Is USA really a free country?

Is USA really a free country?

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No we are occupied by Zionists

>can't get arrested for saying something that offends someone
>can own all the firearms you want
I'd say so

We are all imprisoned in our own bodies user, only the sweet release of death can set you free

Personal liberty? Pretty much aside from the online surveillance and TSA groping (which unfortunately seems to be the norm anywhere). But truly free in the sense the founding fathers intended? Not at all

It has a central bank, so no.


Decreasingly so. Must feel pretty bad to go found your own country and fight off the british for freedom and then the oppressive force you fought to escape grows out of your own people in the form of the political left.

what does it mean to be free

>Is USA really a free country?
No. It's a Jewish country.

Free on the surface, but not truly free as we're still on course for what the Elite nobility and think tanks want

At least we aren't some dependent sudo socialist state.

>votes barely matter and candidates are pre-selected
>journalists and lawyers get assasinated daily
>can't vote on any policies that actually matter
Guys let's face it, we've been an oligarchy for a while now

fuck no. we can't drink out in public. we are saudi tier.

>speed limit on a miles long, straight empty street
>drinking under 21 is forbidden
>slight nudity > capital offence
>calls them self free,has actually a prison culture

>Is USA really a free country?

Not possible to be 100% free. One person's idea of freedom is usually someone else's idea of repression. The higher the population density gets, and the more we are forced into dependency the truer this becomes. We have more personal liberty than some places, but exercising those liberties can carry a pretty hefty social price tag.


Last time I checked, I think USA was like, #12 on the freedom index.

Could it be better? Yes.

Is it better than most? Also yes.

Authoritarianism isn't progressive. In USA there are neo-progressives and neo-conservitives.

On the flip side there are Libertarian progressives (mostly classical liberals) and libertarian conservatives mostly the alt-right.

It could be better, but it's pretty good most of the time. What's probably most important is whether or not you have enough money to feel free.

This is what most people don't understand. True freedom is much more about how much money you have, rather than which country you happen to reside in.

We can do and say what we please without fear of being jailed. We can also use deadly force to defend ourselves without being prosecuted which is good. You can't say those things about a place like Germany or England. However certain things like the central bank and our political system leave us with less freedom over representation and financial aspects of life. You take the good with the bad

As long as we have a government we aren't free, humans would have to evolve a lot in order to make a governmentless world work.

the last beacon of hope for humanity?

I don't know about how much necessarily. I'm not wealthy by any rational stretch of the imagination. I just have a little extra so I don't live in bad economic slavery, and I can have some fun if I want as long as it's within my means.

For some people, having almost no money is freedom. Whether you have money or not, the most important question is if the government will mostly not bother you for exercising whatever reasonable definition of freedom you have.

Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

dictatorship of the (((bourgeoisie)))

Exactly, a world without government is shitty because humans are still children who need a parent, at least a large amount of them.

Irresponsible people are the reason we need a large government and we should get rid of them.

>We can do and say what we please without fear of being jailed.
>this is what Americans actually believe

That's coerced suicide. She violated the nap and should be shot

Assuming that was a jury of her peers, the system worked as designed. I think I'd have my work cut out for me finding 12 people who would all agree beyond a reasonable doubt that she did nothing wrong.

>We can also use deadly force to defend ourselves without being prosecuted which is good
I'm so fucking wet. Australian self-defence laws are so cucked

I've heard that which is strange considering you guys have a population that seems to have a lot more in common with us than European nations in terms of needing to protect your settlement in the early days

lol no

America was never a free country.

Ignore all other retarded burgers in this thread
Too pussy to break the "law"

I can drive any car that I can afford seatbelt optional as long as you don't have a cucked vehicle that beeps at you for being in violation (my BMW doesn't beep)

I can eat shit-tier unhealthy food or completely clean pesticide-free non-gmo kale/spinach and free range eggs

I drink in public whenever I please (rarely)
I smoke in public wherever I please (outside, rarely)

I carry an American flag and Gadsden flag on my bumper and even in commiefornia no one says shit to my face because they're fucking pussies who probably can't look up from their iPhone for more than 5 seconds to notice

I travel, visiting oceans , state parks , wildlife refuges, and ridiculous theme parks

My entire life has been a beautiful movie that I am so grateful for as I know millions would be lucky to even have a dream of ONE day in my shoes

I launder money through PayPal to collect rare complete in box video games and consoles from the 90s

I sell illegal movie/TV software locally through Craigslist and make thousands of dollars a month tax free

