

hahaha we all larpers here anyway right, no one really believes this shit. You need to improve your larping though. I applied a little pressure and you folded like a house of cards

It is because most of them are backwards rednecks/niggers with an IQ of 75.

Dont forget that scrolling by these threads without reporting them makes you cancer. Their only purpose is to make us sound like absolute nutballs, and its promoted exclusively by shills and actual retards.


lol @ Gravity



>this level of pathetic projection is how i keep my cognitive dissonance under control
whatever helps you sleep, just don't go all emotional on us

buzzword spouting nutcase says what

Blatant as fuck cia astroturfing to distract from hollow earth & at the same time make people look retarded
Stop promoting this bullshit

the fact that flat earth has so many sincere adherents here really does prove how dumb Sup Forums is

shouldn't you be more concerned that Croatia are stealing your route to international waters?

>third grade vocabulary of a third world country education is now considered buzzword philosophy

i'm an ethnic croat and i don't really give a fuck, honestly

What the fuck are you even talking about nigger? Do you even understand what science is? If the earth is round as (((they))) claim then it should be easy enough to prove and every flat earth thread should be autobtfo by info dumps

Heres are some good ones for you disk-cucks

>Why is it that you can actually see the curvature of the Earth when you look out onto the ocean?

>Why does a ships mast disappear over the horizon last if the ocean is flat?

>If the earth was flat, why can't i see Europe from New York with a powerful optic? I should have line of sight correct?

>Globecucks can't even read maps properly
Count the stars dipshit.

flat earth is debunked easily when you consider the difference in constellations in the north and south hemisphere

Same thing applies to every religion on earth

This. Jfc if you're going to be a globe cuck at least know how to read a fucking map. Those lines in a grid actually mean something

plox answer my questions faggot

burden of proof is on you friend

cant disprove or prove the earth is flat just like you cant disprove or prove its round. so this happens

that's what happens when you decide about something without investigation

you get hordes of parrots like you, unironically repeating lies to defend your own rapist

remember, condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance

Circumpolar constellations disprove flat earth.

it's important to use the correct words

earth can be flat and round at the same time

spherical != round

constellations even existing disprove heliocentric model
what now, ape?