I will never get caught because I use aliases and don't carry a paper trail +American police are busy dealing with drug addicted crime infested shitholes instead (a thin blue line sticker keeps the police very nice to me and I have never been pulled over since despite having several illegal modifications on my vehicle)

I haven't been to a doctor in years because there's no reason for me to and I am proactive about my health and eat healthier than most

You can do whatever the fuck you want here as long as you aren't directly harming other people and have money

>TLDR: Americans who complained in this thread are fucking retarded wage slaves with no ambition

As free as one can get in this day and age
And that's not saying much anymore
Danes don't know the meaning of freedom, bunch if monarchist cucks

The beeper in my last car was loud, so I installed a resistor to make it unobtrusive. I suppose I could have installed a switch if for some reason I wanted to drive without a seatbelt.

But that's freedom right there.

Asfaras I know USA doesn't exist since a long time

That's murder faggot
Pic related however is now the norm in your shithole

You think this isn't true of other countries? Because it is.

And you can't actually drink in public in America. Public intoxication. Really, try walking down the road and in front of a cop while sipping vodka from the bottle and see what happens. In Japan, nobody would bat an eye. In America your head would be smashed into the ground before you could blink.

What would happen if I pressed my M2HB between your legs?

lolno. You just brown bag it and nobody's going to care unless you're being a piece of shit. If you want to be slick, you put it in a soda bottle or something.

It's just about keeping up appearances so we don't have sloppy drunks staggering around the streets like a bunch of niggers.

Seatbelts are fine I usually wear them on longer trips

But around the corner to get a drink ?
Just reparking real quick ?

There is no reason for the cringy alarm

Also congratulations for knowing what a resistor is as most humans are completely retarded and wouldn't know how to use a multimeter

I didn't say it wasn't illegal
I said America is filled with stupid laws and ordinances that are literally ignored by the intelligent

Drink in public? Put it in a fast food cup or Starbucks reusable cup (women do this)

Smoke weed in public?
Do it while driving to your destination (carefully)
A moving target is much harder to find

The notion that American people are trapped in a police state is completely retarded

I've been doing whatever the fuck I want my entire life

No matter what some faggots say, at its most basic level, yes. I can post Nazi shit all I want on pol with zero fear. If I wanted to, I could go out on a public and scream fuck niggers and Heil Hitler and could not have any legal repercussions brought upon me. I can legally own a greater variety and number of firearms than anywhere else on the planet as far as I know. So, I would say yes, in the basic sense we are no less free than anywhere else in the world and more free than any place I can think of except for a literal anarchic state in Africa or something.

That doesn't change the fact we're still slaves to the kikes though, especially financially with the central banks and culturally with all of the degeneracy promoted.

Mostly. Personal level of freedom goes up 50% if you are carrying.

1 in 12 CC in my glorious state, hby?

Hell, I've been caught in my degenerate days by the police drinking in public many times

I never run or act nigger-tier / resist the police

I have never been in jail and have talked my way out of cuffs atleast twice

I have literally been high as fuck on "dabs" (condensed marijuana 80+% THC) and told an officer to his face that I'm "fucking rekt" with a giggle

I've been caught smoking weed in a theme park detained then released outside the park with no charges

As long as you are calm (maybe I'm just cute) you can talk your way out of anything here

I recently have started to hate myself for thinking I'm above the law as it's degenerate
I've mellowed with age

I have no idea and I can't find any stats, but hopefully at least that much.

Doubt it, iirc Wyoming and Virgina are the only states with numbers that close

>illegal to pay for sex

That too. Most police officers are pretty mellow around white people who are otherwise well behaved and harmless, and most of those officers are conservative and fairly nationalistic unlike the cucks in Europe.

Yes they are, I got arrested a week ago for posting a stupid anti muslim pic on twitter.America is truly the last bastion of freedom.

Free to be Jewish wage slaves and race mix their heritage away

Kek, imagine what it is in Latin America. Law is just for retards.

No, but better than others.

my mommy told me nothing is free in the real world

I'm native American and most people think I'm Mexican (people talk to me in Spanish first most of the time)
I've been searched by the police and had illegal weapons (longknives) in my pocket

Nothing bad happened, I told the officer where it was and that he was free to take it and that it was sheathed

I have never been assaulted by the police even when I probably deserved it

The law is to keep the low IQ population in line

It's free to fuck everyone in the ass with nuke and false flag operations. So it's something.

It's only free for the Jews.